diff options
2 files changed, 279 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/config/bgp_configs.go b/config/bgp_configs.go
index 309f7d65..03e719fd 100644
--- a/config/bgp_configs.go
+++ b/config/bgp_configs.go
@@ -131,6 +131,85 @@ const (
+//struct for container gobgp:rpki-received
+type RpkiReceived struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:serial-notify
+ SerialNotify int64
+ // original -> gobgp:cache-reset
+ CacheReset int64
+ // original -> gobgp:cache-response
+ CacheResponse int64
+ // original -> gobgp:ipv4-prefix
+ Ipv4Prefix int64
+ // original -> gobgp:ipv6-prefix
+ Ipv6Prefix int64
+ // original -> gobgp:end-of-data
+ EndOfData int64
+ // original -> gobgp:error
+ Error int64
+//struct for container gobgp:rpki-sent
+type RpkiSent struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:serial-query
+ SerialQuery int64
+ // original -> gobgp:reset-query
+ ResetQuery int64
+ // original -> gobgp:error
+ Error int64
+//struct for container gobgp:rpki-messages
+type RpkiMessages struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-sent
+ RpkiSent RpkiSent
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-received
+ RpkiReceived RpkiReceived
+//struct for container gobgp:state
+type RpkiServerState struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:uptime
+ Uptime int64
+ // original -> gobgp:downtime
+ Downtime int64
+ // original -> gobgp:last-pdu-recv-time
+ LastPduRecvTime int64
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-messages
+ RpkiMessages RpkiMessages
+//struct for container gobgp:config
+type RpkiServerConfig struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:address
+ //gobgp:address's original type is inet:ip-address
+ Address net.IP
+ // original -> gobgp:port
+ Port uint32
+ // original -> gobgp:refresh-time
+ RefreshTime int64
+ // original -> gobgp:hold-time
+ HoldTime int64
+ // original -> gobgp:record-lifetime
+ RecordLifetime int64
+ // original -> gobgp:preference
+ Preference uint8
+//struct for container gobgp:rpki-server
+type RpkiServer struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-server-config
+ RpkiServerConfig RpkiServerConfig
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-server-state
+ RpkiServerState RpkiServerState
+//struct for container gobgp:rpki-servers
+type RpkiServers struct {
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-server
+ RpkiServerList []RpkiServer
//struct for container bgp:state
type PeerGroupState struct {
// original -> bgp:peer-as
@@ -1231,6 +1310,8 @@ type Bgp struct {
Neighbors Neighbors
// original -> bgp:peer-groups
PeerGroups PeerGroups
+ // original -> gobgp:rpki-servers
+ RpkiServers RpkiServers
//struct for container bgp-pol:set-ext-community-method
diff --git a/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang b/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang
index 6b188097..2fa51887 100644
--- a/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang
+++ b/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang
@@ -171,33 +171,23 @@ module bgp-gobgp {
"set of configurations for route server client.";
- container route-server {
+ container route-server {
"Configure the local router as a route server";
container config {
- description
- "Configuration parameters relating to route server
- client(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
- uses gobgp-route-server-config;
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to route server
+ client(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
+ uses gobgp-route-server-config;
container state {
- config false;
- description
- "State information relating to route server
- client(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
- uses gobgp-route-server-config;
- }
- }
- }
- grouping gobgp-rpki-validation-result {
- description "additional rpki";
- leaf rpki-validation-result {
- type rpki-validation-result-type;
- default NOT-FOUND;
+ config false;
- "specify the validation result of RPKI based on ROA as conditions";
+ "State information relating to route server
+ client(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
+ uses gobgp-route-server-config;
+ }
@@ -223,6 +213,188 @@ module bgp-gobgp {
"indicate the validation result of RPKI based on ROA";
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-validation-result {
+ description "additional rpki";
+ leaf rpki-validation-result {
+ type rpki-validation-result-type;
+ default NOT-FOUND;
+ description
+ "specify the validation result of RPKI based on ROA as conditions";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-server-messages-sent {
+ description "additional RPKI sent messages";
+ leaf serial-query {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of serial query message sent to RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf reset-query {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of reset query message sent to RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf error {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of error message sent to RPKI server";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-server-messages-received {
+ description "additional RPKI receive messages";
+ leaf serial-notify {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of serial notify message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf cache-reset {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of cache reset message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf cache-response {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of cache response message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf ipv4-prefix {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of ipv4 prefix message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf ipv6-prefix {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of ipv6 prefix message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf end-of-data {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of end of data message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf error {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Number of error message received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-server-messages {
+ description "additional RPKI messages";
+ container rpki-sent {
+ description
+ "Counters for transmission RPKI Message types";
+ uses gobgp-rpki-server-messages-sent;
+ }
+ container rpki-received {
+ description
+ "Counters for reception RPKI Message types";
+ uses gobgp-rpki-server-messages-received;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-server-state {
+ description "additional RPKI state";
+ leaf uptime {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "This timer determines the amount of time since the
+ RPKI last transitioned in of the Established state";
+ }
+ leaf downtime {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "This timer determines the amount of time since the
+ RPKI last transitioned out of the Established state";
+ }
+ leaf last-pdu-recv-time {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "last time the received an pdu message from RPKI server";
+ }
+ container rpki-messages {
+ description
+ "Counters for transmission and reception RPKI Message types";
+ uses gobgp-rpki-server-messages;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-server-config {
+ description "additional RPKI config";
+ leaf address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ description
+ "Reference to the address of the RPKI server used as
+ a key in the RPKI server list";
+ }
+ leaf port {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Reference to the port of the RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf refresh-time {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Check interval for a configured RPKI server.";
+ }
+ leaf hold-time {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Specify the length of time in seconds that the session between
+ the router and RPKI server is to be considered operational
+ without any activity";
+ }
+ leaf record-lifetime {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "Indicate the expiration date of the route validation recode
+ received from RPKI server";
+ }
+ leaf preference {
+ type uint8;
+ description
+ "RPKI server has a static preference.
+ Higher the preference values indicates a higher priority RPKI server";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-server-set {
+ description "additional RPKI configuration and state";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to RPKI server";
+ uses gobgp-rpki-server-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ description
+ "State information relating to RPKI server";
+ uses gobgp-rpki-server-state;
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-rpki-servers {
+ description "additional RPKI structure";
+ container rpki-servers {
+ description
+ "List of RPKI servers configured on the local system";
+ list rpki-server {
+ container rpki-server {
+ uses gobgp-rpki-server-set;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
// augment statements
augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state/bgp:messages/bgp:sent" {
description "additional counters";
@@ -379,4 +551,10 @@ module bgp-gobgp {
uses gobgp-rpki-validation-result;
+ augment "/bgp:bgp" {
+ description "additional rpki configuration and state";
+ uses gobgp-rpki-servers;
+ }