/* * BIRD -- OSPF * * (c) 2000--2004 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "ospf.h" void ospf_lsreq_send(struct ospf_neighbor *n) { snode *sn; struct top_hash_entry *en; struct ospf_lsreq_packet *pk; struct ospf_packet *op; struct ospf_lsreq_header *lsh; u16 length; int i, j; struct proto *p = &n->ifa->oa->po->proto; pk = (struct ospf_lsreq_packet *) n->ifa->ip_sk->tbuf; op = (struct ospf_packet *) n->ifa->ip_sk->tbuf; ospf_pkt_fill_hdr(n->ifa, pk, LSREQ_P); sn = SHEAD(n->lsrql); if (EMPTY_SLIST(n->lsrql)) { if (n->state == NEIGHBOR_LOADING) ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_LOADDONE); return; } i = j = (ospf_pkt_maxsize(n->ifa) - sizeof(struct ospf_lsreq_packet)) / sizeof(struct ospf_lsreq_header); lsh = (struct ospf_lsreq_header *) (pk + 1); for (; i > 0; i--) { en = (struct top_hash_entry *) sn; lsh->padd1 = 0; lsh->padd2 = 0; lsh->type = en->lsa.type; lsh->rt = htonl(en->lsa.rt); lsh->id = htonl(en->lsa.id); DBG("Requesting %uth LSA: Type: %u, ID: %I, RT: %I, SN: 0x%x, Age %u\n", i, en->lsa.type, en->lsa.id, en->lsa.rt, en->lsa.sn, en->lsa.age); lsh++; if (sn == STAIL(n->lsrql)) break; sn = sn->next; } if (i != 0) i--; length = sizeof(struct ospf_lsreq_packet) + (j - i) * sizeof(struct ospf_lsreq_header); op->length = htons(length); ospf_send_to(n->ifa->ip_sk, n->ip, n->ifa); OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "LS request sent to: %I", n->rid); } void ospf_lsreq_receive(struct ospf_lsreq_packet *ps, struct ospf_iface *ifa, struct ospf_neighbor *n) { struct ospf_lsreq_header *lsh; struct l_lsr_head *llsh; list uplist; slab *upslab; unsigned int size = ntohs(ps->ospf_packet.length); int i, lsano; struct ospf_area *oa = ifa->oa; struct proto_ospf *po = oa->po; struct proto *p = &po->proto; if (n->state < NEIGHBOR_EXCHANGE) return; OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "Received LS req from neighbor: %I", n->ip); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_HELLOREC); lsh = (void *) (ps + 1); init_list(&uplist); upslab = sl_new(n->pool, sizeof(struct l_lsr_head)); lsano = (size - sizeof(struct ospf_lsreq_packet)) / sizeof(struct ospf_lsreq_header); for (i = 0; i < lsano; lsh++, i++) { u32 hid = ntohl(lsh->id); u32 hrt = ntohl(lsh->rt); DBG("Processing requested LSA: Type: %u, ID: %I, RT: %I\n", lsh->type, hid, hrt); llsh = sl_alloc(upslab); llsh->lsh.id = hid; llsh->lsh.rt = hrt; llsh->lsh.type = lsh->type; add_tail(&uplist, NODE llsh); if (ospf_hash_find(po->gr, oa->areaid, llsh->lsh.id, llsh->lsh.rt, llsh->lsh.type) == NULL) { log(L_WARN "Received bad LS req from: %I looking: Type: %u, ID: %I, RT: %I", n->ip, lsh->type, hid, hrt); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_BADLSREQ); rfree(upslab); return; } } ospf_lsupd_send_list(n, &uplist); rfree(upslab); }