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charpath $ctm setmatrix @@txt @gr @np stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch m}
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@ftx}{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5{show}{pop}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf
{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/@st{matrix currentmatrix exch $SDF{$SCF
$SCA $SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{{currentpoint 3 -1 roll(0)dup 3 -1
roll 0 exch put dup @gs true charpath $ctm setmatrix $ptm concat stroke @gr @np
stringwidth pop 3 -1 roll add exch m}forall}{pop}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp
@ss}if setmatrix}bd/@te{@ft}bd/@tr{@st}bd/@ta{dup @gs @ft @gr @st}bd/@t@a{dup
@gs @st @gr @ft}bd/@tm{@sm concat}bd/e{/t{@te}def}bd/r{/t{@tr}def}bd/o{/t{pop}
def}bd/a{/t{@ta}def}bd/@a{/t{@t@a}def}bd/t{@te}def/T{@np $ctm setmatrix/$ttm
matrix def}bd/ddt{t}def/@t{/$stm $stm currentmatrix def 3 1 roll m $ttm concat
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%CHAR: 440970 0 (I) @t
475637 0 m
475637 316240 L
598178 316240 L
598178 0 L
475637 0 L
%CHAR: 632334 0 (R) @t
907703 316240 m
935218 316240 957260 314927 973827 312299 c
990321 309672 1003240 305585 1012509 299965 c
1024332 293031 1033382 283616 1039586 271866 c
1045789 260116 1048855 246541 1048855 231141 c
1048855 212457 1044257 196035 1034988 181877 c
1025719 167645 1012946 157427 996671 151150 C
1010611 145311 1020464 138086 1026084 129474 c
1031703 120862 1034988 105608 1036009 83786 c
1036155 81377 1036301 78020 1036447 73787 c
1038418 32405 1043965 9488 1053161 4890 C
1053161 0 L
916972 0 L
912812 6715 910550 19633 910112 38901 c
909820 50140 909309 58825 908579 64956 c
907265 76560 903397 84662 896902 89333 c
890479 94077 879604 96412 864351 96412 c
791221 96412 L
791221 0 L
667001 0 L
667001 316240 L
907703 316240 l
791221 179614 m
862599 179614 l
881283 179614 894493 181804 902083 186256 c
909747 190635 913542 198079 913542 208443 c
913542 218734 909966 225886 902740 229973 c
895515 233987 881137 236031 859607 236031 c
791221 236031 L
791221 179614 L
%CHAR: 1066298 0 (D) @t
1223506 238220 m
1223506 84005 L
1284448 84005 l
1316196 84005 1338967 90062 1352688 102105 c
1366482 114147 1373342 133853 1373342 161222 c
1373342 188445 1366409 208078 1352469 220120 c
1338602 232163 1315904 238220 1284448 238220 c
1223506 238220 L
1100965 316678 m
1303643 316678 l
1369255 316678 1419176 303176 1453552 276172 c
1487928 249168 1505079 209756 1505079 158011 c
1505079 106411 1488001 67145 1453771 40287 c
1419541 13429 1369547 0 1303643 0 c
1100965 0 L
1100965 316678 L
@rax %Note: Object
202.57002 663.60898 462.94894 788.24381 @E
 0 O 0 @g
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K
0 0.21543 0.21543 0.00000 @w
/$fm 0 def
260.91354 727.66403 m
284.90258 722.60872 308.89162 717.55398 332.88066 712.49783 C
372.47783 785.04321 371.74762 810.24123 462.94894 768.46677 C
412.01121 767.74422 394.34910 800.57197 337.90961 694.42894 c
336.72728 692.20375 216.16299 742.15219 202.57002 663.60898 C
200.58690 726.36633 231.68494 734.82888 260.91354 727.66403 C

@rax %Note: Object
17.18787 478.84422 579.89707 569.31194 @E
 0 O 0 @g
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
/$fm 0 def
17.18787 569.31194 m
579.89707 569.31194 L
579.89707 478.84422 L
17.18787 478.84422 L
17.18787 569.31194 L

@rax %Note: Object
86.84816 567.50202 504.80901 567.50315 @E
0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K
0 5.66929 5.66929 0.00000 @w
/$fm 0 def
86.84816 567.50258 m
504.80901 567.50258 L

@rax %Note: Object
86.84816 554.44139 504.80901 554.44252 @E
0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K
0 5.66929 5.66929 0.00000 @w
/$fm 0 def
86.84816 554.44195 m
504.80901 554.44195 L

@rax %Note: Object
86.84816 541.70674 504.80901 541.70787 @E
0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 K
0 5.66929 5.66929 0.00000 @w
/$fm 0 def
86.84816 541.70731 m
504.80901 541.70731 L

%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset wCorel8Dict