package com.lumaserv.bgp; import com.lumaserv.bgp.protocol.message.BGPNotification; import com.lumaserv.bgp.protocol.message.BGPOpen; import com.lumaserv.bgp.protocol.message.BGPUpdate; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; public class BGPFsm implements Callback { public static final int CONFIG_HOLD_TIME = 80; // FIXME use from configuration public static final byte CONFIG_VERSION = 4; public final State IDLE; public final State CONNECT; public final State ACTIVE; public final State OPEN_SENT; public final State OPEN_CONFIRM; public final State ESTABLISHED; @Getter @Setter State currentState; boolean delayOpen; int holdTime; int connectRetryCounter; int connectRetryTime = 5; //120; @Setter BGPSession session; Timer keepAliveTimer; TimerTask keepAliveTimerTask; Timer holdTimer; TimerTask holdTimerTask; Timer connectRetryTimer; TimerTask connectRetryTimerTask; class State { void setState(State next) { System.out.println("State transition: " + BGPFsm.this + ":" + this + " -> " + next); // if (next == IDLE) // throw new RuntimeException(); currentState = next; } void manualStart() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void automaticStart() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void manualStartPassive() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void automaticStartPassive() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void manualStop() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void automaticStop() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void holdTimerExpires() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void keepAliveTimerExpires() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void connectRetryTimerExpires() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void tcpCRAcked() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void tcpConnectionConfirmed() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void tcpConnectionFails() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void openMsg(BGPOpen packet) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void keepAliveMsg() { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void updateMsg(BGPUpdate packet) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void notifMsgVerErr(BGPNotification msg) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } void notifMsg(BGPNotification msg) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented: " + this); } } class Idle extends State { protected void start() { // - initializes all BGP resources for the peer connection, setConnectRetryTimer(connectRetryTime); setState(CONNECT); // - listens for a connection that may be initiated by the remote // BGP peer, and connectRetryCounter = 0; session.startOutgoing(); } @Override void manualStart() { start(); } @Override void automaticStart() { start(); } @Override void manualStop() { // ignore } @Override void automaticStop() { // ignore } protected void startPassive() { // - initializes all BGP resources, // - sets the ConnectRetryCounter to zero, setConnectRetryTimer(connectRetryTime); // - listens for a connection that may be initiated by the remote // peer, and setState(ACTIVE); session.startIncoming(); } @Override void manualStartPassive() { startPassive(); } @Override void automaticStartPassive() { startPassive(); } // TODO implement DampPeerOscillations related events? // TODO // Any other event (Events 9-12, 15-28) received in the Idle state // does not cause change in the state of the local system. @Override void connectRetryTimerExpires() {} // Ignore event 9 @Override void holdTimerExpires() {} // Ignore event 10 @Override void keepAliveTimerExpires() {} // Ignore event 11 // Event 12 not implemented // Event 15 not implemented @Override void tcpCRAcked() {} // Ignore event 16 @Override void tcpConnectionConfirmed() {} // Ignore event 17 @Override void tcpConnectionFails() {} // Ignore event 18 @Override void openMsg(BGPOpen msg) {} // Ignore event 19 // Event 20 not implemented //@Override // TODO void bgpHeaderErr() {} // Ignore event 21 @Override public String toString() { return "Idle"; } } class Connect extends State { // TODO ignore start events 1, 3-7 protected void stop(boolean isAutomatic) { session.dropConnection(); // - releases all BGP resources, if (isAutomatic) { connectRetryCounter++; } else { connectRetryCounter = 0; } setConnectRetryTimer(0); setState(IDLE); } @Override void manualStop() { stop(false); } // AutomaticStop isn't mentioned in the Connect state in RFC 4271, // but it's needed at least in WireGuard. @Override void automaticStop() { stop(true); } @Override void connectRetryTimerExpires() { System.out.println("connectRetryTimerExpires"); session.dropConnection(); setConnectRetryTimer(connectRetryTime); // - stops the DelayOpenTimer and resets the timer to zero, session.retryConnection(); // - continues to listen for a connection that may be initiated by // the remote BGP peer, and } // TODO DelayOpenTimer_Expires event (Event 12) // TODO TcpConnection_Valid event (Event 14) // TODO Tcp_CR_Invalid event (Event 15) protected void tcpCRAckedOrTcpConnectionConfirmed() { if (delayOpen) { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - sets the DelayOpenTimer to the initial value, and } else { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - completes BGP initialization try { session.sendOpen(); setHoldTimer(4 * 60); setState(OPEN_SENT); } catch (IOException ex) { tcpConnectionFails(); } } } @Override void tcpCRAcked() { tcpCRAckedOrTcpConnectionConfirmed(); } @Override void tcpConnectionConfirmed() { tcpCRAckedOrTcpConnectionConfirmed(); } // FIXME @Override void tcpConnectionFails() { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - releases all BGP resources, // - (optionally) performs peer oscillation damping if the // DampPeerOscillations attribute is set to TRUE, and session.dropConnection(); connectRetryCounter++; setState(IDLE); } // TODO // State notifMsgVerErr() { // // - sets the ConnectRetryTimer to zero, // // - releases all BGP resources, // // - drops the TCP connection, and // return IDLE; // } // State bgpOpen() { // return // } @Override public String toString() { return "Connect"; } } class Active extends State { @Override void manualStart() {} @Override void automaticStart() {} @Override void manualStartPassive() {} @Override void automaticStartPassive() {} protected void stop() { // - If the DelayOpenTimer is running and the try { BGPNotification notification = new BGPNotification() .setMajorErrorCode(BGPNotification.Error.CEASE.getCode()); session.sendNotification(notification); } catch (IOException ex) { } // - releases all BGP resources including stopping the // DelayOpenTimer session.dropConnection(); connectRetryCounter = 0; setConnectRetryTimer(0); setState(IDLE); } @Override void manualStop() { stop(); } @Override void automaticStop() { stop(); } @Override void connectRetryTimerExpires() { setConnectRetryTimer(connectRetryTime); setState(CONNECT); session.startOutgoing(); // - continues to listen for a TCP connection that may be initiated // by a remote BGP peer, and } @Override void tcpConnectionConfirmed() { if (delayOpen) { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - sets the DelayOpenTimer to the initial value // (DelayOpenTime), and // - stays in the Active state. } else { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - completes the BGP initialization, try { session.sendOpen(); setHoldTimer(4 * 60); setState(OPEN_SENT); } catch (IOException ex) { tcpConnectionFails(); } } } @Override public String toString() { return "Active"; } } class OpenSent extends State { protected void stop(boolean isAutomatic) { try { BGPNotification notification = new BGPNotification() .setMajorErrorCode(BGPNotification.Error.CEASE.getCode()); session.sendNotification(notification); } catch (IOException ex) { } setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - releases all the BGP resources, session.dropConnection(); if (isAutomatic) { connectRetryCounter++; // - (optionally) performs peer oscillation damping if the // DampPeerOscillations attribute is set to TRUE, and } else { connectRetryCounter = 0; } setState(IDLE); } @Override void manualStop() { stop(false); } @Override void automaticStop() { stop(true); } @Override void tcpConnectionFails() { session.dropConnection(); setConnectRetryTimer(connectRetryTime); // - continues to listen for a connection that may be initiated by // the remote BGP peer, and setState(ACTIVE); } @Override void openMsg(BGPOpen msg) { System.out.println("openMsg:" + msg); Optional as4Opt = msg.getAS4Capability(); int remoteAsn = session.getConfiguration().getRemoteAs(); int openAsn = as4Opt.isPresent() ? as4Opt.get().getAsn() : msg.getAsn(); if(remoteAsn == openAsn) { // - resets the DelayOpenTimer to zero, // - sets the BGP ConnectRetryTimer to zero, session.keepAlive(); if (msg.getHoldTime() < CONFIG_HOLD_TIME) holdTime = msg.getHoldTime(); else holdTime = CONFIG_HOLD_TIME; setKeepAliveTimer(); setHoldTimer(holdTime); setState(OPEN_CONFIRM); } else { System.out.println("Bad asn:" + (openAsn & 0xFFFFFFFFL)); try { BGPNotification notification = new BGPNotification() .setMajorErrorCode(BGPNotification.Error.OPEN_MESSAGE_ERROR.getCode()) .setMinorErrorCode(BGPNotification.OpenMessageError.BAD_PEER_AS.getCode()); session.sendNotification(notification); } catch (IOException ex) { } setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - releases all BGP resources, session.dropConnection(); connectRetryCounter++; // - (optionally) performs peer oscillation damping if the // DampPeerOscillations attribute is TRUE, and setState(IDLE); } } @Override public String toString() { return "OpenSent"; } } class OpenConfirm extends State { @Override void keepAliveMsg() { // - restarts the HoldTimer and setState(ESTABLISHED); session.getConfiguration().getListener().onOpen(session); } // TODO implement keepAliveTimerExpires and holdTimerExpires @Override void tcpConnectionFails() { tcpConnectionFailsOrNotifMsg(); } @Override void notifMsg(BGPNotification msg) { tcpConnectionFailsOrNotifMsg(); } protected void tcpConnectionFailsOrNotifMsg() { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - releases all BGP resources, session.dropConnection(); connectRetryCounter++; // - (optionally) performs peer oscillation damping if the // DampPeerOscillations attribute is set to TRUE, and setState(IDLE); } @Override public String toString() { return "OpenConfirm"; } } class Established extends State { protected void stop(boolean isAutomatic) { try { BGPNotification notification = new BGPNotification() .setMajorErrorCode(BGPNotification.Error.CEASE.getCode()); session.sendNotification(notification); } catch (IOException ex) { } setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - deletes all routes associated with this connection, // - releases all BGP resources, session.dropConnection(); if (isAutomatic) { connectRetryCounter++; // - (optionally in automaticStop) performs peer oscillation damping if the // DampPeerOscillations attribute is set to TRUE, and } else { connectRetryCounter = 0; } setState(IDLE); } @Override void manualStop() { stop(false); } @Override void automaticStop() { stop(true); } @Override void keepAliveMsg() { setHoldTimer(holdTime); } @Override void updateMsg(BGPUpdate packet) { // - processes the message, setHoldTimer(holdTime); } @Override void holdTimerExpires() { // - sends a NOTIFICATION message with the Error Code Hold Timer // Expired, setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - releases all BGP resources, session.dropConnection(); connectRetryCounter++; // - (optionally) performs peer oscillation damping if the // DampPeerOscillations attribute is set to TRUE, and setState(IDLE); } @Override void keepAliveTimerExpires() { session.keepAlive(); setKeepAliveTimer(); } @Override void tcpConnectionFails() { tcpConnectionFailsOrNotifMsg(); } @Override void notifMsg(BGPNotification msg) { tcpConnectionFailsOrNotifMsg(); } protected void tcpConnectionFailsOrNotifMsg() { setConnectRetryTimer(0); // - deletes all routes associated with this connection, // - releases all BGP resources, session.dropConnection(); connectRetryCounter++; setState(IDLE); } @Override public String toString() { return "Established"; } } BGPFsm(BGPSession session) { this.session = session; IDLE = new Idle(); CONNECT = new Connect(); ACTIVE = new Active(); OPEN_SENT = new OpenSent(); OPEN_CONFIRM = new OpenConfirm(); ESTABLISHED = new Established(); currentState = IDLE; keepAliveTimer = new Timer(); holdTimer = new Timer(); connectRetryTimer = new Timer(); } public void cleanup() { System.out.println("BGPFsm cleanup"); if (keepAliveTimerTask != null) { keepAliveTimerTask.cancel(); keepAliveTimerTask = null; } keepAliveTimer = null; if (holdTimerTask != null) { holdTimerTask.cancel(); holdTimerTask = null; } holdTimer = null; if (connectRetryTimerTask != null) { connectRetryTimerTask.cancel(); connectRetryTimerTask = null; } connectRetryTimer = null; } void setKeepAliveTimer() { // System.out.println("setKeepAliveTimer: " + holdTime / 3); if (keepAliveTimerTask != null) { keepAliveTimerTask.cancel(); keepAliveTimerTask = null; } if (holdTime <= 0) return; keepAliveTimerTask = new FsmTimerTask(this); keepAliveTimer.schedule(keepAliveTimerTask, 1000 * holdTime / 3); } private void setHoldTimer(int delay) { // System.out.println("setHoldTimer: " + delay); if (holdTimerTask != null) { holdTimerTask.cancel(); holdTimerTask = null; } if (delay <= 0) return; holdTimerTask = new FsmTimerTask(this); holdTimer.schedule(holdTimerTask, 1000 * delay); } private void setConnectRetryTimer(int delay) { System.out.println("setHoldTimer(" + this + "):" + delay); if (connectRetryTimerTask != null) { connectRetryTimerTask.cancel(); connectRetryTimerTask = null; } if (delay <= 0) return; connectRetryTimerTask = new FsmTimerTask(this); connectRetryTimer.schedule(connectRetryTimerTask, 1000 * delay); } public void callback(Object task) { if (task == connectRetryTimerTask) { currentState.connectRetryTimerExpires(); } else if (task == holdTimerTask) { currentState.holdTimerExpires(); } else if (task == keepAliveTimerTask) { currentState.keepAliveTimerExpires(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown timer task: " + task); } } static class FsmTimerTask extends TimerTask { Callback owner; FsmTimerTask(Callback owner) { this.owner = owner; } public void run() { if (owner != null) { owner.callback(this); } } public boolean cancel() { boolean res = super.cancel(); // Break cyclic references to allow GC this.owner = null; return res; } } } interface Callback { void callback(Object cb); }