AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-08-26make gobpgd buildable on Mac OS XFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-26zebra: just renamingFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-25*: better log msgISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-24pack multiple NLRIs into one BGP update messageFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-23zebra: merge gozebraFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-22test: fix test script to generate nosetest.xmlISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22test: remove unused filesISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22test: enable parallel execution of malformed testISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22test: add a method BGPContainer.log() to get log of bgp speakersISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22test: throttle the number of concurrent executionISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22test: enable parallel execution of policy testISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22test: enable to change base image of gobgp docker imageISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-22api/cli: support showing extended community actionISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-21doc: update grpcFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-21doc: add like to grpc clientFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-21doc: rename for consistencyFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-21doc: add how to manage gobgp with your favorite laguageHiroshi Yokoi
2015-08-21doc: rpki: fix typoFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-21server: fix rpki ipv6 address connectivityFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-21speed up showing ipv6 routesFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-20doc: add RPKIFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-20server: fix for sorting adj-in/out routesFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-20tests with go1.5FUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-19rpki: fix deadlock bugFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-19config file support rpki configurationFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-19scenario_test: add ext-community action testHiroshi Yokoi
2015-08-19server: fix LOCAL_RIB sends back sorted ipv4 routesFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-19gobgp: improve the time to show routesFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-19vrf: withdraw route-target constraint routes when deleting a vrfISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-19vrf: advertise route-target constraint routes when adding a vrfISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-19table: fix best path selection which considers local asnISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-19table: withdraw self-generated vrfed routes when a vrf deletedISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-19server: fix grpc deadlockFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-18test: add a script for local scenario testingISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-18*: s/distribute/inISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-13config: add rpki configurationNaoto Hanaue
2015-08-13api/cli: reuse api.Path in ModPathArgumentsISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-13policy: support adding extCommunity actionFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-13docs: update cli syntax docISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-13packet/cli: don't put nexthop in flowspec mp_reach_nlri path attributeISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-12config: fix peer type detectionFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-12policy: support rpki validation matchFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-12rpki: don't show validation result if rpki disabledFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-12support rpki validationFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-12doc: add flowspec documentISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-12packet: fix flowspec parser to parse >= and <=ISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-12cli: fix help msg of flowspec commandISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-12test: add flowspec scenario testISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-12bgp/cli: support flowspec (RFC5575)ISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-12test: use a cleaner base container golang:1.4 for testsISHIDA Wataru