/* * BIRD -- Router Advertisement Configuration * * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/bfd/bfd.h" CF_DEFINES #define BFD_CFG ((struct bfd_config *) this_proto) #define BFD_IFACE ((struct bfd_iface_config *) this_ipatt) #define BFD_NEIGHBOR this_bfd_neighbor static struct bfd_neighbor *this_bfd_neighbor; extern struct bfd_config *bfd_cf; CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(BFD, MIN, IDLE, RX, TX, INTERVAL, MULTIPLIER, PASSIVE, INTERFACE, MULTIHOP, NEIGHBOR, DEV, LOCAL) %type <iface> bfd_neigh_iface %type <a> bfd_neigh_local %type <i> bfd_neigh_multihop CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, bfd_proto) bfd_proto_start: proto_start BFD { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_bfd, sizeof(struct bfd_config), $1); init_list(&BFD_CFG->patt_list); init_list(&BFD_CFG->neigh_list); if (bfd_cf) cf_error("Only one BFD instance allowed"); bfd_cf = BFD_CFG; }; bfd_proto_item: proto_item | INTERFACE bfd_iface | MULTIHOP bfd_multihop | NEIGHBOR bfd_neighbor ; bfd_proto_opts: /* empty */ | bfd_proto_opts bfd_proto_item ';' ; bfd_proto: bfd_proto_start proto_name '{' bfd_proto_opts '}'; bfd_iface_start: { this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct bfd_iface_config)); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); BFD_IFACE->min_rx_int = BFD_DEFAULT_MIN_RX_INT; BFD_IFACE->min_tx_int = BFD_DEFAULT_MIN_TX_INT; BFD_IFACE->idle_tx_int = BFD_DEFAULT_IDLE_TX_INT; BFD_IFACE->multiplier = BFD_DEFAULT_MULTIPLIER; }; bfd_iface_item: INTERVAL expr_us { BFD_IFACE->min_rx_int = BFD_IFACE->min_tx_int = $2; } | MIN RX INTERVAL expr_us { BFD_IFACE->min_rx_int = $4; } | MIN TX INTERVAL expr_us { BFD_IFACE->min_tx_int = $4; } | IDLE TX INTERVAL expr_us { BFD_IFACE->idle_tx_int = $4; } | MULTIPLIER expr { BFD_IFACE->multiplier = $2; } | PASSIVE bool { BFD_IFACE->passive = $2; } ; bfd_iface_opts: /* empty */ | bfd_iface_opts bfd_iface_item ';' ; bfd_iface_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' bfd_iface_opts '}' ; bfd_iface: bfd_iface_start iface_patt_list_nopx bfd_iface_opt_list { add_tail(&BFD_CFG->patt_list, NODE this_ipatt); }; bfd_multihop: bfd_iface_start bfd_iface_opt_list { BFD_CFG->multihop = BFD_IFACE; }; bfd_neigh_iface: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | '%' SYM { $$ = if_get_by_name($2->name); } | DEV text { $$ = if_get_by_name($2); } ; bfd_neigh_local: /* empty */ { $$ = IPA_NONE; } | LOCAL ipa { $$ = $2; } ; bfd_neigh_multihop: /* empty */ { $$ = 0; } | MULTIHOP bool { $$ = $2; } ; bfd_neighbor: ipa bfd_neigh_iface bfd_neigh_local bfd_neigh_multihop { this_bfd_neighbor = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct bfd_neighbor)); add_tail(&BFD_CFG->neigh_list, NODE this_bfd_neighbor); BFD_NEIGHBOR->addr = $1; BFD_NEIGHBOR->local = $3; BFD_NEIGHBOR->iface = $2; BFD_NEIGHBOR->multihop = $4; if ($4 && $2) cf_error("Neighbor cannot set both interface and multihop"); if ($4 && ipa_zero($3)) cf_error("Multihop neighbor requires specified local address"); }; CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW BFD, ..., [[Show information about BFD protocol]]); CF_CLI(SHOW BFD SESSIONS, optsym, [<name>], [[Show information about BFD sessions]]) { bfd_show_sessions(proto_get_named($4, &proto_bfd)); }; CF_CODE CF_END