# # fmt_html.pl # # $Id$ # # HTML-specific driver stuff # # � Copyright 1996, Cees de Groot # package SGMLTools::fmt_html; use strict; use SGMLTools::CharEnts; use SGMLTools::Vars; use SGMLTools::FixRef; my $fixref = $SGMLTools::FixRef::fixref; use SGMLTools::Html2Html; my $html2html = $SGMLTools::Html2Html::html2html; my $html = {}; $html->{NAME} = "html"; $html->{HELP} = ""; $html->{OPTIONS} = [ { option => "split", type => "l", 'values' => [ "0", "1", "2" ], short => "s" }, { option => "dosnames", type => "f", short => "h" }, { option => "imagebuttons", type => "f", short => "I"} ]; $html->{'split'} = 1; $html->{dosnames} = 0; $html->{imagebuttons} = 0; $html->{preNSGMLS} = sub { $global->{NsgmlsOpts} .= " -ifmthtml "; }; $Formats{$html->{NAME}} = $html; # HTML escape sub. this is called-back by `parse_data' below in # `html_preASP' to properly escape `<' and `&' characters coming from # the SGML source. my %html_escapes; $html_escapes{'&'} = '&'; $html_escapes{'<'} = '<'; my $html_escape = sub { my ($data) = @_; # replace the char with it's HTML equivalent $data =~ s|([&<])|$html_escapes{$1}|ge; return ($data); }; # # Translate character entities and escape HTML special chars. # $html->{preASP} = sub { my ($infile, $outfile) = @_; # note the conversion of `sdata_dirs' list to an anonymous array to # make a single argument my $char_maps = load_char_maps ('.2html', [ Text::EntityMap::sdata_dirs() ]); while (<$infile>) { if (/^-/) { my ($str) = $'; chop ($str); print $outfile "-" . parse_data ($str, $char_maps, $html_escape) . "\n"; } elsif (/^A/) { /^A(\S+) (IMPLIED|CDATA|NOTATION|ENTITY|TOKEN)( (.*))?$/ || die "bad attribute data: $_\n"; my ($name,$type,$value) = ($1,$2,$4); if ($type eq "CDATA") { # CDATA attributes get translated also $value = parse_data ($value, $char_maps, $html_escape); } print $outfile "A$name $type $value\n"; } else { print $outfile $_; } } return 0; }; # # Take the sgmlsasp output, and make something # useful from it. # $html->{postASP} = sub { my $infile = shift; my $filename = $global->{filename}; # # Set various stuff as a result of option processing. # my $ext = "html"; $ext = "htm" if $html->{dosnames}; my $img = 0; $img = 1 if $html->{imagebuttons}; # # Bring in file # my @file = <$infile>; # # Find references # &{$fixref->{init}}($html->{'split'}); LINE: foreach (@file) { foreach my $pat (keys %{$fixref->{rules}}) { if (/$pat/) { # Call rule function then skip to next line &{$fixref->{rules}->{$pat}}; next LINE; } } &{$fixref->{defaultrule}}; } &{$fixref->{finish}}; # # Run through html2html, preserving stdout # Also, handle prehtml.sed's tasks # open SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT"; open STDOUT, ">$filename.$ext" or die qq(Cannot open "$filename.$ext"); &{$html2html->{init}}($html->{'split'}, $ext, $img, $filename, $fixref->{filenum}, $fixref->{lrec}); LINE: foreach (@file) { s,<P></P>,,g; # remove empty <P></P> containers foreach my $pat (keys %{$html2html->{rules}}) { if (/$pat/) { # Call rule function then skip to next line &{$html2html->{rules}->{$pat}}; next LINE; } } &{$html2html->{defaultrule}}; } &{$html2html->{finish}}; close STDOUT; open STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT"; return 0; }; 1;