/* * BIRD -- OSPF Topological Database * * (c) 1999 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * (c) 1999 - 2000 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "nest/bird.h" #include "lib/string.h" #include "ospf.h" #define HASH_DEF_ORDER 6 /* FIXME: Increase */ #define HASH_HI_MARK *4 #define HASH_HI_STEP 2 #define HASH_HI_MAX 16 #define HASH_LO_MARK /5 #define HASH_LO_STEP 2 #define HASH_LO_MIN 8 void * originate_rt_lsa_body(struct ospf_area *oa, u16 *length, struct proto_ospf *p) { struct ospf_iface *ifa; int j=0,k=0,v=0,e=0,b=0; u16 i=0; struct ospf_lsa_rt *rt; struct ospf_lsa_rt_link *ln; struct ospf_neighbor *neigh; struct top_hash_entry *old; struct proto_ospf *po=(struct proto_ospf *)p; DBG("%s: Originating RT_lsa body for area \"%I\".\n", po->proto.name, oa->areaid); WALK_LIST (ifa, p->iface_list) { if((ifa->an==oa->areaid) && (ifa->state!=OSPF_IS_DOWN)) { i++; if(ifa->type==OSPF_IT_VLINK) v=1; } } rt=mb_allocz(p->proto.pool, sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_rt)+ i*sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_rt_link)); if((p->areano>1) && (!oa->stub)) e=1; rt->VEB=(v>>LSA_RT_V)+(e>>LSA_RT_E)+(b>>LSA_RT_B); ln=(struct ospf_lsa_rt_link *)(rt+1); WALK_LIST (ifa, p->iface_list) { if((ifa->an==oa->areaid) && (ifa->state!=OSPF_IS_DOWN)) { if(ifa->state==OSPF_IS_LOOP) { ln->type=3; ln->id=ipa_to_u32(ifa->iface->addr->ip); ln->data=0xffffffff; ln->metric=0; ln->notos=0; } else { switch(ifa->type) { case OSPF_IT_PTP: /* rfc2328 - pg126 */ neigh=(struct ospf_neighbor *)HEAD(ifa->neigh_list); if((neigh!=NULL) || (neigh->state==NEIGHBOR_FULL)) { ln->type=LSART_PTP; ln->id=neigh->rid; ln->metric=ifa->cost; ln->notos=0; if(ifa->iface->flags && IA_UNNUMBERED) { ln->data=ifa->iface->index; } else { ln->id=ipa_to_u32(ifa->iface->addr->ip); } } else { if(ifa->state==OSPF_IS_PTP) { ln->type=LSART_STUB; ln->id=ln->id=ipa_to_u32(ifa->iface->addr->opposite); ln->metric=ifa->cost; ln->notos=0; ln->data=0xffffffff; } else { i--; /* No link added */ } } break; case OSPF_IT_BCAST: /*FIXME Go on */ case OSPF_IT_NBMA: if(ifa->state==OSPF_IS_WAITING) { ln->type=LSART_STUB; ln->id=ipa_to_u32(ifa->iface->addr->prefix); ln->data=ipa_to_u32(ipa_mkmask(ifa->iface->addr->pxlen)); ln->metric=ifa->cost; ln->notos=0; } else { j=0,k=0; WALK_LIST(neigh, ifa->neigh_list) { if((neigh->rid==ifa->drid) && (neigh->state==NEIGHBOR_FULL)) k=1; if(neigh->state==NEIGHBOR_FULL) j=1; } if(((ifa->state==OSPF_IS_DR) && (j==1)) || (k==1)) { ln->type=LSART_NET; ln->id=ipa_to_u32(ifa->drip); ln->data=ipa_to_u32(ifa->iface->addr->ip); ln->metric=ifa->cost; ln->notos=0; } else { ln->type=LSART_STUB; ln->id=ipa_to_u32(ifa->iface->addr->prefix); ln->data=ipa_to_u32(ipa_mkmask(ifa->iface->addr->pxlen)); ln->metric=ifa->cost; ln->notos=0; } } break; case OSPF_IT_VLINK: /* FIXME Add virtual links! */ i--; break; } } if(ifa->type==OSPF_IT_VLINK) v=1; } ln=(ln+1); } rt->links=i; *length=i*sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_rt_link)+sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_rt)+ sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_header); return rt; } void age_timer_hook(timer *timer) { struct ospf_area *oa=timer->data; bird_clock_t delta; struct top_hash_entry *en,*nxt; int flush=0; flush=can_flush_lsa(oa); if((delta=now-oa->lage)>=AGINGDELTA) { WALK_SLIST_DELSAFE(en,nxt,oa->lsal) ospf_age(en,delta,flush,oa); oa->lage=now; } } void addifa_rtlsa(struct ospf_iface *ifa) { struct ospf_area *oa; struct proto_ospf *po=ifa->proto; u32 rtid; struct top_graph_rtlsa_link *li, *lih; rtid=po->proto.cf->global->router_id; DBG("%s: New OSPF area \"%d\" adding.\n", po->proto.name, ifa->an); oa=NULL; WALK_LIST(NODE oa,po->area_list) { if(oa->areaid==ifa->an) break; } if(EMPTY_LIST(po->area_list) || (oa->areaid!=ifa->an)) /* New area */ { struct ospf_lsa_header *lsa; oa=mb_allocz(po->proto.pool, sizeof(struct ospf_area)); add_tail(&po->area_list,NODE oa); oa->areaid=ifa->an; oa->gr=ospf_top_new(po); s_init_list(&(oa->lsal)); oa->rt=NULL; oa->lage=now; oa->po=po; oa->age_timer=tm_new(po->proto.pool); oa->age_timer->data=oa; oa->age_timer->randomize=0; oa->age_timer->hook=age_timer_hook; oa->age_timer->recurrent=AGINGDELTA; tm_start(oa->age_timer,AGINGDELTA); fib_init(&oa->infib,po->proto.pool,sizeof(struct infib),16,init_infib); /* FIXME 16?? (Oh, sweet 16.... :-) */ po->areano++; DBG("%s: New OSPF area \"%d\" added.\n", po->proto.name, ifa->an); } ifa->oa=oa; originate_rt_lsa(oa,po); DBG("RT LSA: rt: %I, id: %I, type: %u\n",oa->rt->lsa.rt,oa->rt->lsa.id,oa->rt->lsa.type); flood_lsa(NULL,NULL,&oa->rt->lsa,po,NULL,oa); } void originate_rt_lsa(struct ospf_area *oa, struct proto_ospf *po) { struct ospf_lsa_header lsa; u32 rtid=po->proto.cf->global->router_id; struct top_hash_entry *en; void *body; debug("%s: Originating RT_lsa for area \"%I\".\n",po->proto.name,oa->areaid); lsa.age=0; lsa.id=rtid; lsa.type=LSA_T_RT; lsa.rt=rtid; if(oa->rt==NULL) { lsa.sn=LSA_INITSEQNO; } else { lsa.sn=oa->rt->lsa.sn+1; } body=originate_rt_lsa_body(oa, &lsa.length, po); lsasum_calculate(&lsa,body,po); en=lsa_install_new(&lsa, body, oa, &po->proto); oa->rt=en; flood_lsa(NULL,NULL,&oa->rt->lsa,po,NULL,oa); } void * originate_net_lsa_body(struct ospf_iface *ifa, u16 *length, struct proto_ospf *po) { u16 i=1; struct ospf_neighbor *n; u32 *body; struct ospf_lsa_net *net; net=mb_alloc(po->proto.pool,sizeof(u32)*(ifa->fadj+1)+ sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_net)); net->netmask=ipa_mkmask(ifa->iface->addr->pxlen); body=(u32 *)(net+1); i=1; *body=po->proto.cf->global->router_id; WALK_LIST(n,ifa->neigh_list) { if(n->state==NEIGHBOR_FULL) { *(body+i)=n->rid; i++; } } *length=i*sizeof(u32)+sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_header)+ sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_net); return net; } void originate_net_lsa(struct ospf_iface *ifa, struct proto_ospf *po) { struct ospf_lsa_header lsa; u32 rtid=po->proto.cf->global->router_id; struct top_hash_entry *en; void *body; if(ifa->state!=OSPF_IS_DR) return; debug("%s: Originating Net lsa for iface \"%s\".\n", po->proto.name, ifa->iface->name); if(ifa->fadj==0) { if(ifa->nlsa==NULL) return; lsa.sn+=1; lsa.age=LSA_MAXAGE; flood_lsa(NULL,NULL,&ifa->nlsa->lsa,po,NULL,ifa->oa); /* FIXME delete LSA */ ifa->nlsa=NULL; return ; } lsa.age=0; lsa.id=rtid; lsa.type=LSA_T_NET; lsa.rt=rtid; if(ifa->nlsa==NULL) { lsa.sn=LSA_INITSEQNO; } else { lsa.sn+=1; } body=originate_net_lsa_body(ifa, &lsa.length, po); lsasum_calculate(&lsa,body,po); en=lsa_install_new(&lsa, body, ifa->oa, &po->proto); flood_lsa(NULL,NULL,&ifa->nlsa->lsa,po,NULL,ifa->oa); } static void ospf_top_ht_alloc(struct top_graph *f) { f->hash_size = 1 << f->hash_order; f->hash_mask = f->hash_size - 1; if (f->hash_order > HASH_HI_MAX - HASH_HI_STEP) f->hash_entries_max = ~0; else f->hash_entries_max = f->hash_size HASH_HI_MARK; if (f->hash_order < HASH_LO_MIN + HASH_LO_STEP) f->hash_entries_min = 0; else f->hash_entries_min = f->hash_size HASH_LO_MARK; DBG("Allocating OSPF hash of order %d: %d hash_entries, %d low, %d high\n", f->hash_order, f->hash_size, f->hash_entries_min, f->hash_entries_max); f->hash_table = mb_alloc(f->pool, f->hash_size * sizeof(struct top_hash_entry *)); bzero(f->hash_table, f->hash_size * sizeof(struct top_hash_entry *)); } static inline void ospf_top_ht_free(struct top_hash_entry **h) { mb_free(h); } static inline u32 ospf_top_hash_u32(u32 a) { /* Shamelessly stolen from IP address hashing in ipv4.h */ a ^= a >> 16; a ^= a << 10; return a; } static inline unsigned ospf_top_hash(struct top_graph *f, u32 lsaid, u32 rtrid, u32 type) { #if 1 /* Dirty patch to make rt table calculation work. */ return (ospf_top_hash_u32(lsaid) + ospf_top_hash_u32((type==2) ? lsaid : rtrid) + type) & f->hash_mask; #else return (ospf_top_hash_u32(lsaid) + ospf_top_hash_u32(rtrid) + type) & f->hash_mask; #endif } struct top_graph * ospf_top_new(struct proto_ospf *p) { struct top_graph *f; f = mb_allocz(p->proto.pool, sizeof(struct top_graph)); f->pool = p->proto.pool; f->hash_slab = sl_new(f->pool, sizeof(struct top_hash_entry)); f->hash_order = HASH_DEF_ORDER; ospf_top_ht_alloc(f); f->hash_entries = 0; f->hash_entries_min = 0; return f; } void ospf_top_free(struct top_graph *f) { rfree(f->hash_slab); ospf_top_ht_free(f->hash_table); mb_free(f); } static void ospf_top_rehash(struct top_graph *f, int step) { unsigned int oldn, oldh; struct top_hash_entry **n, **oldt, **newt, *e, *x; oldn = f->hash_size; oldt = f->hash_table; DBG("Re-hashing topology hash from order %d to %d\n", f->hash_order, f->hash_order+step); f->hash_order += step; ospf_top_ht_alloc(f); newt = f->hash_table; for(oldh=0; oldh < oldn; oldh++) { e = oldt[oldh]; while (e) { x = e->next; n = newt + ospf_top_hash(f, e->lsa.id, e->lsa.rt, e->lsa.type); e->next = *n; *n = e; e = x; } } ospf_top_ht_free(oldt); } struct top_hash_entry * ospf_hash_find_header(struct top_graph *f, struct ospf_lsa_header *h) { return ospf_hash_find(f,h->id,h->rt,h->type); } struct top_hash_entry * ospf_hash_get_header(struct top_graph *f, struct ospf_lsa_header *h) { return ospf_hash_get(f,h->id,h->rt,h->type); } struct top_hash_entry * ospf_hash_find(struct top_graph *f, u32 lsa, u32 rtr, u32 type) { struct top_hash_entry *e = f->hash_table[ospf_top_hash(f, lsa, rtr, type)]; #if 1 if(type==2 && lsa==rtr) { while (e && (e->lsa.id != lsa || e->lsa.type != 2 )) e = e->next; } else { while (e && (e->lsa.id != lsa || e->lsa.type != type || e->lsa.rt != rtr)) e = e->next; } #else while (e && (e->lsa.id != lsa || e->lsa.rt != rtr || e->lsa.type != type)) e = e->next; #endif return e; } struct top_hash_entry * ospf_hash_get(struct top_graph *f, u32 lsa, u32 rtr, u32 type) { struct top_hash_entry **ee = f->hash_table + ospf_top_hash(f, lsa, rtr, type); struct top_hash_entry *e = *ee; while (e && (e->lsa.id != lsa || e->lsa.rt != rtr || e->lsa.type != type)) e = e->next; if (e) return e; e = sl_alloc(f->hash_slab); e->lsa.id = lsa; e->lsa.rt = rtr; e->lsa.type = type; e->lsa_body = NULL; e->nhi=NULL; e->next=*ee; /* MJ you forgot this :-) */ *ee=e; if (f->hash_entries++ > f->hash_entries_max) ospf_top_rehash(f, HASH_HI_STEP); return e; } void ospf_hash_delete(struct top_graph *f, struct top_hash_entry *e) { unsigned int h = ospf_top_hash(f, e->lsa.id, e->lsa.rt, e->lsa.type); struct top_hash_entry **ee = f->hash_table + h; while (*ee) { if (*ee == e) { *ee = e->next; sl_free(f->hash_slab, e); if (f->hash_entries-- < f->hash_entries_min) ospf_top_rehash(f, -HASH_LO_STEP); return; } ee = &((*ee)->next); } bug("ospf_hash_delete() called for invalid node"); } void ospf_top_dump(struct top_graph *f) { unsigned int i; debug("Hash entries: %d\n", f->hash_entries); for(i=0; i<f->hash_size; i++) { struct top_hash_entry *e = f->hash_table[i]; while (e) { debug("\t%1x %8I %8I %4u 0x%08x\n", e->lsa.type, e->lsa.id, e->lsa.rt, e->lsa.age, e->lsa.sn); e = e->next; } } } /* This is very uneficient, please don't call it often */ /* I should also test for every LSA if it's in some link state * retransmision list for every neighbor. I will not test it. * It can happen that I'll receive some strange ls ack's. */ int can_flush_lsa(struct ospf_area *oa) { struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct ospf_neighbor *n; struct proto_ospf *po=oa->po; WALK_LIST(ifa, iface_list) { if(ifa->oa==oa) { WALK_LIST(n, ifa->neigh_list) { if((n->state==NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE)||(n->state==NEIGHBOR_LOADING)) { return 0; } } } } return 1; }