path: root/packet/bgp/bgp_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packet/bgp/bgp_test.go')
1 files changed, 565 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packet/bgp/bgp_test.go b/packet/bgp/bgp_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29aa4e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packet/bgp/bgp_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+package bgp
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ "net"
+ "reflect"
+ "testing"
+func keepalive() *BGPMessage {
+ return NewBGPKeepAliveMessage()
+func notification() *BGPMessage {
+ return NewBGPNotificationMessage(1, 2, nil)
+func refresh() *BGPMessage {
+ return NewBGPRouteRefreshMessage(1, 2, 10)
+func open() *BGPMessage {
+ p1 := NewOptionParameterCapability(
+ []ParameterCapabilityInterface{NewCapRouteRefresh()})
+ p2 := NewOptionParameterCapability(
+ []ParameterCapabilityInterface{NewCapMultiProtocol(RF_IPv4_UC)})
+ g := &CapGracefulRestartTuple{4, 2, 3}
+ p3 := NewOptionParameterCapability(
+ []ParameterCapabilityInterface{NewCapGracefulRestart(false, 100,
+ []*CapGracefulRestartTuple{g})})
+ p4 := NewOptionParameterCapability(
+ []ParameterCapabilityInterface{NewCapFourOctetASNumber(100000)})
+ p5 := NewOptionParameterCapability(
+ []ParameterCapabilityInterface{NewCapAddPath(RF_IPv4_UC, BGP_ADD_PATH_BOTH)})
+ return NewBGPOpenMessage(11033, 303, "",
+ []OptionParameterInterface{p1, p2, p3, p4, p5})
+func update() *BGPMessage {
+ w1 := NewIPAddrPrefix(23, "")
+ w2 := NewIPAddrPrefix(17, "")
+ w := []*IPAddrPrefix{w1, w2}
+ aspath1 := []AsPathParamInterface{
+ NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{1000}),
+ NewAsPathParam(1, []uint16{1001, 1002}),
+ NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{1003, 1004}),
+ }
+ aspath2 := []AsPathParamInterface{
+ NewAs4PathParam(2, []uint32{1000000}),
+ NewAs4PathParam(1, []uint32{1000001, 1002}),
+ NewAs4PathParam(2, []uint32{1003, 100004}),
+ }
+ aspath3 := []*As4PathParam{
+ NewAs4PathParam(2, []uint32{1000000}),
+ NewAs4PathParam(1, []uint32{1000001, 1002}),
+ NewAs4PathParam(2, []uint32{1003, 100004}),
+ }
+ isTransitive := true
+ ecommunities := []ExtendedCommunityInterface{
+ NewTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended(EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET, 10003, 3<<20, isTransitive),
+ NewFourOctetAsSpecificExtended(EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET, 1<<20, 300, isTransitive),
+ NewIPv4AddressSpecificExtended(EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET, "", 3000, isTransitive),
+ &OpaqueExtended{
+ Value: &DefaultOpaqueExtendedValue{[]byte{255, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}},
+ },
+ &OpaqueExtended{
+ Value: &ValidationExtended{Value: VALIDATION_STATE_INVALID},
+ },
+ &UnknownExtended{Type: 99, Value: []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}},
+ NewESILabelExtended(1000, true),
+ NewESImportRouteTarget("11:22:33:44:55:66"),
+ NewMacMobilityExtended(123, false),
+ }
+ mp_nlri := []AddrPrefixInterface{
+ NewLabeledVPNIPAddrPrefix(20, "", *NewMPLSLabelStack(1, 2, 3),
+ NewRouteDistinguisherTwoOctetAS(256, 10000)),
+ NewLabeledVPNIPAddrPrefix(26, "", *NewMPLSLabelStack(5, 6, 7, 8),
+ NewRouteDistinguisherIPAddressAS("", 10001)),
+ }
+ mp_nlri2 := []AddrPrefixInterface{NewIPv6AddrPrefix(100,
+ "fe80:1234:1234:5667:8967:af12:8912:1023")}
+ mp_nlri3 := []AddrPrefixInterface{NewLabeledVPNIPv6AddrPrefix(100,
+ "fe80:1234:1234:5667:8967:af12:1203:33a1", *NewMPLSLabelStack(5, 6),
+ NewRouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS(5, 6))}
+ mp_nlri4 := []AddrPrefixInterface{NewLabeledIPAddrPrefix(25, "",
+ *NewMPLSLabelStack(5, 6, 7))}
+ mac, _ := net.ParseMAC("01:23:45:67:89:ab")
+ mp_nlri5 := []AddrPrefixInterface{
+ &EVPNEthernetAutoDiscoveryRoute{NewRouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS(5, 6),
+ EthernetSegmentIdentifier{ESI_ARBITRARY, make([]byte, 9)}, 2, 2}),
+ &EVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute{NewRouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS(5, 6),
+ EthernetSegmentIdentifier{ESI_ARBITRARY, make([]byte, 9)}, 3, 48,
+ mac, 32, net.ParseIP(""),
+ []uint32{3, 4}}),
+ &EVPNMulticastEthernetTagRoute{NewRouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS(5, 6), 3, 32, net.ParseIP("")}),
+ &EVPNEthernetSegmentRoute{NewRouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS(5, 6),
+ EthernetSegmentIdentifier{ESI_ARBITRARY, make([]byte, 9)},
+ 32, net.ParseIP("")}),
+ }
+ p := []PathAttributeInterface{
+ NewPathAttributeOrigin(3),
+ NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspath1),
+ NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspath2),
+ NewPathAttributeNextHop(""),
+ NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(1 << 20),
+ NewPathAttributeLocalPref(1 << 22),
+ NewPathAttributeAtomicAggregate(),
+ NewPathAttributeAggregator(uint16(30002), ""),
+ NewPathAttributeAggregator(uint32(30002), ""),
+ NewPathAttributeAggregator(uint32(300020), ""),
+ NewPathAttributeCommunities([]uint32{1, 3}),
+ NewPathAttributeOriginatorId(""),
+ NewPathAttributeClusterList([]string{"", ""}),
+ NewPathAttributeExtendedCommunities(ecommunities),
+ NewPathAttributeAs4Path(aspath3),
+ NewPathAttributeAs4Aggregator(10000, ""),
+ NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI("", mp_nlri),
+ NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI("1023::", mp_nlri2),
+ NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI("fe80::", mp_nlri3),
+ NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI("", mp_nlri4),
+ NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI("", mp_nlri5),
+ NewPathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI(mp_nlri),
+ //NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI("", []AddrPrefixInterface{}),
+ //NewPathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI([]AddrPrefixInterface{}),
+ &PathAttributeUnknown{
+ PathAttribute: PathAttribute{
+ Type: 100,
+ Value: []byte{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9},
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ n := []*IPAddrPrefix{NewIPAddrPrefix(24, "")}
+ return NewBGPUpdateMessage(w, p, n)
+func Test_Message(t *testing.T) {
+ l := []*BGPMessage{keepalive(), notification(), refresh(), open(), update()}
+ for _, m1 := range l {
+ buf1, _ := m1.Serialize()
+ t.Log("LEN =", len(buf1))
+ m2, err := ParseBGPMessage(buf1)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Error(err)
+ }
+ // FIXME: shouldn't but workaround for some structs.
+ buf2, _ := m2.Serialize()
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(m1, m2) == true {
+ t.Log("OK")
+ } else {
+ t.Error("Something wrong")
+ t.Error(len(buf1), m1, buf1)
+ t.Error(len(buf2), m2, buf2)
+ }
+ }
+func Test_IPAddrPrefixString(t *testing.T) {
+ ipv4 := NewIPAddrPrefix(24, "")
+ assert.Equal(t, "", ipv4.String())
+ ipv6 := NewIPv6AddrPrefix(18, "3343:faba:3903::1")
+ assert.Equal(t, "3343:faba:3903::1/18", ipv6.String())
+ ipv6 = NewIPv6AddrPrefix(18, "3343:faba:3903::0")
+ assert.Equal(t, "3343:faba:3903::/18", ipv6.String())
+func Test_RouteTargetMembershipNLRIString(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ // TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended
+ buf := make([]byte, 13)
+ buf[0] = 12
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], 65546)
+ buf[5] = byte(EC_TYPE_TRANSITIVE_TWO_OCTET_AS_SPECIFIC) // typehigh
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[7:9], 65000)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[9:], 65546)
+ r := &RouteTargetMembershipNLRI{}
+ err := r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:65000:65546", r.String())
+ buf, err = r.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:65000:65546", r.String())
+ // IPv4AddressSpecificExtended
+ buf = make([]byte, 13)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], 65546)
+ buf[5] = byte(EC_TYPE_TRANSITIVE_IP4_SPECIFIC) // typehigh
+ ip := net.ParseIP("").To4()
+ copy(buf[7:11], []byte(ip))
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[11:], 65000)
+ r = &RouteTargetMembershipNLRI{}
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:", r.String())
+ buf, err = r.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:", r.String())
+ // FourOctetAsSpecificExtended
+ buf = make([]byte, 13)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], 65546)
+ buf[5] = byte(EC_TYPE_TRANSITIVE_FOUR_OCTET_AS_SPECIFIC) // typehigh
+ buf[6] = byte(EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET) // subtype
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[7:], 65546)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[11:], 65000)
+ r = &RouteTargetMembershipNLRI{}
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:1.10:65000", r.String())
+ buf, err = r.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:1.10:65000", r.String())
+ // OpaqueExtended
+ buf = make([]byte, 13)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], 65546)
+ buf[5] = byte(EC_TYPE_TRANSITIVE_OPAQUE) // typehigh
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[9:], 1000000)
+ r = &RouteTargetMembershipNLRI{}
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:1000000", r.String())
+ buf, err = r.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:1000000", r.String())
+ // Unknown
+ buf = make([]byte, 13)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[1:5], 65546)
+ buf[5] = 0x04 // typehigh
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[9:], 1000000)
+ r = &RouteTargetMembershipNLRI{}
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:1000000", r.String())
+ buf, err = r.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ err = r.DecodeFromBytes(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("65546:1000000", r.String())
+func Test_RFC5512(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ buf := make([]byte, 8)
+ buf[1] = byte(EC_SUBTYPE_COLOR)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf[4:], 1000000)
+ ec, err := ParseExtended(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("1000000", ec.String())
+ buf, err = ec.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal([]byte{0x3, 0xb, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf, 0x42, 0x40}, buf)
+ buf = make([]byte, 8)
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(buf[6:], uint16(TUNNEL_TYPE_VXLAN))
+ ec, err = ParseExtended(buf)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("VXLAN", ec.String())
+ buf, err = ec.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal([]byte{0x3, 0xc, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x8}, buf)
+ subTlv := &TunnelEncapSubTLV{
+ Value: &TunnelEncapSubTLVColor{10},
+ }
+ tlv := &TunnelEncapTLV{
+ Value: []*TunnelEncapSubTLV{subTlv},
+ }
+ attr := NewPathAttributeTunnelEncap([]*TunnelEncapTLV{tlv})
+ buf1, err := attr.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ p, err := GetPathAttribute(buf1)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ err = p.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ buf2, err := p.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal(buf1, buf2)
+ n1 := NewEncapNLRI("")
+ buf1, err = n1.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ n2 := NewEncapNLRI("")
+ err = n2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("", n2.String())
+ n1 = NewEncapNLRI("2001::1")
+ buf1, err = n1.Serialize()
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ n2 = NewEncapNLRI("")
+ err = n2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Equal(nil, err)
+ assert.Equal("2001::1", n2.String())
+func Test_ASLen(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ aspath := AsPathParam{
+ Num: 2,
+ AS: []uint16{65000, 65001},
+ }
+ assert.Equal(2, aspath.ASLen())
+ assert.Equal(1, aspath.ASLen())
+ assert.Equal(0, aspath.ASLen())
+ assert.Equal(0, aspath.ASLen())
+ as4path := As4PathParam{
+ Num: 2,
+ AS: []uint32{65000, 65001},
+ }
+ assert.Equal(2, as4path.ASLen())
+ assert.Equal(1, as4path.ASLen())
+ assert.Equal(0, as4path.ASLen())
+ assert.Equal(0, as4path.ASLen())
+func Test_MPLSLabelStack(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ mpls := NewMPLSLabelStack()
+ buf, err := mpls.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ assert.Equal(true, bytes.Equal(buf, []byte{0, 0, 1}))
+ mpls = &MPLSLabelStack{}
+ assert.Nil(mpls.DecodeFromBytes(buf))
+ assert.Equal(1, len(mpls.Labels))
+ assert.Equal(uint32(0), mpls.Labels[0])
+ mpls = NewMPLSLabelStack(WITHDRAW_LABEL)
+ buf, err = mpls.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ assert.Equal(true, bytes.Equal(buf, []byte{128, 0, 0}))
+ mpls = &MPLSLabelStack{}
+ assert.Nil(mpls.DecodeFromBytes(buf))
+ assert.Equal(1, len(mpls.Labels))
+ assert.Equal(WITHDRAW_LABEL, mpls.Labels[0])
+func Test_FlowSpecNlri(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ cmp := make([]FlowSpecComponentInterface, 0)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecDestinationPrefix(NewIPAddrPrefix(24, "")))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecSourcePrefix(NewIPAddrPrefix(24, "")))
+ eq := 0x1
+ gt := 0x2
+ lt := 0x4
+ and := 0x40
+ not := 0x2
+ item1 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(eq, TCP)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_IP_PROTO, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item1}))
+ item2 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(gt|eq, 20)
+ item3 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(and|lt|eq, 30)
+ item4 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(eq, 10)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_PORT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_PORT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_PORT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_ICMP_TYPE, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_ICMP_CODE, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_PKT_LEN, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DSCP, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ isFlagment := 0x02
+ item5 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(isFlagment, 0)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_FRAGMENT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item5}))
+ item6 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(0, TCP_FLAG_ACK)
+ item7 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(and|not, TCP_FLAG_URGENT)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_TCP_FLAG, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item6, item7}))
+ n1 := NewFlowSpecIPv4Unicast(cmp)
+ buf1, err := n1.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ n2, err := NewPrefixFromRouteFamily(RouteFamilyToAfiSafi(RF_FS_IPv4_UC))
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ err = n2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ buf2, _ := n2.Serialize()
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(n1, n2) == true {
+ t.Log("OK")
+ } else {
+ t.Error("Something wrong")
+ t.Error(len(buf1), n1, buf1)
+ t.Error(len(buf2), n2, buf2)
+ t.Log(bytes.Equal(buf1, buf2))
+ }
+func Test_FlowSpecExtended(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ exts := make([]ExtendedCommunityInterface, 0)
+ exts = append(exts, NewTrafficRateExtended(100, 9600.0))
+ exts = append(exts, NewTrafficActionExtended(true, false))
+ exts = append(exts, NewRedirectTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended(1000, 1000))
+ exts = append(exts, NewRedirectIPv4AddressSpecificExtended("", 1000))
+ exts = append(exts, NewRedirectFourOctetAsSpecificExtended(10000000, 1000))
+ exts = append(exts, NewTrafficRemarkExtended(10))
+ m1 := NewPathAttributeExtendedCommunities(exts)
+ buf1, err := m1.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ m2 := NewPathAttributeExtendedCommunities(nil)
+ err = m2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ buf2, _ := m2.Serialize()
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(m1, m2) == true {
+ t.Log("OK")
+ } else {
+ t.Error("Something wrong")
+ t.Error(len(buf1), m1, buf1)
+ t.Error(len(buf2), m2, buf2)
+ }
+func Test_FlowSpecNlriv6(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ cmp := make([]FlowSpecComponentInterface, 0)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecDestinationPrefix6(NewIPv6AddrPrefix(64, "2001::"), 12))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecSourcePrefix6(NewIPv6AddrPrefix(64, "2001::"), 12))
+ eq := 0x1
+ gt := 0x2
+ lt := 0x4
+ and := 0x40
+ not := 0x2
+ item1 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(eq, TCP)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_IP_PROTO, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item1}))
+ item2 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(gt|eq, 20)
+ item3 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(and|lt|eq, 30)
+ item4 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(eq, 10)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_PORT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_PORT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_PORT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_ICMP_TYPE, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_ICMP_CODE, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_PKT_LEN, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DSCP, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_LABEL, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item2, item3, item4}))
+ isFlagment := 0x02
+ item5 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(isFlagment, 0)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_FRAGMENT, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item5}))
+ item6 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(0, TCP_FLAG_ACK)
+ item7 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(and|not, TCP_FLAG_URGENT)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_TCP_FLAG, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item6, item7}))
+ n1 := NewFlowSpecIPv6Unicast(cmp)
+ buf1, err := n1.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ n2, err := NewPrefixFromRouteFamily(RouteFamilyToAfiSafi(RF_FS_IPv6_UC))
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ err = n2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ buf2, _ := n2.Serialize()
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(n1, n2) == true {
+ t.Log("OK")
+ } else {
+ t.Error("Something wrong")
+ t.Error(len(buf1), n1, buf1)
+ t.Error(len(buf2), n2, buf2)
+ t.Log(bytes.Equal(buf1, buf2))
+ }
+func Test_Aigp(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ m := NewAigpTLVIgpMetric(1000)
+ a1 := NewPathAttributeAigp([]AigpTLV{m})
+ buf1, err := a1.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ a2 := NewPathAttributeAigp(nil)
+ err = a2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ buf2, _ := a2.Serialize()
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(a1, a2) == true {
+ t.Log("OK")
+ } else {
+ t.Error("Something wrong")
+ t.Error(len(buf1), a1, buf1)
+ t.Error(len(buf2), a2, buf2)
+ t.Log(bytes.Equal(buf1, buf2))
+ }
+func Test_FlowSpecNlriL2(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ mac, _ := net.ParseMAC("01:23:45:67:89:ab")
+ cmp := make([]FlowSpecComponentInterface, 0)
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecDestinationMac(mac))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecSourceMac(mac))
+ eq := 0x1
+ item1 := NewFlowSpecComponentItem(eq, int(IPv4))
+ cmp = append(cmp, NewFlowSpecComponent(FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_ETHERNET_TYPE, []*FlowSpecComponentItem{item1}))
+ n1 := NewFlowSpecL2VPN(cmp)
+ buf1, err := n1.Serialize()
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ n2, err := NewPrefixFromRouteFamily(RouteFamilyToAfiSafi(RF_FS_L2_VPN))
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ err = n2.DecodeFromBytes(buf1)
+ assert.Nil(err)
+ buf2, _ := n2.Serialize()
+ if reflect.DeepEqual(n1, n2) == true {
+ t.Log("OK")
+ } else {
+ t.Error("Something wrong")
+ t.Error(len(buf1), n1, buf1)
+ t.Error(len(buf2), n2, buf2)
+ t.Log(bytes.Equal(buf1, buf2))
+ }
+ fmt.Println(n1, n2)