path: root/proto/ospf/lsalib.c
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2000-05-30Yeah, the endianity bug found.Ondrej Filip
2000-05-17Typo in comment.Ondrej Filip
2000-05-10Bugfix in ip_addr endianity.Ondrej Filip
2000-05-09Flushing of old LSAs added.Ondrej Filip
2000-05-04Bugfix in Network lsa originatingOndrej Filip
Bugfix in ntohlsab() and htonlsab() For calculating of rt I use my own fib. I delete routes! ;-)
2000-05-03Cleanup of code. Some arguments of functions were useless.Ondrej Filip
2000-05-02Aging of lsa database added.Ondrej Filip
2000-04-30Many small changes and bug fixes. Routing table calculation works.Ondrej Filip
I'm waiting for rt lookup to add stub networks.
2000-04-30Sync with nest's rt table and some minor improvements.Ondrej Filip
2000-04-04LSupdate processing improved. Now there is some bug in hashing. :-(Ondrej Filip
2000-04-02Work on lsupdates continues. Some checksum cleanup.Ondrej Filip
2000-04-02lsa_cmp moved into lsalib.cOndrej Filip
2000-04-01LSA checksum works. But it's very uneficient on little endian systems.Ondrej Filip
2000-03-31Sending of lspd as responce to lsreq done.Ondrej Filip