/* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ /* * DHCP server config and lease file manipulation * * Rewrite by Russ Dill <Russ.Dill@asu.edu> July 2001 * * Licensed under GPLv2, see file LICENSE in this source tree. */ #include <netinet/ether.h> #include "common.h" #include "dhcpd.h" #if BB_LITTLE_ENDIAN static inline uint64_t hton64(uint64_t v) { return (((uint64_t)htonl(v)) << 32) | htonl(v >> 32); } #else #define hton64(v) (v) #endif #define ntoh64(v) hton64(v) /* on these functions, make sure your datatype matches */ static int FAST_FUNC read_str(const char *line, void *arg) { char **dest = arg; free(*dest); *dest = xstrdup(line); return 1; } static int FAST_FUNC read_u32(const char *line, void *arg) { *(uint32_t*)arg = bb_strtou32(line, NULL, 10); return errno == 0; } static int FAST_FUNC read_staticlease(const char *const_line, void *arg) { char *line; char *mac_string; char *ip_string; struct ether_addr mac_bytes; /* it's "struct { uint8_t mac[6]; }" */ uint32_t nip; /* Read mac */ line = (char *) const_line; mac_string = strtok_r(line, " \t", &line); if (!mac_string || !ether_aton_r(mac_string, &mac_bytes)) return 0; /* Read ip */ ip_string = strtok_r(NULL, " \t", &line); if (!ip_string || !udhcp_str2nip(ip_string, &nip)) return 0; add_static_lease(arg, (uint8_t*) &mac_bytes, nip); log_static_leases(arg); return 1; } struct config_keyword { const char *keyword; int (*handler)(const char *line, void *var) FAST_FUNC; void *var; const char *def; }; static const struct config_keyword keywords[] = { /* keyword handler variable address default */ {"start" , udhcp_str2nip , &server_config.start_ip , ""}, {"end" , udhcp_str2nip , &server_config.end_ip , ""}, {"interface" , read_str , &server_config.interface , "eth0"}, /* Avoid "max_leases value not sane" warning by setting default * to default_end_ip - default_start_ip + 1: */ {"max_leases" , read_u32 , &server_config.max_leases , "235"}, {"auto_time" , read_u32 , &server_config.auto_time , "7200"}, {"decline_time" , read_u32 , &server_config.decline_time , "3600"}, {"conflict_time", read_u32 , &server_config.conflict_time, "3600"}, {"offer_time" , read_u32 , &server_config.offer_time , "60"}, {"min_lease" , read_u32 , &server_config.min_lease_sec, "60"}, {"lease_file" , read_str , &server_config.lease_file , LEASES_FILE}, {"pidfile" , read_str , &server_config.pidfile , "/var/run/udhcpd.pid"}, {"siaddr" , udhcp_str2nip , &server_config.siaddr_nip , ""}, /* keywords with no defaults must be last! */ {"option" , udhcp_str2optset, &server_config.options , ""}, {"opt" , udhcp_str2optset, &server_config.options , ""}, {"notify_file" , read_str , &server_config.notify_file , ""}, {"sname" , read_str , &server_config.sname , ""}, {"boot_file" , read_str , &server_config.boot_file , ""}, {"static_lease" , read_staticlease, &server_config.static_leases, ""}, }; enum { KWS_WITH_DEFAULTS = ARRAY_SIZE(keywords) - 6 }; void FAST_FUNC read_config(const char *file) { parser_t *parser; const struct config_keyword *k; unsigned i; char *token[2]; for (i = 0; i < KWS_WITH_DEFAULTS; i++) keywords[i].handler(keywords[i].def, keywords[i].var); parser = config_open(file); while (config_read(parser, token, 2, 2, "# \t", PARSE_NORMAL)) { for (k = keywords, i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(keywords); k++, i++) { if (strcasecmp(token[0], k->keyword) == 0) { if (!k->handler(token[1], k->var)) { bb_error_msg("can't parse line %u in %s", parser->lineno, file); /* reset back to the default value */ k->handler(k->def, k->var); } break; } } } config_close(parser); server_config.start_ip = ntohl(server_config.start_ip); server_config.end_ip = ntohl(server_config.end_ip); } void FAST_FUNC write_leases(void) { int fd; unsigned i; leasetime_t curr; int64_t written_at; fd = open_or_warn(server_config.lease_file, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC); if (fd < 0) return; curr = written_at = time(NULL); written_at = hton64(written_at); full_write(fd, &written_at, sizeof(written_at)); for (i = 0; i < server_config.max_leases; i++) { leasetime_t tmp_time; if (g_leases[i].lease_nip == 0) continue; /* Screw with the time in the struct, for easier writing */ tmp_time = g_leases[i].expires; g_leases[i].expires -= curr; if ((signed_leasetime_t) g_leases[i].expires < 0) g_leases[i].expires = 0; g_leases[i].expires = htonl(g_leases[i].expires); /* No error check. If the file gets truncated, * we lose some leases on restart. Oh well. */ full_write(fd, &g_leases[i], sizeof(g_leases[i])); /* Then restore it when done */ g_leases[i].expires = tmp_time; } close(fd); if (server_config.notify_file) { char *argv[3]; argv[0] = server_config.notify_file; argv[1] = server_config.lease_file; argv[2] = NULL; spawn_and_wait(argv); } } void FAST_FUNC read_leases(const char *file) { struct dyn_lease lease; int64_t written_at, time_passed; int fd; #if defined CONFIG_UDHCP_DEBUG && CONFIG_UDHCP_DEBUG >= 1 unsigned i = 0; #endif fd = open_or_warn(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return; if (full_read(fd, &written_at, sizeof(written_at)) != sizeof(written_at)) goto ret; written_at = ntoh64(written_at); time_passed = time(NULL) - written_at; /* Strange written_at, or lease file from old version of udhcpd * which had no "written_at" field? */ if ((uint64_t)time_passed > 12 * 60 * 60) goto ret; while (full_read(fd, &lease, sizeof(lease)) == sizeof(lease)) { //FIXME: what if it matches some static lease? uint32_t y = ntohl(lease.lease_nip); if (y >= server_config.start_ip && y <= server_config.end_ip) { signed_leasetime_t expires = ntohl(lease.expires) - (signed_leasetime_t)time_passed; if (expires <= 0) continue; /* NB: add_lease takes "relative time", IOW, * lease duration, not lease deadline. */ if (add_lease(lease.lease_mac, lease.lease_nip, expires, lease.hostname, sizeof(lease.hostname) ) == 0 ) { bb_error_msg("too many leases while loading %s", file); break; } #if defined CONFIG_UDHCP_DEBUG && CONFIG_UDHCP_DEBUG >= 1 i++; #endif } } log1("Read %d leases", i); ret: close(fd); }