/* * Filters: Utility Functions Tests * * (c) 2015 CZ.NIC z.s.p.o. * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include "test/birdtest.h" #include "test/bt-utils.h" #include "filter/filter.h" #include "filter/data.h" #include "conf/conf.h" #define MAX_TREE_HEIGHT 13 static void start_conf_env(void) { bt_bird_init(); pool *p = rp_new(&root_pool, &main_birdloop, "helper_pool"); linpool *l = lp_new_default(p); cfg_mem = l; } static struct f_tree * new_tree(uint id) { struct f_tree *tree = f_new_tree(); tree->from.type = tree->to.type = T_INT; tree->from.val.i = tree->to.val.i = id; return tree; } /* * Show subtree in infix notation */ static void show_subtree(struct f_tree *node) { if (!node) return; show_subtree(node->left); if (node->from.val.i == node->to.val.i) bt_debug("%u ", node->from.val.i); else bt_debug("%u..%u ", node->from.val.i, node->to.val.i); show_subtree(node->right); } static void show_tree2(struct f_tree *root_node, const char *tree_name) { bt_debug("%s: \n", tree_name); bt_debug("[ "); show_subtree(root_node); bt_debug("]\n\n"); } #define show_tree(tree) show_tree2(tree, #tree); static uint get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(uint height) { return (bt_naive_pow(2, height+1) - 1); } static struct f_tree * get_balanced_full_subtree(uint height, uint idx) { struct f_tree *node = new_tree(idx); if (height > 0) { uint nodes_in_subtree = get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(--height); node->left = get_balanced_full_subtree(height, idx - nodes_in_subtree/2 - 1); node->right = get_balanced_full_subtree(height, idx + nodes_in_subtree/2 + 1); } return node; } static struct f_tree * get_balanced_full_tree(uint height) { return get_balanced_full_subtree(height, get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(height)/2); } static struct f_tree * get_degenerated_left_tree(uint nodes_count) { struct f_tree *old = NULL; struct f_tree *new = NULL; uint i; for (i = 0; i < nodes_count; i++) { old = new; new = new_tree(nodes_count-1-i); new->left = old; } return new; } static struct f_tree * get_random_degenerated_left_tree(uint nodes_count) { struct f_tree *tree = get_degenerated_left_tree(nodes_count); size_t avaible_indexes_size = nodes_count * sizeof(byte); byte *avaible_indexes = malloc(avaible_indexes_size); memset(avaible_indexes, 0, avaible_indexes_size); struct f_tree *n; for (n = tree; n; n = n->left) { uint selected_idx; do { selected_idx = bt_random() % nodes_count; } while(avaible_indexes[selected_idx] != 0); avaible_indexes[selected_idx] = 1; n->from.type = n->to.type = T_INT; n->from.val.i = n->to.val.i = selected_idx; } free(avaible_indexes); return tree; } static struct f_tree * get_balanced_tree_with_ranged_values(uint nodes_count) { struct f_tree *tree = get_degenerated_left_tree(nodes_count); uint idx = 0; struct f_tree *n; for (n = tree; n; n = n->left) { n->from.type = n->to.type = T_INT; n->from.val.i = idx; idx += (uint)bt_random() / nodes_count; /* (... / nodes_count) preventing overflow an uint idx */ n->to.val.i = idx++; } return build_tree(tree); } static int t_balancing(void) { start_conf_env(); uint height; for (height = 1; height < MAX_TREE_HEIGHT; height++) { uint nodes_count = get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(height); struct f_tree *simple_degenerated_tree = get_degenerated_left_tree(nodes_count); show_tree(simple_degenerated_tree); struct f_tree *expected_balanced_tree = get_balanced_full_tree(height); show_tree(expected_balanced_tree); struct f_tree *balanced_tree_from_simple = build_tree(simple_degenerated_tree); show_tree(balanced_tree_from_simple); bt_assert(same_tree(balanced_tree_from_simple, expected_balanced_tree)); } return 1; } static int t_balancing_random(void) { start_conf_env(); uint height; for (height = 1; height < MAX_TREE_HEIGHT; height++) { uint nodes_count = get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(height); struct f_tree *expected_balanced_tree = get_balanced_full_tree(height); uint i; for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) { struct f_tree *random_degenerated_tree = get_random_degenerated_left_tree(nodes_count); show_tree(random_degenerated_tree); struct f_tree *balanced_tree_from_random = build_tree(random_degenerated_tree); show_tree(expected_balanced_tree); show_tree(balanced_tree_from_random); bt_assert(same_tree(balanced_tree_from_random, expected_balanced_tree)); } } return 1; } static int t_find(void) { start_conf_env(); uint height; for (height = 1; height < MAX_TREE_HEIGHT; height++) { uint nodes_count = get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(height); struct f_tree *tree = get_balanced_full_tree(height); show_tree(tree); struct f_val looking_up_value = { .type = T_INT }; for(looking_up_value.val.i = 0; looking_up_value.val.i < nodes_count; looking_up_value.val.i++) { const struct f_tree *found_tree = find_tree(tree, &looking_up_value); bt_assert((val_compare(&looking_up_value, &(found_tree->from)) == 0) && (val_compare(&looking_up_value, &(found_tree->to)) == 0)); } } return 1; } static uint get_max_value_in_unbalanced_tree(struct f_tree *node, uint max) { if (!node) return max; if (node->to.val.i > max) max = node->to.val.i; uint max_left = get_max_value_in_unbalanced_tree(node->left, max); if (max_left > max) max = max_left; uint max_right = get_max_value_in_unbalanced_tree(node->right, max); if (max_right > max) max = max_right; return max; } static int t_find_ranges(void) { start_conf_env(); uint height; for (height = 1; height < MAX_TREE_HEIGHT; height++) { uint nodes_count = get_nodes_count_full_bin_tree(height); struct f_tree *tree = get_balanced_tree_with_ranged_values(nodes_count); uint max_value = get_max_value_in_unbalanced_tree(tree, 0); show_tree(tree); bt_debug("max_value: %u \n", max_value); struct f_val needle = { .type = T_INT }; uint *i = &needle.val.i; for(*i = 0; *i <= max_value; *i += (uint)bt_random()/nodes_count) { const struct f_tree *found_tree = find_tree(tree, &needle); bt_debug("searching: %u \n", *i); bt_assert( (val_compare(&needle, &(found_tree->from)) == 0) || (val_compare(&needle, &(found_tree->to)) == 0) || ((val_compare(&needle, &(found_tree->from)) == 1) && (val_compare(&needle, &(found_tree->to)) == -1)) ); } } return 1; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { bt_init(argc, argv); bt_test_suite(t_balancing, "Balancing strong unbalanced trees"); bt_test_suite(t_balancing_random, "Balancing random unbalanced trees"); bt_test_suite(t_find, "Finding values in trees"); bt_test_suite(t_find_ranges, "Finding values in trees with random ranged values"); return bt_exit_value(); }