/* * BIRD -- OSPF * * (c) 2000--2004 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "ospf.h" static void add_cand(list * l, struct top_hash_entry *en, struct top_hash_entry *par, u16 dist, struct ospf_area *oa); static void calc_next_hop(struct top_hash_entry *en, struct top_hash_entry *par, struct ospf_area *oa); static void ospf_ext_spf(struct proto_ospf *po); static void rt_sync(struct proto_ospf *po); static void fill_ri(orta * orta) { orta->type = RTS_DUMMY; orta->capa = 0; orta->oa = NULL; orta->metric1 = LSINFINITY; orta->metric2 = LSINFINITY; orta->nh = IPA_NONE; orta->ifa = NULL; orta->ar = NULL; orta->tag = 0; } void ospf_rt_initort(struct fib_node *fn) { ort *ri = (ort *) fn; fill_ri(&ri->n); memcpy(&ri->o, &ri->n, sizeof(orta)); ri->efn = NULL; } /* If new is better return 1 */ /* * This is hard to understand: * If rfc1583 is set to 1, it work likes normal route_better() * But if it is set to 0, it prunes number of AS boundary * routes before it starts the router decision */ static int ri_better(struct proto_ospf *po, orta * new, ort *nefn, orta * old, ort *oefn, int rfc1583) { int newtype = new->type; int oldtype = old->type; if (old->type == RTS_DUMMY) return 1; if (old->metric1 == LSINFINITY) return 1; if (!rfc1583) { if ((new->type < RTS_OSPF_EXT1) && (new->oa->areaid == 0)) newtype = RTS_OSPF_IA; if ((old->type < RTS_OSPF_EXT2) && (old->oa->areaid == 0)) oldtype = RTS_OSPF_IA; } if (newtype < oldtype) return 1; if (newtype > oldtype) return 0; /* Same type */ if (new->type == RTS_OSPF_EXT2) { if (new->metric2 < old->metric2) return 1; if (new->metric2 > old->metric2) return 0; } if (((new->type == RTS_OSPF_EXT2) || (new->type == RTS_OSPF_EXT1)) && (!po->rfc1583)) { newtype = nefn->n.type; oldtype = oefn->n.type; if (nefn->n.oa->areaid == 0) newtype = RTS_OSPF_IA; if (oefn->n.oa->areaid == 0) oldtype = RTS_OSPF_IA; if (newtype < oldtype) return 1; if (newtype > oldtype) return 0; } if (new->metric1 < old->metric1) return 1; if (new->metric1 > old->metric1) return 0; if (new->oa->areaid > old->oa->areaid) return 1; /* Larger AREAID is preffered */ return 0; /* Old is shorter or same */ } static void ri_install(struct proto_ospf *po, ip_addr prefix, int pxlen, int dest, orta * new, ort * ipath) { struct ospf_area *oa = new->oa; ort *old; if (dest == ORT_NET) { struct area_net *anet; old = (ort *) fib_get(&po->rtf, &prefix, pxlen); if (ri_better(po, new, ipath, &old->n, old->efn, 1)) { memcpy(&old->n, new, sizeof(orta)); old->efn = ipath; if ((new->type == RTS_OSPF) && (anet = (struct area_net *)fib_route(&oa->net_fib, prefix, pxlen))) { anet->active = 1; if (new->metric1 > anet->metric) anet->metric = new->metric1; } } } else { old = (ort *) fib_get(&oa->rtr, &prefix, pxlen); if (ri_better(po, new, ipath, &old->n, old->efn, 1)) { memcpy(&old->n, new, sizeof(orta)); old->efn = ipath; } } } static void ospf_rt_spfa(struct ospf_area *oa) { u32 i, *rts; struct ospf_lsa_rt *rt; struct ospf_lsa_rt_link *rtl, *rr; struct proto *p = &oa->po->proto; struct proto_ospf *po = oa->po; struct ospf_lsa_net *ln; orta nf; struct ospf_iface *iface; struct top_hash_entry *act, *tmp; node *n; if (oa->rt == NULL) return; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Starting routing table calculation for area %R", oa->areaid); if (oa->rt->dist != LSINFINITY) bug("Aging was not processed."); init_list(&oa->cand); /* Empty list of candidates */ oa->trcap = 0; DBG("LSA db prepared, adding me into candidate list.\n"); oa->rt->dist = 0; oa->rt->color = CANDIDATE; add_head(&oa->cand, &oa->rt->cn); DBG("RT LSA: rt: %R, id: %R, type: %u\n", oa->rt->lsa.rt, oa->rt->lsa.id, oa->rt->lsa.type); while (!EMPTY_LIST(oa->cand)) { n = HEAD(oa->cand); act = SKIP_BACK(struct top_hash_entry, cn, n); rem_node(n); DBG("Working on LSA: rt: %R, id: %R, type: %u\n", act->lsa.rt, act->lsa.id, act->lsa.type); act->color = INSPF; switch (act->lsa.type) { case LSA_T_RT: rt = (struct ospf_lsa_rt *) act->lsa_body; if (rt->veb.bit.v) oa->trcap = 1; if (rt->veb.bit.b || rt->veb.bit.e) { nf.type = RTS_OSPF; nf.capa = 0; if (rt->veb.bit.b) nf.capa |= ORTA_ABR; if (rt->veb.bit.e) nf.capa |= ORTA_ASBR; nf.metric1 = act->dist; nf.metric2 = LSINFINITY; nf.tag = 0; nf.oa = oa; nf.ar = act; nf.nh = act->nh; nf.ifa = act->nhi; ri_install(po, ipa_from_u32(act->lsa.id), 32, ORT_ROUTER, &nf, NULL); } rr = (struct ospf_lsa_rt_link *) (rt + 1); DBG(" Number of links: %u\n", rt->links); for (i = 0; i < rt->links; i++) { tmp = NULL; rtl = (rr + i); DBG(" Working on link: %R (type: %u) ", rtl->id, rtl->type); switch (rtl->type) { case LSART_STUB: /* * This violates rfc2328! but I hope * it's also correct. */ DBG("\n"); nf.type = RTS_OSPF; nf.capa = 0; nf.metric1 = act->dist + rtl->metric; nf.metric2 = LSINFINITY; nf.tag = 0; nf.oa = oa; nf.ar = act; nf.nh = act->nh; nf.ifa = act->nhi; if (act == oa->rt) { struct ospf_iface *iff; WALK_LIST(iff, po->iface_list) /* Try to find corresponding interface */ { if (iff->iface && (iff->type != OSPF_IT_VLINK) && (rtl->id == (ipa_to_u32(ipa_mkmask(iff->iface->addr->pxlen)) & ipa_to_u32(iff->iface->addr->prefix)))) /* No VLINK and IP must match */ { nf.ifa = iff; break; } } } if (!nf.ifa) continue; ri_install(po, ipa_from_u32(rtl->id), ipa_mklen(ipa_from_u32(rtl->data)), ORT_NET, &nf, NULL); break; case LSART_NET: tmp = ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, rtl->id, rtl->id, LSA_T_NET); if (tmp == NULL) DBG("Not found!\n"); else DBG("Found. :-)\n"); break; case LSART_VLNK: case LSART_PTP: tmp = ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, rtl->id, rtl->id, LSA_T_RT); DBG("PTP found.\n"); break; default: log("Unknown link type in router lsa. (rid = %R)", act->lsa.id); break; } if (tmp) DBG("Going to add cand, Mydist: %u, Req: %u\n", tmp->dist, act->dist + rtl->metric); add_cand(&oa->cand, tmp, act, act->dist + rtl->metric, oa); } break; case LSA_T_NET: ln = act->lsa_body; nf.type = RTS_OSPF; nf.capa = 0; nf.metric1 = act->dist; nf.metric2 = LSINFINITY; nf.tag = 0; nf.oa = oa; nf.ar = act; nf.nh = act->nh; nf.ifa = act->nhi; ri_install(po, ipa_and(ipa_from_u32(act->lsa.id), ln->netmask), ipa_mklen(ln->netmask), ORT_NET, &nf, NULL); rts = (u32 *) (ln + 1); for (i = 0; i < (act->lsa.length - sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_header) - sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_net)) / sizeof(u32); i++) { DBG(" Working on router %R ", rts[i]); tmp = ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, rts[i], rts[i], LSA_T_RT); if (tmp != NULL) DBG("Found :-)\n"); else DBG("Not found!\n"); add_cand(&oa->cand, tmp, act, act->dist, oa); } break; } } /* Find new/lost VLINK peers */ WALK_LIST(iface, po->iface_list) { if ((iface->type == OSPF_IT_VLINK) && (iface->voa == oa)) { if ((tmp = ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, iface->vid, iface->vid, LSA_T_RT)) && (!ipa_equal(tmp->lb, IPA_NONE))) { if ((iface->state != OSPF_IS_PTP) || (iface->iface != tmp->nhi->iface) || (!ipa_equal(iface->vip, tmp->lb))) { OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Vlink peer %R found", tmp->lsa.id); ospf_iface_sm(iface, ISM_DOWN); iface->iface = tmp->nhi->iface; iface->vip = tmp->lb; ospf_iface_sm(iface, ISM_UP); } } else { if (iface->state > OSPF_IS_DOWN) { OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Vlink peer %R lost", iface->vid); ospf_iface_sm(iface, ISM_DOWN); } } } } } static int link_back(struct ospf_area *oa, struct top_hash_entry *fol, struct top_hash_entry *pre) { u32 i, *rts; struct ospf_lsa_net *ln; struct ospf_lsa_rt *rt; struct ospf_lsa_rt_link *rtl, *rr; struct proto_ospf *po = oa->po; if (!pre) return 0; if (!fol) return 0; switch (fol->lsa.type) { case LSA_T_RT: rt = (struct ospf_lsa_rt *) fol->lsa_body; rr = (struct ospf_lsa_rt_link *) (rt + 1); for (i = 0; i < rt->links; i++) { rtl = (rr + i); switch (rtl->type) { case LSART_STUB: break; case LSART_NET: if (ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, rtl->id, rtl->id, LSA_T_NET) == pre) { fol->lb = ipa_from_u32(rtl->data); return 1; } break; case LSART_VLNK: case LSART_PTP: if (ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, rtl->id, rtl->id, LSA_T_RT) == pre) { fol->lb = ipa_from_u32(rtl->data); return 1; } break; default: log("Unknown link type in router lsa. (rid = %R)", fol->lsa.id); break; } } break; case LSA_T_NET: ln = fol->lsa_body; rts = (u32 *) (ln + 1); for (i = 0; i < (fol->lsa.length - sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_header) - sizeof(struct ospf_lsa_net)) / sizeof(u32); i++) { if (ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, *(rts + i), *(rts + i), LSA_T_RT) == pre) { return 1; } } break; default: bug("Unknown lsa type. (id = %R)", fol->lsa.id); } return 0; } static void ospf_rt_sum_tr(struct ospf_area *oa) { struct proto *p = &oa->po->proto; struct proto_ospf *po = oa->po; struct ospf_area *bb = po->backbone; ip_addr *mask, ip, abrip; struct top_hash_entry *en; int mlen = -1, type = -1; union ospf_lsa_sum_tm *tm; ort *re = NULL, *abr; orta nf; if (!bb) return; WALK_SLIST(en, po->lsal) { if (en->oa != oa) continue; if (en->lsa.age == LSA_MAXAGE) continue; if (en->dist == LSINFINITY) continue; if (en->lsa.rt == p->cf->global->router_id) continue; if ((en->lsa.type != LSA_T_SUM_RT) && (en->lsa.type != LSA_T_SUM_NET)) continue; mask = (ip_addr *)en->lsa_body; if (en->lsa.type == LSA_T_SUM_NET) { mlen = ipa_mklen(*mask); ip = ipa_and(ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id), *mask); type = ORT_NET; re = (ort *) fib_find(&po->rtf, &ip, 32); } if (en->lsa.type == LSA_T_SUM_RT) { ip = ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id); mlen = 32; type = ORT_ROUTER; re = (ort *) fib_find(&bb->rtr, &ip, 32); } if (!re) continue; if (re->n.oa->areaid != 0) continue; if ((re->n.type != RTS_OSPF) && (re->n.type != RTS_OSPF_IA)) continue; abrip = ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.rt); abr = fib_find(&oa->rtr, &abrip, 32); if (!abr) continue; tm = (union ospf_lsa_sum_tm *)(mask + 1); nf.type = re->n.type; nf.capa = ORTA_ASBR; nf.metric1 = abr->n.metric1 + (tm->metric & METRIC_MASK); nf.metric2 = LSINFINITY; nf.tag = 0; nf.oa = oa; nf.ar = abr->n.ar; nf.nh = abr->n.nh; nf.ifa = abr->n.ifa; ri_install(po, ip, mlen, type, &nf, NULL); } } static void ospf_rt_sum(struct ospf_area *oa) { struct proto_ospf *po = oa->po; struct proto *p = &po->proto; struct top_hash_entry *en; ip_addr *mask, ip, abrip; /* abrIP is actually ID */ struct area_net *anet; orta nf; ort *abr; int mlen = -1, type = -1; union ospf_lsa_sum_tm *tm; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Starting routing table calculation for inter-area (area %R)", oa->areaid); WALK_SLIST(en, po->lsal) { if (en->oa != oa) continue; /* Page 169 (1) */ if (en->lsa.age == LSA_MAXAGE) continue; /* Page 169 (2) */ if (en->lsa.rt == p->cf->global->router_id) continue; if ((en->lsa.type != LSA_T_SUM_RT) && (en->lsa.type != LSA_T_SUM_NET)) continue; mask = (ip_addr *)en->lsa_body; tm = (union ospf_lsa_sum_tm *)(mask + 1); if ((tm->metric & METRIC_MASK) == LSINFINITY) continue; if (en->lsa.type == LSA_T_SUM_NET) { struct ospf_area *oaa; int skip = 0; mlen = ipa_mklen(*mask); ip = ipa_and(ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id), *mask); /* Page 169 (3) */ WALK_LIST(oaa, po->area_list) { if ((anet = fib_find(&oaa->net_fib, &ip, mlen)) && anet->active) { skip = 1; break; } } if (skip) continue; type = ORT_NET; } else { ip = ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id); mlen = 32; type = ORT_ROUTER; } abrip = ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.rt); if (!(abr = (ort *) fib_find(&oa->rtr, &abrip, 32))) continue; if (abr->n.metric1 == LSINFINITY) continue; if (!(abr->n.capa & ORTA_ABR)) continue; nf.type = RTS_OSPF_IA; nf.capa = ORTA_ASBR; nf.metric1 = abr->n.metric1 + (tm->metric & METRIC_MASK); nf.metric2 = LSINFINITY; nf.tag = 0; nf.oa = oa; nf.ar = abr->n.ar; nf.nh = abr->n.nh; nf.ifa = abr->n.ifa; ri_install(po, ip, mlen, type, &nf, NULL); } } /** * ospf_rt_spf - calculate internal routes * @po: OSPF protocol * * Calculation of internal paths in an area is described in 16.1 of RFC 2328. * It's based on Dijkstra's shortest path tree algorithms. * This function is invoked from ospf_disp(). */ void ospf_rt_spf(struct proto_ospf *po) { struct proto *p = &po->proto; struct ospf_area *oa; ort *ri; struct area_net *anet; if (po->areano == 0) return; po->cleanup = 1; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Starting routing table calculation"); /* Invalidate old routing table */ FIB_WALK(&po->rtf, nftmp) { ri = (ort *) nftmp; memcpy(&ri->o, &ri->n, sizeof(orta)); /* Backup old data */ fill_ri(&ri->n); } FIB_WALK_END; WALK_LIST(oa, po->area_list) { FIB_WALK(&oa->rtr, nftmp) { ri = (ort *) nftmp; memcpy(&ri->o, &ri->n, sizeof(orta)); /* Backup old data */ fill_ri(&ri->n); } FIB_WALK_END; FIB_WALK(&oa->net_fib, nftmp) { anet = (struct area_net *) nftmp; anet->active = 0; anet->metric = 1; } FIB_WALK_END; ospf_rt_spfa(oa); } if ((po->areano == 1) || (!po->backbone)) { ospf_rt_sum(HEAD(po->area_list)); } else { ospf_rt_sum(po->backbone); } WALK_LIST(oa, po->area_list) { if (oa->trcap && (oa->areaid != 0)) { ospf_rt_sum_tr(oa); break; } } ospf_ext_spf(po); rt_sync(po); po->calcrt = 0; } /** * ospf_ext_spf - calculate external paths * @po: protocol * * After routing table for any area is calculated, calculation of external * path is invoked. This process is described in 16.6 of RFC 2328. * Inter- and Intra-area paths are always prefered over externals. */ static void ospf_ext_spf(struct proto_ospf *po) { ort *nf1, *nf2, *nfh; orta nfa; struct top_hash_entry *en; struct proto *p = &po->proto; struct ospf_lsa_ext *le; struct ospf_lsa_ext_tos *lt; int mlen; ip_addr ip, nh, rtid; struct ospf_iface *nhi = NULL; int met1, met2; neighbor *nn; struct ospf_area *atmp; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Starting routing table calculation for ext routes"); WALK_SLIST(en, po->lsal) { if (en->lsa.type != LSA_T_EXT) continue; if (en->lsa.age == LSA_MAXAGE) continue; if (en->lsa.rt == p->cf->global->router_id) continue; le = en->lsa_body; lt = (struct ospf_lsa_ext_tos *) (le + 1); DBG("%s: Working on LSA. ID: %R, RT: %R, Type: %u, Mask %I\n", p->name, en->lsa.id, en->lsa.rt, en->lsa.type, le->netmask); if ((lt->etm.metric & METRIC_MASK) == LSINFINITY) continue; ip = ipa_and(ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id), le->netmask); mlen = ipa_mklen(le->netmask); if ((mlen < 0) || (mlen > 32)) { log("%s: Invalid mask in LSA. ID: %R, RT: %R, Type: %u, Mask %I", p->name, en->lsa.id, en->lsa.rt, en->lsa.type, le->netmask); continue; } nhi = NULL; nh = IPA_NONE; met1 = LSINFINITY; met2 = LSINFINITY; rtid = ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.rt); nf1 = NULL; WALK_LIST(atmp, po->area_list) { nfh = fib_find(&atmp->rtr, &rtid, 32); if (nfh == NULL) continue; if (nf1 == NULL) nf1 = nfh; else if (ri_better(po, &nfh->n, NULL, &nf1->n, NULL, po->rfc1583)) nf1 = nfh; } if (!nf1) continue; /* No AS boundary router found */ if (nf1->n.metric1 == LSINFINITY) continue; /* distance is INF */ if (!(nf1->n.capa & ORTA_ASBR)) continue; /* It is not ASBR */ if (ipa_equal(lt->fwaddr, IPA_NONE)) { if (lt->etm.etos.ebit) { /* FW address == 0 */ met1 = nf1->n.metric1; met2 = (lt->etm.metric & METRIC_MASK); } else { met1 = nf1->n.metric1 + (lt->etm.metric & METRIC_MASK); met2 = LSINFINITY; } nh = nf1->n.nh; nhi = nf1->n.ifa; nfh = nf1; } else { /* FW address !=0 */ nf2 = fib_route(&po->rtf, lt->fwaddr, 32); if (!nf2) { DBG("Cannot find network route (GW=%I)\n", lt->fwaddr); continue; } if (lt->etm.etos.ebit) { met1 = nf2->n.metric1; met2 = (lt->etm.metric & METRIC_MASK); } else { met1 = nf2->n.metric1 + (lt->etm.metric & METRIC_MASK); met2 = LSINFINITY; } if ((nn = neigh_find(p, <->fwaddr, 0)) != NULL) { nh = lt->fwaddr; nhi = ospf_iface_find(po, nn->iface); } else { nh = nf2->n.nh; nhi = nf2->n.ifa; } if (nf2->n.metric1 == LSINFINITY) continue; /* distance is INF */ } nfa.type = (met2 == LSINFINITY) ? RTS_OSPF_EXT1 : RTS_OSPF_EXT2; nfa.capa = 0; nfa.metric1 = met1; nfa.metric2 = met2; nfa.tag = lt->tag; nfa.oa = (po->backbone == NULL) ? HEAD(po->area_list) : po->backbone; nfa.ar = nf1->n.ar; nfa.nh = nh; nfa.ifa = nhi; ri_install(po, ip, mlen, ORT_NET, &nfa, nfh); } } /* Add LSA into list of candidates in Dijkstra's algorithm */ static void add_cand(list * l, struct top_hash_entry *en, struct top_hash_entry *par, u16 dist, struct ospf_area *oa) { node *prev, *n; int added = 0; struct top_hash_entry *act; ip_addr old_nh; struct ospf_iface *old_nhi; if (en == NULL) return; if (en->lsa.age == LSA_MAXAGE) return; if (en->color == INSPF) return; if (dist >= en->dist) return; /* * FIXME The line above (=) is not a bug, but we don't support multiple * next hops. I'll start as soon as nest will */ if (!link_back(oa, en, par)) return; DBG(" Adding candidate: rt: %R, id: %R, type: %u\n", en->lsa.rt, en->lsa.id, en->lsa.type); old_nhi = en->nhi; old_nh = en->nh; en->nhi = NULL; en->nh = IPA_NONE; calc_next_hop(en, par, oa); if (!en->nhi) { /* No next hop found, we undo changes and return */ en->nhi = old_nhi; en->nh = old_nh; return; } if (en->color == CANDIDATE) { /* We found a shorter path */ rem_node(&en->cn); } en->dist = dist; en->color = CANDIDATE; prev = NULL; if (EMPTY_LIST(*l)) { add_head(l, &en->cn); } else { WALK_LIST(n, *l) { act = SKIP_BACK(struct top_hash_entry, cn, n); if ((act->dist > dist) || ((act->dist == dist) && (act->lsa.type == LSA_T_NET))) { if (prev == NULL) add_head(l, &en->cn); else insert_node(&en->cn, prev); added = 1; break; } prev = n; } if (!added) { add_tail(l, &en->cn); } } } static void calc_next_hop(struct top_hash_entry *en, struct top_hash_entry *par, struct ospf_area *oa) { struct ospf_neighbor *neigh; struct proto *p = &oa->po->proto; struct proto_ospf *po = oa->po; struct ospf_iface *ifa; u32 myrid = p->cf->global->router_id; DBG(" Next hop called.\n"); if (ipa_equal(par->nh, IPA_NONE)) { neighbor *nn; DBG(" Next hop calculating for id: %R rt: %R type: %u\n", en->lsa.id, en->lsa.rt, en->lsa.type); if (par == oa->rt) { if (en->lsa.type == LSA_T_NET) { if (en->lsa.rt == myrid) { WALK_LIST(ifa, po->iface_list) if (ifa->iface && (ipa_compare (ifa->iface->addr->ip, ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id)) == 0)) { en->nhi = ifa; return; } log(L_ERR "I didn't find interface for my self originated LSA!\n"); /* This could sometimes happen */ return; } else { ip_addr ip = ipa_from_u32(en->lsa.id); nn = neigh_find(p, &ip, 0); if (nn) en->nhi = ospf_iface_find(po, nn->iface); return; } } else { if ((neigh = find_neigh_noifa(po, en->lsa.rt)) == NULL) return; en->nhi = neigh->ifa; if (ipa_equal(en->nh, IPA_NONE)) en->nh = neigh->ip; /* Yes, neighbor is it's * own next hop */ return; } } if (par->lsa.type == LSA_T_NET) { if (en->lsa.type == LSA_T_NET) bug("Parent for net is net?"); if ((en->nhi = par->nhi) == NULL) bug("Did not find next hop interface for INSPF lsa!"); if ((neigh = find_neigh_noifa(po, en->lsa.rt)) == NULL) return; en->nhi = neigh->ifa; en->nh = neigh->ip; /* Yes, neighbor is it's own * next hop */ return; } else { /* Parent is some RT neighbor */ log(L_ERR "Router's parent has no next hop. (EN=%R, PAR=%R)", en->lsa.id, par->lsa.id); /* I hope this would never happen */ return; } } en->nh = par->nh; en->nhi = par->nhi; DBG(" Next hop calculated: %I.\n", en->nh); } static void rt_sync(struct proto_ospf *po) { struct proto *p = &po->proto; struct fib_iterator fit; struct fib *fib = &po->rtf; ort *nf; struct ospf_area *oa, *oaa; struct area_net *anet; int flush; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Starting routing table synchronisation"); DBG("Now syncing my rt table with nest's\n"); FIB_ITERATE_INIT(&fit, fib); again1: FIB_ITERATE_START(fib, &fit, nftmp) { nf = (ort *) nftmp; check_sum_lsa(po, nf, ORT_NET); if (memcmp(&nf->n, &nf->o, sizeof(orta))) { /* Some difference */ net *ne; rta a0; rte *e; bzero(&a0, sizeof(a0)); a0.proto = p; a0.source = nf->n.type; a0.scope = SCOPE_UNIVERSE; a0.cast = RTC_UNICAST; a0.dest = RTD_ROUTER; a0.flags = 0; a0.aflags = 0; a0.iface = NULL; if (nf->n.ifa) a0.iface = nf->n.ifa->iface; a0.gw = nf->n.nh; if ((!ipa_equal(nf->n.nh, IPA_NONE)) && (!neigh_find(p, &nf->n.nh, 0))) { int found = 0; struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct top_hash_entry *en; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Trying to find correct next hop"); WALK_LIST(ifa, po->iface_list) { if ((ifa->type == OSPF_IT_VLINK) && ipa_equal(ifa->vip, nf->n.nh)) { if ((en = ospf_hash_find(po->gr, ifa->voa->areaid, ifa->vid, ifa->vid, LSA_T_RT)) && (!ipa_equal(en->nh, IPA_NONE))) { a0.gw = en->nh; found = 1; } break; } } if (!found) nf->n.metric1 = LSINFINITY; /* Delete it */ } if (ipa_equal(nf->n.nh, IPA_NONE)) a0.dest = RTD_DEVICE; if (!a0.iface) /* Still no match? Can this really happen? */ nf->n.metric1 = LSINFINITY; ne = net_get(p->table, nf->fn.prefix, nf->fn.pxlen); if (nf->n.metric1 < LSINFINITY) { e = rte_get_temp(&a0); e->u.ospf.metric1 = nf->n.metric1; e->u.ospf.metric2 = nf->n.metric2; e->u.ospf.tag = nf->n.tag; e->pflags = 0; e->net = ne; e->pref = p->preference; DBG("Mod rte type %d - %I/%d via %I on iface %s, met %d\n", a0.source, nf->fn.prefix, nf->fn.pxlen, a0.gw, a0.iface ? a0.iface->name : "(none)", nf->n.metric1); rte_update(p->table, ne, p, p, e); } else { rte_update(p->table, ne, p, p, NULL); FIB_ITERATE_PUT(&fit, nftmp); fib_delete(fib, nftmp); goto again1; } } } FIB_ITERATE_END(nftmp); WALK_LIST(oa, po->area_list) { FIB_ITERATE_INIT(&fit, &oa->rtr); again2: FIB_ITERATE_START(&oa->rtr, &fit, nftmp) { nf = (ort *) nftmp; if (memcmp(&nf->n, &nf->o, sizeof(orta))) { /* Some difference */ check_sum_lsa(po, nf, ORT_ROUTER); if (nf->n.metric1 >= LSINFINITY) { FIB_ITERATE_PUT(&fit, nftmp); fib_delete(&oa->rtr, nftmp); goto again2; } } } FIB_ITERATE_END(nftmp); /* Check condensed summary LSAs */ FIB_WALK(&oa->net_fib, nftmp) { flush = 1; anet = (struct area_net *) nftmp; if ((!anet->hidden) && anet->active) flush = 0; WALK_LIST(oaa, po->area_list) { int fl = flush; if (oaa == oa) continue; if ((oa == po->backbone) && oaa->trcap) fl = 1; if (oaa->stub) fl = 1; if (fl) flush_sum_lsa(oaa, &anet->fn, ORT_NET); else originate_sum_lsa(oaa, &anet->fn, ORT_NET, anet->metric); } } FIB_WALK_END; /* Check default summary LSA for stub areas * just for router connected to backbone */ if (po->backbone) { struct fib_node fnn; fnn.prefix = IPA_NONE; fnn.pxlen = 0; if (oa->stub) originate_sum_lsa(oa, &fnn, ORT_NET, oa->stub); else flush_sum_lsa(oa, &fnn, ORT_NET); } } }