path: root/policy/policy_test.go
diff options
authorHiroshi Yokoi <>2015-05-19 19:41:40 +0900
committerHiroshi Yokoi <>2015-05-19 20:14:43 +0900
commitb549c670b1fa749bd047e649d77091221d348c47 (patch)
tree160935a939391fe719817f3e9eb94f2c202368c4 /policy/policy_test.go
parentf91a3a61b48fb7a3aad6aac492d487fb72b32a34 (diff)
policy: support community condition
Diffstat (limited to 'policy/policy_test.go')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/policy/policy_test.go b/policy/policy_test.go
index 3aa50763..8a0467bb 100644
--- a/policy/policy_test.go
+++ b/policy/policy_test.go
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import (
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
@@ -918,4 +920,246 @@ func TestAsPathConditionWithOtherCondition(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT, pType)
assert.Equal(t, nil, newPath)
+func TestConditionConditionEvaluate(t *testing.T) {
+ log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel)
+ strToCom := func(s string) uint32 {
+ elem := strings.Split(s, ":")
+ asn, _ := strconv.ParseUint(elem[0], 10, 16)
+ val, _ := strconv.ParseUint(elem[1], 10, 16)
+ return uint32(asn<<16 | val)
+ }
+ // setup
+ // create path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam1 := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001, 65000, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(1, []uint16{65001, 65010, 65004, 65005}),
+ }
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam1)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ communities := bgp.NewPathAttributeCommunities([]uint32{
+ strToCom("65001:100"),
+ strToCom("65001:200"),
+ strToCom("65001:300"),
+ strToCom("65001:400"),
+ 0x00000000,
+ 0xFFFFFF01,
+ 0xFFFFFF02,
+ 0xFFFFFF03})
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med, communities}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg1 := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ table.UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(updateMsg1.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate))
+ path1 := table.ProcessMessage(updateMsg1, peer)[0]
+ // create match condition
+ comSet1 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset1",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"65001:10", "65001:50", "65001:100"},
+ }
+ comSet2 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset2",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"65001:200"},
+ }
+ comSet3 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset3",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"4259905936"},
+ }
+ comSet4 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset4",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"^[0-9]*:300$"},
+ }
+ comSet5 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset5",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"INTERNET"},
+ }
+ comSet6 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset6",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"NO_EXPORT"},
+ }
+ comSet7 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset7",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"NO_ADVERTISE"},
+ }
+ comSet8 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset8",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED"},
+ }
+ comSetList := []config.CommunitySet{comSet1, comSet2, comSet3,
+ comSet4, comSet5, comSet6, comSet7, comSet8}
+ p1 := NewCommunityCondition("comset1", comSetList)
+ p2 := NewCommunityCondition("comset2", comSetList)
+ p3 := NewCommunityCondition("comset3", comSetList)
+ p4 := NewCommunityCondition("comset4", comSetList)
+ p5 := NewCommunityCondition("comset5", comSetList)
+ p6 := NewCommunityCondition("comset6", comSetList)
+ p7 := NewCommunityCondition("comset7", comSetList)
+ p8 := NewCommunityCondition("comset8", comSetList)
+ // test
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p1.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p2.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p3.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p4.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p5.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p6.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p7.evaluate(path1))
+ assert.Equal(t, true, p8.evaluate(path1))
+func TestConditionConditionEvaluateWithOtherCondition(t *testing.T) {
+ log.SetLevel(log.DebugLevel)
+ strToCom := func(s string) uint32 {
+ elem := strings.Split(s, ":")
+ asn, _ := strconv.ParseUint(elem[0], 10, 16)
+ val, _ := strconv.ParseUint(elem[1], 10, 16)
+ return uint32(asn<<16 | val)
+ }
+ // setup
+ // create path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001, 65000, 65004, 65004, 65005}),
+ bgp.NewAsPathParam(1, []uint16{65001, 65000, 65004, 65005}),
+ }
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ communities := bgp.NewPathAttributeCommunities([]uint32{
+ strToCom("65001:100"),
+ strToCom("65001:200"),
+ strToCom("65001:300"),
+ strToCom("65001:400"),
+ 0x00000000,
+ 0xFFFFFF01,
+ 0xFFFFFF02,
+ 0xFFFFFF03})
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med, communities}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ table.UpdatePathAttrs4ByteAs(updateMsg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate))
+ path := table.ProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)[0]
+ // create policy
+ asPathSet := config.AsPathSet{
+ AsPathSetName: "asset1",
+ AsPathSetMembers: []string{"65004$"},
+ }
+ comSet1 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset1",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"65001:10", "65001:50", "65001:100"},
+ }
+ comSet2 := config.CommunitySet{
+ CommunitySetName: "comset2",
+ CommunityMembers: []string{"65050:\\d+"},
+ }
+ prefixSet := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 16,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ neighborSet := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{prefixSet},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{neighborSet},
+ BgpDefinedSets: config.BgpDefinedSets{
+ AsPathSetList: []config.AsPathSet{asPathSet},
+ CommunitySetList: []config.CommunitySet{comSet1, comSet2},
+ },
+ }
+ s1 := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ BgpConditions: config.BgpConditions{
+ MatchAsPathSet: "asset1",
+ MatchCommunitySet: "comset1",
+ },
+ MatchSetOptions: config.MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_ANY,
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: false,
+ RejectRoute: true,
+ },
+ }
+ s2 := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ BgpConditions: config.BgpConditions{
+ MatchAsPathSet: "asset1",
+ MatchCommunitySet: "comset2",
+ },
+ MatchSetOptions: config.MATCH_SET_OPTIONS_TYPE_ANY,
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: false,
+ RejectRoute: true,
+ },
+ }
+ pd1 := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s1}}
+ pd2 := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd2", []config.Statement{s2}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{
+ DefinedSets: ds,
+ PolicyDefinitionList: []config.PolicyDefinition{pd1, pd2},
+ }
+ //test
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(t, true, match)
+ assert.Equal(t, ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT, pType)
+ assert.Equal(t, nil, newPath)
+ df = pl.DefinedSets
+ p = NewPolicy(pl.PolicyDefinitionList[1], df)
+ match, pType, newPath = p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(t, false, match)
+ assert.Equal(t, ROUTE_TYPE_NONE, pType)
+ assert.Equal(t, nil, newPath)
} \ No newline at end of file