diff options
authorISHIDA Wataru <>2015-08-22 17:44:35 +0900
committerISHIDA Wataru <>2015-08-22 17:48:57 +0900
commit316e795fbb4ff5deceeabcad31667078be0f2376 (patch)
parente0c7d1823a0ffa5661f7b2dd54810e0fd92f72fb (diff)
test: remove unused files
now all scenario_test uses scenario_test/lib. remove unused files. Signed-off-by: ISHIDA Wataru <>
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 1587 deletions
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ b/test/scenario_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 33572c8d..00000000
--- a/test/scenario_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-IPv4 = 'ipv4'
-IPv6 = 'ipv6'
-GOBGP_IP = ""
- IPv6: "2001::0:192:168:255:1"}
-GOBGP_ADDRESS_1 = {IPv4: "",
- IPv6: "2001::1:192:168:255:1"}
-GOBGP_ADDRESS_2 = {IPv4: "",
- IPv6: "2001::2:192:168:255:1"}
-GOBGP_CONFIG_FILE = "gobgpd.conf"
-CONFIG_DIR = "/tmp/gobgp"
-CONFIG_DIRR = "/tmp/gobgp/"
-SHARE_VOLUME = "/root/share_volume"
-CLI_CMD = "docker exec gobgp /go/bin/gobgp"
-EXABGP_CONFDIR = SHARE_VOLUME + "/exabgp_test_conf"
-EXABGP_LOG_FILE = "exabgpd.log"
-EXABGP_COMMON_CONF = "exabgp-gobgp-common.conf"
-IF_CONFIG_OPTION = {IPv4: "inet", IPv6: "inet6"}
-BRIDGE_0 = {"BRIDGE_NAME": "br0",
- IPv4: "",
- IPv6: "2001::0:192:168:255:2"}
-BRIDGE_1 = {"BRIDGE_NAME": "br1",
- IPv4: "",
- IPv6: "2001::1:192:168:255:2"}
-BRIDGE_2 = {"BRIDGE_NAME": "br2",
- IPv4: "",
- IPv6: "2001::2:192:168:255:2"}
-BASE_NET = {BRIDGE_0["BRIDGE_NAME"]: {IPv4: "10.0.0.", IPv6: "2001::0:192:168:0:"},
- BRIDGE_1["BRIDGE_NAME"]: {IPv4: "11.0.0.", IPv6: "2001::1:192:168:0:"},
- BRIDGE_2["BRIDGE_NAME"]: {IPv4: "12.0.0.", IPv6: "2001::2:192:168:0:"}}
-BASE_MASK = {IPv4: "/16", IPv6: "/64"}
-A_PART_OF_CURRENT_DIR = "/test/scenario_test"
-ADJ_RIB_IN = "adj-in"
-ADJ_RIB_OUT = "adj-out"
-LOCAL_RIB = "local"
-GLOBAL_RIB = "global rib"
-NEIGHBOR = "neighbor"
-POLICY = "policy"
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ b/test/scenario_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3232f566..00000000
--- a/test/scenario_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,566 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-from fabric.api import local
-import re
-import os
-import time
-from constant import *
-def test_user_check():
- root = False
- outbuf = local("echo $USER", capture=True)
- user = outbuf
- if user == "root":
- root = True
- return root
-def install_docker_and_tools():
- print "start install packages of test environment."
- if test_user_check() is False:
- print "you are not root"
- return
- local("apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys "
- "36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9", capture=True)
- local('sh -c "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"',
- capture=True)
- local("apt-get update", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes lxc-docker-1.3.2", capture=True)
- local("ln -sf /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/docker", capture=True)
- local("gpasswd -a `whoami` docker", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes emacs23-nox", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes wireshark", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes iputils-arping", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes bridge-utils", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes tcpdump", capture=True)
- local("apt-get install -y --force-yes lv", capture=True)
- local("wget -O /usr/local/bin/pipework",
- capture=True)
- local("chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/pipework", capture=True)
- local("docker pull osrg/quagga", capture=True)
- local("docker pull osrg/gobgp", capture=True)
- local("docker pull osrg/exabgp", capture=True)
-def docker_pkg_check():
- docker_exists = False
- outbuf = local("dpkg -l | grep docker | awk '{print $2}'", capture=True)
- dpkg_list = outbuf.split('\n')
- for dpkg in dpkg_list:
- if "lxc-docker" in dpkg:
- docker_exists = True
- return docker_exists
-def go_path_check():
- go_path_exist = False
- outbuf = local("echo `which go`", capture=True)
- if "go" in outbuf:
- go_path_exist = True
- return go_path_exist
-def docker_container_check():
- container_exists = False
- outbuf = local("docker ps -a", capture=True)
- docker_ps = outbuf.split('\n')
- for container in docker_ps:
- container_name = container.split()[-1]
- if (container_name == GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME) or \
- (container_name == EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME) or ("q" in container_name):
- container_exists = True
- return container_exists
-def bridge_setting_check():
- setting_exists = False
- for bridge in BRIDGES:
- sysfs_name = "/sys/class/net/" + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"]
- if os.path.exists(sysfs_name):
- setting_exists = True
- return setting_exists
- return setting_exists
-def docker_containers_get():
- containers = []
- cmd = "docker ps -a | awk '{print $NF}'"
- outbuf = local(cmd, capture=True)
- docker_ps = outbuf.split('\n')
- for container in docker_ps:
- if container != "NAMES":
- containers.append(container.split()[-1])
- return containers
-def docker_container_set_ipaddress(bridge, name, address):
- cmd = "pipework " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"] + " -i e" + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"]\
- + " " + name + " " + address
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_container_run_quagga(quagga_num, bridge):
- quagga_name = "q" + str(quagga_num)
- cmd = "docker run --privileged=true -v " + CONFIG_DIR + "/" + quagga_name +\
- ":/etc/quagga --name " + quagga_name + " -id osrg/quagga"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- quagga_address = BASE_NET[bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"]][IP_VERSION] + str(quagga_num) + BASE_MASK[IP_VERSION]
- docker_container_set_ipaddress(bridge, quagga_name, quagga_address)
- # restart the quagga after the docker container has become IP reachable
- cmd = 'docker kill --signal="HUP" ' + quagga_name
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_container_run_gobgp(bridge, image='osrg/gobgp'):
- cmd = "docker run --privileged=true -v " + CONFIG_DIR + ":" + SHARE_VOLUME + " -d --name "\
- + GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME + " -id " + image
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- docker_container_set_ipaddress(bridge, GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME, GOBGP_ADDRESS_0[IP_VERSION] + BASE_MASK[IP_VERSION])
-def docker_container_run_exabgp(bridge):
- pwd = local("pwd", capture=True)
- test_pattern_dir = pwd + "/exabgp_test_conf"
- cmd = "cp -r " + test_pattern_dir + " " + CONFIG_DIRR
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "docker run --privileged=true -v " + CONFIG_DIR + ":" + SHARE_VOLUME + " -d --name "\
- + EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME + " -id osrg/exabgp"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- docker_container_set_ipaddress(bridge, EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME, EXABGP_ADDRESS)
-def change_owner_to_root(target):
- cmd = "chown -R root:root " + target
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def create_config_dir():
- cmd = "mkdir " + CONFIG_DIR
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def recreate_conf_dir(dirname):
- cmd = "rm -rf " + dirname
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "mkdir " + dirname
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def make_startup_file(log_opt=""):
- file_buff = '#!/bin/bash' + '\n'
- file_buff += "cd /go/bin" + '\n'
- file_buff += "./gobgpd -f " + SHARE_VOLUME + "/gobgpd.conf " + log_opt + " > " + SHARE_VOLUME + "/gobgpd.log 2>&1 "
- cmd = "echo \"" + file_buff + "\" > " + CONFIG_DIR + "/" + STARTUP_FILE_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "chmod 755 " + CONFIG_DIRR + STARTUP_FILE_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def make_install_file():
- file_buff = '#!/bin/bash' + '\n'
- file_buff += 'rm -rf /go/src/' + '\n'
- file_buff += 'cp -r ' + SHARE_VOLUME + '/gobgp /go/src/' + '\n'
- file_buff += 'go get' + '\n'
- file_buff += 'go get' + '\n'
- cmd = "echo \"" + file_buff + "\" > " + CONFIG_DIR + "/" + INSTALL_FILE_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "chmod 755 " + CONFIG_DIRR + INSTALL_FILE_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_container_stop_quagga(quagga):
- if docker_check_running(quagga):
- cmd = "docker stop " + quagga
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "docker rm " + quagga
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "rm -rf " + CONFIG_DIRR + quagga
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_container_stop_gobgp(remove=True):
- if docker_check_running(GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME):
- cmd = "docker stop --time=0 " + GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- if remove:
- cmd = "docker rm " + GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_container_stop_exabgp():
- if docker_check_running(EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME):
- cmd = "docker stop --time=0 " + EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "docker rm " + EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_containers_destroy(gobgp_remove=True, confdir_remove=True):
- containers = docker_containers_get()
- for container in containers:
- if re.match(r'q[0-9][0-9]*', container) is not None:
- docker_container_stop_quagga(container)
- if container == GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME:
- docker_container_stop_gobgp(remove=gobgp_remove)
- if container == EXABGP_CONTAINER_NAME:
- docker_container_stop_exabgp()
- bridge_unsetting_for_docker_connection()
- if confdir_remove:
- cmd = "rm -rf " + CONFIG_DIRR
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def docker_check_running(cname):
- cmd = "docker ps | awk '{print $NF}'"
- outbuf = local(cmd, capture=True)
- docker_ps = outbuf.split('\n')
- if cname in docker_ps:
- return True
-def docker_container_quagga_append(quagga_num, bridge):
- print "start append docker container."
- docker_container_run_quagga(quagga_num, bridge)
-def docker_container_quagga_removed(quagga_num):
- print "start removed docker container."
- quagga = "q" + str(quagga_num)
- docker_container_stop_quagga(quagga)
- print "complete removed docker container."
-def bridge_setting_for_docker_connection(bridges):
- # bridge_unsetting_for_docker_connection()
- for bridge in bridges:
- cmd = "brctl addbr " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"]
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- if IP_VERSION == IPv6:
- cmd = "ifconfig " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"] + " " + IF_CONFIG_OPTION[IP_VERSION] +\
- " add " + bridge[IP_VERSION] + BASE_MASK[IP_VERSION]
- else:
- cmd = "ifconfig " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"] + " " + bridge[IP_VERSION]
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "ifconfig " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"] + " up"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def bridge_unsetting_for_docker_connection():
- for bridge in BRIDGES:
- sysfs_name = "/sys/class/net/" + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"]
- if os.path.exists(sysfs_name):
- cmd = "ifconfig " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"] + " down"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "brctl delbr " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"]
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def build_gobgp():
- cmd = "docker exec gobgp " + INSTALL_FILE
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def start_gobgp(build=False):
- if build:
- build_gobgp()
- cmd = "docker exec -d gobgp " + STARTUP_FILE
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def start_exabgp(conf_file):
- # run exabgp docker container
- docker_container_run_exabgp(BRIDGE_0)
- cmd = "docker exec exabgp cp -f " + SHARE_VOLUME + "/exabgp_test_conf/exabgp.env /root/exabgp/etc/exabgp/exabgp.env"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- conf_path = EXABGP_CONFDIR + "/" + conf_file
- cmd = "docker exec exabgp /root/exabgp/sbin/exabgp " + conf_path + " > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def stop_exabgp():
- docker_container_stop_exabgp()
- clean_log(log_path)
-def clean_log(file_path):
- cmd = ": > " + file_path
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def get_notification_from_exabgp_log():
- cmd = "grep notification " + log_path + " | head -1"
- err_mgs = local(cmd, capture=True)
- return err_mgs
-def make_config(quagga_num, go_path, bridge, peer_opts="", use_compiled=False, ipver=''):
- if go_path != "":
- print "specified go path is [ " + go_path + " ]."
- if os.path.isdir(go_path):
- go_path += "/"
- else:
- print "specified go path do not use."
- pwd = local("pwd", capture=True)
- tool = go_path + "go run " + pwd + "/quagga-rsconfig.go "
- if use_compiled:
- tool = pwd + "/quagga-rsconfig "
- # I want to avoid a global variable.
- ip_version = ipver if ipver else IP_VERSION
- cmd = tool + " -n " + str(quagga_num) +\
- " -c /tmp/gobgp -v " + ip_version + " -i " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"][-1] + " " + peer_opts
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def update_policy_config(go_path, neighbor, policy_name, target, isReplace=False, defaultReject=False):
- if go_path != "":
- print "specified go path is [ " + go_path + " ]."
- if os.path.isdir(go_path):
- go_path += "/"
- else:
- print "specified go path is not used."
- pwd = local("pwd", capture=True)
- replace = ' -r' if isReplace else ''
- reject = ' -j' if defaultReject else ''
- cmd = pwd + "/policy_generator -d /tmp/gobgp -n " + neighbor + " -t " + target + " -p " + policy_name + replace + reject
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- # reload_config()
-def make_config_append(quagga_num, go_path, bridge, peer_opts="", use_compiled=False, ipver=''):
- if go_path != "":
- print "specified go path is [ " + go_path + " ]."
- if os.path.isdir(go_path):
- go_path += "/"
- else:
- print "specified go path do not use."
- pwd = local("pwd", capture=True)
- ip_version = ipver if ipver else IP_VERSION
- tool = go_path + "go run " + pwd + "/quagga-rsconfig.go "
- if use_compiled:
- tool = pwd + "/quagga-rsconfig "
- cmd = tool + " -a " + str(quagga_num) +\
- " -c /tmp/gobgp -v " + ip_version + " -i " + bridge["BRIDGE_NAME"][-1] + " " + peer_opts
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def reload_config():
- cmd = "docker exec gobgp /usr/bin/pkill gobgpd -SIGHUP"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- print "gobgp config reloaded."
-def build_config_tools(go_path):
- if go_path != "":
- print "specified go path is [ " + go_path + " ]."
- if os.path.isdir(go_path):
- go_path += "/"
- else:
- print "the specified go path is not directory.."
- pwd = local("pwd", capture=True)
- cmd = go_path + "go build " + pwd + "/quagga-rsconfig.go"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = go_path + "go build " + pwd + "/policy/policy_generator.go"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
-def prepare_gobgp(log_debug, image='osrg/gobgp'):
- # cleanup gobgp container
- containers = docker_containers_get()
- if GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME in containers:
- docker_container_stop_gobgp(remove=True)
- recreate_conf_dir(CONFIG_DIRR)
- # set log option
- opt = "-l debug" if log_debug else ""
- do_build = False
- make_startup_file(log_opt=opt)
- change_owner_to_root(CONFIG_DIR)
- cmd = "docker run --privileged=true -v " + CONFIG_DIR + ":" + SHARE_VOLUME + " -d --name " \
- + GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME + " -id " + image
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- if do_build:
- build_gobgp()
-def init_test_env_executor(quagga_num, image, go_path, log_debug=False, is_route_server=True):
- print "start initialization of test environment."
- if docker_container_check() or bridge_setting_check():
- print "gobgp test environment already exists."
- print "so that remake gobgp test environment."
- docker_containers_destroy()
- print "make gobgp test environment."
- create_config_dir()
- bridge_setting_for_docker_connection(BRIDGES)
- make_config(quagga_num, go_path, BRIDGE_0, ("" if is_route_server else "--normal-bgp"))
- # run gobgp docker container
- docker_container_run_gobgp(BRIDGE_0, image)
- # set log option
- opt = "-l debug" if log_debug else ""
- do_build = False
- # execute local gobgp program in the docker container if the input option is local
- make_startup_file(log_opt=opt)
- change_owner_to_root(CONFIG_DIR)
- start_gobgp(build=do_build)
- # run quagga docker container
- for num in range(1, quagga_num + 1):
- docker_container_run_quagga(num, BRIDGE_0)
- print "complete initialization of test environment."
-def init_policy_test_env_executor(quagga_num, use_ipv6=False, use_exabgp=False):
- print "start initialization of test environment."
- global IP_VERSION
- IP_VERSION = IPv6 if use_ipv6 else IPv4
- bridge_setting_for_docker_connection(BRIDGES)
- cmd = "docker start %s" % GOBGP_CONTAINER_NAME
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- if use_exabgp:
- # run exabgp
- start_exabgp(EXABGP_COMMON_CONF)
- start_gobgp()
- # run quagga docker container
- for num in range(1, quagga_num + 1):
- docker_container_run_quagga(num, BRIDGE_0)
- print "complete initialization of test environment."
-def init_ipv6_test_env_executor(quagga_num, image, go_path, log_debug=False):
- print "start initialization of test environment."
- if docker_container_check() or bridge_setting_check():
- print "gobgp test environment already exists."
- print "so that remake gobgp test environment."
- docker_containers_destroy()
- print "make gobgp test environment."
- create_config_dir()
- bridge_setting_for_docker_connection([BRIDGE_0])
- make_config(quagga_num, go_path, BRIDGE_0)
- # run gobgp docker container
- docker_container_run_gobgp(BRIDGE_0, image)
- # set log option
- opt = "-l debug" if log_debug else ""
- do_build = False
- make_startup_file(log_opt=opt)
- change_owner_to_root(CONFIG_DIR)
- start_gobgp(do_build)
- # run quagga docker container
- for num in range(1, quagga_num + 1):
- docker_container_run_quagga(num, BRIDGE_0)
- print "complete initialization of test environment."
-def init_malformed_test_env_executor(image, go_path, exabgp_path, log_debug=False):
- print "start initialization of exabgp test environment."
- if docker_container_check() or bridge_setting_check():
- print "gobgp test environment already exists."
- print "so that remake gobgp test environment."
- docker_containers_destroy()
- print "make gobgp test environment."
- peer_opts = "--none-peer"
- create_config_dir()
- bridge_setting_for_docker_connection(BRIDGES)
- make_config(1, go_path, BRIDGE_0)
- make_config_append(100, go_path, BRIDGE_0, peer_opts)
- # run gobgp docker container
- docker_container_run_gobgp(BRIDGE_0, image)
- # set log option
- opt = "-l debug" if log_debug else ""
- do_build = False
- make_startup_file(log_opt=opt)
- change_owner_to_root(CONFIG_DIR)
- if exabgp_path != "":
- cmd = "cp -rf %s %s" % (exabgp_path, CONFIG_DIR)
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- cmd = "docker exec exabgp cp -rf " + SHARE_VOLUME + "/exabgp /root/"
- local(cmd, capture=True)
- start_gobgp(do_build)
- # run quagga docker container
- docker_container_run_quagga(1, BRIDGE_0)
-def docker_container_quagga_append_executor(quagga_num, go_path, is_route_server=True):
- make_config_append(quagga_num, go_path, BRIDGE_0, ("" if is_route_server else "--normal-bgp"))
- docker_container_quagga_append(quagga_num, BRIDGE_0)
- reload_config()
-def docker_container_ipv6_quagga_append_executor(quagga_nums, go_path):
- print "append ipv6 quagga container."
- global IP_VERSION
- bridge_setting_for_docker_connection([BRIDGE_1])
- for quagga_num in quagga_nums:
- make_config_append(quagga_num, go_path, BRIDGE_1)
- docker_container_quagga_append(quagga_num, BRIDGE_1)
- reload_config()
-def docker_container_quagga_removed_executor(quagga_num):
- docker_container_quagga_removed(quagga_num)
-def docker_container_make_bestpath_env_executor(append_quagga_num, go_path, is_route_server=True):
- print "start make bestpath environment"
- make_config_append(append_quagga_num, go_path, BRIDGE_1, ("" if is_route_server else "--normal-bgp"))
- append_quagga_name = "q" + str(append_quagga_num)
- docker_container_quagga_append(append_quagga_num, BRIDGE_1)
- reload_config()
- docker_container_set_ipaddress(BRIDGE_1, "q2", "")
- docker_container_set_ipaddress(BRIDGE_2, append_quagga_name, "")
- docker_container_set_ipaddress(BRIDGE_2, "q3", "")
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ b/test/scenario_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a94c7d..00000000
--- a/test/scenario_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import unittest
-from fabric.api import local
-import json
-import toml
-import os
-import time
-from ciscoconfparse import CiscoConfParse
-from peer_info import Peer
-from peer_info import Destination
-from peer_info import Path
-from constant import *
-import quagga_access as qaccess
-class GoBGPTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
- gobgp_ip = GOBGP_IP
- gobgp_ipv6 = GOBGP_ADDRESS_0[IPv6]
- base_dir = CONFIG_DIRR
- gobgp_config_file = CONFIG_DIRR + "gobgpd.conf"
- gobgp_config = None
- initial_wait_time = 10
- wait_per_retry = 5
- retry_limit = (60 - initial_wait_time) / wait_per_retry
- dest_check_limit = 3
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- super(GoBGPTestBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def setUp(self):
- self.quagga_configs = []
- self.use_ipv6_gobgp = False
- def get_neighbor_state(self, neighbor_address):
- print "check neighbor state for %s" % (neighbor_address)
- state = None
- try:
- neighbor = self.ask_gobgp(NEIGHBOR, neighbor_address)
- state = neighbor['info']['bgp_state']
- remote_ip = neighbor['conf']['remote_ip']
- assert remote_ip == neighbor_address
- return state
- except Exception as e:
- print e
- return state
- def retry_routine_for_state(self, addresses, allow_state):
- in_prepare_quagga = True
- retry_count = 0
- while in_prepare_quagga:
- if retry_count != 0:
- print "please wait more (" + str(self.wait_per_retry) + " second)"
- time.sleep(self.wait_per_retry)
- if retry_count >= self.retry_limit:
- print "retry limit"
- break
- retry_count += 1
- success_count = 0
- for address in addresses:
- # get neighbor state and remote ip from gobgp connections
- state = self.get_neighbor_state(address)
- if state == allow_state:
- success_count += 1
- if success_count == len(addresses):
- in_prepare_quagga = False
- def retry_routine_for_bestpath(self, check_address, target_network, ans_nexthop):
- # get rib
- if check_address == "":
- rib = self.ask_gobgp(GLOBAL_RIB)
- else:
- rib = self.ask_gobgp(LOCAL_RIB, check_address)
- target_exist = False
- for g_dest in rib:
- best_path_idx = g_dest['best_path_idx'] if 'best_path_idx' in g_dest else 0
- if target_network == g_dest['prefix']:
- target_exist = True
- g_paths = g_dest['paths']
- idx = 0
- if len(g_paths) < 2:
- print "target path has not been bestpath selected yet."
- print "please wait more (" + str(self.wait_per_retry) + " second)"
- time.sleep(self.wait_per_retry)
- self.retry_routine_for_bestpath(check_address, target_network, ans_nexthop)
- return
- for g_path in g_paths:
- print "best_path_Idx: " + str(best_path_idx) + ", idx: " + str(idx)
- print g_dest
- print "pre: ", g_dest['prefix'], "net: ", g_path['nlri']['prefix'], "next: ", g_path['nexthop']
- if str(best_path_idx) == str(idx):
- rep_nexthop = g_path['nexthop']
- idx += 1
- if target_exist is False:
- print "target path has not been receive yet."
- print "please wait more (" + str(self.wait_per_retry) + " second)"
- time.sleep(self.wait_per_retry)
- self.retry_routine_for_bestpath(check_address, target_network, ans_nexthop)
- return
- self.assertEqual(ans_nexthop, rep_nexthop)
- def extract_bgp_section(self):
- with open(self.gobgp_config_file) as f:
- dst = ''
- for line in f:
- if 'DefinedSets' in line:
- break
- dst += line
- return dst.encode('utf8')
- def load_gobgp_config(self):
- try:
- t = self.extract_bgp_section()
- self.gobgp_config = toml.loads(t)
- except IOError, (errno, strerror):
- print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
- # load configration from quagga(bgpd.conf)
- def load_quagga_config(self):
- dirs = []
- try:
- content = os.listdir(self.base_dir)
- for item in content:
- if "q" != item[0]:
- continue
- if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.base_dir, item)):
- dirs.append(item)
- except OSError, (errno, strerror):
- print "I/O error(%s): %s" % (errno, strerror)
- for dir in dirs:
- config_path = self.base_dir + dir + "/bgpd.conf"
- config = CiscoConfParse(config_path)
- peer_ip = config.find_objects(r"^!\smy\saddress")[0].text.split(" ")[3]
- peer_ip_version = config.find_objects(r"^!\smy\sip_version")[0].text.split(" ")[3]
- peer_id = config.find_objects(r"^bgp\srouter-id")[0].text.split(" ")[2]
- peer_as = config.find_objects(r"^router\sbgp")[0].text.split(" ")[2]
- quagga_config = Peer(peer_ip, peer_id, peer_as, peer_ip_version)
- networks = config.find_objects(r"^network")
- if len(networks) == 0:
- continue
- for network in networks:
- elems = network.text.split(" ")
- network = elems[1]
- nexthop = peer_ip
- path = Path(network, nexthop)
- dest = Destination(network)
- dest.paths.append(path)
- quagga_config.destinations[network] = dest
- # print "prefix: " + prefix
- # print "network: " + network
- # print "nexthop: " + nexthop
- neighbors = config.find_objects(r"^neighbor\s.*\sremote-as")
- if len(neighbors) == 0:
- continue
- for neighbor in neighbors:
- elems = neighbor.text.split(" ")
- neighbor = Peer(elems[1], None, elems[3], None)
- quagga_config.neighbors.append(neighbor)
- self.quagga_configs.append(quagga_config)
- # get address of each neighbor from gobpg configration
- def get_neighbor_address(self, config):
- address = []
- neighbors_config = config['Neighbors']['NeighborList']
- for neighbor_config in neighbors_config:
- neighbor_ip = neighbor_config['NeighborConfig']['NeighborAddress']
- address.append(neighbor_ip)
- return address
- def check_load_config(self):
- self.load_gobgp_config()
- self.load_quagga_config()
- if self.gobgp_config is None:
- print "Failed to read the gobgp configuration file"
- return False
- if len(self.quagga_configs) == 0:
- print "Failed to read the quagga configuration file"
- return False
- return True
- def ask_gobgp(self, what, who="", af="ipv4"):
- af = "-a %s" % af
- cmd = "%s -j " % CLI_CMD
- if what == GLOBAL_RIB:
- cmd += " ".join([what, af])
- elif what == NEIGHBOR:
- cmd += " ".join([NEIGHBOR, who])
- else:
- cmd += " ".join([NEIGHBOR, who, what, af])
- j = local(cmd, capture=True)
- result = json.loads(j)
- return result
- def soft_reset(self, neighbor_address, af, type="in"):
- cmd = "%s -j " % CLI_CMD
- cmd += "neighbor %s " % neighbor_address
- cmd += "softreset%s -a %s" % (type, af)
- local(cmd)
- def set_policy(self, peer, target, policy_name, default_accept=True):
- default_policy = "ACCEPT" if default_accept else "REJECT"
- cmd = "%s " % CLI_CMD
- cmd += NEIGHBOR + " %s " % peer
- cmd += POLICY + " add %s %s %s" % (target, policy_name, default_policy)
- local(cmd)
- def get_paths_in_localrib(self, neighbor_address, target_prefix, af="ipv4", retry=3, interval=5):
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- local_rib = self.ask_gobgp(LOCAL_RIB, neighbor_address, af)
- g_dest = [dest for dest in local_rib if dest['prefix'] == target_prefix]
- if len(g_dest) > 0:
- assert len(g_dest) == 1
- d = g_dest[0]
- return d['paths'][0]
- else:
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > retry:
- break
- else:
- print "destination is none : %s" % neighbor_address
- print "please wait more (" + str(interval) + " second)"
- time.sleep(interval)
- print "destination is none"
- return None
- def get_adj_rib_in(self, neighbor_address, target_prefix, retry=3, interval=-1, af=IPv4):
- if interval < 0:
- interval = self.wait_per_retry
- return self.get_adj_rib(neighbor_address, target_prefix, af, retry, interval, type=ADJ_RIB_IN)
- def get_adj_rib_out(self, neighbor_address, target_prefix, retry=3, interval=-1, af=IPv4):
- if interval < 0:
- interval = self.wait_per_retry
- return self.get_adj_rib(neighbor_address, target_prefix, af, retry, interval, type=ADJ_RIB_OUT)
- def get_adj_rib(self, neighbor_address, target_prefix, af, retry, interval, type=ADJ_RIB_IN):
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- rib = self.ask_gobgp(type, neighbor_address, af)
- paths = [p for p in rib if p['prefix'] == target_prefix]
- if len(paths) > 0:
- assert len(paths) == 1
- assert len(paths[0]['paths']) == 1
- return paths[0]['paths'][0]
- else:
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > retry:
- break
- else:
- print "adj_rib_%s is none" % type
- print "wait (" + str(interval) + " seconds)"
- time.sleep(interval)
- print "adj_rib_%s is none" % type
- return None
- # quagga login check
- def try_login_quagga(self, peer, retry=3, interval=1):
- print "try login to quagga : %s" % peer
- if interval < 0:
- interval = self.wait_per_retry
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- try:
- tn = qaccess.login(peer)
- return tn
- except:
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > retry:
- break
- print "failed to login to %s" % peer
- print "wait (" + str(interval) + " seconds)"
- time.sleep(interval)
- return None
- # get route information on quagga
- def get_route(self, neighbor_address, target_prefix, retry=3, interval=-1, af=IPv4):
- if interval < 0:
- interval = self.wait_per_retry
- print "check route %s on quagga : %s" % (target_prefix, neighbor_address)
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- tn = qaccess.login(neighbor_address)
- q_rib = qaccess.lookup_prefix(tn, target_prefix, af)
- qaccess.logout(tn)
- for q_path in q_rib:
- if target_prefix == q_path['Network']:
- return q_path
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > retry:
- break
- else:
- print "target_prefix %s is none" % target_prefix
- print "wait (" + str(interval) + " seconds)"
- time.sleep(interval)
- print "route : %s is none" % target_prefix
- return None
- # get route information on quagga
- def check_community(self, neighbor_address, target_addr, community, retry=3, interval=-1, af=IPv4, extended=False):
- if interval < 0:
- interval = self.wait_per_retry
- print "check route %s on quagga : %s" % (target_addr, neighbor_address)
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- tn = qaccess.login(neighbor_address)
- result = False
- if extended:
- result = qaccess.check_ext_community(tn, target_addr, community, af)
- else:
- result = qaccess.check_community(tn, target_addr, community, af)
- qaccess.logout(tn)
- if result:
- return True
- else:
- print "target path %s with community %s is none" % (target_addr, community)
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > retry:
- break
- else:
- print "wait (" + str(interval) + " seconds)"
- time.sleep(interval)
- return False
- # get route information on quagga
- def check_med(self, neighbor_address, target_addr, med, retry=3, interval=-1, af=IPv4):
- if interval < 0:
- interval = self.wait_per_retry
- print "check route %s on quagga : %s" % (target_addr, neighbor_address)
- retry_count = 0
- while True:
- tn = qaccess.login(neighbor_address)
- result = qaccess.check_med(tn, target_addr, med, af)
- qaccess.logout(tn)
- if result:
- return True
- else:
- print "target path %s with med %s is none" % (target_addr, med)
- retry_count += 1
- if retry_count > retry:
- break
- else:
- print "wait (" + str(interval) + " seconds)"
- time.sleep(interval)
- return False
- def compare_rib_with_quagga_configs(self, rib_owner_addr, local_rib):
- for quagga_config in self.quagga_configs:
- if quagga_config.peer_ip == rib_owner_addr:
- # check local_rib doesn't contain own destinations.
- for destination in quagga_config.destinations.itervalues():
- for rib_destination in local_rib:
- if destination.prefix == rib_destination['prefix']:
- return False
- else:
- # check local_rib contains destinations that other quaggas
- # advertised.
- for destination in quagga_config.destinations.itervalues():
- found = False
- for rib_destination in local_rib:
- if destination.prefix == rib_destination['prefix']:
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- return False
- return True
- def compare_route_with_quagga_configs(self, address, quagga_rib, route_server=True):
- for quagga_config in self.quagga_configs:
- for destination in quagga_config.destinations.itervalues():
- for path in destination.paths:
- network ="/")[0]
- if quagga_config.peer_ip == address:
- nexthop = ""
- else:
- if route_server:
- nexthop = path.nexthop
- else:
- nexthop = self.gobgp_ip
- found = False
- for quagga_path in quagga_rib:
- if network == quagga_path['Network'] and nexthop == quagga_path['Next Hop']:
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- return False
- return True
- def compare_global_rib_with_quagga_configs(self, rib):
- for quagga_config in self.quagga_configs:
- peer_ip = quagga_config.peer_ip
- for d in quagga_config.destinations.itervalues():
- for p in d.paths:
- print "check of %s's route %s existence in gobgp global rib" % (
- peer_ip,
- exist = False
- for dst in rib:
- for path in dst['paths']:
- if path['nlri']['prefix'] ==
- exist = True
- if exist:
- is_nexthop_same = path['nexthop'] == p.nexthop
- if not is_nexthop_same:
- return False
- if not exist:
- return False
- return True
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ b/test/scenario_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a965f7b..00000000
--- a/test/scenario_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-class Peer:
- def __init__(self, peer_ip, peer_id, peer_as, ip_version):
- self.peer_ip = peer_ip
- self.peer_id = peer_id
- self.peer_as = peer_as
- self.ip_version = ip_version
- self.neighbors = []
- self.destinations = {}
-class Destination:
- def __init__(self, prefix):
- self.prefix = prefix
- self.paths = []
-class Path:
- def __init__(self, network, nexthop):
- = network
- self.nexthop = nexthop
- self.origin = None
- self.as_path = []
- self.metric = None
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/quagga-rsconfig.go b/test/scenario_test/quagga-rsconfig.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 60ae9fd0..00000000
--- a/test/scenario_test/quagga-rsconfig.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- "io/ioutil"
- "log"
- "net"
- "os"
- "path/filepath"
-var serverAddress = make(map[string]string)
-var baseNeighborAddress = make(map[string]string)
-var baseNeighborNetwork = make(map[string]string)
-var baseNeighborNetMask = make(map[string]string)
-const (
- IPv4 = "ipv4"
- IPv6 = "ipv6"
-type QuaggaConfig struct {
- id int
- config *config.Neighbor
- gobgpConfig *config.Global
- serverIP net.IP
-func NewQuaggaConfig(id int, gConfig *config.Global, myConfig *config.Neighbor, server net.IP) *QuaggaConfig {
- return &QuaggaConfig{
- id: id,
- config: myConfig,
- gobgpConfig: gConfig,
- serverIP: server,
- }
-func (qt *QuaggaConfig) IPv4Config() *bytes.Buffer {
- buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("! my address %s\n", qt.config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("! my ip_version %s\n", IPv4))
- buf.WriteString("hostname bgpd\n")
- buf.WriteString("password zebra\n")
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("router bgp %d\n", qt.config.NeighborConfig.PeerAs))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("bgp router-id 192.168.0.%d\n",
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("network %s%d%s\n", baseNeighborNetwork[IPv4],, baseNeighborNetMask[IPv4]))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("neighbor %s remote-as %d\n", qt.serverIP, qt.gobgpConfig.GlobalConfig.As))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("neighbor %s password %s\n", qt.serverIP, qt.config.NeighborConfig.AuthPassword))
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp as4\n")
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp fsm\n")
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp updates\n")
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp events\n")
- buf.WriteString("log file /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log\n")
- return buf
-func (qt *QuaggaConfig) IPv6Config() *bytes.Buffer {
- buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("! my address %s\n", qt.config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("! my ip_version %s\n", IPv6))
- buf.WriteString("hostname bgpd\n")
- buf.WriteString("password zebra\n")
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("router bgp %d\n", qt.config.NeighborConfig.PeerAs))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("bgp router-id 192.168.0.%d\n",
- buf.WriteString("no bgp default ipv4-unicast\n")
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("neighbor %s remote-as %d\n", qt.serverIP, qt.gobgpConfig.GlobalConfig.As))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("neighbor %s password %s\n", qt.serverIP, qt.config.NeighborConfig.AuthPassword))
- buf.WriteString("address-family ipv6\n")
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("network %s%d%s\n", baseNeighborNetwork[IPv6],, baseNeighborNetMask[IPv6]))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("neighbor %s activate\n", qt.serverIP))
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("neighbor %s route-map IPV6-OUT out\n", qt.serverIP))
- buf.WriteString("exit-address-family\n")
- buf.WriteString("ipv6 prefix-list pl-ipv6 seq 10 permit any\n")
- buf.WriteString("route-map IPV6-OUT permit 10\n")
- buf.WriteString("match ipv6 address prefix-list pl-ipv6\n")
- buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("set ipv6 next-hop global %s\n", qt.config.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress))
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp as4\n")
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp fsm\n")
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp updates\n")
- buf.WriteString("debug bgp events\n")
- buf.WriteString("log file /var/log/quagga/bgpd.log\n")
- return buf
-func create_config_files(nr int, outputDir string, IPVersion string, nonePeer bool, normalBGP bool) {
- quaggaConfigList := make([]*QuaggaConfig, 0)
- gobgpConf := config.Bgp{}
- gobgpConf.Global.GlobalConfig.As = 65000
- gobgpConf.Global.GlobalConfig.RouterId = net.ParseIP("")
- for i := 1; i < nr+1; i++ {
- c := config.Neighbor{}
- c.NeighborConfig.PeerAs = 65000 + uint32(i)
- c.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress = net.ParseIP(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", baseNeighborAddress[IPVersion], i))
- c.NeighborConfig.AuthPassword = fmt.Sprintf("hoge%d", i)
- c.Transport.TransportConfig.PassiveMode = true
- c.RouteServer.RouteServerConfig.RouteServerClient = !normalBGP
- timers := config.Timers{}
- timers.TimersConfig.HoldTime = 30
- timers.TimersConfig.KeepaliveInterval = 10
- timers.TimersConfig.IdleHoldTimeAfterReset = 10
- c.Timers = timers
- c.NeighborConfig.PeerType = config.PEER_TYPE_EXTERNAL
- gobgpConf.Neighbors.NeighborList = append(gobgpConf.Neighbors.NeighborList, c)
- if !nonePeer {
- q := NewQuaggaConfig(i, &gobgpConf.Global, &c, net.ParseIP(serverAddress[IPVersion]))
- quaggaConfigList = append(quaggaConfigList, q)
- os.Mkdir(fmt.Sprintf("%s/q%d", outputDir, i), 0755)
- var err error
- if IPVersion == IPv6 {
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/q%d/bgpd.conf", outputDir, i), q.IPv6Config().Bytes(), 0644)
- } else {
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/q%d/bgpd.conf", outputDir, i), q.IPv4Config().Bytes(), 0644)
- }
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
- }
- var buffer bytes.Buffer
- encoder := toml.NewEncoder(&buffer)
- encoder.Encode(gobgpConf)
- err := ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/gobgpd.conf", outputDir), buffer.Bytes(), 0644)
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
-func append_config_files(ar int, outputDir string, IPVersion string, noQuagga bool, normalBGP bool) {
- gobgpConf := config.Bgp{}
- gobgpConf.Global.GlobalConfig.As = 65000
- gobgpConf.Global.GlobalConfig.RouterId = net.ParseIP("")
- c := config.Neighbor{}
- c.NeighborConfig.PeerAs = 65000 + uint32(ar)
- c.NeighborConfig.NeighborAddress = net.ParseIP(fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", baseNeighborAddress[IPVersion], ar))
- c.NeighborConfig.AuthPassword = fmt.Sprintf("hoge%d", ar)
- c.RouteServer.RouteServerConfig.RouteServerClient = !normalBGP
- c.Transport.TransportConfig.PassiveMode = true
- timers := config.Timers{}
- timers.TimersConfig.HoldTime = 30
- timers.TimersConfig.KeepaliveInterval = 10
- timers.TimersConfig.IdleHoldTimeAfterReset = 10
- c.Timers = timers
- c.NeighborConfig.PeerType = config.PEER_TYPE_EXTERNAL
- if !noQuagga {
- q := NewQuaggaConfig(ar, &gobgpConf.Global, &c, net.ParseIP(serverAddress[IPVersion]))
- os.Mkdir(fmt.Sprintf("%s/q%d", outputDir, ar), 0755)
- var err error
- if IPVersion == IPv6 {
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/q%d/bgpd.conf", outputDir, ar), q.IPv6Config().Bytes(), 0644)
- } else {
- err = ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/q%d/bgpd.conf", outputDir, ar), q.IPv4Config().Bytes(), 0644)
- }
- if err != nil {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
- newConf := config.Bgp{}
- _, d_err := toml.DecodeFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/gobgpd.conf", outputDir), &newConf)
- if d_err != nil {
- log.Fatal(d_err)
- }
- newConf.Neighbors.NeighborList = append(newConf.Neighbors.NeighborList, c)
- var buffer bytes.Buffer
- encoder := toml.NewEncoder(&buffer)
- encoder.Encode(newConf)
- policyConf := &config.RoutingPolicy{}
- _, p_err := toml.DecodeFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/gobgpd.conf", outputDir), policyConf)
- if p_err != nil {
- log.Fatal(p_err)
- }
- if policyConf != nil && len(policyConf.PolicyDefinitions.PolicyDefinitionList) != 0 {
- encoder.Encode(policyConf)
- }
- e_err := ioutil.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s/gobgpd.conf", outputDir), buffer.Bytes(), 0644)
- if e_err != nil {
- log.Fatal(e_err)
- }
-func main() {
- var opts struct {
- ClientNumber int `short:"n" long:"client-number" description:"specfying the number of clients" default:"8"`
- OutputDir string `short:"c" long:"output" description:"specifing the output directory"`
- AppendClient int `short:"a" long:"append" description:"specifing the add client number" default:"0"`
- IPVersion string `short:"v" long:"ip-version" description:"specifing the use ip version" default:"IPv4"`
- NetIdentifier int `short:"i" long:"net-identifer" description:"specifing the use network identifier" default:"0"`
- NonePeer bool `long:"none-peer" description:"disable make quagga config"`
- NormalBGP bool `long:"normal-bgp" description:"generate normal bgp server configuration"`
- }
- parser := flags.NewParser(&opts, flags.Default)
- _, err := parser.Parse()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- if opts.OutputDir == "" {
- opts.OutputDir, _ = filepath.Abs(".")
- } else {
- if _, err := os.Stat(opts.OutputDir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- os.Mkdir(opts.OutputDir, 0755)
- }
- }
- if opts.IPVersion == IPv6 {
- serverAddress[IPv6] = fmt.Sprintf("2001::%d:192:168:255:1", opts.NetIdentifier)
- baseNeighborAddress[IPv6] = fmt.Sprintf("2001::%d:192:168:0:", opts.NetIdentifier)
- baseNeighborNetwork[IPv6] = "2001:0:10:"
- baseNeighborNetMask[IPv6] = "::/64"
- } else {
- opts.IPVersion = IPv4
- serverAddress[IPv4] = fmt.Sprintf("1%d.0.255.1", opts.NetIdentifier)
- baseNeighborAddress[IPv4] = fmt.Sprintf("1%d.0.0.", opts.NetIdentifier)
- baseNeighborNetwork[IPv4] = "192.168."
- baseNeighborNetMask[IPv4] = ".0/24"
- }
- isCreateMode := opts.AppendClient == 0
- if isCreateMode {
- create_config_files(opts.ClientNumber, opts.OutputDir, opts.IPVersion, opts.NonePeer, opts.NormalBGP)
- } else {
- if _, err := os.Stat(fmt.Sprintf("%s/gobgpd.conf", opts.OutputDir)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
- log.Fatal(err)
- }
- append_config_files(opts.AppendClient, opts.OutputDir, opts.IPVersion, opts.NonePeer, opts.NormalBGP)
- }
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ b/test/scenario_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51008b02..00000000
--- a/test/scenario_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# implied.
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import sys
-import telnetlib
-from constant import *
-PASSWORD = "zebra"
-CONN_PASSWORD = "hogehoge"
-QLPORT = 2605
-def login(host):
- tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, QLPORT)
- tn.read_until("Password: ")
- tn.write(PASSWORD + "\n")
- tn.write("enable\n")
- tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- return tn
-def logout(tn):
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.read_all()
-def add_neighbor(tn, as_number, neighbor_address, remote_as):
- tn.write("configure terminal\n")
- tn.write("router bgp "+str(as_number)+"\n")
- tn.write("neighbor " + neighbor_address + " remote-as " + remote_as + "\n")
- tn.write("neighbor " + neighbor_address + " password " + CONN_PASSWORD + "\n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.read_until("bgpd#")
-def add_neighbor_metric(tn, as_number, neighbor_address, metric):
- tn.write("configure terminal\n")
- tn.write("router bgp "+str(as_number)+"\n")
- tn.write("neighbor " + neighbor_address + " route-map MED" + metric + " out\n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.read_until("bgpd#")
-def add_network(tn, as_number, network, use_ipv6=False):
- tn.write("configure terminal\n")
- tn.write("router bgp "+str(as_number)+"\n")
- if use_ipv6:
- tn.write("address-family ipv6\n")
- tn.write("network "+ network + " \n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- else:
- tn.write("network "+ network + " \n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.read_until("bgpd#")
-def add_metric(tn, metric, network):
- tn.write("configure terminal\n")
- tn.write("access-list 1 permit " + network + "\n")
- tn.write("route-map MED" + metric + " permit 10\n")
- tn.write("match ip address 1\n")
- tn.write("set metric " + metric + "\n")
- tn.write("route-map MED" + metric + " permit 10\n")
- tn.write("set metric\n")
- tn.read_until("bgpd(config-route-map)#")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- return tn
-def show_config(tn):
- tn.write("show run\n")
- print tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- tn.write("exit\n")
- print tn.read_all()
-def show_rib(tn, af=IPv4):
- if af == IPv4:
- tn.write("show ip bgp\n")
- elif af == IPv6:
- tn.write("show bgp ipv6\n")
- else:
- print "invalid af: ", af
- return
- tn.read_until(" Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path")
- rib = tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- return rib_parser(rib)
-def clear_ip_bgp(tn):
- tn.write("clear ip bgp *\n")
- tn.read_until("bgpd#")
-def rib_parser(rib):
- lines = rib.split("\n")
- paths = []
- for line in lines:
- path = {}
- if line[0] == "*":
- elems = line.split()
- path['Network'] = elems[1]
- path['Next Hop'] = elems[2]
- if len(path) > 0:
- paths.append(path)
- return paths
-def lookup_prefix(tn, prefix, af):
- if af == IPv4:
- tn.write("show ip bgp " + prefix + "\n")
- elif af == IPv6:
- tn.write("show bgp ipv6 " + prefix + "\n")
- else:
- print "invalid af: ", af
- return
- info = tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- lines = info.split("\n")
- paths = []
- if len(lines) > 1 and "BGP routing table entry for " + prefix in lines[1]:
- idx_nw = -1
- nexthop = ''
- # check if the prefix is originated route by its own or not.
- for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
- if "from" in line:
- nexthop = line.split()[0]
- idx_nw = idx
- if nexthop == "":
- return paths
- path = {}
- path['aspath'] = lines[idx_nw - 1].strip().split(" ")
- path['Network'] = prefix
- path['Next Hop'] = nexthop
- paths.append(path)
- return paths
-def check_community(tn, addr, community, af=IPv4):
- if af == IPv4:
- tn.write("show ip bgp community " + community + "\n")
- elif af == IPv6:
- tn.write("show bgp ipv6 community " + community + "\n")
- else:
- print "invalid af: ", af
- return
- result = tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- for line in result.split("\n"):
- if addr in line:
- return True
- return False
-def check_ext_community(tn, addr, community, af=IPv4):
- if af == IPv4:
- tn.write("show ip bgp " + addr + "\n")
- elif af == IPv6:
- tn.write("show bgp ipv6 " + addr + "\n")
- else:
- print "invalid af: ", af
- return
- result = tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- for line in result.split("\n"):
- if "Extended Community:" in line:
- extcomms = line.split()[2:]
- for e in extcomms:
- if community == e:
- return True
- return False
-def check_med(tn, addr, med, af=IPv4):
- if af == IPv4:
- tn.write("show ip bgp " + addr[0] + "\n")
- elif af == IPv6:
- tn.write("show bgp ipv6 " + addr[0] + "\n")
- else:
- print "invalid af: ", af
- return
- result = tn.read_until("bgpd#")
- for line in result.split("\n"):
- if "metric" in line:
- if str(med) in line.split()[3]:
- return True
- return False