/* * BIRD -- OSPF * * (c) 1999 - 2000 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "ospf.h" char *ospf_ns[]={" down", " attempt", " init", " 2way", " exstart", "exchange", " loading", " full"}; const char *ospf_inm[]={ "hello received", "neighbor start", "2-way received", "negotiation done", "exstart done", "bad ls request", "load done", "adjacency ok?", "sequence mismatch", "1-way received", "kill neighbor", "inactivity timer", "line down" }; /** * neigh_chstate - handles changes related to new or lod state of neighbor * @n: OSPF neighbor * @state: new state * * Many actions has to be taken acording to state change of neighbor. It * starts rxmt timers, call interface state machine etc. */ void neigh_chstate(struct ospf_neighbor *n, u8 state) { u8 oldstate; oldstate=n->state; if(oldstate!=state) { struct ospf_iface *ifa=n->ifa; struct proto_ospf *po=ifa->oa->po; struct proto *p=&po->proto; n->state=state; OSPF_TRACE( D_EVENTS, "Neighbor %I changes state from \"%s\" to \"%s\".", n->ip, ospf_ns[oldstate], ospf_ns[state]); if((state==NEIGHBOR_2WAY) && (oldstate<NEIGHBOR_2WAY)) ospf_int_sm(ifa, ISM_NEICH); if((state<NEIGHBOR_2WAY) && (oldstate>=NEIGHBOR_2WAY)) ospf_int_sm(ifa, ISM_NEICH); if(oldstate==NEIGHBOR_FULL) /* Decrease number of adjacencies */ { ifa->fadj--; schedule_rt_lsa(ifa->oa); schedule_net_lsa(ifa); } if(state==NEIGHBOR_FULL) /* Increase number of adjacencies */ { ifa->fadj++; schedule_rt_lsa(ifa->oa); schedule_net_lsa(ifa); } if(oldstate>=NEIGHBOR_EXSTART && state<NEIGHBOR_EXSTART) { /* Stop RXMT timer */ tm_stop(n->rxmt_timer); } if(state==NEIGHBOR_EXSTART) { if(n->adj==0) /* First time adjacency */ { n->dds=random_u32(); } n->dds++; n->myimms.byte=0; n->myimms.bit.ms=1; n->myimms.bit.m=1; n->myimms.bit.i=1; tm_start(n->rxmt_timer,1); /* Or some other number ? */ } if(state<NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE) tm_stop(n->lsrr_timer); } } struct ospf_neighbor * electbdr(list nl) { struct ospf_neighbor *neigh,*n1,*n2; n1=NULL; n2=NULL; WALK_LIST (neigh, nl) /* First try those decl. themselves */ { if(neigh->state>=NEIGHBOR_2WAY) /* Higher than 2WAY */ if(neigh->priority>0) /* Eligible */ if(ipa_compare(neigh->ip,neigh->dr)!=0) /* And not decl. itself DR */ { if(ipa_compare(neigh->ip,neigh->bdr)==0) /* Declaring BDR */ { if(n1!=NULL) { if(neigh->priority>n1->priority) n1=neigh; else if(neigh->priority==n1->priority) if(neigh->rid>n1->rid) n1=neigh; } else { n1=neigh; } } else /* And NOT declaring BDR */ { if(n2!=NULL) { if(neigh->priority>n2->priority) n2=neigh; else if(neigh->priority==n2->priority) if(neigh->rid>n2->rid) n2=neigh; } else { n2=neigh; } } } } if(n1==NULL) n1=n2; return(n1); } struct ospf_neighbor * electdr(list nl) { struct ospf_neighbor *neigh,*n; n=NULL; WALK_LIST (neigh, nl) /* And now DR */ { if(neigh->state>=NEIGHBOR_2WAY) /* Higher than 2WAY */ if(neigh->priority>0) /* Eligible */ if(ipa_compare(neigh->ip,neigh->dr)==0) /* And declaring itself DR */ { if(n!=NULL) { if(neigh->priority>n->priority) n=neigh; else if(neigh->priority==n->priority) if(neigh->rid>n->rid) n=neigh; } else { n=neigh; } } } return(n); } int can_do_adj(struct ospf_neighbor *n) { struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct proto *p; int i; ifa=n->ifa; p=(struct proto *)(ifa->proto); i=0; switch(ifa->type) { case OSPF_IT_PTP: case OSPF_IT_VLINK: i=1; break; case OSPF_IT_BCAST: case OSPF_IT_NBMA: switch(ifa->state) { case OSPF_IS_DOWN: bug("%s: Iface %s in down state?", p->name, ifa->iface->name); break; case OSPF_IS_WAITING: DBG("%s: Neighbor? on iface %s\n",p->name, ifa->iface->name); break; case OSPF_IS_DROTHER: if(((n->rid==ifa->drid) || (n->rid==ifa->bdrid)) && (n->state>=NEIGHBOR_2WAY)) i=1; break; case OSPF_IS_PTP: case OSPF_IS_BACKUP: case OSPF_IS_DR: if(n->state>=NEIGHBOR_2WAY) i=1; break; default: bug("%s: Iface %s in unknown state?",p->name, ifa->iface->name); break; } break; default: bug("%s: Iface %s is unknown type?",p->name, ifa->iface->name); break; } DBG("%s: Iface %s can_do_adj=%d\n",p->name, ifa->iface->name,i); return i; } /** * ospf_neigh_sm - ospf neighbor state machine * @n: neighor * @event: actual event * * This part implements neighbor state machine as described in 10.3 of * RFC 2328. the only difference is that state %NEIGHBOR_ATTEMPT is not * used. We discover neighbors on nonbroadcast networks using the * same ways as on broadcast networks. The only difference is in * sending hello packets. These are send to IPs listed in * @ospf_iface->nbma_list . */ void ospf_neigh_sm(struct ospf_neighbor *n, int event) { struct proto *p=(struct proto *)(n->ifa->proto); struct proto_ospf *po=n->ifa->proto; DBG("%s: Neighbor state machine for neighbor %I, event \"%s\".\n", p->name, n->rid, ospf_inm[event]); switch(event) { case INM_START: neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_ATTEMPT); /* NBMA are used different way */ break; case INM_HELLOREC: switch(n->state) { case NEIGHBOR_ATTEMPT: case NEIGHBOR_DOWN: neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_INIT); default: restart_inactim(n); break; } break; case INM_2WAYREC: if(n->state<NEIGHBOR_2WAY) neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_2WAY); if((n->state==NEIGHBOR_2WAY) && can_do_adj(n)) neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_EXSTART); break; case INM_NEGDONE: if(n->state==NEIGHBOR_EXSTART) { neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE); s_init_list(&(n->lsrql)); n->lsrqh=ospf_top_new(n->ifa->proto); s_init_list(&(n->lsrtl)); n->lsrth=ospf_top_new(n->ifa->proto); s_init(&(n->dbsi), &(n->ifa->oa->lsal)); s_init(&(n->lsrqi), &(n->lsrql)); s_init(&(n->lsrti), &(n->lsrtl)); tm_start(n->lsrr_timer,n->ifa->rxmtint); tm_start(n->ackd_timer,n->ifa->rxmtint/2); } else bug("NEGDONE and I'm not in EXSTART?"); break; case INM_EXDONE: neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_LOADING); break; case INM_LOADDONE: neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_FULL); break; case INM_ADJOK: switch(n->state) { case NEIGHBOR_2WAY: /* Can In build adjacency? */ if(can_do_adj(n)) { neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_EXSTART); } break; default: if(n->state>=NEIGHBOR_EXSTART) if(!can_do_adj(n)) { neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_2WAY); } break; } break; case INM_SEQMIS: case INM_BADLSREQ: OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Bad LS req!"); if(n->state>=NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE) { neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_EXSTART); } break; case INM_KILLNBR: case INM_LLDOWN: case INM_INACTTIM: neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_DOWN); break; case INM_1WAYREC: neigh_chstate(n,NEIGHBOR_INIT); break; default: bug("%s: INM - Unknown event?",p->name); break; } } /** * bdr_election - (Backup) Designed Router election * @ifa: actual interface * * When wait time fires, it time to elect (Backup) Designed Router. * Structure describing me is added to this list so every electing router * has the same list. Backup Designed Router is elected before Designed * Router. This process is described in 9.4 of RFC 2328. */ void bdr_election(struct ospf_iface *ifa) { struct ospf_neighbor *neigh,*ndr,*nbdr,me,*tmp; u32 myid; ip_addr ndrip, nbdrip; int doadj; struct proto *p=&ifa->proto->proto; DBG("(B)DR election.\n"); myid=p->cf->global->router_id; me.state=NEIGHBOR_2WAY; me.rid=myid; me.priority=ifa->priority; me.dr=ifa->drip; me.bdr=ifa->bdrip; me.ip=ifa->iface->addr->ip; add_tail(&ifa->neigh_list, NODE &me); nbdr=electbdr(ifa->neigh_list); ndr=electdr(ifa->neigh_list); if(ndr==NULL) ndr=nbdr; if(((ifa->drid==myid) && (ndr!=&me)) || ((ifa->drid!=myid) && (ndr==&me)) || ((ifa->bdrid==myid) && (nbdr!=&me)) || ((ifa->bdrid!=myid) && (nbdr==&me))) { if(ndr==NULL) ifa->drip=me.dr=ipa_from_u32(0); else ifa->drip=me.dr=ndr->ip; if(nbdr==NULL) ifa->bdrip=me.bdr=ipa_from_u32(0); else ifa->bdrip=me.bdr=nbdr->ip; nbdr=electbdr(ifa->neigh_list); ndr=electdr(ifa->neigh_list); } if(ndr==NULL) ndrip=ipa_from_u32(0); else ndrip=ndr->ip; if(nbdr==NULL) nbdrip=ipa_from_u32(0); else nbdrip=nbdr->ip; doadj=0; if((ipa_compare(ifa->drip,ndrip)!=0) || (ipa_compare(ifa->bdrip,nbdrip)!=0)) doadj=1; if(ndr==NULL) { ifa->drid=0; ifa->drip=ipa_from_u32(0); } else { ifa->drid=ndr->rid; ifa->drip=ndr->ip; } if(nbdr==NULL) { ifa->bdrid=0; ifa->bdrip=ipa_from_u32(0); } else { ifa->bdrid=nbdr->rid; ifa->bdrip=nbdr->ip; } DBG("DR=%I, BDR=%I\n", ifa->drid, ifa->bdrid); if(myid==ifa->drid) iface_chstate(ifa, OSPF_IS_DR); else { if(myid==ifa->bdrid) iface_chstate(ifa, OSPF_IS_BACKUP); else iface_chstate(ifa, OSPF_IS_DROTHER); } rem_node(NODE &me); if(doadj) { WALK_LIST (neigh, ifa->neigh_list) { ospf_neigh_sm(neigh, INM_ADJOK); } } } struct ospf_neighbor * find_neigh(struct ospf_iface *ifa, u32 rid) { struct ospf_neighbor *n; WALK_LIST (n, ifa->neigh_list) if(n->rid == rid) return n; return NULL; } /* Find a closest neighbor which is at leas 2-Way */ struct ospf_neighbor * find_neigh_noifa(struct proto_ospf *po, u32 rid) { struct ospf_neighbor *n=NULL,*m; struct ospf_iface *ifa; WALK_LIST (ifa, po->iface_list) if((m=find_neigh(ifa, rid))!=NULL) { if(m->state>=NEIGHBOR_2WAY) { if(n==NULL) n=m; else if(m->ifa->cost < n->ifa->cost) n=m; } } return n; } struct ospf_area * ospf_find_area(struct proto_ospf *po, u32 aid) { struct ospf_area *oa; WALK_LIST(NODE oa,po->area_list) if(((struct ospf_area *)oa)->areaid==aid) return oa; return NULL; } /* Neighbor is inactive for a long time. Remove it. */ void neighbor_timer_hook(timer *timer) { struct ospf_neighbor *n; struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct proto *p; n=(struct ospf_neighbor *)timer->data; ifa=n->ifa; p=(struct proto *)(ifa->proto); OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS,"Inactivity timer fired on interface %s for neighbor %I.", ifa->iface->name, n->ip); ospf_neigh_remove(n); } void ospf_neigh_remove(struct ospf_neighbor *n) { struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct proto *p; ifa=n->ifa; p=(struct proto *)(ifa->proto); neigh_chstate(n, NEIGHBOR_DOWN); tm_stop(n->inactim); rfree(n->inactim); if(n->rxmt_timer!=NULL) { tm_stop(n->rxmt_timer); rfree(n->rxmt_timer); } if(n->lsrr_timer!=NULL) { tm_stop(n->lsrr_timer); rfree(n->lsrr_timer); } if(n->ackd_timer!=NULL) { tm_stop(n->ackd_timer); rfree(n->ackd_timer); } if(n->ldbdes!=NULL) { mb_free(n->ldbdes); } if(n->lsrqh!=NULL) { ospf_top_free(n->lsrqh); } if(n->lsrth!=NULL) { ospf_top_free(n->lsrth); } rem_node(NODE n); mb_free(n); OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Deleting neigbor."); } void ospf_sh_neigh_info(struct ospf_neighbor *n) { struct ospf_iface *ifa=n->ifa; char *pos="other"; char etime[6]; int exp,sec,min; exp=n->inactim->expires-now; sec=exp-(exp/60); min=(exp-sec)/60; if(min>59) { bsprintf(etime,"-Inf-"); } else { bsprintf(etime,"%02u:%02u", min, sec); } if(n->rid==ifa->drid) pos="dr "; if(n->rid==ifa->bdrid) pos="bdr "; if(n->ifa->type==OSPF_IT_PTP) pos="ptp "; cli_msg(-1013,"%-1I\t%3u\t%s/%s\t%-5s\t%-1I\t%-10s",n->rid, n->priority, ospf_ns[n->state], pos, etime, n->ip,ifa->iface->name); }