diff options
5 files changed, 447 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/config/bgp_configs.go b/config/bgp_configs.go
index db07195c..3f0381b5 100644
--- a/config/bgp_configs.go
+++ b/config/bgp_configs.go
@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ type SetCommunity struct {
//struct for container bgp-pol:set-as-path-prepend
type SetAsPathPrepend struct {
+ // original -> bgp-pol:as
+ //bgp-pol:as's original type is union
+ As string
// original -> bgp-pol:repeat-n
RepeatN uint8
diff --git a/policy/policy.go b/policy/policy.go
index d3e4ef03..300fcadf 100644
--- a/policy/policy.go
+++ b/policy/policy.go
@@ -17,16 +17,17 @@ package policy
import (
- log ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
+ log ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
type RouteType int
@@ -118,6 +119,12 @@ func NewPolicy(pd config.PolicyDefinition, ds config.DefinedSets) *Policy {
mda = append(mda, med)
+ //AsPathPrependAction
+ ppa := NewAsPathPrependAction(statement.Actions.BgpActions.SetAsPathPrepend)
+ if ppa != nil {
+ mda = append(mda, ppa)
+ }
s := &Statement{
Name: statement.Name,
Conditions: conditions,
@@ -870,6 +877,69 @@ func (a *MedAction) apply(path *table.Path) *table.Path {
return path
+type AsPathPrependAction struct {
+ DefaultAction
+ asn uint32
+ useLeftMost bool
+ repeat uint8
+// NewAsPathPrependAction creates AsPathPrependAction object.
+// If ASN cannot be parsed, nil will be returned.
+func NewAsPathPrependAction(action config.SetAsPathPrepend) *AsPathPrependAction {
+ a := &AsPathPrependAction{}
+ if action.As == "" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ if action.As == "last-as" {
+ a.useLeftMost = true
+ } else {
+ asn, err := strconv.ParseUint(action.As, 10, 32)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Type": "AsPathPrepend Action",
+ "Value": action.As,
+ }).Error("As number string invalid.")
+ return nil
+ }
+ a.asn = uint32(asn)
+ }
+ a.repeat = action.RepeatN
+ return a
+func (a *AsPathPrependAction) apply(path *table.Path) *table.Path {
+ var asn uint32
+ if a.useLeftMost {
+ asns := path.GetAsSeqList()
+ if len(asns) == 0 {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Type": "AsPathPrepend Action",
+ }).Error("aspath length is zero.")
+ return path
+ }
+ asn = asns[0]
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Type": "AsPathPrepend Action",
+ "LastAs": asn,
+ "Repeat": a.repeat,
+ }).Debug("use last AS.")
+ } else {
+ asn = a.asn
+ }
+ path.PrependAsn(asn, a.repeat)
+ return path
type Prefix struct {
Address net.IP
AddressFamily bgp.RouteFamily
@@ -1349,7 +1419,7 @@ func ActionsToApiStruct(conActions config.Actions) *api.Actions {
func ActionsToConfigStruct(reqActions *api.Actions) config.Actions {
actions := config.Actions{}
- if reqActions == nil{
+ if reqActions == nil {
return actions
if reqActions.Community != nil {
diff --git a/policy/policy_test.go b/policy/policy_test.go
index ae615935..d1155335 100644
--- a/policy/policy_test.go
+++ b/policy/policy_test.go
@@ -1856,3 +1856,152 @@ func TestPolicyMatchWhenPathHaveNotMed(t *testing.T) {
_, err := newPath.GetMed()
assert.NotNil(t, err)
+func TestPolicyAsPathPrepend(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ // create path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001, 65000})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ body := updateMsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ table.UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(body)
+ path := table.ProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)[0]
+ // create policy
+ ps := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 16,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ ns := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{ps},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{ns},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ MatchSetOptions: config.MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL,
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: true,
+ BgpActions: config.BgpActions{
+ SetAsPathPrepend: config.SetAsPathPrepend{
+ As: "65002",
+ RepeatN: 10,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(true, match)
+ assert.Equal(ROUTE_TYPE_ACCEPT, pType)
+ assert.NotEqual(nil, newPath)
+ assert.Equal([]uint32{65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65001, 65000}, newPath.GetAsSeqList())
+func TestPolicyAsPathPrependLastAs(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ // create path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65002, 65001, 65000})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ body := updateMsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ table.UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(body)
+ path := table.ProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)[0]
+ // create policy
+ ps := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 16,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ ns := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{ps},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{ns},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ MatchSetOptions: config.MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_ALL,
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: true,
+ BgpActions: config.BgpActions{
+ SetAsPathPrepend: config.SetAsPathPrepend{
+ As: "last-as",
+ RepeatN: 5,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(true, match)
+ assert.Equal(ROUTE_TYPE_ACCEPT, pType)
+ assert.NotEqual(nil, newPath)
+ assert.Equal([]uint32{65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65002, 65001, 65000}, newPath.GetAsSeqList())
diff --git a/table/path.go b/table/path.go
index bd368ec6..302847f8 100644
--- a/table/path.go
+++ b/table/path.go
@@ -79,48 +79,10 @@ func (path *Path) UpdatePathAttrs(global *config.Global, peer *config.Neighbor)
// AS_PATH handling
- //
- // When a given BGP speaker advertises the route to an external
- // peer, the advertising speaker updates the AS_PATH attribute
- // as follows:
- // 1) if the first path segment of the AS_PATH is of type
- // AS_SEQUENCE, the local system prepends its own AS num as
- // the last element of the sequence (put it in the left-most
- // position with respect to the position of octets in the
- // protocol message). If the act of prepending will cause an
- // overflow in the AS_PATH segment (i.e., more than 255
- // ASes), it SHOULD prepend a new segment of type AS_SEQUENCE
- // and prepend its own AS number to this new segment.
- //
- // 2) if the first path segment of the AS_PATH is of type AS_SET
- // , the local system prepends a new path segment of type
- // AS_SEQUENCE to the AS_PATH, including its own AS number in
- // that segment.
- //
- // 3) if the AS_PATH is empty, the local system creates a path
- // segment of type AS_SEQUENCE, places its own AS into that
- // segment, and places that segment into the AS_PATH.
- idx, originalAsPath := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH)
- if idx < 0 {
- p := bgp.NewAs4PathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, []uint32{global.As})
- asPath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath([]bgp.AsPathParamInterface{p})
- path.pathAttrs = append(path.pathAttrs, asPath)
- } else {
- asPath := cloneAsPath(originalAsPath.(*bgp.PathAttributeAsPath))
- path.pathAttrs[idx] = asPath
- fst := asPath.Value[0].(*bgp.As4PathParam)
- if len(asPath.Value) > 0 && fst.Type == bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ &&
- fst.ASLen() < 255 {
- fst.AS = append([]uint32{global.As}, fst.AS...)
- fst.Num += 1
- } else {
- p := bgp.NewAs4PathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, []uint32{global.As})
- asPath.Value = append([]bgp.AsPathParamInterface{p}, asPath.Value...)
- }
- }
+ path.PrependAsn(global.As, 1)
// MED Handling
- idx, _ = path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MULTI_EXIT_DISC)
+ idx, _ := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MULTI_EXIT_DISC)
if idx >= 0 {
path.pathAttrs = append(path.pathAttrs[:idx], path.pathAttrs[idx+1:]...)
@@ -328,6 +290,65 @@ func (path *Path) getAsListofSpecificType(getAsSeq, getAsSet bool) []uint32 {
return asList
+// PrependAsn prepends AS number.
+// This function updates the AS_PATH attribute as follows.
+// 1) if the first path segment of the AS_PATH is of type
+// AS_SEQUENCE, the local system prepends the specified AS num as
+// the last element of the sequence (put it in the left-most
+// position with respect to the position of octets in the
+// protocol message) the specified number of times.
+// If the act of prepending will cause an overflow in the AS_PATH
+// segment (i.e., more than 255 ASes),
+// it SHOULD prepend a new segment of type AS_SEQUENCE
+// and prepend its own AS number to this new segment.
+// 2) if the first path segment of the AS_PATH is of other than type
+// AS_SEQUENCE, the local system prepends a new path segment of type
+// AS_SEQUENCE to the AS_PATH, including the specified AS number in
+// that segment.
+// 3) if the AS_PATH is empty, the local system creates a path
+// segment of type AS_SEQUENCE, places the specified AS number
+// into that segment, and places that segment into the AS_PATH.
+func (path *Path) PrependAsn(asn uint32, repeat uint8) {
+ idx, aspath := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH)
+ asns := make([]uint32, repeat)
+ for i, _ := range asns {
+ asns[i] = asn
+ }
+ if idx < 0 {
+ p := bgp.NewAs4PathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, asns)
+ asPath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath([]bgp.AsPathParamInterface{p})
+ path.pathAttrs = append(path.pathAttrs, asPath)
+ } else {
+ aspathClone := cloneAsPath(aspath.(*bgp.PathAttributeAsPath))
+ path.pathAttrs[idx] = aspathClone
+ fst := aspathClone.Value[0].(*bgp.As4PathParam)
+ if fst.Type == bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ && len(fst.AS) < 255 {
+ // overflow case
+ if len(fst.AS)+int(repeat) > 255 {
+ rest := 255 - len(fst.AS)
+ fst.AS = append(asns[0:rest], fst.AS...)
+ fst.Num = 255
+ p := bgp.NewAs4PathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, asns[rest:])
+ aspathClone.Value = append([]bgp.AsPathParamInterface{p}, aspathClone.Value...)
+ } else {
+ fst.AS = append(asns, fst.AS...)
+ fst.Num += repeat
+ }
+ } else {
+ p := bgp.NewAs4PathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, asns)
+ aspathClone.Value = append([]bgp.AsPathParamInterface{p}, aspathClone.Value...)
+ }
+ }
func (path *Path) GetCommunities() []uint32 {
communityList := []uint32{}
if _, attr := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_COMMUNITIES); attr != nil {
diff --git a/table/path_test.go b/table/path_test.go
index 44381fd7..976a5620 100644
--- a/table/path_test.go
+++ b/table/path_test.go
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ package table
import (
- ""
- ""
+ "fmt"
+ ""
+ ""
func TestPathNewIPv4(t *testing.T) {
@@ -120,6 +122,160 @@ func TestASPathLen(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(10, p.GetAsPathLen())
+func TestPathPrependAsnToExistingSeqAttr(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, []uint16{65001, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SET, []uint16{65001, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SEQ, []uint16{65100, 65101, 65102}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SET, []uint16{65100, 65101})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{
+ origin,
+ aspath,
+ nexthop,
+ }
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ bgpmsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ update := bgpmsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(update)
+ peer := PathCreatePeer()
+ p := NewPath(peer[0], &update.NLRI[0], false, update.PathAttributes, false, time.Now())
+ p.PrependAsn(65000, 1)
+ assert.Equal([]uint32{65000, 65001, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65005}, p.GetAsSeqList())
+ fmt.Printf("asns: %v", p.GetAsSeqList())
+func TestPathPrependAsnToNewAsPathAttr(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{
+ origin,
+ nexthop,
+ }
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ bgpmsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ update := bgpmsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(update)
+ peer := PathCreatePeer()
+ p := NewPath(peer[0], &update.NLRI[0], false, update.PathAttributes, false, time.Now())
+ asn := uint32(65000)
+ p.PrependAsn(asn, 1)
+ assert.Equal([]uint32{asn}, p.GetAsSeqList())
+func TestPathPrependAsnToNewAsPathSeq(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SET, []uint16{65001, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SEQ, []uint16{65100, 65101, 65102}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SET, []uint16{65100, 65101})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{
+ origin,
+ aspath,
+ nexthop,
+ }
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ bgpmsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ update := bgpmsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(update)
+ peer := PathCreatePeer()
+ p := NewPath(peer[0], &update.NLRI[0], false, update.PathAttributes, false, time.Now())
+ asn := uint32(65000)
+ p.PrependAsn(asn, 1)
+ assert.Equal([]uint32{asn}, p.GetAsSeqList())
+ fmt.Printf("asns: %v", p.GetAsSeqList())
+func TestPathPrependAsnToEmptyAsPathAttr(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, []uint16{}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SET, []uint16{65001, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SEQ, []uint16{65100, 65101, 65102}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SET, []uint16{65100, 65101})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{
+ origin,
+ aspath,
+ nexthop,
+ }
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ bgpmsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ update := bgpmsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(update)
+ peer := PathCreatePeer()
+ p := NewPath(peer[0], &update.NLRI[0], false, update.PathAttributes, false, time.Now())
+ asn := uint32(65000)
+ p.PrependAsn(asn, 1)
+ assert.Equal([]uint32{asn}, p.GetAsSeqList())
+ fmt.Printf("asns: %v", p.GetAsSeqList())
+func TestPathPrependAsnToFullPathAttr(t *testing.T) {
+ assert := assert.New(t)
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ asns := make([]uint16, 255)
+ for i, _ := range asns {
+ asns[i] = 65000 + uint16(i)
+ }
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SEQ, asns),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_SET, []uint16{65001, 65002, 65003, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SEQ, []uint16{65100, 65101, 65102}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(bgp.BGP_ASPATH_ATTR_TYPE_CONFED_SET, []uint16{65100, 65101})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{
+ origin,
+ aspath,
+ nexthop,
+ }
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ bgpmsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ update := bgpmsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
+ UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(update)
+ peer := PathCreatePeer()
+ p := NewPath(peer[0], &update.NLRI[0], false, update.PathAttributes, false, time.Now())
+ expected := []uint32{65000, 65000}
+ for _, v := range asns {
+ expected = append(expected, uint32(v))
+ }
+ p.PrependAsn(65000, 2)
+ assert.Equal(expected, p.GetAsSeqList())
+ fmt.Printf("asns: %v", p.GetAsSeqList())
func PathCreatePeer() []*PeerInfo {
peerP1 := &PeerInfo{AS: 65000}
peerP2 := &PeerInfo{AS: 65001}