path: root/filter
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authorMaria Matejka <>2022-07-13 14:14:37 +0200
committerMaria Matejka <>2022-07-13 14:14:37 +0200
commit68a2c9d4c91a36c90a768926495f7894324287c5 (patch)
tree996387a4741746aa1c5cad1d238b886cfe7620d6 /filter
parentaf0d5ec2797bab2a928fa8ce2caf81608a3f7443 (diff)
parent2e5bfeb73ac25e236a24b6c1a88d0f2221ca303f (diff)
Merge commit '2e5bfeb73ac25e236a24b6c1a88d0f2221ca303f' into thread-next
Diffstat (limited to 'filter')
9 files changed, 593 insertions, 109 deletions
diff --git a/filter/config.Y b/filter/config.Y
index 8cecf936..5ba4f7e6 100644
--- a/filter/config.Y
+++ b/filter/config.Y
@@ -32,6 +32,36 @@ static inline u32 pair_b(u32 p) { return p & 0xFFFF; }
f_new_inst(FI_EA_SET, f_new_inst(fi_code, f_new_inst(FI_DEFAULT, f_new_inst(FI_EA_GET, da), f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_INT, .val.i = def })), arg), da)
+static int
+f_new_var(struct sym_scope *s)
+ /*
+ * - A variable is an offset on vstack from vbase.
+ * - Vbase is set on filter start / function call.
+ * - Scopes contain anonymous scopes (blocks) inside filter/function scope
+ * - Each scope knows number of vars in that scope
+ * - Offset is therefore a sum of 'slots' up to named scope
+ * - New variables are added on top of vstk, so intermediate values cannot
+ * be there during FI_VAR_INIT. I.e. no 'var' inside 'term'.
+ * - Also, each f_line must always have its scope, otherwise a variable may
+ * be defined but not initialized if relevant f_line is not executed.
+ */
+ int offset = s->slots++;
+ while (!s->name)
+ {
+ s = s->next;
+ ASSERT(s);
+ offset += s->slots;
+ }
+ if (offset >= 0xff)
+ cf_error("Too many variables, at most 255 allowed");
+ return offset;
* Sets and their items are during parsing handled as lists, linked
* through left ptr. The first item in a list also contains a pointer
@@ -276,7 +306,7 @@ assert_assign(struct f_lval *lval, struct f_inst *expr, const char *start, const
checker = f_new_inst(FI_EQ, expr, getter);
setter->next = checker;
return assert_done(setter, start, end);
+ FOR, IN, DO,
%nonassoc ELSE
%type <xp> cmds_int cmd_prep
-%type <x> term block cmd cmds constant constructor print_list var_list function_call symbol_value bgp_path_expr bgp_path bgp_path_tail
+%type <x> term cmd cmd_var cmds cmds_scoped constant constructor print_list var var_init var_list function_call symbol_value bgp_path_expr bgp_path bgp_path_tail
%type <fsa> static_attr
%type <fab> attr_bit
%type <f> filter where_filter
%type <fl> filter_body function_body
%type <flv> lvalue
-%type <i> type function_args function_vars
+%type <i> type function_vars
+%type <fa> function_argsn function_args
%type <ecs> ec_kind
-%type <fret> break_command
+%type <fret> break_command
%type <i32> cnum
%type <e> pair_item ec_item lc_item set_item switch_item set_items switch_items switch_body
%type <trie> fprefix_set
%type <v> set_atom switch_atom fipa
%type <px> fprefix
%type <t> get_cf_position
+%type <s> for_var
@@ -343,7 +376,7 @@ filter_def:
conf: filter_eval ;
- EVAL term { f_eval_int(f_linearize($2)); }
+ EVAL term { f_eval_int(f_linearize($2, 1)); }
conf: custom_attr ;
@@ -425,25 +458,28 @@ type:
- /* EMPTY */
+ /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; }
| function_argsn type symbol ';' {
if ($3->scope->slots >= 0xfe) cf_error("Too many declarations, at most 255 allowed");
- cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_VARIABLE | $2, offset, $3->scope->slots++);
+ $$ = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_arg));
+ $$->arg = cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_VARIABLE | $2, offset, sym_->scope->slots++);
+ $$->next = $1;
- '(' ')' { $$ = 0; }
+ '(' ')' { $$ = NULL; }
| '(' function_argsn type symbol ')' {
- cf_define_symbol($4, SYM_VARIABLE | $3, offset, $4->scope->slots++);
- $$ = $4->scope->slots;
+ $$ = cfg_alloc(sizeof(struct f_arg));
+ $$->arg = cf_define_symbol($4, SYM_VARIABLE | $3, offset, sym_->scope->slots++);
+ $$->next = $2;
/* EMPTY */ { $$ = 0; }
| function_vars type symbol ';' {
- cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_VARIABLE | $2, offset, $3->scope->slots++);
+ cf_define_symbol($3, SYM_VARIABLE | $2, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope));
$$ = $1 + 1;
@@ -471,20 +507,35 @@ where_filter:
function_vars '{' cmds '}' {
- $$ = f_linearize($3);
+ $$ = f_linearize($3, 0);
$$->vars = $1;
conf: function_def ;
- FUNCTION symbol { DBG( "Beginning of function %s\n", $2->name );
+ FUNCTION symbol {
+ DBG( "Beginning of function %s\n", $2->name );
$2 = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_FUNCTION, function, NULL);
- } function_args function_body {
- DBG("Definition of function %s with %u args and %u local vars.\n", $2->name, $4, $5->vars);
- $5->args = $4;
- $2->function = $5;
+ } function_args {
+ /* Make dummy f_line for storing function prototype */
+ struct f_line *dummy = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct f_line));
+ $2->function = dummy;
+ /* Revert the args */
+ while ($4) {
+ struct f_arg *tmp = $4;
+ $4 = $4->next;
+ tmp->next = dummy->arg_list;
+ dummy->arg_list = tmp;
+ dummy->args++;
+ }
+ } function_body {
+ $6->args = $2->function->args;
+ $6->arg_list = $2->function->arg_list;
+ $2->function = $6;
@@ -495,7 +546,11 @@ cmds: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; }
| cmds_int { $$ = $1.begin; }
-cmd_prep: cmd {
+cmds_scoped: { cf_push_soft_scope(); } cmds { cf_pop_soft_scope(); $$ = $2; } ;
+cmd_var: var | cmd ;
+cmd_prep: cmd_var {
$$.begin = $$.end = $1;
if ($1)
while ($$.end->next)
@@ -517,15 +572,6 @@ cmds_int: cmd_prep
- cmd {
- $$=$1;
- }
- | '{' cmds '}' {
- $$=$2;
- }
- ;
* Complex types, their bison value is struct f_val
@@ -549,7 +595,7 @@ set_atom:
| VPN_RD { $$.type = T_RD; $$ = $1; }
| ENUM { $$.type = pair_a($1); $$.val.i = pair_b($1); }
| '(' term ')' {
- if (f_eval(f_linearize($2), &($$)) > F_RETURN) cf_error("Runtime error");
+ if (f_eval(f_linearize($2, 1), &($$)) > F_RETURN) cf_error("Runtime error");
if (!f_valid_set_type($$.type)) cf_error("Set-incompatible type");
| symbol_known {
@@ -561,13 +607,13 @@ set_atom:
NUM { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = $1; }
- | '(' term ')' { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = f_eval_int(f_linearize($2)); }
+ | '(' term ')' { $$.type = T_INT; $$.val.i = f_eval_int(f_linearize($2, 1)); }
| fipa { $$ = $1; }
| ENUM { $$.type = pair_a($1); $$.val.i = pair_b($1); }
- term { $$ = f_eval_int(f_linearize($1)); }
+ term { $$ = f_eval_int(f_linearize($1, 1)); }
'(' cnum ',' cnum ')' { $$ = f_new_pair_item($2, $2, $4, $4); }
@@ -651,19 +697,19 @@ fprefix_set:
switch_body: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; }
- | switch_body switch_items ':' cmds {
+ | switch_body switch_items ':' cmds_scoped {
/* Fill data fields */
struct f_tree *t;
- struct f_line *line = f_linearize($4);
+ struct f_line *line = f_linearize($4, 0);
for (t = $2; t; t = t->left)
t->data = line;
$$ = f_merge_items($1, $2);
- | switch_body ELSECOL cmds {
+ | switch_body ELSECOL cmds_scoped {
struct f_tree *t = f_new_tree();
t->from.type = t->to.type = T_VOID;
t->right = t;
- t->data = f_linearize($3);
+ t->data = f_linearize($3, 0);
$$ = f_merge_items($1, t);
@@ -680,6 +726,7 @@ bgp_path:
NUM bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .asn = $1, .kind = PM_ASN, }, }); $$->next = $2; }
| NUM DDOT NUM bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .from = $1, .to = $3, .kind = PM_ASN_RANGE }, }); $$->next = $4; }
+ | '[' ']' bgp_path_tail { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .set = NULL, .kind = PM_ASN_SET }, }); $$->next = $3; }
| '[' set_items ']' bgp_path_tail {
if ($2->from.type != T_INT) cf_error("Only integer sets allowed in path mask");
$$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_PATH_MASK_ITEM, .val.pmi = { .set = build_tree($2), .kind = PM_ASN_SET }, }); $$->next = $4;
@@ -699,6 +746,7 @@ constant:
| fipa { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, $1); }
| VPN_RD { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_RD, = $1, }); }
| net_ { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_NET, = $1, }); }
+ | '[' ']' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_SET, .val.t = NULL, }); }
| '[' set_items ']' {
DBG( "We've got a set here..." );
$$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_SET, .val.t = build_tree($2), });
@@ -722,27 +770,22 @@ var_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; }
| var_list ',' term { $$ = $3; $$->next = $1; }
- symbol_known '(' var_list ')' {
+ symbol_known '(' var_list ')'
+ {
if ($1->class != SYM_FUNCTION)
cf_error("You can't call something which is not a function. Really.");
- struct f_inst *fc = f_new_inst(FI_CALL, $1);
- uint args = 0;
+ /* Revert the var_list */
+ struct f_inst *args = NULL;
while ($3) {
- args++;
- struct f_inst *tmp = $3->next;
- $3->next = fc;
+ struct f_inst *tmp = $3;
+ $3 = $3->next;
- fc = $3;
- $3 = tmp;
+ tmp->next = args;
+ args = tmp;
- if (args != $1->function->args)
- cf_error("Function call '%s' got %u arguments, need %u arguments.",
- $1->name, args, $1->function->args);
- $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_VOID });
- $$->next = fc;
+ $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CALL, args, $1);
@@ -866,13 +909,44 @@ print_list: /* EMPTY */ { $$ = NULL; }
+ /* empty */ { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { }); }
+ | '=' term { $$ = $2; }
+ ;
+ type symbol var_init ';' {
+ struct symbol *sym = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_VARIABLE | $1, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope));
+ $$ = f_new_inst(FI_VAR_INIT, $3, sym);
+ }
+ type symbol { $$ = cf_define_symbol($2, SYM_VARIABLE | $1, offset, f_new_var(sym_->scope)); }
+ | CF_SYM_KNOWN { $$ = $1; cf_assert_symbol($1, SYM_VARIABLE); }
+ ;
- IF term THEN block {
+ '{' cmds_scoped '}' {
+ $$ = $2;
+ }
+ | IF term THEN cmd {
$$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONDITION, $2, $4, NULL);
- | IF term THEN block ELSE block {
+ | IF term THEN cmd ELSE cmd {
$$ = f_new_inst(FI_CONDITION, $2, $4, $6);
+ | FOR {
+ /* Reserve space for walk data on stack */
+ cf_push_scope(NULL);
+ conf_this_scope->slots += 2;
+ } for_var IN
+ /* Parse term in the parent scope */
+ { conf_this_scope->active = 0; } term { conf_this_scope->active = 1; }
+ DO cmd {
+ cf_pop_scope();
+ $$ = f_new_inst(FI_FOR_INIT, $6, $3);
+ $$->next = f_new_inst(FI_FOR_NEXT, $3, $9);
+ }
| symbol_known '=' term ';' {
switch ($1->class) {
@@ -929,7 +1003,7 @@ cmd:
| PRINTN print_list ';' {
$$ = f_new_inst(FI_PRINT, $2);
- | function_call ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_DROP_RESULT, $1); }
+ | function_call ';' { $$ = f_new_inst(FI_DROP_RESULT, $1); }
| CASE term '{' switch_body '}' {
$$ = f_new_inst(FI_SWITCH, $2, build_tree($4));
diff --git a/filter/data.c b/filter/data.c
index 9dab1915..d26b07f5 100644
--- a/filter/data.c
+++ b/filter/data.c
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ btype
f_type_element_type(btype t)
switch(t) {
+ case T_PATH: return T_INT;
case T_CLIST: return T_PAIR;
case T_ECLIST: return T_EC;
case T_LCLIST: return T_LC;
@@ -78,6 +79,8 @@ f_type_element_type(btype t)
+const struct f_trie f_const_empty_trie = { .ipv4 = -1, };
const struct f_val f_const_empty_path = {
.type = T_PATH, = &null_adata,
@@ -90,6 +93,9 @@ const struct f_val f_const_empty_path = {
}, f_const_empty_lclist = {
.type = T_LCLIST, = &null_adata,
+}, f_const_empty_prefix_set = {
+ .type = T_PREFIX_SET,
+ .val.ti = &f_const_empty_trie,
static void
@@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ val_compare(const struct f_val *v1, const struct f_val *v2)
if (val_is_ip4(v1) && (v2->type == T_QUAD))
return uint_cmp(ipa_to_u32(v1->val.ip), v2->val.i);
- debug( "Types do not match in val_compare\n" );
+ DBG( "Types do not match in val_compare\n" );
return F_CMP_ERROR;
@@ -292,6 +298,12 @@ val_same(const struct f_val *v1, const struct f_val *v2)
clist_set_type(const struct f_tree *set, struct f_val *v)
+ if (!set)
+ {
+ v->type = T_VOID;
+ return 1;
+ }
switch (set->from.type)
case T_PAIR:
@@ -528,6 +540,9 @@ val_in_range(const struct f_val *v1, const struct f_val *v2)
if (v2->type != T_SET)
return F_CMP_ERROR;
+ if (!v2->val.t)
+ return 0;
/* With integrated Quad<->IP implicit conversion */
if ((v1->type == v2->val.t->from.type) ||
((v1->type == T_QUAD) && val_is_ip4(&(v2->val.t->from)) && val_is_ip4(&(v2->val.t->to))))
diff --git a/filter/data.h b/filter/data.h
index 23db4a85..c1e7c736 100644
--- a/filter/data.h
+++ b/filter/data.h
@@ -209,9 +209,11 @@ int val_in_range(const struct f_val *v1, const struct f_val *v2);
int clist_set_type(const struct f_tree *set, struct f_val *v);
static inline int eclist_set_type(const struct f_tree *set)
-{ return set->from.type == T_EC; }
+{ return !set || set->from.type == T_EC; }
static inline int lclist_set_type(const struct f_tree *set)
-{ return set->from.type == T_LC; }
+{ return !set || set->from.type == T_LC; }
+static inline int path_set_type(const struct f_tree *set)
+{ return !set || set->from.type == T_INT; }
const struct adata *clist_filter(struct linpool *pool, const struct adata *list, const struct f_val *set, int pos);
const struct adata *eclist_filter(struct linpool *pool, const struct adata *list, const struct f_val *set, int pos);
@@ -227,7 +229,7 @@ undef_value(struct f_val v)
( == &null_adata);
-extern const struct f_val f_const_empty_path, f_const_empty_clist, f_const_empty_eclist, f_const_empty_lclist;
+extern const struct f_val f_const_empty_path, f_const_empty_clist, f_const_empty_eclist, f_const_empty_lclist, f_const_empty_prefix_set;
static inline const struct f_val *f_get_empty(btype t)
switch (t) {
diff --git a/filter/decl.m4 b/filter/decl.m4
index c59cd7f3..e2472127 100644
--- a/filter/decl.m4
+++ b/filter/decl.m4
@@ -191,6 +191,12 @@ if (f$1->type && f$2->type && (f$1->type != f$2->type) &&
cf_error("Arguments $1 and $2 of %s must be of the same type", f_instruction_name(what->fi_code));
+m4_define(ARG_PREFER_SAME_TYPE, `
+if (f$1->type && f$2->type && (f$1->type != f$2->type))
+ (void) (f_const_promotion(f$2, f$1->type) || f_const_promotion(f$1, f$2->type));
# Executing another filter line. This replaces the recursion
# that was needed in the former implementation.
@@ -216,7 +222,7 @@ whati->f$1 = f$1;
f_dump_line(item->fl$1, indent + 1);
-item->fl$1 = f_linearize(whati->f$1);
+item->fl$1 = f_linearize(whati->f$1, $2);
if (!f_same(f1->fl$1, f2->fl$1)) return 0;
@@ -244,9 +250,13 @@ m4_define(ERROR,
# This macro specifies result type and makes there are no conflicting definitions
- [[m4_ifelse(INST_RESULT_TYPE,$1,,[[ERROR([[Multiple type definitons]])]])]],
+ [[m4_ifelse(INST_RESULT_TYPE,$1,,[[ERROR([[Multiple type definitions in]] INST_NAME)]])]],
[[m4_define(INST_RESULT_TYPE,$1) RESULT_TYPE_($1)]])')
+ `m4_ifelse(INST_OUTVAL,0,,
+ [[m4_ifdef([[INST_RESULT_TYPE]],,[[ERROR([[Missing type definition in]] INST_NAME)]])]])')
m4_define(RESULT_TYPE_, `
what->type = $1;
@@ -300,6 +310,7 @@ m4_define(FID_ITERATE, `FID_ZONE(10, Iteration)')
# This macro does all the code wrapping. See inline comments.
m4_define(INST_FLUSH, `m4_ifdef([[INST_NAME]], [[
+RESULT_TYPE_CHECK()m4_dnl Check for defined RESULT_TYPE()
FID_ENUM()m4_dnl Contents of enum fi_code { ... }
FID_ENUM_STR()m4_dnl Contents of const char * indexed by enum fi_code
@@ -375,6 +386,7 @@ case INST_NAME(): {
#undef whati
#undef item
dest->items[pos].fi_code = what->fi_code;
+ dest->items[pos].flags = what->flags;
dest->items[pos].lineno = what->lineno;
@@ -402,6 +414,7 @@ m4_define(INST, `m4_dnl This macro is called on beginning of each instruction
INST_FLUSH()m4_dnl First, old data is flushed
m4_define([[INST_NAME]], [[$1]])m4_dnl Then we store instruction name,
m4_define([[INST_INVAL]], [[$2]])m4_dnl instruction input value count,
+m4_define([[INST_OUTVAL]], [[$3]])m4_dnl instruction output value count,
m4_undefine([[INST_NEVER_CONSTANT]])m4_dnl reset NEVER_CONSTANT trigger,
m4_undefine([[INST_RESULT_TYPE]])m4_dnl and reset RESULT_TYPE value.
FID_INTERPRET_BODY()m4_dnl By default, every code is interpreter code.
@@ -505,6 +518,11 @@ f_const_promotion(struct f_inst *arg, btype want)
return 1;
+ else if ((c->type == T_SET) && (!c->val.t) && (want == T_PREFIX_SET)) {
+ *c = f_const_empty_prefix_set;
+ return 1;
+ }
return 0;
@@ -560,7 +578,7 @@ FID_WR_PUT(8)
struct f_line *
-f_linearize_concat(const struct f_inst * const inst[], uint count)
+f_linearize_concat(const struct f_inst * const inst[], uint count, uint results)
uint len = 0;
for (uint i=0; i<count; i++)
@@ -572,6 +590,8 @@ f_linearize_concat(const struct f_inst * const inst[], uint count)
for (uint i=0; i<count; i++)
out->len = linearize(out, inst[i], out->len);
+ out->results = results;
f_dump_line(out, 0);
@@ -640,6 +660,7 @@ FID_WR_PUT(4)m4_dnl
struct f_inst {
struct f_inst *next; /* Next instruction */
enum f_instruction_code fi_code; /* Instruction code */
+ enum f_instruction_flags flags; /* Flags, instruction-specific */
btype type; /* Type of returned value, if known */
int size; /* How many instructions are underneath */
int lineno; /* Line number */
diff --git a/filter/f-inst.c b/filter/f-inst.c
index e7b642ab..fff93517 100644
--- a/filter/f-inst.c
+++ b/filter/f-inst.c
@@ -62,8 +62,9 @@
* m4_dnl INST(FI_NOP, in, out) { enum value, input args, output args
* m4_dnl ARG(num, type); argument, its id (in data fields) and type accessible by v1, v2, v3
* m4_dnl ARG_ANY(num); argument with no type check accessible by v1, v2, v3
+ * m4_dnl ARG_TYPE(num, type); just declare the type of argument
* m4_dnl VARARG; variable-length argument list; accessible by vv(i) and whati->varcount
- * m4_dnl LINE(num, unused); this argument has to be converted to its own f_line
+ * m4_dnl LINE(num, out); this argument has to be converted to its own f_line
* m4_dnl SYMBOL; symbol handed from config
* m4_dnl STATIC_ATTR; static attribute definition
* m4_dnl DYNAMIC_ATTR; dynamic attribute definition
@@ -80,10 +81,17 @@
* m4_dnl )
* m4_dnl RESULT(type, union-field, value); putting this on value stack
+ * m4_dnl RESULT_(type, union-field, value); like RESULT(), but do not declare the type
* m4_dnl RESULT_VAL(value-struct); pass the struct f_val directly
+ * m4_dnl RESULT_TYPE(type); just declare the type of result value
* m4_dnl RESULT_VOID; return undef
* m4_dnl }
+ * Note that runtime arguments m4_dnl (ARG*, VARARG) must be defined before
+ * parse-time arguments m4_dnl (LINE, SYMBOL, ...). During linearization,
+ * first ones move position in f_line by linearizing arguments first, while
+ * second ones store data to the current position.
+ *
* Also note that the { ... } blocks are not respected by M4 at all.
* If you get weird unmatched-brace-pair errors, check what it generated and why.
* What is really considered as one instruction is not the { ... } block
@@ -91,6 +99,24 @@
* Other code is just copied into the interpreter part.
+ * The filter language uses a simple type system, where values have types
+ * (constants T_*) and also terms (instructions) are statically typed. Our
+ * static typing is partial (some terms do not declare types of arguments
+ * or results), therefore it can detect most but not all type errors and
+ * therefore we still have runtime type checks.
+ *
+ * m4_dnl Types of arguments are declared by macros ARG() and ARG_TYPE(),
+ * m4_dnl types of results are declared by RESULT() and RESULT_TYPE().
+ * m4_dnl Macros ARG_ANY(), RESULT_() and RESULT_VAL() do not declare types
+ * m4_dnl themselves, but can be combined with ARG_TYPE() / RESULT_TYPE().
+ *
+ * m4_dnl Note that types should be declared only once. If there are
+ * m4_dnl multiple RESULT() macros in an instruction definition, they must
+ * m4_dnl use the exact same expression for type, or they should be replaced
+ * m4_dnl by multiple RESULT_() macros and a common RESULT_TYPE() macro.
+ * m4_dnl See e.g. FI_EA_GET or FI_MIN instructions.
+ *
+ *
* If you are satisfied with this, you don't need to read the following
* detailed description of what is really done with the instruction definitions.
@@ -215,6 +241,37 @@
* m4_dnl If you are stymied, see FI_CALL or FI_CONSTANT or just search for
* m4_dnl the mentioned macros in this file to see what is happening there in wild.
+ *
+ *
+ * A note about soundness of the type system:
+ *
+ * A type system is sound when types of expressions are consistent with
+ * types of values resulting from evaluation of such expressions. Untyped
+ * expressions are ok, but badly typed expressions are not sound. So is
+ * the type system of BIRD filtering code sound? There are some points:
+ *
+ * All cases of (one) m4_dnl RESULT() macro are obviously ok, as the macro
+ * both declares a type and returns a value. One have to check instructions
+ * that use m4_dnl RESULT_TYPE() macro. There are two issues:
+ *
+ * FI_AND, FI_OR - second argument is statically checked to be T_BOOL and
+ * passed as result without dynamic typecheck, declared to be T_BOOL. If
+ * an untyped non-bool expression is used as a second argument, then
+ * the mismatched type is returned.
+ *
+ * FI_VAR_GET - soundness depends on consistency of declared symbol types
+ * and stored values. This is maintained when values are stored by
+ * FI_VAR_SET, but when they are stored by FI_CALL, only static checking is
+ * used, so when an untyped expression returning mismatched value is used
+ * as a function argument, then inconsistent value is stored and subsequent
+ * FI_VAR_GET would be unsound.
+ *
+ * Both of these issues are inconsequential, as mismatched values from
+ * unsound expressions will be caught by dynamic typechecks like mismatched
+ * values from untyped expressions.
+ *
+ * Also note that FI_CALL is the only expression without properly declared
+ * result type.
/* Binary operators */
@@ -255,7 +312,7 @@
if (v1.val.i)
- LINE(2,0);
+ LINE(2,1);
@@ -265,7 +322,7 @@
if (!v1.val.i)
- LINE(2,0);
+ LINE(2,1);
@@ -358,7 +415,7 @@
case T_SET:
- if (vv(i).val.t->from.type != T_INT)
+ if (!path_set_type(vv(i).val.t))
runtime("Only integer sets allowed in path mask");
pm->item[i] = (struct f_path_mask_item) {
@@ -380,12 +437,14 @@
INST(FI_NEQ, 2, 1) {
RESULT(T_BOOL, i, !val_same(&v1, &v2));
INST(FI_EQ, 2, 1) {
RESULT(T_BOOL, i, val_same(&v1, &v2));
@@ -456,6 +515,18 @@
RESULT(T_BOOL, i, ipa_is_ip4(v1.val.ip));
+ INST(FI_VAR_INIT, 1, 0) {
+ ARG_ANY(1);
+ ARG_TYPE(1, sym->class & 0xff);
+ /* New variable is always the last on stack */
+ uint pos = curline.vbase + sym->offset;
+ fstk->vstk[pos] = v1;
+ fstk->vcnt = pos + 1;
+ }
/* Set to indirect value prepared in v1 */
INST(FI_VAR_SET, 1, 0) {
@@ -486,12 +557,100 @@
+ INST(FI_FOR_INIT, 1, 0) {
+ ARG_ANY(1);
+ ASSERT((sym->class & ~0xff) == SYM_VARIABLE);
+ /* Static type check */
+ if (f1->type)
+ {
+ enum btype t_var = (sym->class & 0xff);
+ enum btype t_arg = f_type_element_type(f1->type);
+ if (!t_arg)
+ cf_error("Value of expression in FOR must be iterable, got %s",
+ f_type_name(f1->type));
+ if (t_var != t_arg)
+ cf_error("Loop variable '%s' in FOR must be %s, is %s",
+ sym->name, f_type_name(t_arg), f_type_name(t_var));
+ }
+ /* Dynamic type check */
+ if ((sym->class & 0xff) != f_type_element_type(v1.type))
+ runtime("Mismatched argument and variable type");
+ /* Setup the index */
+ v2 = (struct f_val) { .type = T_INT, .val.i = 0 };
+ /* Keep v1 and v2 on the stack */
+ fstk->vcnt += 2;
+ }
+ INST(FI_FOR_NEXT, 2, 0) {
+ /* Type checks are done in FI_FOR_INIT */
+ /* Loop variable */
+ struct f_val *var = &fstk->vstk[curline.vbase + sym->offset];
+ int step = 0;
+ switch(v1.type)
+ {
+ case T_PATH:
+ var->type = T_INT;
+ step = as_path_walk(, &v2.val.i, &var->val.i);
+ break;
+ case T_CLIST:
+ var->type = T_PAIR;
+ step = int_set_walk(, &v2.val.i, &var->val.i);
+ break;
+ case T_ECLIST:
+ var->type = T_EC;
+ step = ec_set_walk(, &v2.val.i, &var->;
+ break;
+ case T_LCLIST:
+ var->type = T_LC;
+ step = lc_set_walk(, &v2.val.i, &var->;
+ break;
+ default:
+ runtime( "Clist or lclist expected" );
+ }
+ if (step)
+ {
+ /* Keep v1 and v2 on the stack */
+ fstk->vcnt += 2;
+ /* Repeat this instruction */
+ curline.pos--;
+ /* Execute the loop body */
+ LINE(1, 0);
+ /* Space for loop variable, may be unused */
+ fstk->vcnt += 1;
+ }
+ else
+ var->type = T_VOID;
+ }
if (v1.val.i)
- LINE(3,1);
+ LINE(3,0);
INST(FI_PRINT, 0, 0) {
@@ -771,6 +930,7 @@
+ RESULT_TYPE(f_type_element_type(v2.type));
log(L_INFO "Type of arg 1 is: %d", v1.type);
@@ -945,7 +1105,7 @@
- INST(FI_MIN, 1, 1) { /* Get minimum element from set */
+ INST(FI_MIN, 1, 1) { /* Get minimum element from list */
@@ -979,7 +1139,7 @@
- INST(FI_MAX, 1, 1) { /* Get maximum element from set */
+ INST(FI_MAX, 1, 1) { /* Get maximum element from list */
@@ -1013,7 +1173,7 @@
- INST(FI_RETURN, 1, 1) {
+ INST(FI_RETURN, 1, 0) {
/* Acquire the return value */
@@ -1041,28 +1201,59 @@
INST(FI_CALL, 0, 1) {
+ /* Fake result type declaration */
+ ASSERT(sym->class == SYM_FUNCTION);
+ if (whati->varcount != sym->function->args)
+ cf_error("Function '%s' expects %u arguments, got %u arguments",
+ sym->name, sym->function->args, whati->varcount);
+ /* Typecheck individual arguments */
+ struct f_inst *a = fvar;
+ struct f_arg *b = sym->function->arg_list;
+ for (uint i = 1; a && b; a = a->next, b = b->next, i++)
+ {
+ enum btype b_type = b->arg->class & 0xff;
+ if (a->type && (a->type != b_type) && !f_const_promotion(a, b_type))
+ cf_error("Argument %u of '%s' must be %s, got %s",
+ i, sym->name, f_type_name(b_type), f_type_name(a->type));
+ }
+ ASSERT(!a && !b);
+ /* Add implicit void slot for the return value */
+ struct f_inst *tmp = f_new_inst(FI_CONSTANT, (struct f_val) { .type = T_VOID });
+ tmp->next = whati->fvar;
+ whati->fvar = tmp;
+ what->size += tmp->size;
+ /* Mark recursive calls, they have dummy f_line */
+ if (!sym->function->len)
+ what->flags |= FIF_RECURSIVE;
- if (!(f1->sym->flags & SYM_FLAG_SAME))
- return 0;
+ if (!(f1->sym->flags & SYM_FLAG_SAME) && !(f1_->flags & FIF_RECURSIVE))
+ return 0;
+ if (!(what->flags & FIF_RECURSIVE))
BUFFER_PUSH(fit->lines) = whati->sym->function;
/* Push the body on stack */
+ curline.vbase = curline.ventry;
curline.emask |= FE_RETURN;
- /* Before this instruction was called, there was the T_VOID
- * automatic return value pushed on value stack and also
- * sym->function->args function arguments. Setting the
- * vbase to point to first argument. */
- ASSERT(curline.ventry >= sym->function->args);
- curline.ventry -= sym->function->args;
- curline.vbase = curline.ventry;
+ /* Arguments on stack */
+ fstk->vcnt += sym->function->args;
/* Storage for local variables */
@@ -1176,17 +1367,10 @@
if (v1.type == T_PATH)
- const struct f_tree *set = NULL;
- u32 key = 0;
- if (v2.type == T_INT)
- key = v2.val.i;
- else if ((v2.type == T_SET) && (v2.val.t->from.type == T_INT))
- set = v2.val.t;
+ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && path_set_type(v2.val.t) || (v2.type == T_INT))
+ RESULT_(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_filter(fpool,, &v2, 0) ]]);
runtime("Can't delete non-integer (set)");
- RESULT_(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_filter(fpool,, set, key, 0) ]]);
else if (v1.type == T_CLIST)
@@ -1238,10 +1422,8 @@
if (v1.type == T_PATH)
- u32 key = 0;
- if ((v2.type == T_SET) && (v2.val.t->from.type == T_INT))
- RESULT_(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_filter(fpool,, v2.val.t, key, 1) ]]);
+ if ((v2.type == T_SET) && path_set_type(v2.val.t))
+ RESULT_(T_PATH, ad, [[ as_path_filter(fpool,, &v2, 1) ]]);
runtime("Can't filter integer");
@@ -1301,7 +1483,7 @@
- INST(FI_FORMAT, 1, 0) { /* Format */
+ INST(FI_FORMAT, 1, 1) { /* Format */
RESULT(T_STRING, s, val_format_str(fpool, &v1));
diff --git a/filter/f-inst.h b/filter/f-inst.h
index 047a66c9..fbc59de7 100644
--- a/filter/f-inst.h
+++ b/filter/f-inst.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
/* Flags for instructions */
enum f_instruction_flags {
- FIF_PRINTED = 1, /* FI_PRINT_AND_DIE: message put in buffer */
+ FIF_RECURSIVE = 1, /* FI_CALL: function is directly recursive */
/* Include generated filter instruction declarations */
@@ -35,19 +35,26 @@ const char *f_instruction_name_(enum f_instruction_code fi);
static inline const char *f_instruction_name(enum f_instruction_code fi)
{ return f_instruction_name_(fi) + 3; }
+struct f_arg {
+ struct symbol *arg;
+ struct f_arg *next;
/* Filter structures for execution */
/* Line of instructions to be unconditionally executed one after another */
struct f_line {
uint len; /* Line length */
u8 args; /* Function: Args required */
u8 vars;
+ u8 results; /* Results left on stack: cmd -> 0, term -> 1 */
+ struct f_arg *arg_list;
struct f_line_item items[0]; /* The items themselves */
/* Convert the f_inst infix tree to the f_line structures */
-struct f_line *f_linearize_concat(const struct f_inst * const inst[], uint count);
-static inline struct f_line *f_linearize(const struct f_inst *root)
-{ return f_linearize_concat(&root, 1); }
+struct f_line *f_linearize_concat(const struct f_inst * const inst[], uint count, uint results);
+static inline struct f_line *f_linearize(const struct f_inst *root, uint results)
+{ return f_linearize_concat(&root, 1, results); }
void f_dump_line(const struct f_line *, uint indent);
diff --git a/filter/f-util.c b/filter/f-util.c
index fb93ee80..82a06bdd 100644
--- a/filter/f-util.c
+++ b/filter/f-util.c
@@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ struct filter *f_new_where(struct f_inst *where)
f_new_inst(FI_DIE, F_REJECT));
struct filter *f = cfg_allocz(sizeof(struct filter));
- f->root = f_linearize(cond);
+ f->root = f_linearize(cond, 0);
return f;
diff --git a/filter/filter.c b/filter/filter.c
index ad2fafe2..9a94545c 100644
--- a/filter/filter.c
+++ b/filter/filter.c
@@ -179,8 +179,7 @@ interpret(struct filter_state *fs, const struct f_line *line, struct f_val *val)
/* End of current line. Drop local variables before exiting. */
- fstk->vcnt -= curline.line->vars;
- fstk->vcnt -= curline.line->args;
+ fstk->vcnt = curline.ventry + curline.line->results;
diff --git a/filter/test.conf b/filter/test.conf
index cd2fa8db..22f5dea3 100644
--- a/filter/test.conf
+++ b/filter/test.conf
@@ -146,9 +146,8 @@ bt_test_same(onef, twof, 0);
function t_bool()
-bool b;
- b = true;
+ bool b = true;
@@ -184,12 +183,11 @@ define xyzzy = (120+10);
define '1a-a1' = (xyzzy-100);
function t_int()
-int i;
bt_assert(xyzzy = 130);
bt_assert('1a-a1' = 30);
- i = four;
+ int i = four;
i = 12*100 + 60/2 + i;
i = (i + 0);
bt_assert(i = 1234);
@@ -238,14 +236,19 @@ define is2 = [(17+2), 17, 15, 11, 8, 5, 3, 2];
define is3 = [5, 17, 2, 11, 8, 15, 3, 19];
function t_int_set()
-int set is;
+ int set is = [];
+ bt_assert(is = []);
+ bt_assert(0 !~ is);
bt_assert(1 ~ [1,2,3]);
bt_assert(5 ~ [1..20]);
bt_assert(2 ~ [ 1, 2, 3 ]);
bt_assert(5 ~ [ 4 .. 7 ]);
bt_assert(1 !~ [ 2, 3, 4 ]);
bt_assert(999 !~ [ 666, 333 ]);
+ bt_assert(1 !~ []);
+ bt_assert(1 !~ is);
is = [ 2, 3, 4, 7..11 ];
bt_assert(10 ~ is);
@@ -280,6 +283,7 @@ int set is;
bt_assert([1,4..10,20] = [1,4..10,20]);
bt_assert(format([ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5 ]) = "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]");
+ bt_assert(format([]) = "[]");
bt_test_suite(t_int_set, "Testing sets of integers");
@@ -293,9 +297,8 @@ bt_test_suite(t_int_set, "Testing sets of integers");
function t_string()
-string st;
- st = "Hello";
+ string st = "Hello";
bt_assert(format(st) = "Hello");
bt_assert(st ~ "Hell*");
bt_assert(st ~ "?ello");
@@ -320,9 +323,8 @@ function 'mkpair-a'(int a)
function t_pair()
-pair pp;
- pp = (1, 2);
+ pair pp = (1, 2);
bt_assert(format(pp) = "(1,2)");
bt_assert((1,2) = pp);
bt_assert((1,1+1) = pp);
@@ -343,10 +345,11 @@ bt_test_suite(t_pair, "Testing pairs");
function t_pair_set()
-pair pp;
-pair set ps;
- pp = (1, 2);
+ pair pp = (1, 2);
+ pair set ps = [];
+ bt_assert(pp !~ ps);
ps = [(1,(one+one)), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,*), (6,3..6)];
bt_assert(format(ps) = "[(1,2), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,0)..(5,65535), (6,3)..(6,6)]");
bt_assert(pp ~ ps);
@@ -363,6 +366,7 @@ pair set ps;
bt_assert((6,6+one) !~ ps);
bt_assert(((one+6),2) !~ ps);
bt_assert((1,1) !~ ps);
+ bt_assert(pp !~ []);
ps = [(20..150, 200..300), (50100..50200, 1000..50000), (*, 5+5)];
bt_assert((100,200) ~ ps);
@@ -414,6 +418,7 @@ quad qq;
qq =;
bt_assert(qq ~ [,]);
bt_assert(qq !~ [,]);
+ bt_assert(qq !~ []);
bt_test_suite(t_quad_set, "Testing sets of quads");
@@ -494,6 +499,7 @@ ip set ips;
bt_assert( !~ [, ]);
bt_assert( ~ [ ]);
+ bt_assert( !~ []);
bt_test_suite(t_ip_set, "Testing sets of ip address");
@@ -582,13 +588,34 @@ function test_pxset(prefix set pxs)
bt_assert( ~ [ ]);
bt_assert( !~ [ ]);
bt_assert( !~ [{ 15 , 16 } ]);
+ bt_assert(net10 !~ []);
bt_assert([{ 15 , 17 } ] = [{ 15 , 17 } ]);
+function test_empty_pxset(prefix set pxs)
+int set s0;
+prefix set s1;
+ s0 = [];
+ s1 = [];
+ bt_assert(pxs != s0);
+ bt_assert(pxs = s1);
+ bt_assert(pxs = []);
function t_prefix_set()
prefix set pxs;
+ pxs = [];
+ bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[]");
+ bt_assert(pxs = []);
+ bt_assert( !~ []);
+ bt_assert( !~ pxs);
+ test_empty_pxset([]);
+ test_empty_pxset(pxs);
pxs = [,,{24,28},{8,16} ];
bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[{},{},{},{}]");
@@ -673,6 +700,12 @@ bt_test_suite(t_prefix6, "Testing prefix IPv6");
function t_prefix6_set()
prefix set pxs;
+ pxs = [];
+ bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[]");
+ bt_assert(pxs = []);
+ bt_assert(12::34/128 !~ []);
+ bt_assert(12::34/128 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1180::/16 ~ [ 1100::/8{15, 17} ]);
bt_assert(12::34 = 12::34);
bt_assert(12::34 ~ [ 12::33..12::35 ]);
@@ -790,6 +823,7 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(3 ~ p2);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [2, 10..20]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [4, 10..20]);
+ bt_assert(p2 !~ []);
p2 = prepend(p2, 5);
bt_assert(p2 !~ pm1);
@@ -800,6 +834,8 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 5 [2, 4, 6] 3 [1..2] 1 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 5 set35 3 set12 set12 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ mkpath(5, 4));
+ bt_assert(p2 ~ [= * [3] * =]);
+ bt_assert(p2 !~ [= * [] * =]);
bt_assert(p2.len = 5);
bt_assert(p2.first = 5);
@@ -808,6 +844,10 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(p2.len = 5);
bt_assert(delete(p2, 3) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 1), 2), 4), 5));
bt_assert(filter(p2, [1..3]) = prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 1), 2), 3));
+ bt_assert(delete(p2, []) = p2);
+ bt_assert(filter(p2, []) = +empty+);
+ bt_assert(delete(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 0), 1), []) = prepend(prepend(+empty+, 0), 1));
+ bt_assert(filter(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 0), 1), []) = +empty+);
p2 = prepend( + empty +, 5 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 4 );
@@ -827,6 +867,15 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(delete(p2, [4..5]) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 3), 3), 2), 1));
bt_assert(format([= 1 2+ 3 =]) = "[= 1 2 + 3 =]");
+ # iteration over path
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ for int i in p2 do {
+ x = x + i;
+ y = y + x;
+ }
+ bt_assert(x = 18 && y = 50);
bt_test_suite(t_path, "Testing paths");
@@ -868,6 +917,7 @@ clist r;
bt_assert(l ~ [(2,2..3)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,1..2)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,1)..(1,2)]);
+ bt_assert(l !~ []);
l = add(l, (2,5));
l = add(l, (5,one));
@@ -905,6 +955,9 @@ clist r;
bt_assert(l !~ [(*,(one+6))]);
bt_assert(l !~ [(*, (one+one+one))]);
+ bt_assert(delete(l, []) = l);
+ bt_assert(filter(l, []) = -empty-);
l = delete(l, [(*,(one+onef(3)))]);
l = delete(l, [(*,(4+one))]);
bt_assert(l = add(-empty-, (3,1)));
@@ -949,6 +1002,12 @@ clist r;
bt_assert(format(r) = "(clist (2,1) (1,3) (2,2) (3,1) (2,3))");
bt_assert(r.min = (1,3));
bt_assert(r.max = (3,1));
+ # iteration over clist
+ int x = 0;
+ for pair c in r do
+ x = x + c.asn * c.asn *;
+ bt_assert(x = 36);
bt_test_suite(t_clist, "Testing lists of communities");
@@ -1022,11 +1081,15 @@ eclist r;
bt_assert((ro,, 100) !~ el);
bt_assert(el !~ [(rt, 10, 35..40)]);
bt_assert(el !~ [(ro, 10, *)]);
+ bt_assert(el !~ []);
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 40));
el2 = filter(el, [(rt, 10, 20..40)] );
el2 = add(el2, (rt, 10, 50));
+ bt_assert(delete(el, []) = el);
+ bt_assert(filter(el, []) = --empty--);
# eclist A (1,30,40)
bt_assert(el = add(add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 1)), (rt, 10, 30)), (rt, 10, 40)));
bt_assert(format(el) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 1) (rt, 10, 30) (rt, 10, 40))");
@@ -1060,6 +1123,13 @@ eclist r;
bt_assert(format(r) = "(eclist (rt, 2, 1) (rt, 1, 3) (rt, 2, 2) (rt, 3, 1) (rt, 2, 3))");
bt_assert(r.min = (rt, 1, 3));
bt_assert(r.max = (rt, 3, 1));
+ # iteration over eclist
+ int x = 0;
+ for ec c in r do
+ if c > (rt, 2, 0) && c < (rt, 3, 0) then
+ x = x + 1;
+ bt_assert(x = 3);
bt_test_suite(t_eclist, "Testing lists of extended communities");
@@ -1144,6 +1214,9 @@ lclist r;
ll2 = add(ll2, (30, 30, 30));
ll2 = add(ll2, (40, 40, 40));
+ bt_assert(delete(ll, []) = ll);
+ bt_assert(filter(ll, []) = ---empty---);
# lclist A (10, 20, 30)
bt_assert(format(ll) = "(lclist (10, 10, 10) (20, 20, 20) (30, 30, 30))");
@@ -1175,6 +1248,19 @@ lclist r;
bt_assert(format(r) = "(lclist (2, 3, 3) (1, 2, 3) (2, 3, 1) (3, 1, 2) (2, 1, 3))");
bt_assert(r.min = (1, 2, 3));
bt_assert(r.max = (3, 1, 2));
+ # iteration over lclist
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ lc mx = (0, 0, 0);
+ for lc c in r do {
+ int asn2 = c.asn * c.asn;
+ x = x + asn2 * c.data1;
+ y = y + asn2 * c.data2;
+ if c > mx then mx = c;
+ }
+ bt_assert(x = 39 && y = 49);
+ bt_assert(mx = r.max);
bt_test_suite(t_lclist, "Testing lists of large communities");
@@ -1203,6 +1289,7 @@ lc set lls;
bt_assert(ll !~ [(5,10,15), (10,21,30)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(10,21..25,*)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(11, *, *)]);
+ bt_assert(ll !~ []);
lls = [(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 15..25), (30, 30, *), (40, 35..45, *), (50, *, *), (55..65, *, *)];
bt_assert(format(lls) = "[(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 15)..(20, 20, 25), (30, 30, 0)..(30, 30, 4294967295), (40, 35, 0)..(40, 45, 4294967295), (50, 0, 0)..(50, 4294967295, 4294967295), (55, 0, 0)..(65, 4294967295, 4294967295)]");
@@ -1259,6 +1346,10 @@ bt_test_suite(t_rd, "Testing route distinguishers");
function t_rd_set()
rd set rds;
+ rds = [];
+ bt_assert(rds = []);
+ bt_assert(10:20 !~ rds);
rds = [10:20, 100000:100..100000:200];
bt_assert(format(rds) = "[10:20, 100000:100..100000:200]");
@@ -1269,6 +1360,7 @@ rd set rds;
bt_assert(100000:128 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100000:200 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100010:150 !~ rds);
+ bt_assert(100010:150 !~ []);
bt_test_suite(t_rd_set, "Testing sets of route distinguishers");
@@ -1335,7 +1427,85 @@ function fifteen()
return 15;
+function local_vars(int j)
+ int k = 10;
+ bt_assert(j = 5 && k = 10);
+ {
+ int j = 15;
+ k = 20;
+ bt_assert(j = 15 && k = 20);
+ }
+ bt_assert(j = 5 && k = 20);
+ if j < 10 then
+ {
+ int j = 25;
+ string k = "hello";
+ bt_assert(j = 25 && k = "hello");
+ }
+ bt_assert(j = 5 && k = 20);
+ int m = 100;
+ {
+ j = 35;
+ int k = 40;
+ bt_assert(j = 35 && k = 40 && m = 100);
+ }
+ bt_assert(j = 35 && k = 20 && m = 100);
+function factorial(int x)
+ if x = 0 then return 0;
+ if x = 1 then return 1;
+ else return x * factorial(x - 1);
+function fibonacci(int x)
+ if x = 0 then return 0;
+ if x = 1 then return 1;
+ else return fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);
+function hanoi_init(int a; int b)
+ if b = 0
+ then return +empty+;
+ else return prepend(hanoi_init(a + 1, b - 1), a);
+function hanoi_solve(int n; bgppath h_src; bgppath h_dst; bgppath h_aux; bool x; bool y)
+ # x -> return src or dst
+ # y -> print state
+ if n = 0 then { if x then return h_src; else return h_dst; }
+ bgppath tmp1 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_src, h_aux, h_dst, true, y);
+ bgppath tmp2 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_src, h_aux, h_dst, false, false);
+ h_src = tmp1;
+ h_aux = tmp2;
+ int v = h_src.first;
+ # bt_assert(h_dst = +empty+ || v < h_dst.first);
+ h_src = delete(h_src, v);
+ h_dst = prepend(h_dst, v);
+ if y then
+ print "move: ", v, " src: ", h_src, " dst:", h_dst, " aux:", h_aux;
+ tmp1 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_aux, h_dst, h_src, true, y);
+ tmp2 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_aux, h_dst, h_src, false, false);
+ h_aux = tmp1;
+ h_dst = tmp2;
+ if x then return h_src; else return h_dst;
function t_call_function()
+bgppath h_src;
bt_assert(fifteen() = 15);
@@ -1347,6 +1517,17 @@ function t_call_function()
bt_assert(callme(4, 4) = 16);
bt_assert(callme(7, 2) = 14);
bt_assert(callmeagain(1, 2, 3) = 6);
+ local_vars(5);
+ bt_assert(factorial(5) = 120);
+ bt_assert(factorial(10) = 3628800);
+ bt_assert(fibonacci(10) = 55);
+ bt_assert(fibonacci(20) = 6765);
+ h_src = hanoi_init(1, 6);
+ bt_assert(format(h_src) = "(path 1 2 3 4 5 6)");
+ bt_assert(hanoi_solve(6, h_src, +empty+, +empty+, false, false) = h_src);
bt_test_suite(t_call_function, "Testing calling functions");
@@ -1592,13 +1773,16 @@ filter vpn_filter
bt_assert(net.type != NET_IP6);
bt_assert(net.rd = 0:1:2);
+ bool b = false;
case (net.type) {
NET_IP4: print "IPV4";
NET_IP6: print "IPV6";
+ else: b = true;
+ bt_assert(b);
- bt_check_assign(gw,;
+ # bt_check_assign(gw,;
bgp_ext_community.add((ro, 135, 999));