/* * BIRD -- Linux Netlink Interface * * (c) 1999--2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <errno.h> #undef LOCAL_DEBUG #include "nest/bird.h" #include "nest/route.h" #include "nest/protocol.h" #include "nest/iface.h" #include "lib/timer.h" #include "lib/unix.h" #include "lib/krt.h" #include "lib/socket.h" #include "lib/string.h" #include "conf/conf.h" #include <asm/types.h> #include <linux/netlink.h> #include <linux/rtnetlink.h> #ifndef MSG_TRUNC /* Hack: Several versions of glibc miss this one :( */ #define MSG_TRUNC 0x20 #endif /* * Synchronous Netlink interface */ static int nl_sync_fd = -1; /* Unix socket for synchronous netlink actions */ static u32 nl_sync_seq; /* Sequence number of last request sent */ static byte *nl_rx_buffer; /* Receive buffer */ #define NL_RX_SIZE 8192 static struct nlmsghdr *nl_last_hdr; /* Recently received packet */ static unsigned int nl_last_size; static void nl_open(void) { if (nl_sync_fd < 0) { nl_sync_fd = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE); if (nl_sync_fd < 0) die("Unable to open rtnetlink socket: %m"); nl_sync_seq = now; nl_rx_buffer = xmalloc(NL_RX_SIZE); } } static void nl_send(struct nlmsghdr *nh) { struct sockaddr_nl sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; nh->nlmsg_pid = 0; nh->nlmsg_seq = ++nl_sync_seq; if (sendto(nl_sync_fd, nh, nh->nlmsg_len, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) die("rtnetlink sendto: %m"); nl_last_hdr = NULL; } static void nl_request_dump(int cmd) { struct { struct nlmsghdr nh; struct rtgenmsg g; } req; req.nh.nlmsg_type = cmd; req.nh.nlmsg_len = sizeof(req); req.nh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_DUMP; req.g.rtgen_family = BIRD_PF; nl_send(&req.nh); } static struct nlmsghdr * nl_get_reply(void) { for(;;) { if (!nl_last_hdr) { struct iovec iov = { nl_rx_buffer, NL_RX_SIZE }; struct sockaddr_nl sa; struct msghdr m = { (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 }; int x = recvmsg(nl_sync_fd, &m, 0); if (x < 0) die("nl_get_reply: %m"); if (sa.nl_pid) /* It isn't from the kernel */ { DBG("Non-kernel packet\n"); continue; } nl_last_size = x; nl_last_hdr = (void *) nl_rx_buffer; if (m.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) bug("nl_get_reply: got truncated reply which should be impossible"); } if (NLMSG_OK(nl_last_hdr, nl_last_size)) { struct nlmsghdr *h = nl_last_hdr; if (h->nlmsg_seq != nl_sync_seq) { log(L_WARN "nl_get_reply: Ignoring out of sequence netlink packet (%x != %x)", h->nlmsg_seq, nl_sync_seq); continue; } nl_last_hdr = NLMSG_NEXT(h, nl_last_size); return h; } if (nl_last_size) log(L_WARN "nl_get_reply: Found packet remnant of size %d", nl_last_size); nl_last_hdr = NULL; } } static int nl_error(struct nlmsghdr *h) { struct nlmsgerr *e; int ec; if (h->nlmsg_len < NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct nlmsgerr))) { log(L_WARN "Netlink: Truncated error message received"); return ENOBUFS; } e = (struct nlmsgerr *) NLMSG_DATA(h); ec = -e->error; if (ec) log(L_WARN "Netlink: %s", strerror(ec)); return ec; } static struct nlmsghdr * nl_get_scan(void) { struct nlmsghdr *h = nl_get_reply(); if (h->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) return NULL; if (h->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR) { nl_error(h); return NULL; } return h; } static int nl_exchange(struct nlmsghdr *pkt) { struct nlmsghdr *h; nl_send(pkt); for(;;) { h = nl_get_reply(); if (h->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR) break; log(L_WARN "nl_exchange: Unexpected reply received"); } return nl_error(h); } /* * Netlink attributes */ static int nl_attr_len; static void * nl_checkin(struct nlmsghdr *h, int lsize) { nl_attr_len = h->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_LENGTH(lsize); if (nl_attr_len < 0) { log(L_ERR "nl_checkin: underrun by %d bytes", -nl_attr_len); return NULL; } return NLMSG_DATA(h); } static int nl_parse_attrs(struct rtattr *a, struct rtattr **k, int ksize) { int max = ksize / sizeof(struct rtattr *); bzero(k, ksize); while (RTA_OK(a, nl_attr_len)) { if (a->rta_type < max) k[a->rta_type] = a; a = RTA_NEXT(a, nl_attr_len); } if (nl_attr_len) { log(L_ERR "nl_parse_attrs: remnant of size %d", nl_attr_len); return 0; } else return 1; } static void nl_add_attr_u32(struct nlmsghdr *h, unsigned maxsize, int code, u32 data) { unsigned len = RTA_LENGTH(4); struct rtattr *a; if (NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len) + len > maxsize) bug("nl_add_attr32: packet buffer overflow"); a = (struct rtattr *)((char *)h + NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len)); a->rta_type = code; a->rta_len = len; memcpy(RTA_DATA(a), &data, 4); h->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len) + len; } static void nl_add_attr_ipa(struct nlmsghdr *h, unsigned maxsize, int code, ip_addr ipa) { unsigned len = RTA_LENGTH(sizeof(ipa)); struct rtattr *a; if (NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len) + len > maxsize) bug("nl_add_attr_ipa: packet buffer overflow"); a = (struct rtattr *)((char *)h + NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len)); a->rta_type = code; a->rta_len = len; ipa_hton(ipa); memcpy(RTA_DATA(a), &ipa, sizeof(ipa)); h->nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(h->nlmsg_len) + len; } /* * Scanning of interfaces */ static void nl_parse_link(struct nlmsghdr *h, int scan) { struct ifinfomsg *i; struct rtattr *a[IFLA_STATS+1]; int new = h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWLINK; struct iface f; struct iface *ifi; char *name; u32 mtu; unsigned int fl; if (!(i = nl_checkin(h, sizeof(*i))) || !nl_parse_attrs(IFLA_RTA(i), a, sizeof(a))) return; if (!a[IFLA_IFNAME] || RTA_PAYLOAD(a[IFLA_IFNAME]) < 2 || !a[IFLA_MTU] || RTA_PAYLOAD(a[IFLA_MTU]) != 4) { log(L_ERR "nl_parse_link: Malformed message received"); return; } name = RTA_DATA(a[IFLA_IFNAME]); memcpy(&mtu, RTA_DATA(a[IFLA_MTU]), sizeof(u32)); ifi = if_find_by_index(i->ifi_index); if (!new) { DBG("KIF: IF%d(%s) goes down\n", i->ifi_index, name); if (ifi && !scan) { memcpy(&f, ifi, sizeof(struct iface)); f.flags |= IF_ADMIN_DOWN; if_update(&f); } } else { DBG("KIF: IF%d(%s) goes up (mtu=%d,flg=%x)\n", i->ifi_index, name, mtu, i->ifi_flags); if (ifi) memcpy(&f, ifi, sizeof(f)); else { bzero(&f, sizeof(f)); f.index = i->ifi_index; } strncpy(f.name, RTA_DATA(a[IFLA_IFNAME]), sizeof(f.name)-1); f.mtu = mtu; f.flags = 0; fl = i->ifi_flags; if (fl & IFF_UP) f.flags |= IF_LINK_UP; if (fl & IFF_LOOPBACK) /* Loopback */ f.flags |= IF_MULTIACCESS | IF_LOOPBACK | IF_IGNORE; else if (fl & IFF_POINTOPOINT) /* PtP */ f.flags |= IF_MULTICAST; else if (fl & IFF_BROADCAST) /* Broadcast */ f.flags |= IF_MULTIACCESS | IF_BROADCAST | IF_MULTICAST; else f.flags |= IF_MULTIACCESS; /* NBMA */ if_update(&f); } } static void nl_parse_addr(struct nlmsghdr *h) { struct ifaddrmsg *i; struct rtattr *a[IFA_ANYCAST+1]; int new = h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR; struct ifa ifa; struct iface *ifi; int scope; if (!(i = nl_checkin(h, sizeof(*i))) || !nl_parse_attrs(IFA_RTA(i), a, sizeof(a))) return; if (i->ifa_family != BIRD_AF) return; if (!a[IFA_ADDRESS] || RTA_PAYLOAD(a[IFA_ADDRESS]) != sizeof(ip_addr) #ifdef IPV6 || a[IFA_LOCAL] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[IFA_LOCAL]) != sizeof(ip_addr) #else || !a[IFA_LOCAL] || RTA_PAYLOAD(a[IFA_LOCAL]) != sizeof(ip_addr) || (a[IFA_BROADCAST] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[IFA_BROADCAST]) != sizeof(ip_addr)) #endif ) { log(L_ERR "nl_parse_addr: Malformed message received"); return; } #ifdef IPV6 if (i->ifa_scope == RT_SCOPE_LINK) return; #endif ifi = if_find_by_index(i->ifa_index); if (!ifi) { log(L_ERR "KIF: Received address message for unknown interface %d", i->ifa_index); return; } bzero(&ifa, sizeof(ifa)); ifa.iface = ifi; if (i->ifa_flags & IFA_F_SECONDARY) ifa.flags |= IA_SECONDARY; /* IFA_LOCAL can be unset for IPv6 interfaces */ memcpy(&ifa.ip, RTA_DATA(a[IFA_LOCAL] ? : a[IFA_ADDRESS]), sizeof(ifa.ip)); ipa_ntoh(ifa.ip); ifa.pxlen = i->ifa_prefixlen; if (i->ifa_prefixlen > BITS_PER_IP_ADDRESS || i->ifa_prefixlen == BITS_PER_IP_ADDRESS - 1) { log(L_ERR "KIF: Invalid prefix length for interface %s: %d", ifi->name, i->ifa_prefixlen); new = 0; } if (i->ifa_prefixlen == BITS_PER_IP_ADDRESS) { ifa.flags |= IA_UNNUMBERED; memcpy(&ifa.opposite, RTA_DATA(a[IFA_ADDRESS]), sizeof(ifa.opposite)); ipa_ntoh(ifa.opposite); ifa.prefix = ifa.brd = ifa.opposite; } else { ip_addr netmask = ipa_mkmask(ifa.pxlen); #ifndef IPV6 if (i->ifa_prefixlen == BITS_PER_IP_ADDRESS - 2) ifa.opposite = ipa_opposite(ifa.ip); if ((ifi->flags & IF_BROADCAST) && a[IFA_BROADCAST]) { memcpy(&ifa.brd, RTA_DATA(a[IFA_BROADCAST]), sizeof(ifa.brd)); ipa_ntoh(ifa.brd); } else ifa.brd = ipa_or(ifa.ip, ipa_not(netmask)); #endif ifa.prefix = ipa_and(ifa.ip, netmask); } scope = ipa_classify(ifa.ip); if (scope < 0) { log(L_ERR "KIF: Invalid interface address %I", ifa.ip); return; } ifa.scope = scope & IADDR_SCOPE_MASK; DBG("KIF: IF%d(%s): %s IPA %I, flg %x, net %I/%d, brd %I, opp %I\n", ifi->index, ifi->name, new ? "added" : "removed", ifa.ip, ifa.flags, ifa.prefix, ifa.pxlen, ifa.brd, ifa.opposite); if (new) ifa_update(&ifa); else ifa_delete(&ifa); } void krt_if_scan(struct kif_proto *p) { struct nlmsghdr *h; if_start_update(); nl_request_dump(RTM_GETLINK); while (h = nl_get_scan()) if (h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWLINK || h->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELLINK) nl_parse_link(h, 1); else log(L_DEBUG "nl_scan_ifaces: Unknown packet received (type=%d)", h->nlmsg_type); nl_request_dump(RTM_GETADDR); while (h = nl_get_scan()) if (h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR || h->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELADDR) nl_parse_addr(h); else log(L_DEBUG "nl_scan_ifaces: Unknown packet received (type=%d)", h->nlmsg_type); if_end_update(); } /* * Routes */ static struct krt_proto *nl_table_map[NL_NUM_TABLES]; int krt_capable(rte *e) { rta *a = e->attrs; if (a->cast != RTC_UNICAST #if 0 && a->cast != RTC_ANYCAST #endif ) return 0; if (a->source == RTS_DEVICE) /* Kernel takes care of device routes itself */ return 0; switch (a->dest) { case RTD_ROUTER: case RTD_DEVICE: case RTD_BLACKHOLE: case RTD_UNREACHABLE: case RTD_PROHIBIT: break; default: return 0; } return 1; } static void nl_send_route(struct krt_proto *p, rte *e, int new) { net *net = e->net; rta *a = e->attrs; struct { struct nlmsghdr h; struct rtmsg r; char buf[128]; } r; DBG("nl_send_route(%I/%d,new=%d)\n", net->n.prefix, net->n.pxlen, new); bzero(&r.h, sizeof(r.h)); bzero(&r.r, sizeof(r.r)); r.h.nlmsg_type = new ? RTM_NEWROUTE : RTM_DELROUTE; r.h.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH(sizeof(struct rtmsg)); r.h.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_ACK | (new ? NLM_F_CREATE|NLM_F_REPLACE : 0); r.r.rtm_family = BIRD_AF; r.r.rtm_dst_len = net->n.pxlen; r.r.rtm_tos = 0; r.r.rtm_table = KRT_CF->scan.table_id; r.r.rtm_protocol = RTPROT_BIRD; r.r.rtm_scope = RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE; nl_add_attr_ipa(&r.h, sizeof(r), RTA_DST, net->n.prefix); switch (a->dest) { case RTD_ROUTER: r.r.rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST; nl_add_attr_ipa(&r.h, sizeof(r), RTA_GATEWAY, a->gw); break; case RTD_DEVICE: r.r.rtm_type = RTN_UNICAST; nl_add_attr_u32(&r.h, sizeof(r), RTA_OIF, a->iface->index); break; case RTD_BLACKHOLE: r.r.rtm_type = RTN_BLACKHOLE; break; case RTD_UNREACHABLE: r.r.rtm_type = RTN_UNREACHABLE; break; case RTD_PROHIBIT: r.r.rtm_type = RTN_PROHIBIT; break; default: bug("krt_capable inconsistent with nl_send_route"); } nl_exchange(&r.h); } void krt_set_notify(struct krt_proto *p, net *n, rte *new, rte *old) { if (old && new) { /* * We should check whether priority and TOS is identical as well, * but we don't use these and default value is always equal to default value. :-) */ nl_send_route(p, new, 1); } else { if (old) { if (!old->attrs->iface || (old->attrs->iface->flags & IF_UP)) nl_send_route(p, old, 0); /* else the kernel has already flushed it */ } if (new) nl_send_route(p, new, 1); } } struct iface * krt_temp_iface(struct krt_proto *p, unsigned index) { struct iface *i, *j; WALK_LIST(i, p->scan.temp_ifs) if (i->index == index) return i; i = mb_allocz(p->p.pool, sizeof(struct iface)); if (j = if_find_by_index(index)) strcpy(i->name, j->name); else strcpy(i->name, "?"); i->index = index; add_tail(&p->scan.temp_ifs, &i->n); return i; } static void nl_parse_route(struct nlmsghdr *h, int scan) { struct krt_proto *p; struct rtmsg *i; struct rtattr *a[RTA_CACHEINFO+1]; int new = h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWROUTE; ip_addr dst; rta ra; rte *e; net *net; u32 oif; int src; if (!(i = nl_checkin(h, sizeof(*i))) || !nl_parse_attrs(RTM_RTA(i), a, sizeof(a))) return; if (i->rtm_family != BIRD_AF) return; if ((a[RTA_DST] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[RTA_DST]) != sizeof(ip_addr)) || (a[RTA_OIF] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[RTA_OIF]) != 4) || (a[RTA_PRIORITY] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[RTA_PRIORITY]) != 4) || #ifdef IPV6 (a[RTA_IIF] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[RTA_IIF]) != 4) || #endif (a[RTA_GATEWAY] && RTA_PAYLOAD(a[RTA_GATEWAY]) != sizeof(ip_addr))) { log(L_ERR "nl_parse_route: Malformed message received"); return; } p = nl_table_map[i->rtm_table]; /* Do we know this table? */ if (!p) return; #ifdef IPV6 if (a[RTA_IIF]) { DBG("KRT: Ignoring route with IIF set\n"); return; } #else if (i->rtm_tos != 0) /* We don't support TOS */ { DBG("KRT: Ignoring route with TOS %02x\n", i->rtm_tos); return; } #endif if (scan && !new) { DBG("KRT: Ignoring route deletion\n"); return; } if (a[RTA_DST]) { memcpy(&dst, RTA_DATA(a[RTA_DST]), sizeof(dst)); ipa_ntoh(dst); } else dst = IPA_NONE; if (a[RTA_OIF]) memcpy(&oif, RTA_DATA(a[RTA_OIF]), sizeof(oif)); else oif = ~0; DBG("Got %I/%d, type=%d, oif=%d, table=%d, proto=%s\n", dst, i->rtm_dst_len, i->rtm_type, oif, i->rtm_table, p->p.name); switch (i->rtm_protocol) { case RTPROT_REDIRECT: src = KRT_SRC_REDIRECT; break; case RTPROT_KERNEL: DBG("Route originated in kernel, ignoring\n"); return; case RTPROT_BIRD: if (!scan) { DBG("Echo of our own route, ignoring\n"); return; } src = KRT_SRC_BIRD; break; default: src = KRT_SRC_ALIEN; } net = net_get(p->p.table, dst, i->rtm_dst_len); ra.proto = &p->p; ra.source = RTS_INHERIT; ra.scope = SCOPE_UNIVERSE; ra.cast = RTC_UNICAST; ra.flags = ra.aflags = 0; ra.from = IPA_NONE; ra.gw = IPA_NONE; ra.iface = NULL; ra.eattrs = NULL; switch (i->rtm_type) { case RTN_UNICAST: if (oif == ~0U) { log(L_ERR "KRT: Mysterious route with no OIF (%I/%d)", net->n.prefix, net->n.pxlen); return; } if (a[RTA_GATEWAY]) { neighbor *ng; ra.dest = RTD_ROUTER; memcpy(&ra.gw, RTA_DATA(a[RTA_GATEWAY]), sizeof(ra.gw)); ipa_ntoh(ra.gw); ng = neigh_find(&p->p, &ra.gw, 0); if (ng && ng->scope) ra.iface = ng->iface; else /* FIXME: Remove this warning? Handle it somehow... */ log(L_WARN "Kernel told us to use non-neighbor %I for %I/%d", ra.gw, net->n.prefix, net->n.pxlen); } else { ra.dest = RTD_DEVICE; ra.iface = krt_temp_iface(p, oif); } break; case RTN_BLACKHOLE: ra.dest = RTD_BLACKHOLE; break; case RTN_UNREACHABLE: ra.dest = RTD_UNREACHABLE; break; case RTN_PROHIBIT: ra.dest = RTD_PROHIBIT; break; /* FIXME: What about RTN_THROW? */ default: DBG("KRT: Ignoring route with type=%d\n", i->rtm_type); return; } if (i->rtm_scope != RT_SCOPE_UNIVERSE) { DBG("KRT: Ignoring route with scope=%d\n", i->rtm_scope); return; } e = rte_get_temp(&ra); e->net = net; e->u.krt.src = src; e->u.krt.proto = i->rtm_protocol; e->u.krt.type = i->rtm_type; if (a[RTA_PRIORITY]) memcpy(&e->u.krt.metric, RTA_DATA(a[RTA_PRIORITY]), sizeof(e->u.krt.metric)); else e->u.krt.metric = 0; if (scan) krt_got_route(p, e); else krt_got_route_async(p, e, new); } void krt_scan_fire(struct krt_proto *p) /* CONFIG_ALL_TABLES_AT_ONCE => p is NULL */ { struct nlmsghdr *h; nl_request_dump(RTM_GETROUTE); while (h = nl_get_scan()) if (h->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWROUTE || h->nlmsg_type == RTM_DELROUTE) nl_parse_route(h, 1); else log(L_DEBUG "nl_scan_fire: Unknown packet received (type=%d)", h->nlmsg_type); } /* * Asynchronous Netlink interface */ static sock *nl_async_sk; /* BIRD socket for asynchronous notifications */ static byte *nl_async_rx_buffer; /* Receive buffer */ static void nl_async_msg(struct nlmsghdr *h) { switch (h->nlmsg_type) { case RTM_NEWROUTE: case RTM_DELROUTE: DBG("KRT: Received async route notification (%d)\n", h->nlmsg_type); nl_parse_route(h, 0); break; case RTM_NEWLINK: case RTM_DELLINK: DBG("KRT: Received async link notification (%d)\n", h->nlmsg_type); nl_parse_link(h, 0); break; case RTM_NEWADDR: case RTM_DELADDR: DBG("KRT: Received async address notification (%d)\n", h->nlmsg_type); nl_parse_addr(h); break; default: DBG("KRT: Received unknown async notification (%d)\n", h->nlmsg_type); } } static int nl_async_hook(sock *sk, int size) { struct iovec iov = { nl_async_rx_buffer, NL_RX_SIZE }; struct sockaddr_nl sa; struct msghdr m = { (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 }; struct nlmsghdr *h; int x; unsigned int len; nl_last_hdr = NULL; /* Discard packets accidentally remaining in the rxbuf */ x = recvmsg(sk->fd, &m, 0); if (x < 0) { if (errno == ENOBUFS) { /* * Netlink reports some packets have been thrown away. * One day we might react to it by asking for route table * scan in near future. */ return 1; /* More data are likely to be ready */ } else if (errno != EWOULDBLOCK) log(L_ERR "Netlink recvmsg: %m"); return 0; } if (sa.nl_pid) /* It isn't from the kernel */ { DBG("Non-kernel packet\n"); return 1; } h = (void *) nl_async_rx_buffer; len = x; if (m.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) { log(L_WARN "Netlink got truncated asynchronous message"); return 1; } while (NLMSG_OK(h, len)) { nl_async_msg(h); h = NLMSG_NEXT(h, len); } if (len) log(L_WARN "nl_async_hook: Found packet remnant of size %d", len); return 1; } static void nl_open_async(void) { sock *sk; struct sockaddr_nl sa; int fd; static int nl_open_tried = 0; if (nl_open_tried) return; nl_open_tried = 1; DBG("KRT: Opening async netlink socket\n"); fd = socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE); if (fd < 0) { log(L_ERR "Unable to open asynchronous rtnetlink socket: %m"); return; } bzero(&sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; #ifdef IPV6 sa.nl_groups = RTMGRP_LINK | RTMGRP_IPV6_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV6_ROUTE; #else sa.nl_groups = RTMGRP_LINK | RTMGRP_IPV4_IFADDR | RTMGRP_IPV4_ROUTE; #endif if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(sa)) < 0) { log(L_ERR "Unable to bind asynchronous rtnetlink socket: %m"); return; } sk = nl_async_sk = sk_new(krt_pool); sk->type = SK_MAGIC; sk->rx_hook = nl_async_hook; sk->fd = fd; if (sk_open(sk)) bug("Netlink: sk_open failed"); if (!nl_async_rx_buffer) nl_async_rx_buffer = xmalloc(NL_RX_SIZE); } /* * Interface to the UNIX krt module */ static u8 nl_cf_table[(NL_NUM_TABLES+7) / 8]; void krt_scan_preconfig(struct config *c) { bzero(&nl_cf_table, sizeof(nl_cf_table)); } void krt_scan_postconfig(struct krt_config *x) { int id = x->scan.table_id; if (nl_cf_table[id/8] & (1 << (id%8))) cf_error("Multiple kernel syncers defined for table #%d", id); nl_cf_table[id/8] |= (1 << (id%8)); } void krt_scan_construct(struct krt_config *x) { #ifndef IPV6 x->scan.table_id = RT_TABLE_MAIN; #endif } void krt_scan_start(struct krt_proto *p, int first) { init_list(&p->scan.temp_ifs); nl_table_map[KRT_CF->scan.table_id] = p; if (first) { nl_open(); nl_open_async(); } } void krt_scan_shutdown(struct krt_proto *p, int last) { } void krt_if_start(struct kif_proto *p) { nl_open(); nl_open_async(); }