/* * BIRD -- OSPF * * (c) 1999--2004 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "ospf.h" void ospf_hello_receive(struct ospf_hello_packet *ps, struct ospf_iface *ifa, struct ospf_neighbor *n, ip_addr faddr) { u32 *pnrid; ip_addr olddr, oldbdr; ip_addr mask; char *beg = "Bad OSPF hello packet from ", *rec = " received: "; struct proto *p = (struct proto *) ifa->oa->po; unsigned int size = ntohs(ps->ospf_packet.length), i, twoway, oldpriority, eligible = 0, peers; OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Received hello from %I via %s%s", faddr, (ifa->type == OSPF_IT_VLINK ? "vlink-" : ""), ifa->iface->name); mask = ps->netmask; ipa_ntoh(mask); if ((ifa->type != OSPF_IT_VLINK) && ((unsigned) ipa_mklen(mask) != ifa->iface->addr->pxlen)) { log(L_ERR "%s%I%sbad netmask %I.", beg, faddr, rec, mask); return; } if (ntohs(ps->helloint) != ifa->helloint) { log(L_WARN "%s%I%shello interval mismatch (%d).", beg, faddr, rec, ntohs(ps->helloint)); return; } if (ntohl(ps->deadint) != ifa->helloint * ifa->deadc) { log(L_ERR "%s%I%sdead interval mismatch (%d).", beg, faddr, rec, ntohl(ps->deadint)); return; } if (ps->options != ifa->oa->opt.byte) { log(L_ERR "%s%I%soptions mismatch (0x%x).", beg, faddr, rec, ps->options); return; } if (!n) { if ((ifa->type == OSPF_IT_NBMA)) { struct nbma_node *nn; int found = 0; WALK_LIST(nn, ifa->nbma_list) { if (ipa_equal(faddr, nn->ip)) { found = 1; break; } } if ((found == 0) && (ifa->strictnbma)) { log(L_WARN "Ignoring new neighbor: %I on %s.", faddr, ifa->iface->name); return; } if (found) { eligible = nn->eligible; if (((ps->priority == 0) && eligible) || ((ps->priority > 0) && (eligible == 0))) { log(L_ERR "Eligibility mismatch for neighbor: %I on %s", faddr, ifa->iface->name); return; } } } OSPF_TRACE(D_EVENTS, "New neighbor found: %I on %s.", faddr, ifa->iface->name); n = ospf_neighbor_new(ifa); n->rid = ntohl(((struct ospf_packet *) ps)->routerid); n->ip = faddr; n->dr = ps->dr; ipa_ntoh(n->dr); n->bdr = ps->bdr; ipa_ntoh(n->bdr); n->priority = ps->priority; n->options = ps->options; } ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_HELLOREC); pnrid = (u32 *) ((struct ospf_hello_packet *) (ps + 1)); peers = (size - sizeof(struct ospf_hello_packet))/ sizeof(u32); twoway = 0; for (i = 0; i < peers; i++) { if (ntohl(*(pnrid + i)) == p->cf->global->router_id) { DBG("%s: Twoway received from %I\n", p->name, faddr); ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_2WAYREC); twoway = 1; break; } } if (!twoway) ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_1WAYREC); olddr = n->dr; n->dr = ipa_ntoh(ps->dr); oldbdr = n->bdr; n->bdr = ipa_ntoh(ps->bdr); oldpriority = n->priority; n->priority = ps->priority; /* Check priority change */ if (n->state >= NEIGHBOR_2WAY) { if (n->priority != oldpriority) ospf_iface_sm(ifa, ISM_NEICH); /* Router is declaring itself ad DR and there is no BDR */ if (ipa_equal(n->ip, n->dr) && (ipa_to_u32(n->bdr) == 0) && (n->state != NEIGHBOR_FULL)) ospf_iface_sm(ifa, ISM_BACKS); /* Neighbor is declaring itself as BDR */ if (ipa_equal(n->ip, n->bdr) && (n->state != NEIGHBOR_FULL)) ospf_iface_sm(ifa, ISM_BACKS); /* Neighbor is newly declaring itself as DR or BDR */ if ((ipa_equal(n->ip, n->dr) && (!ipa_equal(n->dr, olddr))) || (ipa_equal(n->ip, n->bdr) && (!ipa_equal(n->bdr, oldbdr)))) ospf_iface_sm(ifa, ISM_NEICH); /* Neighbor is no more declaring itself as DR or BDR */ if ((ipa_equal(n->ip, olddr) && (!ipa_equal(n->dr, olddr))) || (ipa_equal(n->ip, oldbdr) && (!ipa_equal(n->bdr, oldbdr)))) ospf_iface_sm(ifa, ISM_NEICH); } if (ifa->type == OSPF_IT_NBMA) { if ((ifa->priority == 0) && (n->priority > 0)) ospf_hello_send(NULL, 0, n); } ospf_neigh_sm(n, INM_HELLOREC); } void ospf_hello_send(timer * timer, int poll, struct ospf_neighbor *dirn) { struct ospf_iface *ifa; struct ospf_hello_packet *pkt; struct ospf_packet *op; struct proto *p; struct ospf_neighbor *neigh, *n1; u16 length; u32 *pp; int i, send; struct nbma_node *nb; if (timer == NULL) ifa = dirn->ifa; else ifa = (struct ospf_iface *) timer->data; if (ifa->state == OSPF_IS_DOWN) return; if (ifa->stub) return; /* Don't send any packet on stub iface */ p = (struct proto *) (ifa->oa->po); DBG("%s: Hello/Poll timer fired on interface %s.\n", p->name, ifa->iface->name); /* Now we should send a hello packet */ /* First a common packet header */ if ((ifa->type == OSPF_IT_NBMA) || (ifa->type == OSPF_IT_VLINK)) { pkt = (struct ospf_hello_packet *) (ifa->ip_sk->tbuf); } else { pkt = (struct ospf_hello_packet *) (ifa->hello_sk->tbuf); } /* Now fill ospf_hello header */ op = (struct ospf_packet *) pkt; ospf_pkt_fill_hdr(ifa, pkt, HELLO_P); pkt->netmask = ipa_mkmask(ifa->iface->addr->pxlen); ipa_hton(pkt->netmask); if (ifa->type == OSPF_IT_VLINK) pkt->netmask = IPA_NONE; pkt->helloint = ntohs(ifa->helloint); pkt->options = ifa->oa->opt.byte; pkt->priority = ifa->priority; pkt->deadint = htonl(ifa->deadc * ifa->helloint); pkt->dr = ifa->drip; ipa_hton(pkt->dr); pkt->bdr = ifa->bdrip; ipa_hton(pkt->bdr); /* Fill all neighbors */ i = 0; pp = (u32 *) (((u8 *) pkt) + sizeof(struct ospf_hello_packet)); WALK_LIST(neigh, ifa->neigh_list) { if ((i+1) * sizeof(u32) + sizeof(struct ospf_hello_packet) > ospf_pkt_maxsize(ifa)) { OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Too many neighbors on the interface!"); break; } *(pp + i) = htonl(neigh->rid); i++; } length = sizeof(struct ospf_hello_packet) + i * sizeof(u32); op->length = htons(length); switch(ifa->type) { case OSPF_IT_NBMA: if (timer == NULL) /* Response to received hello */ { ospf_send_to(ifa->ip_sk, dirn->ip, ifa); } else { int toall = 0; int meeli = 0; if (ifa->state > OSPF_IS_DROTHER) toall = 1; if (ifa->priority > 0) meeli = 1; WALK_LIST(nb, ifa->nbma_list) { send = 1; WALK_LIST(n1, ifa->neigh_list) { if (ipa_equal(nb->ip, n1->ip)) { send = 0; break; } } if ((poll == 1) && (send)) { if (toall || (meeli && nb->eligible)) ospf_send_to(ifa->ip_sk, nb->ip, ifa); } } if (poll == 0) { WALK_LIST(n1, ifa->neigh_list) { if (toall || (n1->rid == ifa->drid) || (n1->rid == ifa->bdrid) || (meeli && (n1->priority > 0))) ospf_send_to(ifa->ip_sk, n1->ip, ifa); } } } break; case OSPF_IT_VLINK: ospf_send_to(ifa->ip_sk, ifa->vip, ifa); break; default: ospf_send_to(ifa->hello_sk, IPA_NONE, ifa); } OSPF_TRACE(D_PACKETS, "Hello sent via %s%s", (ifa->type == OSPF_IT_VLINK ? "vlink-" : ""), ifa->iface->name); }