/* * Dropbear - a SSH2 server * * Copyright (c) 2002,2003 Matt Johnston * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include "includes.h" #include "packet.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "session.h" #include "dbutil.h" #include "channel.h" #include "chansession.h" #include "sshpty.h" #include "termcodes.h" #include "ssh.h" #include "random.h" #include "utmp.h" #include "x11fwd.h" #include "agentfwd.h" #include "runopts.h" /* Handles sessions (either shells or programs) requested by the client */ static int sessioncommand(struct Channel *channel, struct ChanSess *chansess, int iscmd, int issubsys); static int sessionpty(struct ChanSess * chansess); static int sessionsignal(struct ChanSess *chansess); static int noptycommand(struct Channel *channel, struct ChanSess *chansess); static int ptycommand(struct Channel *channel, struct ChanSess *chansess); static int sessionwinchange(struct ChanSess *chansess); static void execchild(struct ChanSess *chansess); static void addchildpid(struct ChanSess *chansess, pid_t pid); static void sesssigchild_handler(int val); static void closechansess(struct Channel *channel); static int newchansess(struct Channel *channel); static void chansessionrequest(struct Channel *channel); static void send_exitsignalstatus(struct Channel *channel); static int sesscheckclose(struct Channel *channel); static void get_termmodes(struct ChanSess *chansess); /* required to clear environment */ extern char** environ; static int sesscheckclose(struct Channel *channel) { struct ChanSess *chansess = (struct ChanSess*)channel->typedata; return chansess->exited; } /* handler for childs exiting, store the state for return to the client */ static void sesssigchild_handler(int dummy) { int status; pid_t pid; unsigned int i; struct ChanSess * chansess; struct sigaction sa_chld; TRACE(("enter sigchld handler")); while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) { /* find the corresponding chansess */ for (i = 0; i < svr_ses.childpidsize; i++) { if (svr_ses.childpids[i].pid == pid) { chansess = svr_ses.childpids[i].chansess; chansess->exited = 1; if (WIFEXITED(status)) { chansess->exitstatus = WEXITSTATUS(status); } if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { chansess->exitsignal = WTERMSIG(status); #ifndef AIX chansess->exitcore = WCOREDUMP(status); #endif } else { /* we use this to determine how pid exited */ chansess->exitsignal = -1; } } } } sa_chld.sa_handler = sesssigchild_handler; sa_chld.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa_chld, NULL); TRACE(("leave sigchld handler")); } /* send the exit status or the signal causing termination for a session */ /* XXX server */ static void send_exitsignalstatus(struct Channel *channel) { struct ChanSess *chansess = (struct ChanSess*)channel->typedata; if (chansess->exited) { if (chansess->exitsignal > 0) { send_msg_chansess_exitsignal(channel, chansess); } else { send_msg_chansess_exitstatus(channel, chansess); } } } /* send the exitstatus to the client */ static void send_msg_chansess_exitstatus(struct Channel * channel, struct ChanSess * chansess) { assert(chansess->exited); assert(chansess->exitsignal == -1); CHECKCLEARTOWRITE(); buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST); buf_putint(ses.writepayload, channel->remotechan); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, "exit-status", 11); buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, 0); /* boolean FALSE */ buf_putint(ses.writepayload, chansess->exitstatus); encrypt_packet(); } /* send the signal causing the exit to the client */ static void send_msg_chansess_exitsignal(struct Channel * channel, struct ChanSess * chansess) { int i; char* signame = NULL; assert(chansess->exited); assert(chansess->exitsignal > 0); CHECKCLEARTOWRITE(); /* we check that we can match a signal name, otherwise * don't send anything */ for (i = 0; signames[i].name != NULL; i++) { if (signames[i].signal == chansess->exitsignal) { signame = signames[i].name; break; } } if (signame == NULL) { return; } buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST); buf_putint(ses.writepayload, channel->remotechan); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, "exit-signal", 11); buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, 0); /* boolean FALSE */ buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, signame, strlen(signame)); buf_putbyte(ses.writepayload, chansess->exitcore); buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, "", 0); /* error msg */ buf_putstring(ses.writepayload, "", 0); /* lang */ encrypt_packet(); } /* set up a session channel */ static int newchansess(struct Channel *channel) { struct ChanSess *chansess; assert(channel->typedata == NULL); chansess = (struct ChanSess*)m_malloc(sizeof(struct ChanSess)); chansess->cmd = NULL; chansess->pid = 0; /* pty details */ chansess->master = -1; chansess->slave = -1; chansess->tty = NULL; chansess->term = NULL; chansess->exited = 0; channel->typedata = chansess; #ifndef DISABLE_X11FWD chansess->x11listener = NULL; chansess->x11authprot = NULL; chansess->x11authcookie = NULL; #endif #ifndef DISABLE_AGENTFWD chansess->agentlistener = NULL; chansess->agentfile = NULL; chansess->agentdir = NULL; #endif return 0; } /* clean a session channel */ static void closechansess(struct Channel *channel) { struct ChanSess *chansess; unsigned int i; struct logininfo *li; chansess = (struct ChanSess*)channel->typedata; send_exitsignalstatus(channel); TRACE(("enter closechansess")); if (chansess == NULL) { TRACE(("leave closechansess: chansess == NULL")); return; } m_free(chansess->cmd); m_free(chansess->term); if (chansess->tty) { /* write the utmp/wtmp login record */ li = login_alloc_entry(chansess->pid, ses.authstate.username, ses.remotehost, chansess->tty); login_logout(li); login_free_entry(li); pty_release(chansess->tty); m_free(chansess->tty); } #ifndef DISABLE_X11FWD x11cleanup(chansess); #endif #ifndef DISABLE_AGENTFWD agentcleanup(chansess); #endif /* clear child pid entries */ for (i = 0; i < svr_ses.childpidsize; i++) { if (svr_ses.childpids[i].chansess == chansess) { assert(svr_ses.childpids[i].pid > 0); TRACE(("closing pid %d", svr_ses.childpids[i].pid)); TRACE(("exited = %d", chansess->exited)); svr_ses.childpids[i].pid = -1; svr_ses.childpids[i].chansess = NULL; } } m_free(chansess); TRACE(("leave closechansess")); } /* Handle requests for a channel. These can be execution requests, * or x11/authagent forwarding. These are passed to appropriate handlers */ static void chansessionrequest(struct Channel *channel) { unsigned char * type = NULL; unsigned int typelen; unsigned char wantreply; int ret = 1; struct ChanSess *chansess; TRACE(("enter chansessionrequest")); type = buf_getstring(ses.payload, &typelen); wantreply = buf_getbyte(ses.payload); if (typelen > MAX_NAME_LEN) { TRACE(("leave chansessionrequest: type too long")); /* XXX send error?*/ goto out; } chansess = (struct ChanSess*)channel->typedata; assert(chansess != NULL); TRACE(("type is %s", type)); if (strcmp(type, "window-change") == 0) { ret = sessionwinchange(chansess); } else if (strcmp(type, "shell") == 0) { ret = sessioncommand(channel, chansess, 0, 0); } else if (strcmp(type, "pty-req") == 0) { ret = sessionpty(chansess); } else if (strcmp(type, "exec") == 0) { ret = sessioncommand(channel, chansess, 1, 0); } else if (strcmp(type, "subsystem") == 0) { ret = sessioncommand(channel, chansess, 1, 1); #ifndef DISABLE_X11FWD } else if (strcmp(type, "x11-req") == 0) { ret = x11req(chansess); #endif #ifndef DISABLE_AGENTFWD } else if (strcmp(type, "auth-agent-req@openssh.com") == 0) { ret = agentreq(chansess); #endif } else if (strcmp(type, "signal") == 0) { ret = sessionsignal(chansess); } else { /* etc, todo "env", "subsystem" */ } out: if (wantreply) { if (ret == DROPBEAR_SUCCESS) { send_msg_channel_success(channel); } else { send_msg_channel_failure(channel); } } m_free(type); TRACE(("leave chansessionrequest")); } /* Send a signal to a session's process as requested by the client*/ static int sessionsignal(struct ChanSess *chansess) { int sig = 0; unsigned char* signame = NULL; int i; if (chansess->pid == 0) { /* haven't got a process pid yet */ return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } signame = buf_getstring(ses.payload, NULL); i = 0; while (signames[i].name != 0) { if (strcmp(signames[i].name, signame) == 0) { sig = signames[i].signal; break; } i++; } m_free(signame); if (sig == 0) { /* failed */ return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } if (kill(chansess->pid, sig) < 0) { return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } return DROPBEAR_SUCCESS; } /* Let the process know that the window size has changed, as notified from the * client. Returns DROPBEAR_SUCCESS or DROPBEAR_FAILURE */ static int sessionwinchange(struct ChanSess *chansess) { int termc, termr, termw, termh; if (chansess->master < 0) { /* haven't got a pty yet */ return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } termc = buf_getint(ses.payload); termr = buf_getint(ses.payload); termw = buf_getint(ses.payload); termh = buf_getint(ses.payload); pty_change_window_size(chansess->master, termr, termc, termw, termh); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } static void get_termmodes(struct ChanSess *chansess) { struct termios termio; unsigned char opcode; unsigned int value; const struct TermCode * termcode; unsigned int len; TRACE(("enter get_termmodes")); /* Term modes */ /* We'll ignore errors and continue if we can't set modes. * We're ignoring baud rates since they seem evil */ if (tcgetattr(chansess->master, &termio) == -1) { return; } len = buf_getint(ses.payload); TRACE(("term mode str %d p->l %d p->p %d", len, ses.payload->len , ses.payload->pos)); if (len != ses.payload->len - ses.payload->pos) { dropbear_exit("bad term mode string"); } if (len == 0) { TRACE(("leave get_termmodes: empty terminal modes string")); } while (((opcode = buf_getbyte(ses.payload)) != 0x00) && opcode <= 159) { /* must be before checking type, so that value is consumed even if * we don't use it */ value = buf_getint(ses.payload); /* handle types of code */ if (opcode > MAX_TERMCODE) { continue; } termcode = &termcodes[(unsigned int)opcode]; switch (termcode->type) { case TERMCODE_NONE: break; case TERMCODE_CONTROLCHAR: termio.c_cc[termcode->mapcode] = value; break; case TERMCODE_INPUT: if (value) { termio.c_iflag |= termcode->mapcode; } else { termio.c_iflag &= ~(termcode->mapcode); } break; case TERMCODE_OUTPUT: if (value) { termio.c_oflag |= termcode->mapcode; } else { termio.c_oflag &= ~(termcode->mapcode); } break; case TERMCODE_LOCAL: if (value) { termio.c_lflag |= termcode->mapcode; } else { termio.c_lflag &= ~(termcode->mapcode); } break; case TERMCODE_CONTROL: if (value) { termio.c_cflag |= termcode->mapcode; } else { termio.c_cflag &= ~(termcode->mapcode); } break; } } if (tcsetattr(chansess->master, TCSANOW, &termio) < 0) { dropbear_log(LOG_INFO, "error setting terminal attributes"); } TRACE(("leave get_termmodes")); } /* Set up a session pty which will be used to execute the shell or program. * The pty is allocated now, and kept for when the shell/program executes. * Returns DROPBEAR_SUCCESS or DROPBEAR_FAILURE */ static int sessionpty(struct ChanSess * chansess) { unsigned int termlen; unsigned char namebuf[65]; TRACE(("enter sessionpty")); chansess->term = buf_getstring(ses.payload, &termlen); if (termlen > MAX_TERM_LEN) { /* TODO send disconnect ? */ TRACE(("leave sessionpty: term len too long")); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } /* allocate the pty */ assert(chansess->master == -1); /* haven't already got one */ if (pty_allocate(&chansess->master, &chansess->slave, namebuf, 64) == 0) { TRACE(("leave sessionpty: failed to allocate pty")); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } chansess->tty = (char*)m_strdup(namebuf); if (!chansess->tty) { dropbear_exit("out of memory"); /* TODO disconnect */ } pty_setowner(ses.authstate.pw, chansess->tty); /* Set up the rows/col counts */ sessionwinchange(chansess); /* Read the terminal modes */ get_termmodes(chansess); TRACE(("leave sessionpty")); return DROPBEAR_SUCCESS; } /* Handle a command request from the client. This is used for both shell * and command-execution requests, and passes the command to * noptycommand or ptycommand as appropriate. * Returns DROPBEAR_SUCCESS or DROPBEAR_FAILURE */ static int sessioncommand(struct Channel *channel, struct ChanSess *chansess, int iscmd, int issubsys) { unsigned int cmdlen; int ret; TRACE(("enter sessioncommand")); if (chansess->cmd != NULL) { /* Note that only one command can _succeed_. The client might try * one command (which fails), then try another. Ie fallback * from sftp to scp */ return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } if (iscmd) { /* "exec" */ chansess->cmd = buf_getstring(ses.payload, &cmdlen); if (cmdlen > MAX_CMD_LEN) { m_free(chansess->cmd); /* TODO - send error - too long ? */ return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } if (issubsys) { #ifdef SFTPSERVER_PATH if ((cmdlen == 4) && strncmp(chansess->cmd, "sftp", 4) == 0) { m_free(chansess->cmd); chansess->cmd = m_strdup(SFTPSERVER_PATH); } else #endif { m_free(chansess->cmd); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } } } if (chansess->term == NULL) { /* no pty */ ret = noptycommand(channel, chansess); } else { /* want pty */ ret = ptycommand(channel, chansess); } if (ret == DROPBEAR_FAILURE) { m_free(chansess->cmd); } return ret; } /* Execute a command and set up redirection of stdin/stdout/stderr without a * pty. * Returns DROPBEAR_SUCCESS or DROPBEAR_FAILURE */ static int noptycommand(struct Channel *channel, struct ChanSess *chansess) { int infds[2]; int outfds[2]; int errfds[2]; pid_t pid; TRACE(("enter noptycommand")); /* redirect stdin/stdout/stderr */ if (pipe(infds) != 0) return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; if (pipe(outfds) != 0) return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; if (pipe(errfds) != 0) return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; if (!pid) { /* child */ /* redirect stdin/stdout */ #define FDIN 0 #define FDOUT 1 if ((dup2(infds[FDIN], STDIN_FILENO) < 0) || (dup2(outfds[FDOUT], STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) || (dup2(errfds[FDOUT], STDERR_FILENO) < 0)) { TRACE(("leave noptycommand: error redirecting FDs")); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } close(infds[FDOUT]); close(infds[FDIN]); close(outfds[FDIN]); close(outfds[FDOUT]); close(errfds[FDIN]); close(errfds[FDOUT]); execchild(chansess); /* not reached */ } else { /* parent */ TRACE(("continue noptycommand: parent")); chansess->pid = pid; /* add a child pid */ addchildpid(chansess, pid); close(infds[FDIN]); close(outfds[FDOUT]); close(errfds[FDOUT]); channel->infd = infds[FDOUT]; channel->outfd = outfds[FDIN]; channel->errfd = errfds[FDIN]; ses.maxfd = MAX(ses.maxfd, channel->infd); ses.maxfd = MAX(ses.maxfd, channel->outfd); ses.maxfd = MAX(ses.maxfd, channel->errfd); if ((fcntl(channel->outfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) || (fcntl(channel->infd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) || (fcntl(channel->errfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0)) { dropbear_exit("Couldn't set nonblocking"); } } #undef FDIN #undef FDOUT TRACE(("leave noptycommand")); return DROPBEAR_SUCCESS; } /* Execute a command or shell within a pty environment, and set up * redirection as appropriate. * Returns DROPBEAR_SUCCESS or DROPBEAR_FAILURE */ static int ptycommand(struct Channel *channel, struct ChanSess *chansess) { pid_t pid; struct logininfo *li = NULL; #ifdef DO_MOTD buffer * motdbuf = NULL; int len; struct stat sb; char *hushpath = NULL; #endif TRACE(("enter ptycommand")); /* we need to have a pty allocated */ if (chansess->master == -1 || chansess->tty == NULL) { dropbear_log(LOG_WARNING, "no pty was allocated, couldn't execute"); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; if (pid == 0) { /* child */ /* redirect stdin/stdout/stderr */ close(chansess->master); pty_make_controlling_tty(&chansess->slave, chansess->tty); if ((dup2(chansess->slave, STDIN_FILENO) < 0) || (dup2(chansess->slave, STDERR_FILENO) < 0) || (dup2(chansess->slave, STDOUT_FILENO) < 0)) { TRACE(("leave ptycommand: error redirecting filedesc")); return DROPBEAR_FAILURE; } close(chansess->slave); /* write the utmp/wtmp login record - must be after changing the * terminal used for stdout with the dup2 above */ li= login_alloc_entry(getpid(), ses.authstate.username, ses.remotehost, chansess->tty); login_login(li); login_free_entry(li); m_free(chansess->tty); #ifdef DO_MOTD if (svr_opts.domotd) { /* don't show the motd if ~/.hushlogin exists */ /* 11 == strlen("/hushlogin\0") */ len = strlen(ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir) + 11; hushpath = m_malloc(len); snprintf(hushpath, len, "%s/hushlogin", ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir); if (stat(hushpath, &sb) < 0) { /* more than a screenful is stupid IMHO */ motdbuf = buf_new(80 * 25); if (buf_readfile(motdbuf, MOTD_FILENAME) == DROPBEAR_SUCCESS) { buf_setpos(motdbuf, 0); while (motdbuf->pos != motdbuf->len) { len = motdbuf->len - motdbuf->pos; len = write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf_getptr(motdbuf, len), len); buf_incrpos(motdbuf, len); } } buf_free(motdbuf); } m_free(hushpath); } #endif /* DO_MOTD */ execchild(chansess); /* not reached */ } else { /* parent */ TRACE(("continue ptycommand: parent")); chansess->pid = pid; /* add a child pid */ addchildpid(chansess, pid); close(chansess->slave); channel->infd = chansess->master; channel->outfd = chansess->master; /* don't need to set stderr here */ ses.maxfd = MAX(ses.maxfd, chansess->master); if (fcntl(chansess->master, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { dropbear_exit("Couldn't set nonblocking"); } } TRACE(("leave ptycommand")); return DROPBEAR_SUCCESS; } /* Add the pid of a child to the list for exit-handling */ static void addchildpid(struct ChanSess *chansess, pid_t pid) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < svr_ses.childpidsize; i++) { if (svr_ses.childpids[i].pid == -1) { break; } } /* need to increase size */ if (i == svr_ses.childpidsize) { svr_ses.childpids = (struct ChildPid*)m_realloc(svr_ses.childpids, sizeof(struct ChildPid) * svr_ses.childpidsize+1); svr_ses.childpidsize++; } svr_ses.childpids[i].pid = pid; svr_ses.childpids[i].chansess = chansess; } /* Clean up, drop to user privileges, set up the environment and execute * the command/shell. This function does not return. */ static void execchild(struct ChanSess *chansess) { char *argv[4]; char * usershell = NULL; char * baseshell = NULL; unsigned int i; /* wipe the hostkey */ sign_key_free(svr_opts.hostkey); svr_opts.hostkey = NULL; /* overwrite the prng state */ seedrandom(); /* close file descriptors except stdin/stdout/stderr * Need to be sure FDs are closed here to avoid reading files as root */ for (i = 3; i < (unsigned int)ses.maxfd; i++) { if (m_close(i) == DROPBEAR_FAILURE) { dropbear_exit("Error closing file desc"); } } /* clear environment */ /* if we're debugging using valgrind etc, we need to keep the LD_PRELOAD * etc. This is hazardous, so should only be used for debugging. */ #ifndef DEBUG_VALGRIND #ifdef HAVE_CLEARENV clearenv(); #else /* don't HAVE_CLEARENV */ /* Yay for posix. */ if (environ) { environ[0] = NULL; } #endif /* HAVE_CLEARENV */ #endif /* DEBUG_VALGRIND */ /* We can only change uid/gid as root ... */ if (getuid() == 0) { if ((setgid(ses.authstate.pw->pw_gid) < 0) || (initgroups(ses.authstate.pw->pw_name, ses.authstate.pw->pw_gid) < 0) || (setuid(ses.authstate.pw->pw_uid) < 0)) { dropbear_exit("error changing user"); } } else { /* ... but if the daemon is the same uid as the requested uid, we don't * need to */ /* XXX - there is a minor issue here, in that if there are multiple * usernames with the same uid, but differing groups, then the * differing groups won't be set (as with initgroups()). The solution * is for the sysadmin not to give out the UID twice */ if (getuid() != ses.authstate.pw->pw_uid) { dropbear_exit("couldn't change user as non-root"); } } /* an empty shell should be interpreted as "/bin/sh" */ if (ses.authstate.pw->pw_shell[0] == '\0') { usershell = "/bin/sh"; } else { usershell = ses.authstate.pw->pw_shell; } /* set env vars */ addnewvar("USER", ses.authstate.pw->pw_name); addnewvar("LOGNAME", ses.authstate.pw->pw_name); addnewvar("HOME", ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir); addnewvar("SHELL", usershell); if (chansess->term != NULL) { addnewvar("TERM", chansess->term); } /* change directory */ if (chdir(ses.authstate.pw->pw_dir) < 0) { dropbear_exit("error changing directory"); } #ifndef DISABLE_X11FWD /* set up X11 forwarding if enabled */ x11setauth(chansess); #endif #ifndef DISABLE_AGENTFWD /* set up agent env variable */ agentset(chansess); #endif /* Re-enable SIGPIPE for the executed process */ if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR) { dropbear_exit("signal() error"); } baseshell = basename(usershell); if (chansess->cmd != NULL) { argv[0] = baseshell; } else { /* a login shell should be "-bash" for "/bin/bash" etc */ int len = strlen(baseshell) + 2; /* 2 for "-" */ argv[0] = (char*)m_malloc(len); snprintf(argv[0], len, "-%s", baseshell); } if (chansess->cmd != NULL) { argv[1] = "-c"; argv[2] = chansess->cmd; argv[3] = NULL; } else { /* construct a shell of the form "-bash" etc */ argv[1] = NULL; } execv(usershell, argv); /* only reached on error */ dropbear_exit("child failed"); } const struct ChanType svrchansess = { 0, /* sepfds */ "session", /* name */ newchansess, /* inithandler */ sesscheckclose, /* checkclosehandler */ chansessionrequest, /* reqhandler */ closechansess, /* closehandler */ }; /* Set up the general chansession environment, in particular child-exit * handling */ void svr_chansessinitialise() { struct sigaction sa_chld; /* single child process intially */ svr_ses.childpids = (struct ChildPid*)m_malloc(sizeof(struct ChildPid)); svr_ses.childpids[0].pid = -1; /* unused */ svr_ses.childpids[0].chansess = NULL; svr_ses.childpidsize = 1; sa_chld.sa_handler = sesssigchild_handler; sa_chld.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP; if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa_chld, NULL) < 0) { dropbear_exit("signal() error"); } } /* add a new environment variable, allocating space for the entry */ void addnewvar(const char* param, const char* var) { char* newvar = NULL; int plen, vlen; plen = strlen(param); vlen = strlen(var); newvar = m_malloc(plen + vlen + 2); /* 2 is for '=' and '\0' */ memcpy(newvar, param, plen); newvar[plen] = '='; memcpy(&newvar[plen+1], var, vlen); newvar[plen+vlen+1] = '\0'; if (putenv(newvar) < 0) { dropbear_exit("environ error"); } }