AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-08-10policy: kill unused codeFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-10docs: update gobgp client syntax documentISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-10docs: update mrt documentISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-09server: support adminDown'ed peer startupFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-09policy: make AS Path match regular expression work as quagga and ciscoFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-08config: add the structure that holds the state of administrator operatingNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-08server: guard against nil pointer dereferenceISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-08*: kill protobuf path structureISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-08server: fix typoISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-08test: use test/lib for route_server_test and route_server_ipv4_v6_testISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-08server: support vrfISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-08api: add api to configure vrfISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-08api: change arguments name from neighbor_address to nameISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-06cli: change the parser of cli in accordance with the change of aspath conditionNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-06policy: support the match of consecutive AsPath and regular expressions to As...Naoto Hanaue
2015-08-06server: support to send notification to all peers when shutdownFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-06config: don't crash when failing to reload config fileFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-05server: fix commit mess upFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-05config: change type of Prefix in the PrefixSetNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-05fix policy dynamic updateFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-05table: clean upISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05test: add scenario test for evpnISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05server/table: support mac mobilityISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05cli: support adding a path with route-target from cli commandISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05packet: add helper function to create RT structISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05packet: fix RouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS.String()ISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05table: publicate Table.getDestination()ISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05path: return Extendedcommunityinterface rathar than interface{}ISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05api/packet: add evpn extended community structsISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05doc: change documents associated with OpenConfig updateNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-05config: change the structure of Neighbor.RouteServer as the Neighbor.RouteRef...Naoto Hanaue
2015-08-05config: change the structure of AsPathSet, CommunitySet and ExtCommunitySet a...Naoto Hanaue
2015-08-04scenario_test: add test in the case of setting only the prefix conditionNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-04server: fix 'accepted' number in peerFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-03mrt: merge gomrt to gobgp cli commandISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-03api: use serialized buffer rather than protobuf struct to add pathsISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-03doc: update documents in accordance with the latest openconfig yangNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-03mrt: support mrt rib dump of neighbor's local ribISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-03api: s/router_id/neighbor_addressISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-03server: fix bug of re-establishISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-03server: fix bgp state transition raceFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-03doc: update config file for route serverFUJITA Tomonori
2015-07-31config: use the latest openconfig yangHiroshi Yokoi
2015-07-29test: insert sleep to fix unstable testISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-28server: fix one-shot mrt dumpFUJITA Tomonori
2015-07-28add RPKI supportFUJITA Tomonori
2015-07-27packet: add RPKI to Router ProtocolFUJITA Tomonori
2015-07-27server: support ipv6 route zapiFUJITA Tomonori
2015-07-27test: parallel execution of bgp_router_test and ibgp_router_testISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-27test: change pipeworked interface nameISHIDA Wataru