
# SUSv3 compliant uniq tests.
# Copyright 2005 by Rob Landley <rob@landley.net>
# Licensed under GPL v2, see file LICENSE for details.

# AUDIT: Not full coverage of the spec yet.

if [ ${#COMMAND} -eq 0 ]; then COMMAND=uniq; fi
. testing.sh

# The basic tests.  These should work even with the small busybox.
#-f skip fields
#-s skip chars
#-c occurrences
#-d dups only
testing "uniq (default to stdin)" "" "one\ntwo\nthree\n" "" \
testing "uniq - (specify stdin)" "-" "one\ntwo\nthree\n" "" \
testing "uniq input (specify file)" "input" "one\ntwo\nthree\n" \
	"one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n" ""
testing "uniq input outfile (two files)" "input actual > /dev/null" \
	"one\ntwo\nthree\n" "one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n" ""
#testing "uniq - outfile" "- outfile" "one\ntwo\nthree\n" \
#	"one\ntwo\ntwo\nthree\nthree\nthree\n" ""

testing "uniq -d" "-d" "two\nthree\n" "" \
testing "uniq -c" "-c" "      1 one\n      2 two\n      3 three\n" "" \
# testing "uniq -c -d"
# testing "uniq infile"