/* * BIRD -- Border Gateway Protocol Configuration * * (c) 2000 Martin Mares <mj@ucw.cz> * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/bgp/bgp.h" #define BGP_CFG ((struct bgp_config *) this_proto) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(BGP, LOCAL, NEIGHBOR, AS) CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, bgp_proto '}' { bgp_check(BGP_CFG); } ) bgp_proto_start: proto_start BGP { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_bgp, sizeof(struct bgp_config)); this_proto->preference = DEF_PREF_BGP; } ; bgp_proto: bgp_proto_start proto_name '{' | bgp_proto proto_item ';' | bgp_proto LOCAL AS NUM ';' { if ($4 < 0 || $4 > 65535) cf_error("AS number out of range"); BGP_CFG->local_as = $4; } | bgp_proto NEIGHBOR IPA AS NUM ';' { if ($5 < 0 || $5 > 65535) cf_error("AS number out of range"); BGP_CFG->remote_ip = $3; BGP_CFG->remote_as = $5; } ; CF_CODE CF_END