diff options
5 files changed, 2077 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pyang_plugins/ b/tools/pyang_plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf2ce2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pyang_plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+# Copyright (C) 2013,2014 YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamamoto at valinux co jp>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# this is a pyang plugin to generate ryu/lib/of_config/
+# usage example:
+# PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/pyang --plugindir ~/git/ryu/tools/pyang_plugins -f ryu ~/git/ryu/tools/of-config1.1.1.yang > ~/git/ryu/lib/of_config/
+// Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import StringIO
+import pyang
+from pyang import plugin
+struct_map = {}
+def pyang_plugin_init():
+ plugin.register_plugin(GolangPlugin())
+class GolangPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin):
+ def add_output_format(self, fmts):
+ fmts['golang'] = self
+ def emit(self, ctx, modules, fd):
+ emit_golang(ctx, modules[0], fd)
+def emit_golang(ctx, module, fd):
+ ctx.golang_struct_def = []
+ visit_children(ctx, module, fd, module.i_children)
+ ctx.golang_struct_def.reverse()
+ done = set()
+ generate_header(ctx)
+ for struct in ctx.golang_struct_def:
+ struct_name = struct.arg
+ if struct_name in done:
+ continue
+ emit_class_def(struct, struct_name)
+ done.add(struct_name)
+ # generate_header(ctx)
+def emit_class_def(c, struct_name):
+ o = StringIO.StringIO()
+ struct_name_org = struct_name
+ struct_name = convert_to_gostruct(struct_name)
+ struct_map[struct_name_org] = struct_name
+ print >> o, '//struct for container %s' % struct_name_org
+ print >> o, 'type %s struct {' % struct_name
+ for child in c.i_children:
+ val_name_org = child.arg
+ val_name = convert_to_golang(child.arg)
+ if is_leaf(child):
+ type_obj = child.search_one('type')
+ #if type_obj.arg == 'leafref':
+ # print type_obj.search_one('path').arg
+ type_name = type_obj.arg if type_obj is not None else None
+ else:
+ if is_list(child):
+ assert val_name_org in struct_map
+ type_name = '[]'+ struct_map[val_name_org]
+ val_name = val_name + 'List'
+ if is_container(child):
+ type_name = struct_map[val_name_org]
+ val_name = val_name
+ print >> o, ' %s\t%s' % (val_name, translate_type(type_name))
+ print >> o, '}'
+ print o.getvalue()
+def visit_children(ctx, module, fd, children, prefix=''):
+ for c in children:
+ t = c.search_one('type')
+ type_name = t.arg if t is not None else None
+ #print '%skeyword->%s, arg->%s, type->%s' % (prefix, c.keyword, c.arg, type_name)
+ if is_list(c) or is_container(c):
+ ctx.golang_struct_def.append(c)
+ if hasattr(c, 'i_children'):
+ visit_children(ctx, module, fd, c.i_children, prefix + ' ')
+def is_leaf(s):
+ return s.keyword in ['leaf', 'leaf-list']
+def is_list(s):
+ return s.keyword in ['list']
+def is_container(s):
+ return s.keyword in ['container']
+def generate_header(ctx):
+ print 'package config'
+ print ''
+_type_translation_map = {
+ 'decimal64' : 'float64',
+ 'inet:ip-address': '*net.IP',
+ 'inet:ipv4-address': '*net.IP',
+ 'inet:as-number' : 'uint32',
+ 'rr-cluster-id-type' : 'uint32',
+def translate_type(key):
+ if _type_translation_map.has_key(key):
+ return _type_translation_map[key]
+ else:
+ return key
+def convert_to_gostruct(type_string):
+ return convert_to_golang(type_string) + 'Type'
+# 'hoge-hoge' -> 'HogeHoge'
+def convert_to_golang(type_string):
+ a = type_string.split('-')
+ a = map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), a) # XXX locale sensitive
+ return ''.join(a)
diff --git a/tools/yang/bgp-multiprotocol.yang b/tools/yang/bgp-multiprotocol.yang
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b0a0b29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yang/bgp-multiprotocol.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+ module bgp-multiprotocol {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ // TODO: change to an ietf or other more generic namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "bgp-mp";
+ // import some basic inet types
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
+ import bgp-policy { prefix bgp-pol; }
+ import bgp-operational { prefix bgp-op; }
+ // meta
+ organization
+ "Google, AT&T, BT, Microsoft";
+ contact
+ "Google, Inc.
+ 1600 Amphitheatre Way
+ Mountain View, CA 94043
+ AT&T Labs
+ 200 S. Laurel Avenue
+ Middletown, NJ 07748
+ BT
+ pp. C3L, BT Centre
+ 81, Newgate Street
+ London EC1A 7AJ
+ UK
+ Microsoft
+ 205 108th Ave. NE, Suite 400
+ Bellevue, WA 98004";
+ description
+ "This module is part of a YANG model for BGP protocol
+ configuration, focusing on configuration of multiprotocol
+ BGP, in particular various relevant address families (AFI) and
+ sub-address families (SAFI).
+ Identities (rather than enumerated types) are used to identify
+ each AFI / SAFI type to make it easier for users to extend to
+ pre-standard or custom AFI/SAFI types. This module is only
+ intended to capture the most";
+ revision "2014-10-13" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "TBD";
+ }
+ // extension statements
+ // feature statements
+ // identity statements
+ identity afi-type {
+ description
+ "base identity type for BGP address family identifiers (AFI)";
+ reference "RFC 4760 - Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4";
+ }
+ identity safi-type {
+ description
+ "base identity type for BGP subsequent address family
+ identifiers (SAFI)";
+ reference "RFC 4760 - Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4";
+ }
+ identity ipv4-afi {
+ base bgp-mp:afi-type;
+ description
+ "IPv4 AF identifier (AFI = 1)";
+ }
+ identity ipv6-afi {
+ base bgp-mp:afi-type;
+ description
+ "IPv6 AF identifier (AFI = 2)";
+ }
+ identity unicast-safi {
+ base bgp-mp:safi-type;
+ description
+ "unicast SAFI identifier (SAFI = 1)";
+ }
+ identity l3vpn-unicast-safi {
+ base safi-type;
+ description
+ "L3 / MPLS virtual private networks SAFI (SAFI = 128/129)";
+ reference "RFC 4364 - BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks
+ (VPNs)";
+ }
+ identity labeled-unicast-safi {
+ base safi-type;
+ description
+ "labeled unicast SAFI identifier (SAFI = 4)";
+ reference "RFC 3107 - Carrying Label Information in BGP-4";
+ }
+ identity l2vpn-vpls-afi {
+ base afi-type;
+ description
+ "AFI for BGP L2 VPN / VPLS (AFI = 25)";
+ reference "RFC 4761 - Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)
+ Using BGP for Auto-Discovery and Signaling";
+ }
+ identity l2vpn-vpls-safi {
+ base safi-type;
+ description
+ "BGP L2 VPN / VPLS service SAFI (SAFI = 65)";
+ }
+ identity multicast-safi {
+ base safi-type;
+ description
+ "multicast SAFI (SAFI = 2)";
+ reference "RFC 4760 - Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4";
+ }
+ identity multicast-vpn-safi {
+ base safi-type;
+ description
+ "Multicast VPN SAFI (SAFI = 5)";
+ reference "RFC 6514 - BGP Encodings and Procedures for Multicast
+ }
+ // typedef statements
+ // TODO: move this and other commonly types to a common bgp-types
+ // module
+ typedef percentage {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..100";
+ }
+ description
+ "Integer indicating a percentage value";
+ }
+ // grouping statements
+ grouping address-family-common {
+ description
+ "Configuration that is for the address family level,
+ but applies across AFI/SAFI";
+ container prefix-limit {
+ description
+ "Configure the maximum number of prefixes that will be
+ accepted from a peer.";
+ leaf max-prefixes {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Maximum number of prefixes that will be accepted from
+ the neighbor.";
+ }
+ leaf shutdown-threshold-pct {
+ type percentage;
+ description
+ "Threshold on number of prefixes that can be received
+ from a neighbor before generation of warning messages
+ or log entries. Expressed as a percentage of
+ max-prefixes.";
+ }
+ leaf restart-timer {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ units "seconds";
+ description
+ "Time interval in seconds after which the BGP session
+ is reestablished after being torn down due to exceeding
+ the max-prefixes limit.";
+ }
+ }
+ // policies can be applied at a specific AF level
+ uses bgp-pol:apply-policy-group;
+ }
+ grouping ipv4-ipv6-unicast-common {
+ description
+ "common configuration for base ipv4 and ipv6 unicast; may
+ need to be split into separate containers for each of ipv4
+ and ipv6";
+ container ipv4-ipv6-unicast {
+ // YANG uses XPath 1.0 expression syntax
+ when "(../../afi-name = 'ipv4-afi' or " +
+ "../../afi-name = 'ipv6-afi') " +
+ "and ../safi-name = 'unicast-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container for unicast ipv4 or ipv6
+ AFI-specific configuration";
+ }
+ description "ipv4 unicast config items";
+ leaf send-default-route {
+ // TODO: consider moving this to policy
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description "if set to true, send the default route, i.e.,
+ to the neighbor(s)";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ipv4-l3vpn-unicast-group {
+ description
+ "configuration group for L3 VPN VRFs for IPv4";
+ container ipv4-l3vpn-unicast {
+ when "../../afi-name = 'bgp-mp:ipv4-afi' and " +
+ "../safi-name = 'l3vpn-unicast-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container when AFI = ipv4 and
+ SAFI = l3vpn-unicast";
+ }
+ description "ipv4 l3vpn config items";
+ list vrfs {
+ key name;
+ description "list of configured VRFs";
+ leaf name {
+ type string;
+ description "name / identifier of the VRF";
+ }
+ leaf route-distinguisher {
+ // TODO: consider expanding to a union type to make it more
+ // convenient to express as AS:addr or other common formats
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "route distinguisher value assigned to this VRF";
+ }
+ uses bgp-pol:apply-policy-group;
+ /* additional leafs to consider --- should these be in BGP?
+ interface-name
+ retain-local-label-size
+ advertise-best-external
+ no-synchronization
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ipv6-l3vpn-unicast-group {
+ description
+ "configuration group for L3 VPN VRFs for IPv6";
+ container ipv6-l3vpn-unicast {
+ when "../../afi-name = 'bgp-mp:ipv6-afi' and " +
+ "../safi-name = 'l3vpn-unicast-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container only when AFI = ipv6 and
+ SAFI = l3vpn-unicast";
+ }
+ description "ipv6 l3vpn config items";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ipv4-labeled-unicast-group {
+ description
+ "configuration group for IPv4 labeled unicast";
+ container ipv4-labeled-unicast {
+ when "../../afi-name = 'ipv4-afi' and " +
+ "../safi-name = 'labeled-unicast-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container when AFI = ipv4 and
+ SAFI = labeled-unicast";
+ }
+ description "ipv4 labeled unicast config items";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping l2vpn-group {
+ description
+ "configuration group for L2 VPN";
+ container l2vpn {
+ // TODO: confirm that both AFI/SAFI values are set
+ // for L2 VPNs
+ when "../../afi-name = 'l2vpn-vpls-afi' and " +
+ "../safi-name = 'l2vpn-vpls-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container when AFI = l2vpn-vpls and
+ SAFI = l2vpn-vpls";
+ }
+ description "l2vpn config items";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ipv4-multicast-vpn-group {
+ description
+ "configuration group for IPv4 multicast VPNs";
+ container ipv4-multicast-vpn {
+ when "../../afi-name = 'ipv4-afi' and " +
+ "../safi-name = 'multicast-vpn-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container when AFI = ipv4 and
+ SAFI = multicast-vpn";
+ }
+ description "ipv4 multicast vpn config items";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping ipv6-multicast-vpn-group {
+ description
+ "configuration group for IPv6 multicast VPNs";
+ container ipv6-multicast-vpn {
+ when "../../afi-name = 'ipv6-afi' and " +
+ "../safi-name = 'multicast-vpn-safi'" {
+ description
+ "Include this container when AFI = ipv6 and
+ SAFI = multicast-vpn";
+ }
+ description "ipv6 multicast vpn config items";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping address-family-configuration {
+ description "Configuration options that are applied at the
+ address family level.";
+ list afi {
+ key "afi-name";
+ description
+ "Per address-family configuration, uniquely identified by AF
+ name.";
+ leaf afi-name {
+ type identityref {
+ base "afi-type";
+ }
+ description
+ "Address family names are drawn from the afi-type base
+ identity, which has specific address family types as
+ derived identities.";
+ }
+ list safi {
+ key "safi-name";
+ description
+ "Per subsequent address family configuration, under a
+ specific address family.";
+ leaf safi-name {
+ type identityref {
+ base "safi-type";
+ }
+ description
+ "Within each address family, subsequent address family
+ names are drawn from the subsequent-address-family base
+ identity.";
+ }
+ // these grouping references conditionally add config nodes
+ // that are specific to each AFI / SAFI combination
+ uses ipv4-ipv6-unicast-common;
+ uses ipv4-l3vpn-unicast-group;
+ uses ipv6-l3vpn-unicast-group;
+ uses ipv4-labeled-unicast-group;
+ uses l2vpn-group;
+ uses ipv4-multicast-vpn-group;
+ uses ipv6-multicast-vpn-group;
+ // this grouping pulls in the config items common across
+ // AF/SAFI combinations
+ uses address-family-common;
+ }
+ // operational state common acrossr address families
+ uses bgp-op:bgp-op-af-group;
+ }
+ }
+ // data definition statements
+ // augment statements
+ // rpc statements
+ // notification statements
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/yang/bgp-operational.yang b/tools/yang/bgp-operational.yang
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7e7a5e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yang/bgp-operational.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+ module bgp-operational {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ // TODO: change to an ietf or other more generic namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "bgp-op";
+ // import some basic inet types
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
+ // meta
+ organization
+ "Google, AT&T, BT, Microsoft";
+ contact
+ "Google, Inc.
+ 1600 Amphitheatre Way
+ Mountain View, CA 94043
+ AT&T Labs
+ 200 S. Laurel Avenue
+ Middletown, NJ 07748
+ BT
+ pp. C3L, BT Centre
+ 81, Newgate Street
+ London EC1A 7AJ
+ UK
+ Microsoft
+ 205 108th Ave. NE, Suite 400
+ Bellevue, WA 98004";
+ description
+ "This module is part of a YANG model for BGP protocol
+ configuration, focusing on operational data (i.e., state
+ variables) related to BGP operations";
+ revision "2014-10-13" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "TBD";
+ }
+ // extension statements
+ // feature statements
+ // identity statements
+ // typedef statements
+ // grouping statements
+ grouping bgp-op-global-group {
+ description
+ "top level container for operational state data";
+ container bgp-global-state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "data definitions for operational state variables related
+ to the global BGP instance";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping bgp-op-af-group {
+ description
+ "top level container for operational state data";
+ container bgp-af-common-state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "data definitions for operational state variables related
+ to all BGP address families instance";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping bgp-op-peergroup-group {
+ description
+ "top level container for operational state data";
+ container bgp-group-common-state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "data definitions for operational state variables related
+ to BGP peer groups";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping bgp-op-neighbor-group {
+ description
+ "top level container for operational state data";
+ container bgp-neighbor-common-state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "data definitions for operational state variables related
+ to BGP neighbor sesions";
+ }
+ }
+ // data definition statements
+ // augment statements
+ // rpc statements
+ // notification statements
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/yang/bgp-policy.yang b/tools/yang/bgp-policy.yang
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ed3d411
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yang/bgp-policy.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+ module bgp-policy {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ // TODO: change to an ietf or other generic namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "bgp-policy";
+ // import some basic types
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
+ // meta
+ // TODO: add collaborating organizations
+ organization
+ "Google, AT&T, BT, Microsoft";
+ contact
+ "Google, Inc.
+ 1600 Amphitheatre Way
+ Mountain View, CA 94043
+ AT&T Labs
+ 200 S. Laurel Avenue
+ Middletown, NJ 07748
+ BT
+ pp. C3L, BT Centre
+ 81, Newgate Street
+ London EC1A 7AJ
+ UK
+ Microsoft
+ 205 108th Ave. NE, Suite 400
+ Bellevue, WA 98004";
+ description
+ "This module describes a YANG model for BGP policy
+ configuration. It is a limited subset of all of the policy
+ configuration parameters available in the variety of vendor
+ implementations, but supports widely used constructs for managing
+ how BGP routes are imported, exported, and modified. This module
+ works with the base BGP protocol configuration model defined in
+ google-bgp.
+ Route policy expression:
+ Policies are expressed as a set of top-level policy definitions,
+ each of which consists of a sequence of policy statements.
+ Policy statements are simple condition-action tuples. Conditions
+ may include mutiple match or comparison operations, and similarly
+ actions may be multitude of changes to route attributes and a
+ final disposition of accepting or> rejecting the route.
+ |
+ +->policy
+ +-> policy definitions
+ +-> policy statements
+ +-> conditions
+ +-> [ match conditions / comparison conditions ]
+ +-> actions
+ +-> [ set attribute actions / control-flow actions ]
+ Route policy evaluation:
+ Evaluation of a policy definition is expected to proceed by
+ evaluating the individual policy statements in the specified
+ order. When a condition statement in a policy statement is
+ satisfied, the corresponding action statement is executed.
+ If the action statement has either accept-route or reject-route
+ actions, policy evaluation stops. If the condition is not
+ satisfied, or if the action statement contains goto-next, then
+ evaluation proceeds to the next policy statement. If none of the
+ policy statement conditions are satisfied, then the default
+ action is applied.
+ Policy 'subroutines' are supported by allowing condition
+ statements to reference another policy definition which first
+ applies conditions from the referenced policy before
+ proceeding.";
+ revision "2014-09-30" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "TBD";
+ }
+ // extension statements
+ // feature statements
+ // identity statements
+ identity bgp-attribute-comparison {
+ description
+ "base type for supported comparison operators on route
+ attributes";
+ }
+ identity attribute-eq {
+ base bgp-attribute-comparison;
+ description "== comparison";
+ }
+ identity attribute-ge {
+ base bgp-attribute-comparison;
+ description ">= comparison";
+ }
+ identity attribute-le {
+ base bgp-attribute-comparison;
+ description "<= comparison";
+ }
+ // typedef statements
+ typedef match-set-options-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum ANY {
+ description "match is true if given value matches any member
+ of the defined set";
+ }
+ enum ALL {
+ description "match is true if each given value matches a
+ member of the defined set";
+ }
+ enum INVERT {
+ description "match is true if given value does not match any
+ member of the defined set";
+ }
+ }
+ default ANY;
+ description
+ "Options that govern the behavior of a match statement. The
+ default behavior is ANY, i.e., the given value matches any
+ of the members of the defined set";
+ }
+ typedef as-path-prepend-option-repeat {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Option for the as-prepend policy action. Prepends the local
+ AS number repeated n times";
+ }
+ typedef well-known-community-attr {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum INTERNET {
+ description "entire Internet community (0x00000000)";
+ }
+ enum NO_EXPORT {
+ // value 0xFFFFFF01;
+ description "no export";
+ }
+ description "no advertise (0xFFFFFF02)";
+ }
+ description "no export subconfed, equivalent to
+ local AS (0xFFFFFF03)";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Type definition for well-known IETF community attribute
+ values";
+ reference "RFC 1997 - BGP Communities Attribute";
+ }
+ typedef std-community-attr-type {
+ // TODO: further refine restrictions and allowed patterns
+ // 4-octet value:
+ // <as number> 2 octets
+ // <community value> 2 octets
+ type union {
+ type uint32 {
+ // per RFC 1997, 0x00000000 - 0x0000FFFF and 0xFFFF0000 -
+ // 0xFFFFFFFF are reserved
+ range "65536..4294901759"; // 0x00010000..0xFFFEFFFF
+ }
+ type string {
+ pattern '([0-9]+:[0-9]+)';
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Type definition for standard commmunity attributes";
+ reference "RFC 1997 - BGP Communities Attribute";
+ }
+ typedef ext-community-attr-type {
+ // TODO: needs more work to make this more precise given the
+ // variability of extended community attribute specifications
+ // 8-octet value:
+ // <type> 2 octects
+ // <value> 6 octets
+ type string {
+ pattern '([0-9\.]+(:[0-9]+)?:[0-9]+)';
+ }
+ description
+ "Type definition for extended community attributes";
+ reference "RFC 4360 - BGP Extended Communities Attribute";
+ }
+ typedef community-regexp-type {
+ // TODO: needs more work to decide what format these regexps can
+ // take.
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Type definition for communities specified as regular
+ expression patterns";
+ }
+ typedef bgp-origin-attr-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum IGP {
+ value 0;
+ description "Origin of the NLRI is internal";
+ }
+ enum EGP {
+ value 1;
+ description "Origin of the NLRI is EGP";
+ }
+ value 2;
+ description "Origin of the NLRI is neither IGP or EGP";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Type definition for standard BGP origin attribute";
+ reference "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4),
+ Sec 4.3";
+ }
+ typedef set-community-option-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum ADD {
+ description "add the specified communities to the existing
+ community attribute";
+ }
+ enum REMOVE {
+ description "remove the specified communities from the
+ existing community attribute";
+ }
+ enum REPLACE {
+ description "replace the existing community attribute with
+ the specified communities";
+ }
+ enum NULL {
+ description "set the community attribute to empty / NULL";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Type definition for options when setting the community
+ attribute in a policy action";
+ }
+ typedef bgp-next-hop-type {
+ type union {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ type enumeration {
+ enum SELF {
+ description "special designation for local router's own
+ address";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ description "type definition for specifying next-hop in policy
+ actions";
+ }
+ // grouping statements
+ grouping defined-sets-definitions {
+ description
+ "Data definitions for pre-defined sets of attributes used in
+ policy match conditions";
+ list prefix-set {
+ key prefix-set-name;
+ description
+ "Definitions for prefix sets";
+ leaf prefix-set-name {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "name / label of the prefix set -- this is used to
+ reference the set in match conditions";
+ }
+ list prefix {
+ key "address masklength masklength-range";
+ description
+ "list of prefix expressions that are part of the set";
+ leaf address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ mandatory true;
+ description
+ "address portion of the prefix";
+ }
+ leaf masklength {
+ type uint8 {
+ // simple range covers both ipv4 and ipv6 --
+ // could separate this into different types
+ // for IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes
+ range 1..128;
+ }
+ mandatory true;
+ description
+ "masklength for the prefix specification";
+ }
+ leaf masklength-range {
+ type string {
+ // pattern modeled after ietf-inet-types
+ pattern '(([0-9])|([1-9][0-9])|(1[0-1][0-9])|'
+ + '(12[0-8]))\.\.'
+ + '(([0-9])|([1-9][0-9])|(1[0-1][0-9])|'
+ + '(12[0-8]))';
+ }
+ description
+ "Defines an optional range for the masklength. Absence
+ of the masklength-length implies that the prefix has an
+ exact masklength given by the masklength parameter.
+ Example: through would be
+ expressed as address:, masklength: 21,
+ masklength-range: 21..24";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ list community-set {
+ key community-set-name;
+ description
+ "Definitions for community sets";
+ leaf community-set-name {
+ type string;
+ mandatory true;
+ description
+ "name / label of the community set -- this is used to
+ reference the set in match conditions";
+ }
+ leaf-list community-members {
+ type union {
+ type std-community-attr-type;
+ type community-regexp-type;
+ type well-known-community-attr;
+ }
+ description
+ "members of the community set";
+ }
+ }
+ list ext-community-set {
+ key ext-community-set-name;
+ description
+ "Definitions for extended community sets";
+ leaf ext-community-set-name {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "name / label of the extended community set -- this is used
+ to reference the set in match conditions";
+ }
+ leaf-list ext-community-members {
+ type union {
+ type ext-community-attr-type;
+ // TODO: is regexp support needed for extended communities?
+ // TODO: is well-known needed for extended communities?
+ type community-regexp-type;
+ }
+ description
+ "members of the extended community set";
+ }
+ }
+ list as-path-set {
+ key as-path-set-name;
+ description
+ "Definitions for AS path sets";
+ leaf as-path-set-name {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "name of the AS path set -- this is used to reference the
+ the set in match conditions";
+ }
+ leaf-list as-path-set-members {
+ // TODO: need to refine typedef for AS path expressions
+ type string;
+ description
+ "AS path expression -- list of ASes in the set";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping condition-set-matches {
+ description
+ "Condition statement definitions for checking membership in a
+ defined set";
+ leaf match-community-set {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/bgp/policy/defined-sets/community-set/community-set-name";
+ require-instance true;
+ }
+ description
+ "References a defined community set";
+ }
+ leaf match-ext-community-set {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/bgp/policy/defined-sets/ext-community-set"
+ + "/ext-community-set-name";
+ }
+ description "References a defined extended community set";
+ }
+ leaf match-as-path-set {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/bgp/policy/defined-sets/as-path-set/as-path-set-name";
+ }
+ description "References a defined AS path set";
+ }
+ leaf match-prefix-set {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/bgp/policy/defined-sets/prefix-set/prefix-set-name";
+ }
+ description "References a defined prefix set";
+ }
+ leaf match-set-options {
+ type match-set-options-type;
+ description
+ "Optional parameter that governs the behavior of the match
+ operation";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping condition-attribute-compare-operators {
+ description "common definitions for comparison operations in
+ condition statements";
+ leaf operator {
+ type identityref {
+ base bgp-attribute-comparison;
+ }
+ description
+ "type of comparison to be performed";
+ }
+ leaf value {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "value to compare with the community count";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping condition-attribute-comparisons {
+ description
+ "Condition statement definitions for comparing a route
+ attribute to a specified value";
+ leaf med-eq {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "Condition to check if the received MED value is equal to
+ the specified value";
+ }
+ leaf origin-eq {
+ type bgp-origin-attr-type;
+ description
+ "Condition to check if the route origin is equal to the
+ specified value";
+ }
+ leaf-list next-hop-in {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ description
+ "List of next hop addresses to check for in the route
+ update";
+ }
+ leaf local-pref-eq {
+ type uint32;
+ // TODO: add support for other comparisons
+ description
+ "Condition to check if the local pref attribute is equal to
+ the specified value";
+ }
+ container community-count {
+ presence "node is present in the config data to indicate a
+ community-count condition";
+ description
+ "Value and comparison operations for conditions based on the
+ number of communities in the route update";
+ uses condition-attribute-compare-operators;
+ }
+ container as-path-length {
+ presence "node is present in the config data to indicate a
+ as-path-length condition";
+ description
+ "Value and comparison operations for conditions based on the
+ length of the AS path in the route update";
+ uses condition-attribute-compare-operators;
+ }
+ leaf route-type {
+ // TODO: verify extent of vendor support for this comparison
+ type enumeration {
+ enum INTERNAL {
+ description "route type is internal";
+ }
+ enum EXTERNAL {
+ description "route type is external";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "Condition to check the route type in the route update";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping set-attribute-actions {
+ description
+ "Definitions for base set of policy action statements that
+ change various attributes of the route";
+ container set-as-path-prepend {
+ presence "node is present in the config data to use the AS
+ prepend action";
+ description
+ "action to prepend local AS number to the AS-path a
+ specified number of times";
+ leaf repeat-n {
+ type uint8;
+ description "number of times to prepend the local AS number";
+ }
+ }
+ container set-community {
+ presence "node is present in the config data when set-community
+ action is used";
+ description
+ "action to set the community attributes of the route, along
+ with options to modify how the community is modified";
+ leaf-list communities {
+ type union {
+ type std-community-attr-type;
+ type well-known-community-attr;
+ }
+ description
+ "community values for the update";
+ }
+ leaf options {
+ type set-community-option-type;
+ description
+ "options for modifying the community attribute with the
+ specified values";
+ }
+ }
+ container set-ext-community {
+ presence "node is present in the config data when set-community
+ action is used";
+ description
+ "action to set the extended community attributes of the
+ route, along with options to modify how the community is
+ modified";
+ leaf-list communities {
+ type union {
+ type ext-community-attr-type;
+ type well-known-community-attr;
+ }
+ description
+ "community values for the update";
+ }
+ leaf options {
+ type set-community-option-type;
+ description
+ "options for modifying the community attribute with the
+ specified values";
+ }
+ }
+ leaf set-route-origin {
+ type bgp-origin-attr-type;
+ description "set the origin attribute to the specified value";
+ }
+ leaf set-local-pref {
+ type uint32;
+ description "set the local pref attribute on the route update";
+ }
+ leaf set-next-hop {
+ type bgp-next-hop-type;
+ description "set the next-hop attribute in the route update";
+ }
+ leaf set-med {
+ type uint32;
+ description "set the med metric attribute in the route update";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping control-flow-actions {
+ description
+ "Definitions for base set of policy action statements that
+ manage the disposition or control flow of the policy";
+ leaf accept-route {
+ type empty;
+ description "accepts the route into the routing table";
+ }
+ leaf reject-route {
+ type empty;
+ description "rejects the route";
+ }
+ leaf goto-next {
+ type empty;
+ description
+ "proceed to evaluate the next policy statement in the
+ policy definition";
+ }
+ leaf goto-policy {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "proceed to the named policy definition and continue
+ evaluating the policy";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping conditions {
+ description
+ "Condition statement definitions for policy statements";
+ leaf call-policy {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Applies the conditions from the specified policy definition
+ in the current policy statement.";
+ }
+ uses condition-set-matches;
+ uses condition-attribute-comparisons;
+ }
+ grouping actions {
+ description
+ "Action statement definitions for policy statements";
+ uses set-attribute-actions;
+ uses control-flow-actions;
+ }
+ grouping apply-policy-group {
+ description
+ "top level configuration for applying policies at various
+ points in the configuration hierarchy";
+ container apply-policy {
+ description
+ "Anchor point for policies in the BGP configuration. Import
+ and export policies are with respect to the local routing
+ table, i.e., export (send) and import (receive).";
+ leaf-list import-policies {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/bgp/policy/policy-definitions/policy-definition"
+ + "/name";
+ require-instance true;
+ }
+ description
+ "list of policy names in sequence to be applied on
+ receiving a routing update in the current context, e.g.,
+ for the current peer group, neighbor, address family,
+ etc.";
+ }
+ leaf-list export-policies {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/bgp/policy/policy-definitions/policy-definition"
+ + "/name";
+ require-instance true;
+ }
+ description
+ "list of policy names in sequence to be applied on
+ sending a routing update in the current context, e.g.,
+ for the current peer group, neighbor, address family,
+ etc.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping policy-definition-group {
+ description
+ "top level set of policy defined sets and policy definitions";
+ container policy {
+ description
+ "Top level container for BGP policy-related configuration
+ items";
+ container defined-sets {
+ presence "Container for sets defined for matching in policy
+ statements";
+ description
+ "Predefined sets of attributes used in policy match
+ statements";
+ uses defined-sets-definitions;
+ }
+ container policy-definitions {
+ presence "Container for the set of policy definitions";
+ description
+ "Top level container for policy definitions";
+ list policy-definition {
+ key name;
+ ordered-by user;
+ description
+ "List of top-level policy definitions, keyed by a unique
+ name";
+ leaf name {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Name of the top-level policy definition -- this name
+ is used in references to the current policy";
+ }
+ list statements {
+ key name;
+ // TODO: names of policy statements withing a policy defn
+ // should be optional, however, YANG requires a unique id
+ // for lists; not sure that a compound key works either;
+ // need to investigate further.
+ ordered-by user;
+ description
+ "Name of this policy statement";
+ leaf name {
+ type string;
+ description "name of the policy statement";
+ }
+ container conditions {
+ description "Condition statements for this
+ policy statement";
+ uses conditions;
+ }
+ container actions {
+ description "Action statements for this policy
+ statement";
+ uses actions;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // augment statements
+ // rpc statements
+ // notification statements
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/yang/bgp.yang b/tools/yang/bgp.yang
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c6257b5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/yang/bgp.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,607 @@
+ module bgp {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ // TODO: change to an ietf or other more generic namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "bgp";
+ // import some basic inet types
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
+ import bgp-multiprotocol { prefix bgp-mp; }
+ import bgp-policy { prefix bgp-pol; }
+ import bgp-operational { prefix bgp-op; }
+ // meta
+ organization
+ "Google, AT&T, BT, Microsoft";
+ contact
+ "Google, Inc.
+ 1600 Amphitheatre Way
+ Mountain View, CA 94043
+ AT&T Labs
+ 200 S. Laurel Avenue
+ Middletown, NJ 07748
+ BT
+ pp. C3L, BT Centre
+ 81, Newgate Street
+ London EC1A 7AJ
+ UK
+ Microsoft
+ 205 108th Ave. NE, Suite 400
+ Bellevue, WA 98004";
+ description
+ "This module describes a YANG model for BGP protocol
+ configuration.It is a limited subset of all of the configuration
+ parameters available in the variety of vendor implementations,
+ hence it is expected that it would be augmented with vendor-
+ specific configuration data as needed.Additional modules or
+ submodules to handle other aspects of BGP configuration,
+ including policy, VRFs, VPNs, and additional address families
+ are also expected.
+ This model supports the following BGP configuration level
+ hierarchy:
+ |
+ +-> [ global BGP configuration ]
+ +-> AFI / SAFI (address family)
+ +-> [AFI-specific config ]
+ +-> peer group
+ +-> [ peer group config ]
+ +-> AFI / SAFI [ per-AFI overrides ]
+ +-> neighbor
+ +-> [ per-neighbor overrides ]
+ +-> AFI / SAFI [ per-AFI overrides ]
+ +-> neighbor
+ +-> [ neighbor config ]
+ +-> AFI / SAFI [ per-AFI overrides ]";
+ revision "2014-09-30" {
+ description
+ "Initial revision";
+ reference "TBD";
+ }
+ typedef peer-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum INTERNAL {
+ description "internal (iBGP) peer";
+ }
+ enum EXTERNAL {
+ description "external (eBGP) peer";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "labels a peer or peer group as explicitly internal or
+ external";
+ }
+ typedef remove-private-as-option {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum ALL {
+ description "remove all private ASes in the path";
+ }
+ enum REPLACE {
+ description "replace private ASes with local AS";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "set of options for configuring how private AS path numbers
+ are removed from advertisements";
+ }
+ typedef percentage {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "0..100";
+ }
+ description
+ "Integer indicating a percentage value";
+ }
+ typedef rr-cluster-id-type {
+ type union {
+ type uint32;
+ type inet:ipv4-address;
+ }
+ description
+ "union type for route reflector cluster ids:
+ option 1: 4-byte number
+ option 2: IP address";
+ }
+ grouping bgp-common-configuration {
+ description "Common configuration available at all hierarchy
+ levels, global, AFI, groups, neighbors, etc.";
+ leaf description {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "An optional textual description (intended primarily for use
+ with a peer or group";
+ }
+ container route-selection-options {
+ // TODO: consider moving this container to AFI/SAFI level
+ // config
+ description
+ "Set of configuration options that govern best
+ path selection.";
+ leaf always-compare-med {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "Compare multi-exit discriminator (MED) value from
+ different ASes when selecting the best route. The
+ default behavior is to only compare MEDs for paths
+ received from the same AS.";
+ }
+ leaf ignore-as-path-length {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "Ignore the AS path length when selecting the best path.
+ The default is to use the AS path length and prefer paths
+ with shorter length.";
+ }
+ leaf external-compare-router-id {
+ type boolean;
+ default "true";
+ description
+ "When comparing similar routes received from external
+ BGP peers, use the router-id as a criterion to select
+ the active path.";
+ }
+ leaf advertise-inactive-routes {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "Advertise inactive routes to external peers. The
+ default is to only advertise active routes.";
+ }
+ leaf enable-aigp {
+ type empty;
+ description
+ "Flag to enable sending / receiving accumulated IGP
+ attribute in routing updates";
+ }
+ }
+ container use-multiple-paths {
+ presence
+ "Presence of this container indicates that multipath
+ is enabled for both eBGP and iBGP, absence indicates
+ that multi-path is not used";
+ description
+ "Configuration of BGP multi-path for iBGP and eBGP";
+ container ebgp {
+ description
+ "Configuration of BGP multipath to enable load sharing
+ across multiple paths to eBGP peers";
+ leaf allow-multiple-as {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "Allow multipath to use paths from different neighbouring
+ ASes. The default is to only consider multiple paths from
+ the same neighbouring AS.";
+ }
+ leaf maximum-paths {
+ type uint32;
+ default 1;
+ description
+ "Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using
+ BGP multipath. The default is use a single path.";
+ }
+ }
+ container ibgp {
+ description
+ "Configuration of BGP multipath to enable load-sharing
+ across multiple paths to iBGP peers";
+ leaf maximum-paths {
+ type uint32;
+ default 1;
+ description
+ "Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using
+ iBGP multipath. The default is to use a single path";
+ }
+ }
+ container eibgp {
+ description
+ "Configuration of BGP multipath to enable load-sharing
+ across multiple paths to external confederation sub-ASes";
+ leaf maximum-paths {
+ type uint32;
+ default 1;
+ description
+ "Maximum number of parallel paths to consider when using
+ eiBGP multipath. The default is to use a single path";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ container graceful-restart {
+ // TODO: most impls seem to require this at the global level
+ // in order to specify at neighbor or other levels
+ presence "Presence of this item indicates that BGP graceful
+ restart is enabled.";
+ description
+ "Configures BGP graceful restart, which is a negotiated
+ option that indicates that a BGP speaker is able to retain
+ forwarding state when a BGP session restarts";
+ reference "RFC 4724: Graceful Restart Mechanism for BGP";
+ leaf restart-time {
+ type uint16 {
+ range 0..4096;
+ }
+ description
+ "Estimated time in seconds for the BGP session to be
+ re-established after a restart. This is a 12-bit value
+ advertised by the router to peers. Per RFC 4724, the
+ suggested default value is <= the hold-time value";
+ }
+ leaf stale-routes-time {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ description
+ "Sets an upper bound on the time in seconds that stale
+ routes will be retained by the router after a session is
+ restarted";
+ }
+ }
+ uses bgp-pol:apply-policy-group;
+ }
+ grouping bgp-global-configuration {
+ description
+ "Grouping for global level configuration items";
+ leaf as {
+ type inet:as-number;
+ mandatory "true";
+ description
+ "Local autonomous system number of the router. Uses
+ the 32-bit as-number type from the model in RFC 6991";
+ }
+ leaf router-id {
+ type inet:ipv4-address;
+ description
+ "Router id of the router, expressed as an
+ 32-bit value, IPv4 address.";
+ }
+ container default-route-distance {
+ description
+ "Administrative distance (or preference) assigned to
+ routes received from different sources
+ (external, internal, and local).";
+ leaf external-route-distance {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "1..255";
+ }
+ description
+ "Administrative distance for routes learned from external
+ BGP (eBGP).";
+ }
+ leaf internal-route-distance {
+ type uint8 {
+ range "1..255";
+ }
+ description
+ "Administrative distance for routes learned from internal
+ BGP (iBGP).";
+ }
+ }
+ container confederation {
+ presence "Presence of this node indicates that the local AS
+ is part of a confederation";
+ description
+ "Configuration for a BGP confederation consisting of a
+ confed id and member sub-AS list";
+ leaf identifier {
+ type inet:as-number;
+ description
+ "Confederation identifier for the autonomous system";
+ }
+ leaf-list member-as {
+ type inet:as-number;
+ description
+ "Remote autonomous systems that are to be treated
+ as part of the local confederation.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping bgp-group-common-configuration {
+ description "Configuration items that are applied at the peer
+ group level";
+ // currently a placeholder in case we identify config that is
+ // really only applicable at the group level
+ }
+ grouping bgp-group-neighbor-common-configuration {
+ description "Configuration items that are applied at the peer
+ or peer group levels";
+ leaf auth-password {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "Configures an MD5 authentication password for use with
+ neighboring devices.";
+ }
+ leaf peer-type {
+ type peer-type;
+ description
+ "Explicitly designate the peer or peer group as internal
+ (iBGP) or external (eBGP).";
+ }
+ container timers {
+ description "Configuration of various BGP timers";
+ leaf connect-retry {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ default 30;
+ description
+ "Time interval in seconds between attempts to establish a
+ session with the peer.";
+ }
+ leaf hold-time {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ default 90;
+ description
+ "Time interval in seconds that a BGP session will be
+ considered active in the absence of keepalive or other
+ messages from the peer. The hold-time is typically
+ set to 3x the keepalive-interval.";
+ reference
+ "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4, Sec. 10";
+ }
+ leaf keepalive-interval {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ default 30;
+ description
+ "Time interval in seconds between transmission of keepalive
+ messages to the neighbor. Typically set to 1/3 the
+ hold-time.";
+ }
+ leaf minimum-advertisement-interval {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ default 30;
+ description
+ "Mininum time interval in seconds between transmission
+ of BGP updates to neighbors";
+ reference
+ "RFC 4271 - A Border Gateway Protocol 4, Sec 10";
+ }
+ leaf send-update-delay {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ description
+ "Time interval between routes changing in the routing
+ table and corresponding updates sent to neighbors --
+ serves to batch updates";
+ }
+ }
+ container ebgp-multihop {
+ description
+ "Configure multihop BGP for peers that are not directly
+ connected";
+ leaf multihop-ttl {
+ type uint8;
+ default 1;
+ description
+ "Time-to-live for multihop BGP sessions. The default
+ value of 1 is for directly connected peers (i.e.,
+ multihop disabled";
+ }
+ }
+ container route-reflector {
+ description
+ "Configure the local router as a route-reflector
+ server";
+ leaf route-reflector-cluster-id {
+ type rr-cluster-id-type;
+ description
+ "route-reflector cluster id to use when local router is
+ configured as a route reflector. Commonly set at the group
+ level, but allows a different cluster
+ id to be set for each neighbor.";
+ }
+ leaf route-reflector-client {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "Configure the neighbor as a route reflector client.";
+ }
+ }
+ leaf remove-private-as {
+ // could also make this a container with a flag to enable
+ // remove-private and separate option. here, option implies
+ // remove-private is enabled.
+ type remove-private-as-option;
+ description
+ "Remove private AS numbers from updates sent to peers.";
+ }
+ container bgp-logging-options {
+ description
+ "Configure various tracing/logging options for BGP peers
+ or groups. Expected that additional vendor-specific log
+ options would augment this container.";
+ leaf log-neighbor-state-changes {
+ type boolean;
+ default "true";
+ description
+ "Configure logging of peer state changes. Default is
+ to enable logging of peer state changes.";
+ }
+ }
+ container transport-options {
+ description
+ "Transport protocol options for BGP sessions";
+ leaf tcp-mss {
+ type uint16;
+ description
+ "Sets the max segment size for BGP TCP sessions.";
+ }
+ leaf mtu-discovery {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Turns path mtu discovery for BGP TCP sessions on (true)
+ or off (false)";
+ }
+ leaf passive-mode {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Wait for peers to issue requests to open a BGP session,
+ rather than initiating sessions from the local router.";
+ }
+ }
+ leaf local-address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ description
+ "Set the local IP (either IPv4 or IPv6) address to use for
+ the session when sending BGP update messages.";
+ }
+ leaf route-flap-damping {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "Enable route flap damping.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping bgp-neighbor-configuration {
+ description
+ "Neighbor-level configuration items";
+ list neighbor {
+ key "neighbor-address";
+ description
+ "List of BGP peers, uniquely identified by neighbor
+ address.";
+ leaf neighbor-address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ description
+ "Address of the BGP peer, either IPv4 or IPv6.";
+ }
+ leaf peer-as {
+ type inet:as-number;
+ mandatory "true";
+ description
+ "AS number of the peer.";
+ }
+ uses bgp-common-configuration;
+ uses bgp-mp:address-family-configuration;
+ uses bgp-group-neighbor-common-configuration;
+ uses bgp-op:bgp-op-neighbor-group;
+ }
+ }
+ container bgp {
+ description "Top-level configuration data for the BGP router";
+ container global {
+ description
+ "Top-level bgp protocol options applied at the global level
+ in the hierarchy -- these apply across peer-groups,
+ neighbors, and address families";
+ uses bgp-global-configuration;
+ // attach global level operational data
+ uses bgp-op:bgp-op-global-group;
+ }
+ // top level AF configuration
+ uses bgp-mp:address-family-configuration;
+ list peer-group {
+ key "group-name";
+ description
+ "List of peer-groups, uniquely identified by the peer group
+ name.";
+ leaf group-name {
+ type string;
+ description "Name of the peer group.";
+ }
+ uses bgp-op:bgp-op-peergroup-group;
+ uses bgp-common-configuration;
+ uses bgp-mp:address-family-configuration;
+ uses bgp-group-neighbor-common-configuration;
+ // list of configurations for neighbors in this peer group
+ uses bgp-neighbor-configuration;
+ }
+ // top level neighbor configuration
+ uses bgp-neighbor-configuration;
+ // hook for top-level policy definitions
+ uses bgp-pol:policy-definition-group;
+ }
+ } \ No newline at end of file