 *	BIRD -- Settle timer
 *	(c) 2022 Maria Matejka <mq@jmq.cz>
 *	(c) 2022 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o.
 *	Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL.

#ifndef _BIRD_SETTLE_H_
#define _BIRD_SETTLE_H_

#include "lib/birdlib.h"
#include "lib/timer.h"

struct settle_config {
  btime min, max;

struct settle {
  union {
    /* Timer hook polymorphism. */
    struct {
      resource _r;
      void (*hook)(struct settle *);
    timer tm;
  struct settle_config cf;
  btime started;

STATIC_ASSERT(OFFSETOF(struct settle, hook) == OFFSETOF(struct settle, tm) + OFFSETOF(timer, hook));

#define SETTLE_INIT(_cfp, _hook, _data) (struct settle) { .tm = { .data = (_data), }, .hook = (_hook), .cf = ({ASSERT_DIE((_cfp)->min <= (_cfp)->max); *(_cfp); }), }

static inline void settle_init(struct settle *s, struct settle_config *cf, void (*hook)(struct settle *), void *data)
  *s = SETTLE_INIT(cf, hook, data);

#define settle_active(s) tm_active(&(s)->tm)

static inline void settle_kick(struct settle *s, struct birdloop *loop)
  if (!tm_active(&s->tm))
    s->started = current_time();
    tm_set_in(&s->tm, s->started + s->cf.min, loop);
    btime now = current_time();
    tm_set_in(&s->tm, MIN_(now + s->cf.min, s->started + s->cf.max), loop);

static inline void settle_cancel(struct settle *s)
