/* * BIRD -- OSPF Configuration * * (c) 1999--2004 Ondrej Filip <feela@network.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/ospf/ospf.h" CF_DEFINES #define OSPF_CFG ((struct ospf_config *) this_proto) #define OSPF_PATT ((struct ospf_iface_patt *) this_ipatt) static struct ospf_area_config *this_area; static struct nbma_node *this_nbma; static struct area_net_config *this_pref; static struct ospf_stubnet_config *this_stubnet; static void finish_iface_config(struct ospf_iface_patt *ip) { ip->passwords = get_passwords(); if ((ip->autype == OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT) && (ip->helloint < 5)) log(L_WARN "Hello or poll interval less that 5 makes cryptographic authenication prone to replay attacks"); if ((ip->autype == OSPF_AUTH_NONE) && (ip->passwords != NULL)) log(L_WARN "Password option without authentication option does not make sense"); } CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(OSPF, AREA, OSPF_METRIC1, OSPF_METRIC2, OSPF_TAG, BROADCAST) CF_KEYWORDS(NEIGHBORS, RFC1583COMPAT, STUB, TICK, COST, RETRANSMIT) CF_KEYWORDS(HELLO, TRANSMIT, PRIORITY, DEAD, NONBROADCAST, POINTOPOINT, TYPE) CF_KEYWORDS(NONE, SIMPLE, AUTHENTICATION, STRICT, CRYPTOGRAPHIC) CF_KEYWORDS(ELIGIBLE, POLL, NETWORKS, HIDDEN, VIRTUAL, LINK) CF_KEYWORDS(RX, BUFFER, LARGE, NORMAL, STUBNET, HIDDEN, SUMMARY) CF_KEYWORDS(WAIT, DELAY) %type <t> opttext CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, ospf_proto '}') ospf_proto_start: proto_start OSPF { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_ospf, sizeof(struct ospf_config)); this_proto->preference = DEF_PREF_OSPF; init_list(&OSPF_CFG->area_list); OSPF_CFG->rfc1583 = DEFAULT_RFC1583; OSPF_CFG->tick = DEFAULT_OSPFTICK; } ; ospf_proto: ospf_proto_start proto_name '{' | ospf_proto ospf_proto_item ';' ; ospf_proto_item: proto_item | RFC1583COMPAT bool { OSPF_CFG->rfc1583 = $2; } | TICK expr { OSPF_CFG->tick = $2 ; if($2<=0) cf_error("Tick must be greater than zero"); } | ospf_area '}' ; ospf_area_start: AREA idval '{' { this_area = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_area_config)); add_tail(&OSPF_CFG->area_list, NODE this_area); this_area->areaid = $2; this_area->stub = 0; init_list(&this_area->patt_list); init_list(&this_area->vlink_list); init_list(&this_area->net_list); init_list(&this_area->stubnet_list); } ; ospf_area: ospf_area_start ospf_area_opts ; ospf_area_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_area_opts ospf_area_item ';' ; ospf_area_item: STUB COST expr { this_area->stub = $3 ; if($3<=0) cf_error("Stub cost must be greater than zero"); } | STUB bool {if($2) { if(!this_area->stub) this_area->stub=DEFAULT_STUB_COST;}else{ this_area->stub=0;}} | NETWORKS '{' pref_list '}' | STUBNET ospf_stubnet | INTERFACE ospf_iface | ospf_vlink ; ospf_stubnet: ospf_stubnet_start '{' ospf_stubnet_opts '}' | ospf_stubnet_start ; ospf_stubnet_start: prefix { this_stubnet = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_stubnet_config)); add_tail(&this_area->stubnet_list, NODE this_stubnet); this_stubnet->px = $1; this_stubnet->cost = COST_D; } ; ospf_stubnet_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_stubnet_opts ospf_stubnet_item ';' ; ospf_stubnet_item: HIDDEN bool { this_stubnet->hidden = $2; } | SUMMARY bool { this_stubnet->summary = $2; } | COST expr { this_stubnet->cost = $2; } ; ospf_vlink: ospf_vlink_start '{' ospf_vlink_opts '}' { finish_iface_config(OSPF_PATT); } | ospf_vlink_start ; ospf_vlink_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_vlink_opts ospf_vlink_item ';' ; ospf_vlink_item: | HELLO expr { OSPF_PATT->helloint = $2 ; if (($2<=0) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Hello interval must be in range 1-65535"); } | RETRANSMIT expr { OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = $2 ; if ($2<=0) cf_error("Retransmit int must be greater than zero"); } | TRANSMIT DELAY expr { OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = $3 ; if (($3<=0) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("Transmit delay must be in range 1-65535"); } | WAIT expr { OSPF_PATT->waitint = $2 ; } | DEAD expr { OSPF_PATT->dead = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Dead interval must be greater than one"); } | DEAD COUNT expr { OSPF_PATT->deadc = $3 ; if ($3<=1) cf_error("Dead count must be greater than one"); } | AUTHENTICATION NONE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_NONE ; } | AUTHENTICATION SIMPLE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_SIMPLE ; } | AUTHENTICATION CRYPTOGRAPHIC { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT ; } | password_list ; ospf_vlink_start: VIRTUAL LINK idval { if (this_area->areaid == 0) cf_error("Virtual link cannot be in backbone"); this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_iface_patt)); add_tail(&this_area->vlink_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); OSPF_PATT->vid = $3; OSPF_PATT->cost = COST_D; OSPF_PATT->helloint = HELLOINT_D; OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = RXMTINT_D; OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = INFTRANSDELAY_D; OSPF_PATT->waitint = WAIT_DMH*HELLOINT_D; OSPF_PATT->deadc = DEADC_D; OSPF_PATT->dead = 0; OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_VLINK; init_list(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list); OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_NONE; reset_passwords(); } ; ospf_iface_item: COST expr { OSPF_PATT->cost = $2 ; if (($2<=0) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Cost must be in range 1-65535"); } | HELLO expr { OSPF_PATT->helloint = $2 ; if (($2<=0) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Hello interval must be in range 1-65535"); } | POLL expr { OSPF_PATT->pollint = $2 ; if ($2<=0) cf_error("Poll int must be greater than zero"); } | RETRANSMIT expr { OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = $2 ; if ($2<=0) cf_error("Retransmit int must be greater than zero"); } | TRANSMIT DELAY expr { OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = $3 ; if (($3<=0) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("Transmit delay must be in range 1-65535"); } | PRIORITY expr { OSPF_PATT->priority = $2 ; if (($2<0) || ($2>255)) cf_error("Priority must be in range 0-255"); } | WAIT expr { OSPF_PATT->waitint = $2 ; } | DEAD expr { OSPF_PATT->dead = $2 ; if ($2<=1) cf_error("Dead interval must be greater than one"); } | DEAD COUNT expr { OSPF_PATT->deadc = $3 ; if ($3<=1) cf_error("Dead count must be greater than one"); } | TYPE BROADCAST { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_BCAST ; } | TYPE NONBROADCAST { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_NBMA ; } | TYPE POINTOPOINT { OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_PTP ; } | STRICT NONBROADCAST bool { OSPF_PATT->strictnbma = $3 ; } | STUB bool { OSPF_PATT->stub = $2 ; } | NEIGHBORS '{' ipa_list '}' | AUTHENTICATION NONE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_NONE ; } | AUTHENTICATION SIMPLE { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_SIMPLE ; } | AUTHENTICATION CRYPTOGRAPHIC { OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_CRYPT ; } | RX BUFFER LARGE { OSPF_PATT->rxbuf = OSPF_RXBUF_LARGE ; } | RX BUFFER NORMAL { OSPF_PATT->rxbuf = OSPF_RXBUF_NORMAL ; } | RX BUFFER expr { OSPF_PATT->rxbuf = $3 ; if ($3 < OSPF_RXBUF_MINSIZE) cf_error("Buffer size is too small") ; } | password_list ; pref_list: /* empty */ | pref_list pref_item ; pref_item: pref_el | pref_hid; pref_el: prefix ';' { this_pref = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct area_net_config)); add_tail(&this_area->net_list, NODE this_pref); this_pref->px.addr = $1.addr; this_pref->px.len = $1.len; } ; pref_hid: prefix HIDDEN ';' { this_pref = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct area_net_config)); add_tail(&this_area->net_list, NODE this_pref); this_pref->px.addr = $1.addr; this_pref->px.len = $1.len; this_pref->hidden = 1; } ; ipa_list: /* empty */ | ipa_list ipa_item ; ipa_item: ipa_el | ipa_ne; ipa_el: IPA ';' { this_nbma = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct nbma_node)); add_tail(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list, NODE this_nbma); this_nbma->ip=$1; this_nbma->eligible=0; } ; ipa_ne: IPA ELIGIBLE ';' { this_nbma = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct nbma_node)); add_tail(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list, NODE this_nbma); this_nbma->ip=$1; this_nbma->eligible=1; } ; ospf_iface_start: { this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct ospf_iface_patt)); add_tail(&this_area->patt_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); OSPF_PATT->cost = COST_D; OSPF_PATT->helloint = HELLOINT_D; OSPF_PATT->pollint = POLLINT_D; OSPF_PATT->rxmtint = RXMTINT_D; OSPF_PATT->inftransdelay = INFTRANSDELAY_D; OSPF_PATT->priority = PRIORITY_D; OSPF_PATT->waitint = WAIT_DMH*HELLOINT_D; OSPF_PATT->deadc = DEADC_D; OSPF_PATT->dead = 0; OSPF_PATT->type = OSPF_IT_UNDEF; OSPF_PATT->strictnbma = 0; OSPF_PATT->stub = 0; init_list(&OSPF_PATT->nbma_list); OSPF_PATT->autype = OSPF_AUTH_NONE; reset_passwords(); } ; ospf_iface_opts: /* empty */ | ospf_iface_opts ospf_iface_item ';' ; ospf_iface_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' ospf_iface_opts '}' ; ospf_iface: ospf_iface_start iface_patt_list ospf_iface_opt_list { finish_iface_config(OSPF_PATT); } ; opttext: TEXT | /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } ; CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, OSPF_METRIC1 { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_OSPF_METRIC1); }) CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, OSPF_METRIC2 { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_OSPF_METRIC2); }) CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, OSPF_TAG { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_OSPF_TAG); }) CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF, optsym, [<name>], [[Show information about OSPF protocol]]) { ospf_sh(proto_get_named($3, &proto_ospf)); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF NEIGHBORS, optsym opttext, [<name>] [\"<interface>\"], [[Show information about OSPF neighbors]]) { ospf_sh_neigh(proto_get_named($4, &proto_ospf), $5); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF INTERFACE, optsym opttext, [<name>] [\"<interface>\"], [[Show information about interface]]) { ospf_sh_iface(proto_get_named($4, &proto_ospf), $5); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF TOPOLOGY, optsym opttext, [<name>], [[Show information about OSPF network topology]]) { ospf_sh_state(proto_get_named($4, &proto_ospf), 0); }; CF_CLI(SHOW OSPF STATE, optsym opttext, [<name>], [[Show information about OSPF network state]]) { ospf_sh_state(proto_get_named($4, &proto_ospf), 1); }; CF_CODE CF_END