/* * BIRD -- Static Protocol Configuration * * (c) 1998--1999 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/static/static.h" CF_DEFINES static struct static_route *this_srt; CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(STATIC, ROUTE, VIA, DROP, REJECT, PROHIBIT, PREFERENCE) CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, static_proto '}') static_proto_start: proto_start STATIC { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_static, sizeof(struct static_config)); static_init_config((struct static_config *) this_proto); } ; static_proto: static_proto_start proto_name '{' | static_proto proto_item ';' | static_proto stat_route ';' ; stat_route0: ROUTE IPA pxlen { this_srt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct static_route)); add_tail(&((struct static_config *) this_proto)->other_routes, &this_srt->n); if (!ip_is_prefix($2, $3)) cf_error("Invalid network prefix: %I/%d", $2, $3); this_srt->net = $2; this_srt->masklen = $3; } ; stat_route: stat_route0 VIA IPA { this_srt->dest = RTD_ROUTER; this_srt->via = $3; } | stat_route0 VIA TEXT { this_srt->dest = RTD_DEVICE; this_srt->if_name = $3; rem_node(&this_srt->n); add_tail(&((struct static_config *) this_proto)->iface_routes, &this_srt->n); } | stat_route0 DROP { this_srt->dest = RTD_BLACKHOLE; } | stat_route0 REJECT { this_srt->dest = RTD_UNREACHABLE; } | stat_route0 PROHIBIT { this_srt->dest = RTD_PROHIBIT; } ; CF_CLI(SHOW STATIC, optsym, [<name>], [[Show details of static protocol]]) { static_show(proto_get_named($3, &proto_static)); } ; CF_CODE CF_END