/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */
 * Mini uptime implementation for busybox
 * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 by Erik Andersen <andersen@codepoet.org>
 * Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree.

/* This version of uptime doesn't display the number of users on the system,
 * since busybox init doesn't mess with utmp.  For folks using utmp that are
 * just dying to have # of users reported, feel free to write it as some type

/* getopt not needed */

//usage:#define uptime_trivial_usage
//usage:       ""
//usage:#define uptime_full_usage "\n\n"
//usage:       "Display the time since the last boot"
//usage:#define uptime_example_usage
//usage:       "$ uptime\n"
//usage:       "  1:55pm  up  2:30, load average: 0.09, 0.04, 0.00\n"

#include "libbb.h"

#ifndef FSHIFT
# define FSHIFT 16              /* nr of bits of precision */
#define FIXED_1         (1<<FSHIFT)     /* 1.0 as fixed-point */
#define LOAD_INT(x) ((x) >> FSHIFT)
#define LOAD_FRAC(x) LOAD_INT(((x) & (FIXED_1-1)) * 100)

int uptime_main(int argc, char **argv) MAIN_EXTERNALLY_VISIBLE;
int uptime_main(int argc UNUSED_PARAM, char **argv UNUSED_PARAM)
	int updays, uphours, upminutes;
	struct sysinfo info;
	struct tm *current_time;
	time_t current_secs;

	current_time = localtime(&current_secs);


	printf(" %02d:%02d:%02d up ",
			current_time->tm_hour, current_time->tm_min, current_time->tm_sec);
	updays = (int) info.uptime / (60*60*24);
	if (updays)
		printf("%d day%s, ", updays, (updays != 1) ? "s" : "");
	upminutes = (int) info.uptime / 60;
	uphours = (upminutes / 60) % 24;
	upminutes %= 60;
	if (uphours)
		printf("%2d:%02d, ", uphours, upminutes);
		printf("%d min, ", upminutes);

	printf("load average: %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld, %ld.%02ld\n",
			LOAD_INT(info.loads[0]), LOAD_FRAC(info.loads[0]),
			LOAD_INT(info.loads[1]), LOAD_FRAC(info.loads[1]),
			LOAD_INT(info.loads[2]), LOAD_FRAC(info.loads[2]));
