/* * BIRD -- I/O and event loop * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <poll.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include "nest/bird.h" #include "proto/bfd/io.h" #include "lib/buffer.h" #include "lib/heap.h" #include "lib/lists.h" #include "lib/resource.h" #include "lib/event.h" #include "lib/socket.h" struct birdloop { pool *pool; pthread_t thread; pthread_mutex_t mutex; btime last_time; btime real_time; u8 use_monotonic_clock; u8 stop_called; u8 poll_active; u8 wakeup_masked; int wakeup_fds[2]; BUFFER(timer2 *) timers; list event_list; list sock_list; uint sock_num; BUFFER(sock *) poll_sk; BUFFER(struct pollfd) poll_fd; u8 poll_changed; u8 close_scheduled; }; /* * Current thread context */ static pthread_key_t current_loop_key; static inline struct birdloop * birdloop_current(void) { return pthread_getspecific(current_loop_key); } static inline void birdloop_set_current(struct birdloop *loop) { pthread_setspecific(current_loop_key, loop); } static inline void birdloop_init_current(void) { pthread_key_create(¤t_loop_key, NULL); } /* * Time clock */ static void times_update_alt(struct birdloop *loop); static void times_init(struct birdloop *loop) { struct timespec ts; int rv; rv = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); if (rv < 0) { log(L_WARN "Monotonic clock is missing"); loop->use_monotonic_clock = 0; loop->last_time = 0; loop->real_time = 0; times_update_alt(loop); return; } if ((ts.tv_sec < 0) || (((s64) ts.tv_sec) > ((s64) 1 << 40))) log(L_WARN "Monotonic clock is crazy"); loop->use_monotonic_clock = 1; loop->last_time = ((s64) ts.tv_sec S) + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000); loop->real_time = 0; } static void times_update_pri(struct birdloop *loop) { struct timespec ts; int rv; rv = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); if (rv < 0) die("clock_gettime: %m"); btime new_time = ((s64) ts.tv_sec S) + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000); if (new_time < loop->last_time) log(L_ERR "Monotonic clock is broken"); loop->last_time = new_time; loop->real_time = 0; } static void times_update_alt(struct birdloop *loop) { struct timeval tv; int rv; rv = gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (rv < 0) die("gettimeofday: %m"); btime new_time = ((s64) tv.tv_sec S) + tv.tv_usec; btime delta = new_time - loop->real_time; if ((delta < 0) || (delta > (60 S))) { if (loop->real_time) log(L_WARN "Time jump, delta %d us", (int) delta); delta = 100 MS; } loop->last_time += delta; loop->real_time = new_time; } static void times_update(struct birdloop *loop) { if (loop->use_monotonic_clock) times_update_pri(loop); else times_update_alt(loop); } btime current_time(void) { return birdloop_current()->last_time; } /* * Wakeup code for birdloop */ static void pipe_new(int *pfds) { int rv = pipe(pfds); if (rv < 0) die("pipe: %m"); if (fcntl(pfds[0], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) die("fcntl(O_NONBLOCK): %m"); if (fcntl(pfds[1], F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) die("fcntl(O_NONBLOCK): %m"); } void pipe_drain(int fd) { char buf[64]; int rv; try: rv = read(fd, buf, 64); if (rv < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto try; if (errno == EAGAIN) return; die("wakeup read: %m"); } if (rv == 64) goto try; } void pipe_kick(int fd) { u64 v = 1; int rv; try: rv = write(fd, &v, sizeof(u64)); if (rv < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) goto try; if (errno == EAGAIN) return; die("wakeup write: %m"); } } static inline void wakeup_init(struct birdloop *loop) { pipe_new(loop->wakeup_fds); } static inline void wakeup_drain(struct birdloop *loop) { pipe_drain(loop->wakeup_fds[0]); } static inline void wakeup_do_kick(struct birdloop *loop) { pipe_kick(loop->wakeup_fds[1]); } static inline void wakeup_kick(struct birdloop *loop) { if (!loop->wakeup_masked) wakeup_do_kick(loop); else loop->wakeup_masked = 2; } /* * Events */ static inline uint events_waiting(struct birdloop *loop) { return !EMPTY_LIST(loop->event_list); } static inline void events_init(struct birdloop *loop) { init_list(&loop->event_list); } static void events_fire(struct birdloop *loop) { times_update(loop); ev_run_list(&loop->event_list); } void ev2_schedule(event *e) { struct birdloop *loop = birdloop_current(); if (loop->poll_active && EMPTY_LIST(loop->event_list)) wakeup_kick(loop); if (e->n.next) rem_node(&e->n); add_tail(&loop->event_list, &e->n); } /* * Timers */ #define TIMER_LESS(a,b) ((a)->expires < (b)->expires) #define TIMER_SWAP(heap,a,b,t) (t = heap[a], heap[a] = heap[b], heap[b] = t, \ heap[a]->index = (a), heap[b]->index = (b)) static inline uint timers_count(struct birdloop *loop) { return loop->timers.used - 1; } static inline timer2 *timers_first(struct birdloop *loop) { return (loop->timers.used > 1) ? loop->timers.data[1] : NULL; } static void tm2_free(resource *r) { timer2 *t = (timer2 *) r; tm2_stop(t); } static void tm2_dump(resource *r) { timer2 *t = (timer2 *) r; debug("(code %p, data %p, ", t->hook, t->data); if (t->randomize) debug("rand %d, ", t->randomize); if (t->recurrent) debug("recur %d, ", t->recurrent); if (t->expires) debug("expires in %d ms)\n", (t->expires - current_time()) TO_MS); else debug("inactive)\n"); } static struct resclass tm2_class = { "Timer", sizeof(timer2), tm2_free, tm2_dump, NULL, NULL }; timer2 * tm2_new(pool *p) { timer2 *t = ralloc(p, &tm2_class); t->index = -1; return t; } void tm2_set(timer2 *t, btime when) { struct birdloop *loop = birdloop_current(); uint tc = timers_count(loop); if (!t->expires) { t->index = ++tc; t->expires = when; BUFFER_PUSH(loop->timers) = t; HEAP_INSERT(loop->timers.data, tc, timer2 *, TIMER_LESS, TIMER_SWAP); } else if (t->expires < when) { t->expires = when; HEAP_INCREASE(loop->timers.data, tc, timer2 *, TIMER_LESS, TIMER_SWAP, t->index); } else if (t->expires > when) { t->expires = when; HEAP_DECREASE(loop->timers.data, tc, timer2 *, TIMER_LESS, TIMER_SWAP, t->index); } if (loop->poll_active && (t->index == 1)) wakeup_kick(loop); } void tm2_start(timer2 *t, btime after) { tm2_set(t, current_time() + MAX(after, 0)); } void tm2_stop(timer2 *t) { if (!t->expires) return; struct birdloop *loop = birdloop_current(); uint tc = timers_count(loop); HEAP_DELETE(loop->timers.data, tc, timer2 *, TIMER_LESS, TIMER_SWAP, t->index); BUFFER_POP(loop->timers); t->index = -1; t->expires = 0; } static void timers_init(struct birdloop *loop) { BUFFER_INIT(loop->timers, loop->pool, 4); BUFFER_PUSH(loop->timers) = NULL; } static void timers_fire(struct birdloop *loop) { btime base_time; timer2 *t; times_update(loop); base_time = loop->last_time; while (t = timers_first(loop)) { if (t->expires > base_time) return; if (t->recurrent) { btime when = t->expires + t->recurrent; if (when <= loop->last_time) when = loop->last_time + t->recurrent; if (t->randomize) when += random() % (t->randomize + 1); tm2_set(t, when); } else tm2_stop(t); t->hook(t); } } /* * Sockets */ static void sockets_init(struct birdloop *loop) { init_list(&loop->sock_list); loop->sock_num = 0; BUFFER_INIT(loop->poll_sk, loop->pool, 4); BUFFER_INIT(loop->poll_fd, loop->pool, 4); loop->poll_changed = 1; /* add wakeup fd */ } static void sockets_add(struct birdloop *loop, sock *s) { add_tail(&loop->sock_list, &s->n); loop->sock_num++; s->index = -1; loop->poll_changed = 1; if (loop->poll_active) wakeup_kick(loop); } void sk_start(sock *s) { struct birdloop *loop = birdloop_current(); sockets_add(loop, s); } static void sockets_remove(struct birdloop *loop, sock *s) { rem_node(&s->n); loop->sock_num--; if (s->index >= 0) loop->poll_sk.data[s->index] = NULL; s->index = -1; loop->poll_changed = 1; /* Wakeup moved to sk_stop() */ } void sk_stop(sock *s) { struct birdloop *loop = birdloop_current(); sockets_remove(loop, s); if (loop->poll_active) { loop->close_scheduled = 1; wakeup_kick(loop); } else close(s->fd); s->fd = -1; } static inline uint sk_want_events(sock *s) { return (s->rx_hook ? POLLIN : 0) | ((s->ttx != s->tpos) ? POLLOUT : 0); } /* FIXME: this should be called from sock code static void sockets_update(struct birdloop *loop, sock *s) { if (s->index >= 0) loop->poll_fd.data[s->index].events = sk_want_events(s); } */ static void sockets_prepare(struct birdloop *loop) { BUFFER_SET(loop->poll_sk, loop->sock_num + 1); BUFFER_SET(loop->poll_fd, loop->sock_num + 1); struct pollfd *pfd = loop->poll_fd.data; sock **psk = loop->poll_sk.data; int i = 0; node *n; WALK_LIST(n, loop->sock_list) { sock *s = SKIP_BACK(sock, n, n); ASSERT(i < loop->sock_num); s->index = i; *psk = s; pfd->fd = s->fd; pfd->events = sk_want_events(s); pfd->revents = 0; pfd++; psk++; i++; } ASSERT(i == loop->sock_num); /* Add internal wakeup fd */ *psk = NULL; pfd->fd = loop->wakeup_fds[0]; pfd->events = POLLIN; pfd->revents = 0; loop->poll_changed = 0; } static void sockets_close_fds(struct birdloop *loop) { struct pollfd *pfd = loop->poll_fd.data; sock **psk = loop->poll_sk.data; int poll_num = loop->poll_fd.used - 1; int i; for (i = 0; i < poll_num; i++) if (psk[i] == NULL) close(pfd[i].fd); loop->close_scheduled = 0; } int sk_read(sock *s, int revents); int sk_write(sock *s); static void sockets_fire(struct birdloop *loop) { struct pollfd *pfd = loop->poll_fd.data; sock **psk = loop->poll_sk.data; int poll_num = loop->poll_fd.used - 1; times_update(loop); /* Last fd is internal wakeup fd */ if (pfd[loop->sock_num].revents & POLLIN) wakeup_drain(loop); int i; for (i = 0; i < poll_num; pfd++, psk++, i++) { int e = 1; if (! pfd->revents) continue; if (pfd->revents & POLLNVAL) die("poll: invalid fd %d", pfd->fd); if (pfd->revents & POLLIN) while (e && *psk && (*psk)->rx_hook) e = sk_read(*psk, 0); e = 1; if (pfd->revents & POLLOUT) while (e && *psk) e = sk_write(*psk); } } /* * Birdloop */ static void * birdloop_main(void *arg); struct birdloop * birdloop_new(void) { /* FIXME: this init should be elsewhere and thread-safe */ static int init = 0; if (!init) { birdloop_init_current(); init = 1; } pool *p = rp_new(NULL, "Birdloop root"); struct birdloop *loop = mb_allocz(p, sizeof(struct birdloop)); loop->pool = p; pthread_mutex_init(&loop->mutex, NULL); times_init(loop); wakeup_init(loop); events_init(loop); timers_init(loop); sockets_init(loop); return loop; } void birdloop_start(struct birdloop *loop) { int rv = pthread_create(&loop->thread, NULL, birdloop_main, loop); if (rv) die("pthread_create(): %M", rv); } void birdloop_stop(struct birdloop *loop) { pthread_mutex_lock(&loop->mutex); loop->stop_called = 1; wakeup_do_kick(loop); pthread_mutex_unlock(&loop->mutex); int rv = pthread_join(loop->thread, NULL); if (rv) die("pthread_join(): %M", rv); } void birdloop_free(struct birdloop *loop) { rfree(loop->pool); } void birdloop_enter(struct birdloop *loop) { /* TODO: these functions could save and restore old context */ pthread_mutex_lock(&loop->mutex); birdloop_set_current(loop); } void birdloop_leave(struct birdloop *loop) { /* TODO: these functions could save and restore old context */ birdloop_set_current(NULL); pthread_mutex_unlock(&loop->mutex); } void birdloop_mask_wakeups(struct birdloop *loop) { pthread_mutex_lock(&loop->mutex); loop->wakeup_masked = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&loop->mutex); } void birdloop_unmask_wakeups(struct birdloop *loop) { pthread_mutex_lock(&loop->mutex); if (loop->wakeup_masked == 2) wakeup_do_kick(loop); loop->wakeup_masked = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&loop->mutex); } static void * birdloop_main(void *arg) { struct birdloop *loop = arg; timer2 *t; int rv, timeout; birdloop_set_current(loop); pthread_mutex_lock(&loop->mutex); while (1) { events_fire(loop); timers_fire(loop); times_update(loop); if (events_waiting(loop)) timeout = 0; else if (t = timers_first(loop)) timeout = (tm2_remains(t) TO_MS) + 1; else timeout = -1; if (loop->poll_changed) sockets_prepare(loop); loop->poll_active = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&loop->mutex); try: rv = poll(loop->poll_fd.data, loop->poll_fd.used, timeout); if (rv < 0) { if (errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN) goto try; die("poll: %m"); } pthread_mutex_lock(&loop->mutex); loop->poll_active = 0; if (loop->close_scheduled) sockets_close_fds(loop); if (loop->stop_called) break; if (rv) sockets_fire(loop); timers_fire(loop); } loop->stop_called = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&loop->mutex); return NULL; }