/* * BIRD -- Babel Configuration * * Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Toke Hoiland-Jorgensen * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ CF_HDR #include "proto/babel/babel.h" #include "nest/iface.h" CF_DEFINES #define BABEL_CFG ((struct babel_config *) this_proto) #define BABEL_IFACE ((struct babel_iface_config *) this_ipatt) CF_DECLS CF_KEYWORDS(BABEL, METRIC, RXCOST, HELLO, UPDATE, INTERVAL, PORT, WIRED, WIRELESS, RX, TX, BUFFER, LENGTH, CHECK, LINK, BABEL_METRIC) CF_GRAMMAR CF_ADDTO(proto, babel_proto) babel_proto_start: proto_start BABEL { this_proto = proto_config_new(&proto_babel, $1); init_list(&BABEL_CFG->iface_list); }; babel_proto_item: proto_item | INTERFACE babel_iface ; babel_proto_opts: /* empty */ | babel_proto_opts babel_proto_item ';' ; babel_proto: babel_proto_start proto_name '{' babel_proto_opts '}'; babel_iface_start: { this_ipatt = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct babel_iface_config)); add_tail(&BABEL_CFG->iface_list, NODE this_ipatt); init_list(&this_ipatt->ipn_list); BABEL_IFACE->port = BABEL_PORT; BABEL_IFACE->type = BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRED; BABEL_IFACE->tx_tos = IP_PREC_INTERNET_CONTROL; BABEL_IFACE->tx_priority = sk_priority_control; BABEL_IFACE->check_link = 1; }; babel_iface_finish: { if (BABEL_IFACE->type == BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRELESS) { if (!BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval) BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval = BABEL_HELLO_INTERVAL_WIRELESS; if (!BABEL_IFACE->rxcost) BABEL_IFACE->rxcost = BABEL_RXCOST_WIRELESS; } else { if (!BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval) BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval = BABEL_HELLO_INTERVAL_WIRED; if (!BABEL_IFACE->rxcost) BABEL_IFACE->rxcost = BABEL_RXCOST_WIRED; } if (!BABEL_IFACE->update_interval) BABEL_IFACE->update_interval = BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval*BABEL_UPDATE_INTERVAL_FACTOR; BABEL_IFACE->ihu_interval = BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval*BABEL_IHU_INTERVAL_FACTOR; }; babel_iface_item: | PORT expr { BABEL_IFACE->port = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Invalid port number"); } | RXCOST expr { BABEL_IFACE->rxcost = $2; if (($2<1) || ($2>65535)) cf_error("Invalid rxcost"); } | HELLO INTERVAL expr { BABEL_IFACE->hello_interval = $3; if (($3<1) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("Invalid hello interval"); } | UPDATE INTERVAL expr { BABEL_IFACE->update_interval = $3; if (($3<1) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("Invalid hello interval"); } | TYPE WIRED { BABEL_IFACE->type = BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRED; } | TYPE WIRELESS { BABEL_IFACE->type = BABEL_IFACE_TYPE_WIRELESS; } | RX BUFFER expr { BABEL_IFACE->rx_buffer = $3; if (($3<256) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("RX buffer must be in range 256-65535"); } | TX LENGTH expr { BABEL_IFACE->tx_length = $3; if (($3<256) || ($3>65535)) cf_error("TX length must be in range 256-65535"); } | TX tos { BABEL_IFACE->tx_tos = $2; } | TX PRIORITY expr { BABEL_IFACE->tx_priority = $3; } | CHECK LINK bool { BABEL_IFACE->check_link = $3; } ; babel_iface_opts: /* empty */ | babel_iface_opts babel_iface_item ';' ; babel_iface_opt_list: /* empty */ | '{' babel_iface_opts '}' ; babel_iface: babel_iface_start iface_patt_list_nopx babel_iface_opt_list babel_iface_finish; CF_ADDTO(dynamic_attr, BABEL_METRIC { $$ = f_new_dynamic_attr(EAF_TYPE_INT | EAF_TEMP, T_INT, EA_BABEL_METRIC); }) CF_CLI_HELP(SHOW BABEL, ..., [[Show information about Babel protocol]]); CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL INTERFACES, optsym opttext, [<name>] [\"<interface>\"], [[Show information about Babel interfaces]]) { babel_show_interfaces(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel), $5); }; CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL NEIGHBORS, optsym opttext, [<name>] [\"<interface>\"], [[Show information about Babel neighbors]]) { babel_show_neighbors(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel), $5); }; CF_CLI(SHOW BABEL ENTRIES, optsym opttext, [<name>], [[Show information about Babel prefix entries]]) { babel_show_entries(proto_get_named($4, &proto_babel)); }; CF_CODE CF_END