path: root/sysdep/unix
diff options
authorMaria Matejka <>2023-04-26 22:24:42 +0200
committerMaria Matejka <>2023-05-03 21:30:29 +0200
commit9c2231061212c24de1466b235486c4ee0ec8dc0f (patch)
tree4bdb9407409b919ec198a4e42b5440bce5ac5408 /sysdep/unix
parentab83bab9d1c51e4102f6626430e0e1b2b7f1e53a (diff)
Loop spent time refactored to separate structures and functions
Diffstat (limited to 'sysdep/unix')
2 files changed, 148 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/sysdep/unix/io-loop.c b/sysdep/unix/io-loop.c
index b3d930cb..79cbe3fe 100644
--- a/sysdep/unix/io-loop.c
+++ b/sysdep/unix/io-loop.c
@@ -63,6 +63,80 @@ static u64 ns_now(void)
#define NSEC_TO_SEC(x) ((x) / NSEC_IN_SEC)
#define CURRENT_SEC NSEC_TO_SEC(ns_now())
+static _Thread_local struct spent_time *account_target_spent_time;
+static _Thread_local u64 *account_target_total;
+static _Thread_local u64 account_last;
+static u64 account_finish(void)
+ /* Get current time */
+ u64 now = ns_now();
+ u64 dif = now - account_last;
+ /* Update second by second */
+ if (account_target_spent_time)
+ {
+ /* Drop old time information if difference is too large */
+ if (NSEC_TO_SEC(account_last) + TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE - 1 < NSEC_TO_SEC(now))
+ account_last = (NSEC_TO_SEC(now) - TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE + 1) * NSEC_IN_SEC;
+ /* Zero new records */
+ if (NSEC_TO_SEC(account_target_spent_time->last_written_ns) + TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE < NSEC_TO_SEC(account_last))
+ memset(account_target_spent_time->by_sec_ns, 0, sizeof(account_target_spent_time->by_sec_ns));
+ else
+ for (u64 fclr = NSEC_TO_SEC(account_target_spent_time->last_written_ns) + 1;
+ fclr <= NSEC_TO_SEC(now);
+ fclr++)
+ account_target_spent_time->by_sec_ns[fclr % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE] = 0;
+ /* Add times second by second */
+ while (NSEC_TO_SEC(account_last) != NSEC_TO_SEC(now))
+ {
+ u64 part = (NSEC_TO_SEC(account_last) + 1) * NSEC_IN_SEC - account_last;
+ account_target_spent_time->by_sec_ns[NSEC_TO_SEC(account_last) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE] += part;
+ account_last += part;
+ }
+ /* Update the last second */
+ account_target_spent_time->by_sec_ns[NSEC_TO_SEC(account_last) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE] += now - account_last;
+ /* Store the current time */
+ account_target_spent_time->last_written_ns = now;
+ }
+ /* Update the total */
+ if (account_target_total)
+ *account_target_total += dif;
+ /* Store current time */
+ account_last = now;
+ return dif;
+static u64 account_to_spent_time(struct spent_time *st)
+ u64 elapsed = account_finish();
+ account_target_spent_time = st;
+ account_target_total = &st->total_ns;
+ return elapsed;
+static u64 account_to_total(u64 *total)
+ u64 elapsed = account_finish();
+ account_target_spent_time = NULL;
+ account_target_total = total;
+ return elapsed;
+#define account_to(_arg) _Generic((_arg), \
+ struct spent_time *: account_to_spent_time, \
+ u64 *: account_to_total)(_arg)
* Current thread context
@@ -639,6 +713,8 @@ bird_thread_main(void *arg)
+ account_to(&thr->overhead);
tmp_init(thr->pool, birdloop_domain(thr->meta));
@@ -952,6 +1028,29 @@ bird_thread_show_cli_cleanup(struct cli *c UNUSED)
static void
+bird_thread_show_spent_time(struct cli *c, const char *name, struct spent_time *st)
+ char b[TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE * sizeof("1234567890, ")], *bptr = b, *bend = b + sizeof(b);
+ uint cs = CURRENT_SEC;
+ uint fs = NSEC_TO_SEC(st->last_written_ns);
+ for (uint i = 0; i <= cs && i < TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE; i++)
+ bptr += bsnprintf(bptr, bend - bptr, "% 10lu ",
+ (cs - i > fs) ? 0 : st->by_sec_ns[(cs - i) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE]);
+ bptr[-1] = 0; /* Drop the trailing space */
+ cli_printf(c, -1026, " %s total time: % 9t s; last %d secs [ns]: %s", name, st->total_ns NS, MIN(CURRENT_SEC+1, TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE), b);
+static void
+bird_thread_show_loop(struct cli *c, struct birdloop *loop)
+ cli_printf(c, -1026, " Loop %s", domain_name(loop->time.domain));
+ bird_thread_show_spent_time(c, " Working", &loop->working);
+ bird_thread_show_spent_time(c, " Locking", &loop->locking);
+static void
bird_thread_show(void *data)
struct bird_thread_show_data *tsd = data;
@@ -965,40 +1064,29 @@ bird_thread_show(void *data)
WALK_LIST(loop, this_thread->loops)
if (tsd->show_loops)
- {
- char b[TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE * sizeof("123456789, ")], *bptr = b, *bend = b + sizeof(b);
- uint cs = CURRENT_SEC;
- uint fs = NSEC_TO_SEC(loop->last_time_finished_ns);
- for (uint i = 0; i <= cs && i < TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE; i++)
- bptr += bsnprintf(bptr, bend - bptr, "% 9lu ",
- (cs - i > fs) ? 0 : loop->time_by_sec_ns[(cs - i) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE]);
- bptr[-1] = 0; /* Drop the trailing space */
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, " Loop %s", domain_name(loop->time.domain));
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, " Total time: %t s", loop->total_time_spent_ns NS);
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, " Total locking time: %t s", loop->total_time_locking_ns NS);
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, " Last %d secs [ns]: %s", MIN(CURRENT_SEC+1, TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE), b);
- }
- total_time_ns += loop->total_time_spent_ns;
+ bird_thread_show_loop(tsd->cli, loop);
+ total_time_ns += loop->working.total_ns + loop->locking.total_ns;
- tsd->done++;
- int last = (tsd->done == tsd->total);
+ int last = (++tsd->done == tsd->total);
+ if (tsd->show_loops)
+ {
+ cli_printf(tsd->cli, (last ? 1 : -1) * 1026, " Total working time: %t", total_time_ns NS);
+ bird_thread_show_spent_time(tsd->cli, " Overhead", &this_thread->overhead);
+ }
+ else
+ cli_printf(tsd->cli, (last ? 1 : -1) * 1026, "Thread %p working %t s overhead %t s",
+ this_thread, total_time_ns NS, this_thread->overhead.total_ns NS);
if (last)
tsd->cli->cont = NULL;
tsd->cli->cleanup = NULL;
+ ev_send(&global_event_list, &tsd->finish_event);
- if (tsd->show_loops)
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, (last ? 1 : -1) * 1026, " Total time: %t", total_time_ns NS);
- else
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, (last ? 1 : -1) * 1026, "Thread %p time %t", this_thread, total_time_ns NS);
- ev_send(&global_event_list, &tsd->finish_event);
UNLOCK_DOMAIN(control, tsd->lock);
@@ -1012,27 +1100,31 @@ bird_thread_show_finish(void *data)
struct birdloop_pickup_group *group = &pickup_groups[i];
LOCK_DOMAIN(resource, group->domain);
+ uint count = 0;
+ u64 total_time_ns = 0;
if (!EMPTY_LIST(group->loops))
+ {
if (tsd->show_loops)
+ cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, "Unassigned loops:");
+ struct birdloop *loop;
+ WALK_LIST(loop, group->loops)
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, "Unassigned loops");
+ if (tsd->show_loops)
+ bird_thread_show_loop(tsd->cli, loop);
- struct birdloop *loop;
- WALK_LIST(loop, group->loops)
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, " Loop %s time: %t", domain_name(loop->time.domain), loop->total_time_spent_ns NS);
+ total_time_ns += loop->working.total_ns + loop->locking.total_ns;
+ count++;
+ if (tsd->show_loops)
+ cli_printf(tsd->cli, 1026, " Total working time: %t", total_time_ns NS);
- {
- uint count = 0;
- u64 total_time_ns = 0;
- struct birdloop *loop;
- WALK_LIST(loop, group->loops)
- {
- count++;
- total_time_ns += loop->total_time_spent_ns;
- }
- cli_printf(tsd->cli, -1026, "Unassigned loops: %d, total time %t", count, total_time_ns NS);
- }
+ cli_printf(tsd->cli, 1026, "Unassigned %d loops, total time %t", count, total_time_ns NS);
+ }
+ else
+ cli_printf(tsd->cli, 1026, "All loops are assigned.");
UNLOCK_DOMAIN(resource, group->domain);
@@ -1156,6 +1248,7 @@ birdloop_stop_internal(struct birdloop *loop)
/* Leave the loop context without causing any other fuss */
loop->ping_pending = 0;
+ account_to(&this_thread->overhead);
/* Request local socket reload */
@@ -1173,17 +1266,13 @@ birdloop_run(void *_loop)
/* Run priority events before the loop is executed */
- u64 start_time = ns_now();
- u64 end_time = start_time + this_thread->max_loop_time_ns;
struct birdloop *loop = _loop;
+ account_to(&loop->locking);
+ u64 dif = account_to(&loop->working);
- u64 locked_time = ns_now(), task_done_time;
- if (locked_time > end_time)
- LOOP_WARN(loop, "locked %luns after its scheduled end time", locked_time - end_time);
- loop->total_time_locking_ns += (locked_time - start_time);
+ if (dif > this_thread->max_loop_time_ns)
+ LOOP_WARN(loop, "locked %lu ns after its scheduled end time", dif);
uint repeat, loop_runs = 0;
do {
@@ -1208,7 +1297,7 @@ birdloop_run(void *_loop)
repeat += ev_run_list(&loop->event_list);
/* Check end time */
- } while (((task_done_time = ns_now()) < end_time) && repeat);
+ } while (repeat && (ns_now() < account_last + this_thread->max_loop_time_ns));
/* Request meta timer */
timer *t = timers_first(&loop->time);
@@ -1225,37 +1314,7 @@ birdloop_run(void *_loop)
this_thread->sock_changed += loop->sock_changed;
loop->sock_changed = 0;
- /* Get finish time */
- u64 finish_time = ns_now();
- loop->total_time_spent_ns += finish_time - locked_time;
- log(L_INFO "%p: lock to finish time: %lu %lu", loop, locked_time, finish_time);
- /* Zero records for seconds where we haven't run */
- if (NSEC_TO_SEC(loop->last_time_finished_ns) + TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE < NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time))
- memset(loop->time_by_sec_ns, 0, sizeof(loop->time_by_sec_ns));
- else
- for (u64 fclr = NSEC_TO_SEC(loop->last_time_finished_ns) + 1;
- fclr <= NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time);
- fclr++)
- {
- log(L_INFO "%p: fclr %lu", loop, fclr % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE);
- loop->time_by_sec_ns[fclr % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE] = 0;
- }
- while (NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time) != NSEC_TO_SEC(finish_time))
- {
- u64 part = (NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time) + 1) * NSEC_IN_SEC - locked_time;
- log(L_INFO "%p: part %lu to %lu", loop, part, NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE);
- loop->time_by_sec_ns[NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE] += part;
- locked_time += part;
- }
- log(L_INFO "%p: part %lu to %lu", loop, finish_time - locked_time, NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE);
- loop->time_by_sec_ns[NSEC_TO_SEC(locked_time) % TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE] += finish_time - locked_time;
- loop->last_time_finished_ns = finish_time;
+ account_to(&this_thread->overhead);
diff --git a/sysdep/unix/io-loop.h b/sysdep/unix/io-loop.h
index d60b5206..9b0efb6c 100644
--- a/sysdep/unix/io-loop.h
+++ b/sysdep/unix/io-loop.h
@@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ void pipe_pollin(struct pipe *, struct pfd *);
void pipe_drain(struct pipe *);
void pipe_kick(struct pipe *);
-struct total_time_since {
- u64 total;
- u64 since;
+#define TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE 16
+struct spent_time {
+ u64 total_ns;
+ u64 last_written_ns;
+ u64 by_sec_ns[TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE];
struct birdloop
@@ -66,10 +69,7 @@ struct birdloop
struct bird_thread *thread;
#define TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE 16
- u64 time_by_sec_ns[TIME_BY_SEC_SIZE];
- u64 last_time_finished_ns;
- u64 total_time_spent_ns;
- u64 total_time_locking_ns;
+ struct spent_time working, locking;
struct bird_thread
@@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ struct bird_thread
u64 max_latency_ns;
u64 max_loop_time_ns;
+ struct spent_time overhead;