/* * BIRD -- The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to Router Protocol * * (c) 2015 CZ.NIC * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/rpki/rpki.h" CF_DEFINES #define RPKI_CFG ((struct rpki_config *) this_proto) #define RPKI_TR_SSH_CFG ((struct rpki_tr_ssh_config *) RPKI_CFG->tr_config.spec) static void rpki_check_unused_hostname(void) { if (RPKI_CFG->hostname != NULL) cf_error("Only one cache server per protocol allowed"); } static void rpki_check_unused_transport(void) { if (RPKI_CFG->tr_config.spec != NULL) cf_error("At the most one transport per protocol allowed"); } CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(RPKI, REMOTE, BIRD, PRIVATE, PUBLIC, KEY, TCP, SSH, TRANSPORT, USER, RETRY, REFRESH, EXPIRE, KEEP) %type <i> rpki_keep_interval CF_GRAMMAR proto: rpki_proto ; rpki_proto_start: proto_start RPKI { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_rpki, $1); RPKI_CFG->retry_interval = RPKI_RETRY_INTERVAL; RPKI_CFG->refresh_interval = RPKI_REFRESH_INTERVAL; RPKI_CFG->expire_interval = RPKI_EXPIRE_INTERVAL; }; rpki_proto: rpki_proto_start proto_name '{' rpki_proto_opts '}' { rpki_check_config(RPKI_CFG); }; rpki_proto_opts: /* empty */ | rpki_proto_opts rpki_proto_item ';' ; rpki_proto_item: proto_item | proto_channel | REMOTE rpki_cache_addr | REMOTE rpki_cache_addr rpki_proto_item_port | rpki_proto_item_port | TRANSPORT rpki_transport | REFRESH rpki_keep_interval expr { if (rpki_check_refresh_interval($3)) cf_error(rpki_check_refresh_interval($3)); RPKI_CFG->refresh_interval = $3; RPKI_CFG->keep_refresh_interval = $2; } | RETRY rpki_keep_interval expr { if (rpki_check_retry_interval($3)) cf_error(rpki_check_retry_interval($3)); RPKI_CFG->retry_interval = $3; RPKI_CFG->keep_retry_interval = $2; } | EXPIRE rpki_keep_interval expr { if (rpki_check_expire_interval($3)) cf_error(rpki_check_expire_interval($3)); RPKI_CFG->expire_interval = $3; RPKI_CFG->keep_expire_interval = $2; } ; rpki_keep_interval: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | KEEP { $$ = 1; } ; rpki_proto_item_port: PORT expr { check_u16($2); RPKI_CFG->port = $2; }; rpki_cache_addr: text { rpki_check_unused_hostname(); RPKI_CFG->hostname = $1; } | ipa { rpki_check_unused_hostname(); RPKI_CFG->ip = $1; /* Ensure hostname is filled */ char *hostname = cfg_allocz(sizeof(INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1)); bsnprintf(hostname, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN+1, "%I", RPKI_CFG->ip); RPKI_CFG->hostname = hostname; } ; rpki_transport: TCP rpki_transport_tcp_init | SSH rpki_transport_ssh_init '{' rpki_transport_ssh_opts '}' rpki_transport_ssh_check ; rpki_transport_tcp_init: { rpki_check_unused_transport(); RPKI_CFG->tr_config.spec = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct rpki_tr_tcp_config)); RPKI_CFG->tr_config.type = RPKI_TR_TCP; }; rpki_transport_ssh_init: { rpki_check_unused_transport(); RPKI_CFG->tr_config.spec = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct rpki_tr_ssh_config)); RPKI_CFG->tr_config.type = RPKI_TR_SSH; }; rpki_transport_ssh_opts: /* empty */ | rpki_transport_ssh_opts rpki_transport_ssh_item ';' ; rpki_transport_ssh_item: BIRD PRIVATE KEY text { RPKI_TR_SSH_CFG->bird_private_key = $4; } | REMOTE PUBLIC KEY text { RPKI_TR_SSH_CFG->cache_public_key = $4; } | USER text { RPKI_TR_SSH_CFG->user = $2; } ; rpki_transport_ssh_check: { if (RPKI_TR_SSH_CFG->user == NULL) cf_error("User must be set"); }; CF_CODE CF_END