# InfoUtils.pm # # Some utils for the linuxdoc info backend. # # * Create menus # * Normalize node names and associated text # * Point references to the associated node as needed # # Copyright (C) 2009 Agust�n Mart�n Domingo, agmartin at debian org # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- package LinuxDocTools::InfoUtils; use base qw(Exporter); # List all exported symbols here. our @EXPORT_OK = qw(info_process_texi); # Import :all to get everything. our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]); =head1 NAME InfoUtils - Some utils for the linuxdoc info backend. =head1 SYNOPSIS use InfoUtils q{:all}; info_process_texi($infile, $outfile, $infoname) =head1 DESCRIPTION This module contains some utils to process the raw texinfo file creating menus, normalizing node names and associated text and pointing references to the associated node as needed. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =cut # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info_normalize_node_text { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter characters not allowed in section names # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $text = shift; $text =~ s/\s+/ /g; $text =~ s/\@[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*//g; $text =~ s/(\{|\})//g; $text =~ s/\,//g; # $text =~ s/\.+$//g; $text =~ s/\./-/g; $text =~ s/\s+$//g; return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info_normalize_node_name { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Filter characters not allowed in node names. Previous filtering of # characters not allowed in section names is supposed. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $text = shift; # my $tmpnodedata = shift; $text =~ s/\://g; $text =~ s/\;//g; # die "Error: Reference \"$text\" already used" # if defined $tmpnodedata->{$text}; return $text; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info_parse_raw_file { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Parse raw texinfo file. It does not yet contain section names, menus, # correct references or title. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $inputfile = shift; my $INPUT; my @inputtext = (); # Copy of input file with some preprocessing my %nodedata = # A hash of hashes with all node info ( 'Top' => { 'text' => "Top", 'depth' => 0, 'up' => "", 'next' => '', 'previous' => "", 'sort' => 0, 'debug' => "", 'menu' => []} ); my %levellast = (0 => "Top"); my %labels = (); my %docdata = # Some misc data for the document ( 'title' => "", 'author' => "", 'subtitle' => "" ); my $depth = my $lastdepth = 0; my $lastnode = ""; my $sort = 0; my $inauthor; my $authorline; open ($INPUT, "< $inputfile") or die "info-postASP: Could not open $inputfile for read. Aborting ...\n"; while (<$INPUT>){ chomp; if ( s/^\@SUB\s+// ){ my $updepth = $depth; my $uppernode = $levellast{$updepth}; $depth++; $sort++; my @levelmenu = (); if ( defined $nodedata{$uppernode}->{'menu'} ){ @levelmenu = @{ $nodedata{$uppernode}->{'menu'} }; } my $nodetext = info_normalize_node_text($_); my $nodename = info_normalize_node_name($nodetext,\%nodedata); # Make first appearing node the next node for top node $nodedata{'Top'}->{'next'} = $nodename if ( $lastdepth eq 0); # Fill info for current node (and 'next' for last one in level) $nodedata{$nodename}->{'orig'} = $_; $nodedata{$nodename}->{'text'} = $nodetext; $nodedata{$nodename}->{'depth'} = $depth; $nodedata{$nodename}->{'previous'} = defined $levellast{$depth} ? $levellast{$depth} : ""; $nodedata{$levellast{$depth}}->{'next'} = $nodename if defined $levellast{$depth}; $nodedata{$nodename}->{'up'} = $uppernode; $nodedata{$nodename}->{'sort'} = $sort; $nodedata{$nodename}->{'debug'} = "updepth: $updepth, lastdepth: $lastdepth, up: $uppernode"; # Keep this defined in case tbere is no next node in the same level. $nodedata{$nodename}->{'next'} = ""; push @inputtext, "\@SUB $nodename"; # Rewrite @SUB with the new name push @levelmenu, $nodename; # Add $nodename to the level menu list # Prepare things for next @SUB entry found $levellast{$depth} = $lastnode = $nodename; $lastdepth = $depth; $nodedata{$uppernode}->{'menu'} = \@levelmenu; } elsif ( s/^\@ENDSUB// ){ $depth--; push @inputtext, $_; } elsif (s/^\@LABEL\s+//){ # Keep record of node labels vs nodenames. Will use the last. $labels{$_} = $lastnode; } elsif (s/^\@title\s+//){ $docdata{'title'} = $_; } elsif (/^\@ldt_endauthor/){ $inauthor = ''; my @authors; if ( @$docdata{'authors'} ){ @authors = @$docdata{'authors'}; } push @authors, $authorline; $docdata{'authors'} = \@authors; $authorline = ""; } elsif ( s/^\@author\s+// ){ $inauthor = 1; $authorline = $_; } elsif ( $inauthor ){ next if m/^\s*$/; s/^\s+//; $authorline .= " $_ "; } elsif (s/^\@subtitle\s+//){ $docdata{'subtitle'} = $_; } elsif (s/^\@ldt_translator\s+//){ $docdata{'translator'} = $_; } elsif (s/^\@ldt_tdate\s+//){ $docdata{'tdate'} = $_; } else { push @inputtext, $_; } } close $INPUT; $docdata{'nodedata'} = \%nodedata; $docdata{'labels'} = \%labels; $docdata{'inputtext'} = \@inputtext; return \%docdata; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info_write_preprocessed_file { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write processed texinfo file. Add section names, menus, correct # references and title. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $docdata = shift; my $infoname = shift; my $texiout = shift; die "InfoUtils.pm: No info file name $infoname.\n" unless $infoname; die "InfoUtils.pm: No output texi file $texiout\n" unless $texiout; my $nodedata = $docdata->{'nodedata'}; my $labels = $docdata->{'labels'}; my $inputtext = $docdata->{'inputtext'}; my $OUTFILE; # info_check_parsed_data($nodedata); my %sections = ( 1 => "\@chapter", 2 => "\@section", 3 => "\@subsection", 4 => "\@subsubsection"); my $lastdepth = 0; my $lastnode = "Top"; my $texinfo = "\@c %** START OF HEADER \@setfilename $infoname \@c %** END OF HEADER\n"; foreach ( @$inputtext ) { if ( s/^\@SUB\s+// ){ my $key = $_; my $depth = $nodedata->{$key}->{'depth'}; my $name = $nodedata->{$key}->{'text'}; if ( $depth le 4 ){ my $next = $nodedata->{$key}->{'next'}; my $previous = $nodedata->{$key}->{'previous'}; my $up = $nodedata->{$key}->{'up'}; # my $txt = "\@comment nodename, next, previous, up\n"; my $txt = ""; # $txt .= "\@node $key, $previous, $next, $up\n"; $txt .= "\@node $key\n"; $txt .= "$sections{$depth} $name\n"; if ( $depth gt $lastdepth && defined $nodedata->{$lastnode}->{'menu'}){ $txt = "\n\@menu\n\* " . join("::\n\* ",@{$nodedata->{$lastnode}->{'menu'}}) . "::\n\@end menu\n" . "\n$txt"; } $texinfo .= $txt; $lastdepth = $depth; $lastnode = $key; } elsif ( $depth eq 5 ){ $texinfo .= "\@subsubheading $nodedata->{$key}->{'text'}\n"; } else { die "info-postASP: Entry \"$key\" has wrong depth $depth\n"; } } elsif (s/^\@REF\s+//){ if ( defined $labels->{$_} ){ # If this reference is to a node, use its nodename $texinfo .= "\@ref{" . $labels->{$_} . "}\n"; } else { $texinfo .= "\@ref{$_}\n"; } } elsif (s/^\@TOP//){ $texinfo .= "\@node top\n" . "\@top " . $docdata->{'title'} . "\n" . "\@example\n"; $texinfo .= join(' and ',@{$docdata->{'authors'}}) . "\n" if ( @{$docdata->{'authors'}} ); $texinfo .= $docdata->{'subtitle'} . "\n" if ( defined $docdata->{'subtitle'} ); $texinfo .= $docdata->{'translator'} . "\n" if ( defined $docdata->{'translator'} ); $texinfo .= $docdata->{'tdate'} . "\n" if ( defined $docdata->{'tdate'} ); $texinfo .= "\@end example\n"; } else { $texinfo .= "$_\n"; } } open ($OUTFILE, "> $texiout") or die "Could not open \"$texiout\" for write. Aborting ...\n"; print $OUTFILE $texinfo; close $OUTFILE; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info_check_parsed_data { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $tmpnodedata = shift; my @sections = sort { $tmpnodedata->{$a}->{'sort'} <=> $tmpnodedata->{$b}->{'sort'} } keys %$tmpnodedata; foreach ( @sections ){ my $ref = $tmpnodedata->{$_}; print STDERR "Node: $_\n"; print STDERR " orig: $ref->{'orig'}\n"; print STDERR " text: $ref->{'text'}\n"; print STDERR " debug: $ref->{'debug'}\n"; print STDERR " up: $ref->{'up'}\n"; print STDERR " depth: $ref->{'depth'}\n"; print STDERR " previous: $ref->{'previous'}\n"; print STDERR " next: $ref->{'next'}\n"; print STDERR " sort: $ref->{'sort'}\n"; print STDERR " menu:\n * " . join("\n * ",@{$ref->{'menu'}}) . "\n" if defined $ref->{'menu'}; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub info_process_texi { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # info_process_texi($infile, $outfile, $infoname) # # Call the other functions. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $infile = shift; my $outfile = shift; my $infoname = shift; info_write_preprocessed_file(info_parse_raw_file($infile),$infoname,$outfile); }